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MARCH 21 Section 11. Form. The Rules applicable to pleadings shall

apply to written motions so far as concerns caption,
MOTIONS designation, signature, and other matters of form.
Section 1. Motion defined. — A motion is an application
for relief other than by a pleading. (1a) Note: Such motions should be immediately resolved in
open court, after the adverse party is given the opportunity
Q: Is a motion a pleading? to argue his or her opposition. However, when the motion
A: No is based on facts not appearing on record, the court may
(NOTE: As per Atty. Buanviaje’s opinion, a motion is a conduct a hearing to:
pleading, in line with the definition of a pleading.) 1. Hear the matter on affidavits or depositions
Pleading v. motion presented by the parties, or
2. The court may direct that the matter be heard
Pleading motion wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions.
In writing? Yes [Sec 1, Rule Yes, except: [Sec. 2, Rule 15]
6] 1. Made in open
court; or CHECKLIST: Formal Req + Other Req, (both under rule 7)
2. In the course + Rule 15
of hearing or
Can be Yes No I. CAPTION (Sec.1, R7)
initiatory? a. Name of the court
Order on such Yes No b. Title of the action
stated in i. Names of the parties
judgment? ii. Designation of parties
content Contains Contains (plaintiff [person filing
allegations of allegations suit] /defendant [person sued]
facts [Sec. 3, of the ultimate ; petitioner [person filing a
Rule 15] facts petition/appelant] /respondent
[Sec. 1, Rule 8] [usually in opposition to a
Prayer for YES YES petition or an appeal])
relief? c. Docket number, if assigned
II. BODY (R15, Sec 3)
a) Relief sought to be obtained,
Section 2. Motions must be in writings. — All motions b) Grounds upon which it is based, and
shall be in writing except those made in open court or in the c) Supporting affidavits and other papers if:
course of a hearing or trial. i. Required by the ROC, or
ii. Necessary to prove facts alleged
A motion made in open court or in the course of a hearing
or trial should immediately be resolved in open court, after III. SIGNATURE AND ADDRESSES, DATE
the adverse party is given the opportunity to argue his or (Sec. 3, Rule 7)
her opposition thereto.
OTHER REQUIREMENTS (Counsel’s details):
When a motion is based on facts not appearing on record, 1. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) No.
the court may hear the matter on affidavits or depositions 2. Roll No.
presented by the respective parties, but the court may direct 3. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE)
that the matter be heard wholly or partly on oral testimony No.
or depositions. 4. Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) No.
GR: In writing The rules applicable to pleadings shall apply 1. Notice of Hearing (If litigious motion upon
to written motions so far as concerns caption, designation, discretion of court) [please see if correct]
signature, and other matters of form. [Sec. 11, Rule 15] 2. Proof of Service (Sec. 7, Rule 15)
EXC: Oral Motions made in: Rule as to verification of motions (PJA Notes)
1. Open court or GR: Need not be verified;
2. The course of a hearing or trial EXC: Motions for reconsideration of resolutions to the
Prosecutors Office (Manual for Prosecutors Office

Motion for leave


A motion for leave to file a pleading or motion shall be The original Section 4 on hearing of motion was deleted.
accompanied by the pleading or motion sought to be Prior to the amendment, all motions that the court cannot
admitted. [Sec. 10, Rule 15] act on without prejudicing the rights of the adverse party
must be set for hearing.
Section 10. Motion for Leave. A motion for leave to file a
pleading or motion shall be accompanied by the pleading or Section 5. Litigious Motions.
motion sought to be admitted. (a) Litigious motions include:
SAME WITH OLD RULE (Sec 9) 1) Motion for bill of particulars;
2) Motion to dismiss;
3) Motion for new trial;
Section 3. Contents. — A motion shall state the relief 4) Motion for reconsideration;
sought to be obtained and the grounds upon which it is 5) Motion for execution pending appeal;
based, and if required by these Rules or necessary to prove 6) Motion to amend after a responsive pleading has been
facts alleged therein, shall be accompanied by supporting filed;
affidavits and other papers. (3a) 7) Motion to cancel statutory lien;
8) Motion for an order to break in or for a writ of
Contents of motion demolition;
d) Relief sought to be obtained, 9) Motion for intervention;
e) Grounds upon which it is based, and 10) Motion for judgment on the pleadings;
f) Supporting affidavits and other papers if: 11) Motion for summary judgment;
iii. Required by the ROC, or 12) Demurrer to evidence;
iv. Necessary to prove facts alleged 13) Motion to declare defendant in default; and
therein. 14) Other similar motions.

