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A Drug Study on


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

NCM 109 – RLE

Care of Mother, Child at Risk or With Problems

Submitted to:

Mr. Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN

Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:

Clint S. Ancog

BSN – 2A
Generic Name: Methergine
Brand name: Methylergonovine Maleate
Drug Class: ergot alkaloids

What is Methergine?

Methylergonovine maleate(methergine) is an ergot alkaloid that stimulates

smooth muscle tissue. Because the smooth muscle of the uterus is  especially
sensitive to this drug ,it is used postpartally to stimulate the uterus to contract in
order to decrease blood loss by clamping off uterine blood vessels and to promote
the involution process. In addition, the drug has vasoconstrictive effect on all blood
vessels,especially the larger arteries.


 Treatment for Postpartum Hemorrhage

Methergine has a rapid onset of action and may be given orally or

Usually IM dose: 0.2 mg following expulsion of the placenta. The dose may
be repeated every 2-4 hours if necessary.
Usual oral dose: 0.2 mg every 4 hours (six doses)


 Postpartum Hemorrhage


 Pregnancy
 hepatic or renal disease
 cardiac disease
 hypertension or preeclampsia
 liver disease.
Side Effects

 Hypertension
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Headache
 Bradycardia
 Dizziness
 Tinnitus
 abdominal cramps
 palpitations
 dyspnea
 chest pain
 allergic reactions

Adverse Side Effects

 CNS: dizziness, headache, hallucination, seizures, CVA (with I.V.use)

 CV: hypertension, hypotension, transient chest pain, palpitations,
 EENT: tinnitus, nasal congestion
 GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
 GU: hematuria
 Musculoskeletal: leg cramps
 Respiratory: dyspnea
 Skin: diaphoresis, rash, allergic reactions
 Other: foul taste

Drug Interaction

 Dopamine, ergot alkaloids, oxytocin, regional anesthetics, vasoconstrictors –

excessive vasoconstriction
 Prolactin – increased level
Nurse Responsibilities

1. Instruct patient to take medication as directed; do not skip or double up on

missed doses. If a dose is missed, omit it and return to regular dose schedule.
2. Advise patient that medication may cause menstrual-like cramps
3. Caution patient to avoid smoking, because nicotine constricts blood vessels.
4. Instruct patient to notify health care professional if infection develops, as this
may cause increased sensitivity to the medication.


RNspeak. (September 2020). Methergine (Maternal) Drug Study. Retrieved from: htt

ps:// study/#:~:text=Methergine%




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