SEO 4 Gusto Tech Talk

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Engine Optimization
Hein Moe Aung
while creating web sites
• To BOOST (optimize) our web sites’ ranking among
• People uses different search engines



152,000,000 Results

Most people interest in

top 5 results
What if TOP 5?
E-Commerce More Guest More Chance to sold out

Blog More Viewer More Subscriber

Personal Web Site More Viewer Branded

Ways to OPTIMIZE Ranking

On Page Optimizing

Off Page Optimizing

On Page Optimizing
Effective Head Tag
Right Keyword
Keyword Density (KD)
Keyword Proximity
Right Headings
Image Tag
Outbound Linking
Internal Linking
Sematic Web Structure
Effective Head Tag
Title Tag
<title> your title </title>

Meta Tag
<meta />
Title Tag
A chance to browse our page determined within 2 seconds
The first thing users notice is “Title"
Title Tag
Title should
Be Attractive ( People are EMOTIONAL beings )
Contain mostly find out keywords
At least 70 characters long
Be found in the body of content ( give <h1> as title )
Meta Tag
<meta name=“description” content=“your first paragraph after first
h1” >
at most 300 Characters in description meta tag
it should be UNIQUE for each page
it impacts CTR (Click Through Rate)
<meta name=“keywords” content=“keyword1, keyword2, …” >
Right Keyword & Keyword Density(KD)
Google uses 1 to 2 % KD
Yahoo uses 3% KD
Recommendation is 2%

Formula for KD:

If every 100 words in a page contain a keyword once, it is 1% KD
Keyword Proximity
CLOSENESS between two or more keywords with each other

“How your on site optimization will affect your search engine

“How your on site optimization will affect your rankings in search
Right Headings
usage of <h1> to <h6> properly

Main Heading as <h1>

Sub heading after main is <h2>

Left attractiveness for CSS

Image Tag
<img src=“ “ alt=“ “ title=” “ />

Search Engines can’t read Images

alt attribute
title attribute
Outbound Links
Outbound links are links that are meant to take you elsewhere

<a >Learn about Hein Moe</a>

Two types of outbound links_
Dofollow link and Nofollow link
A dofollow link is the normal link
A nofollow link is the abnormal link, has a rel=”nofollow” tag inside
the code
<a rel=nofollow >HeinMoe</a>

Dofollow lets Web Crawlers (Spiders) to pass through.

Nofollow, don’t
Why dofollow links?
Search Engines recognize you as a hub of that specific resource

The webmaster of the target webpage might recognize you and

perhaps link back to you
Hidden Keyword
title attribute in anchor tag

<a href=“ “ title=“ “ >To Show</a>

Internal Linking
Adding links to navigate around your own internal web pages
Two advantages_
helps people find relevant content in the webpage they are reading

helps search engine spiders have an easier time crawling your website
and seeing the relevance with each page
Semantic Web Structure
Leaving out html page with only html
Not mixing with CSS and JavaScript

Use External CSS an JS as much as possible not to confuse

HTML contents for Search Engine’s Spiders
• SiteMap Effects
• Give URLS user and Search Engine Friendly
• Make web contents up to date as much as possible
• Follows w3schools standards
Thank You

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