Examples of motions which requires affidavits (b) All motions shall be served by personal service,
1. Chattel mortgage; Of good faith; accredited private courier or registered mail, or electronic
2. New trial; Of merits means so as to ensure their receipt by the other party.

(c) The opposing party shall file his or her opposition to a

2 KINDS OF MOTIONS litigious motion within five (5) calendar days from receipt
1. Non - Litigious Motion (Section 4) thereof. No other submissions shall be considered by the
2. Litigious Motion (Section 5) court in the resolution of the motion.

What are Litigious Motions The motion shall be resolved by the court within fifteen
One which requires the parties to be heard before a ruling (15) calendar days from its receipt of the opposition
on the motion is made by the court. thereto, or upon expiration of the period to file such
Non-Litigious Motions
Motions which the court may act upon without prejudicing Section 6. Notice of Hearing on Litigious Motions;
the rights of adverse parties. Such motions shall not be set Discretionary. The court may, in the exercise of its
for hearing and the court shall resolve the motion within discretion, and if deemed necessary for its resolution, call a
5 calendar days from receipt of the motion. hearing on the motion. The notice of hearing shall be
addressed to all parties concerned, and shall specify the
Section 4. Non-Litigious Motions. Motions which the court time and date of the hearing.
may act upon without prejudicing the rights of adverse
parties are non-litigious motions. These motions include:
a) Motion for the issuance of an alias summons; Section 7. Proof of Service Necessary. No written motion
b) Motion for extension to file answer; shall be acted upon by the court without proof of service
c) Motion for postponement; thereof, pursuant to Section 5 (b) hereof.
d) Motion for the issuance of a writ of execution;
e) Motion for the issuance of an alias writ of execution;
f) Motion for the issuance of a writ of possession; OLD RULE NEW RULE
g) Motion for the issuance of an order directing the sheriff SECTIONS 4-5
to execute the final certificate of sale; and Section 4, Rule 15 under The new Sections 4 and
h) Other similar motions. the old rule was a 5 now enumerate which
mandatory requirement and motions are litigious and
These motions shall not be set for hearing and shall be failure to comply with the non-litigious. Non
resolved by the court within five (5) calendar days from same renders the motion litigious motions are
receipt thereof. fatally defective. It was those that the court may
required that the litigious act on without
NOTE: motion should be set for prejudicing the rights of
hearing within 10 days the adverse party, and in

from filing of the motion which case, the motion he objects, to hear him on be waived by not filing
and the other party must be shall not be set for his objection. The objective said opposition. Also, in
given notice thereof at least hearing and shall just be of the rule was to avoid a the court’s discretion, a
3 days before the hearing resolved by the court capricious change of mind hearing may be
on the motion. This was within 5 calendar days in order to provide due conducted on the motion
also known as the 3-day from receipt thereof. process to both parties and if it is necessary. There
notice rule. The foregoing ensure impartiality in the is only no hearing when
jurisprudential trial.” it is a non-litigious
pronouncement and rule no motion that the court
longer holds true with the may resolve without
amendment. prejudice to the other
if the written motion set for there is no need to party.
hearing has no proof of comply with the 3-day
service, ie, no compliance notice, since there is As for litigious motions as provided under the new Section
with the 3-day notice rule, generally no hearing on a 5, there must be service on the other party of the motion by
then the court shall not act motion, unless the court, any of the following modes of service:
on the same. in its discretion, sets the 1. personal;
same for hearing if 2. accredited private courier;
necessary. What is only 3. registered mail; or
needed now is to ensure 4. electronic means, that would ensure receipt by
service of the motion or the other party.
to give notice thereof on
the other party and to Note that electronic means of service requires the consent
provide the court proof of the other party or upon direction of the court, pursuant to
of the same. Section 9 of Rule 13. There must also be proof of notice of
it is during the motion From notice of the the written motion on the other party, which must be related
hearing where the parties motion by the other to Section 17, Rule 13 on Proof of Service.
will know how much time party, said party shall
they will have to file their already file his Without that proof of service, the court will not act on such
comment on/opposition to opposition to the motion motion.
the motion, and the reply to within 5 calendar days
said comment/opposition, if from said receipt. Note that the motion to dismiss is under the litigious
the court allows. motion. And the same provision provides for how the same
parties could be given 10- only an opposition is shall be resolved, as earlier mentioned. Hence, this renders
15 days within which to file allowed within the nugatory the provisions on hearing and resolution on
said comment/opposition or period of 5 calendar days motion to dismiss under Rule 16, Sections 2 and 3.
reply. from receipt of the
motion, and thereafter, Section 8. Motion Day. Except for motions requiring
no other pleadings shall immediate action, where the court decides to conduct
be allowed. hearing on a litigious motion, the same shall be set on a
not present under the old The court only has 15 Friday.
rule calendar days from
receipt of the opposition OLD (Sec. 7) NEW (Sec. 8)
within which to resolve where the movant set the GR: the motion day, in
the motion. hearing on a Friday by instances where the court
stating the date thereof in decides to conduct hearing
SECTION 6 the Notice of Hearing in on a litigious motion, will
Hearing is mandatory Hearing is discretionary. the Motion, which must only be set on Fridays,
The court may, in its be set within 10 days from
discretion and if it deems filing and with notice to EXC: unless there are
necessary for resolution, the other party at least 3 motions that require
call a hearing on the days before said motion immediate action.
motion. hearing.
PURPOSE of notice and due process is still
hearing: observed since if it is a Now, only motions that
litigious motion, the the court decides in its
“unless the movant sets the other party shall be given discretion needs hearing
time and place of hearing, opportunity to be heard will be set for such hearing
the court will be unable to by filing his opposition
determine whether the to the motion within 5 Motion Day
adverse party agrees or calendar days from General Rule: Where the court decides to conduct a
objects to the motion, and if receipt thereof. This may hearing on a litigious motion, it shall be set on a Friday.

A motion for postponement, whether written or oral, shall,

Exception: When a motion requires immediate action. at all times, be accompanied by the original official receipt
[Sec. 8, Rule 15] from the office of the clerk of court evidencing payment of
the postponement fee under Section 21 (b), Rule 141, to be
Section 9. Omnibus Motion. Subject to the provisions of submitted either at the time of the filing of said motion or
Section 1 of Rule 9, a motion attacking a pleading, order, not later than the next hearing date. The clerk of court shall
judgment, or proceeding shall include all objections then not accept the motion unless accompanied by the original
available, and all objections not so included shall be receipt.
deemed waived.
This is a new insertion. There was no provision on
An omnibus motion is a motion attacking a pleading, prohibited motions under the old rules. Rule 16 on
order, judgment, or proceeding. Motions to Dismiss has been deleted because its
Omnibus motion rule requires all objections available to provisions have been either deleted or transferred under
be stated, and all objections NOT stated are deemed different rules.
General rule: A motion attacking a pleading, order, MOTION TO DISMISS shall not be allowed
judgment, or proceeding shall include all objections then
available. All objections not included in the motion are EXC: Non-waivable grounds under Section 1, Rule 9.
deemed waived [Sec. 9, Rule 15]
With the deleted Rule 16, no period is provided under the
Purpose: To require the movant to raise all available rules when such motion to dismiss may be filed. In any
exceptions for relief during a single opportunity so that case, it appears unnecessary to provide a period to file a
multiple and piece-meal objections may be avoided. [ motion to dismiss since the grounds under Sec. 1, Rule 9,
are non-waivable.
Exceptions: Non-waivable grounds under Sec. 1, Rule 9,
namely: However, the effect of this is unlike the old Section 1, Rule
a. Lack of jurisdiction over subject matter 16 in relation to Section 4, Rule 16, where the time to file
b. Litis pendentia an Answer would be tolled by a motion to dismiss, with the
c. Res judicata deletion of said Rule 16, it appears that the period to file an
d. Prescription [Sec. 9, Rule 15] Answer will no longer be tolled by the filing of a Motion to
Dismiss. The deletion of such provision shows the intention
Section 12. Prohibited Motions. The following motions to do away with such rule.
shall not be allowed:
(a) Motion to dismiss except on the following grounds: Notably, even without a motion to dismiss, if those
1) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter grounds are apparent, the court, under Section 1, Rule 14,
of the claim; may already dismiss the case.
2) That there is another action pending between the same
parties for the same cause; and
3) That the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment or Thus, the court may dismiss the case motu proprio on
by the statute of limitations. grounds under Section 1, Rule 9, or a motion to dismiss
will be filed therefor, anytime, but it will not toll the period
(b) Motion to hear affirmative defenses; to file an Answer.

(c) Motion for reconsideration of the court's action on the Section 1. Defenses and objections not pleaded. —
affirmative defenses; Defenses and objections not pleaded either in a motion to
dismiss or in the answer are deemed waived. However,
(d) Motion to suspend proceedings without a temporary when it appears from the pleadings or the evidence on
restraining order or injunction issued by a higher court; record that the court has no jurisdiction over the subject
matter, that there is another action pending between the
(e) Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits same parties for the same cause, or that the action is barred
or any other papers, except a motion for extension to file an by a prior judgment or by statute of limitations, the court
answer as provided by Section 11, Rule 11; and shall dismiss the claim. (2a)

(f) Motion for postponement intended for delay, except if it It appears that the other grounds for motion to dismiss
is based on acts of God, force majeure or physical inability previously under Rule 16 may no longer be availed of.
of the witness to appear and testify. If the motion is granted There appears to be a discrepancy, since under Section 13,
based on such exceptions, the moving party shall be warned Rule 14, it would seem that there may be a motion to
that the presentation of its evidence must still be terminated dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction of the person, which
on the dates previously agreed upon. would be remedied by deputizing the counsel of defendant
to serve summons on said defendant.

more than 30 calendar days, and by only availing of 1

Section 13, Rule 14 states that if the improper service of motion for extension.
summons is “questioned”. Since it does not expressly state
that the manner is by motion to dismiss, then it would No motions for extension for all other pleadings shall be
appear that there is actually no discrepancy and hence, the allowed. Nevertheless, pursuant to Section 11, Rule 11, the
jurisdiction over the person may be assailed but not by party filing the pleading may still file out of time (without
motion to dismiss, since it is a prohibited pleading, because seeking for motion for extension of time), and it will
the ground does not fall under Sec. 1, Rule 9. It thus depend on the court whether it will be admitted. Section 11,
appears that lack of jurisdiction over the person and all Rule 11
other grounds not included in Section 1, Rule 9, may only authorizes the court, in its discretion to accept a pleading
be assailed by affirmative defense in his Answer, pursuant although filed late, consistent with the old second
to Section 12, Rule 8. These affirmative defenses, not paragraph of Rule 11, Section 11.
falling under Section 1, Rule 9, or not falling under Section
5(b) of Rule 6, shall be resolved by the court within 30 For motions for postponement, it can only be allowed if due
calendar days from filing an answer. That is why a motion to acts of God, force majeure or physical inability of the
to hear affirmative defense is now a prohibited pleading. witness to appear and testify.
Under Section 6 of the old Rule 16, the grounds to dismiss
pleaded as an affirmative defense may be set for If the motion is granted based on such exceptions, the
preliminary hearing. Now, with this new Section 12, Rule moving party shall be warned that the presentation of its
15, to be read in relation to Section 12 of Rule 8, there is no evidence must still be terminated on the dates previously
more motion for preliminary hearing or hearing on the agreed upon. Hence, there will be no extension of dates and
affirmative defense, since the rules require that the court the said party must be able to present all evidence on the
resolve the grounds for dismissal pleaded as affirmative original dates agreed on, without any addition thereto.
defense (if not falling under Sec. 1, Rule 9 and Section 5 However, note that Section 3, Rule 30 also allows
(b), Rule 6), to be resolved within 30 calendar days from postponement of trial due to illness of party or counsel,
filing of answer. If the grounds fall under Sec. 1, Rule 9 or provided their presence is indispensable and that the
Section 5 (b) Rule 6, the court may conduct a summary character of illness is such as to render the non-attendance
hearing within 15 calendar days from filing of answer and excusable.
the court shall resolve the affirmative defenses within 30
calendar days from termination of summary hearing. The All motions for postponements, whether oral or in writing,
court’s action on the affirmative defenses cannot be shall, at all times, be accompanied by the original official
assailed by motion for reconsideration as well because that receipt from the office of the clerk of court evidencing
is a prohibited motion. payment of the postponement fee, to be submitted either at
the time of the filing of said motion or not later than the
Note that Section 12, Rule 8 also provides that if the next hearing date. But the clerk of court shall not accept the
affirmative defense is denied, it shall not be subject of a motion unless accompanied by the
motion for reconsideration or a petition for certiorari, original receipt, so it is best to file the written motion
prohibition or mandamus, but may be among the matters to together with the postponement fee receipt.
be raised on appeal after a judgment on the merits. So a
denial of affirmative defense is not subject of a motion for
reconsideration. Section 13. Dismissal with Prejudice. Subject to the right
of appeal, an order granting a motion to dismiss or an
It is uncertain under the amended rule, whether a ruling in affirmative defense that the cause of action is barred by a
favor of the affirmative defense cannot also be the subject prior judgment or by the statute of limitations; that the
of a motion for reconsideration – since categorically states claim or demand set forth in the plaintiff's pleading has
the following is a prohibited pleading: “Motion for been paid, waived, abandoned or otherwise extinguished; or
reconsideration of the court's action on the affirmative that the claim on which the action is founded is
defenses”. The term action did not distinguish whether it is unenforceable under the provisions of the statute of frauds,
favorable or not. It would thus appear that if the court rules shall bar the refiling of the same action or claim.
in favor of an affirmative defense then an appeal from that
ruling, without any more a motion for reconsideration, is
the proper remedy, since the grant of affirmative defense is There is no Section 13 under the old rule
a judgment on the merits that would dismiss the case. -May be compared with the old (now deleted) Section 5
Rule 16, which provides:
Note that motions to suspend proceedings without a TRO The paragraphs (f), (h) and (i) of Section 1, Rule 16
or injunction issued by a higher court is prohibited. Hence, referred to in the old Section 5, rule 16 pertain to
the TRO or injunction order should be attached to the 1. cause of action is barred by prior judgment or
motion to suspend. No motion for extension of time to file statute of limitations;
pleading will be allowed except for an extension of time to 2. the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiff’s
file pleading was been waived, abandoned or
answer, pursuant to Section 11, Rule 11, which may only otherwise extinguished; and
be granted for meritorious reasons and for a period of not

3. the claim on which the action is founded is

unenforceable under the provisions of the statute
of frauds.

These grounds that cause dismissal with prejudice under

the old rule are the same as the amended rule. The
dismissal with prejudice in such instances is without
prejudice to the right of appeal.


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