Allama Iqbal Open University. Semester..Autumn2020 Course Code..8606 Q No

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Allama Iqbal open university.

Course code..8606
Q no (1).
Permuting social interaction among students:

In order to create a structured environment that encourage positive social interaction among all
student’s teacher must incorporate a few teaching strategies into your daily routine. Teaching
strategies such as implementing class room jobs, carving out time for students to just interact
and play and utilize learning centers are all great ways to encourage positive social interaction
among students. Here we will look at how the teaching strategies can help.

Teaching strategies to permute social interaction:

To increase the likelihood of your student interacting with one another in a positive manor, you
must incorporate a few teaching strategies. There are few teachers tested ways that encourage
positive social interaction.

Class room jobs:

Class jobs are great for social interaction because they force students to worth with one another.
As you know not all students get along, but when they are force to interact with all different type
of people, they must learn how to interact with every one regard of if they get along or not.
Having the ability to work well with others is a skill that all children need to have. So best way to
prepare them for real world is to give them class room job. Here are few ideas.

Choose two children to be the door holder or assign two children to work together to pass out or
collect paper. Try and choose two children who normally would not gravitate towards one
another. This will force them to learn to work with student different themselves.

Free play:

Free play is an essential part of child development because research shows that it
contributes to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional wellbeing of child. It is not only good
for their body and mind. But it is also great for developing their social skills. Many teachers are
inundated with pressure of having to meet the needs of curriculum. That they do not make time
for play or leave it for whatever they have a few extra minutes to spare ..What happen when you
do not incorporate play into curriculum is that student tend to lack communication and problem
solving skills. When children play they learn to work together and figure things out on them own
without help from teacher or an adult. It is time when children learn to become leaders. Learn
how to listen to others, for themselves.

There many ways that you can incorporate play throughout your day to permute positive
student social interaction. You can create dramatic play area for primary students where they
can dress up or learn how to work together to run a grocery store, a veterinarian officer or even
a hospital. You can use classic board game and change them to suit what student are learning

Enhancing positive peer interaction:

The way that you arrange your class room environment will depend upon, if it will enhance
positive peer interaction or if it will not. here are few suggestions to follow to ensure your
students have a positive classroom interaction with their peers.

When grouping student together keep in mind each children unique personalities and
characteristics. Some children will benefit more than other to be placed with certain kids.

Always model and role play how should you behave while interacting with peers.

Include material into learning centers that permute social interaction. Material like puzzles force
students to work together while work sheet force students to work alone.

Praise children and give them positive feedback for interacting with their peers in a positive
manor. The more they know they are appreciably. The more like they will continue to do so.

Try and regroup students often to give them chance to interact with other students. It is
suggested to switch up groups every class or least one week.

Q no 2 (A)

Importance of culture diversity in a society


Culture diversity is synonymous with multiculturism, multiculturism is defined by the

Encyclopedia Britannica as “the view that culture, races and the niceties particularly those of
minority groups, deserve, special acknowledgment of their difference with in dominant political
culture. The importance of cultural diversity can be interpreted on the basis of those related

 Recognizing that there is a large amount of culture that exist.

 Acknowledging that all culture expression is Valier.
 Evolving what culture have to bring to the table.
 Empowering diverse group to contribute.
 Celebrating differences, not just tolerating them.
 So, there are some examples of cultural diversity.

In a work place:

Having multicultural team, having diverse range of age working together, having policies that are
vocally against discrimination, etc.

In a School setting:

Having students from all over the world (like at the university of the people) being accepting of
all religious practice and tradition that students part takes in, supporting students to share their
culture with one another, etc.

The importance of culture diversity in education:

Culture diversity is important in every setting in life, but it can be even more pivotal when it
happens with education. students around the world have the right to equal access of quality
education and as such there are many upsides that come along with it when institution believe in
the power of diversity.

culture diversity in education help to support.

(1) Deep learning:

Learning happen with culture and outside of it with diverse student

population. student have the privilege of gaining more understanding about people and
back grounds from all over. This also contributes to diversity of thoughts and
perspectives that make learning more interesting and dynamic.
(2) Confidence and Growth:
When students participate with people from varied cultures, it
provides them with more confidence dealing with things outsides of their comfort zones.
It can have built strength character, pride and confidence.
(3) Preparation for the future:
If a work place has done, the necessary work, it bounds to
be culturally diverse for then future in a work place.
(4) More Empathy:
Interacting with people who have diverse practice belief life
experiences and culture permute empathy while you can never understand fully.
Someone life without being them, you can learn listen and understand.

Benefits of cultural Diversity:

The world is naturally multicultural, appreciating cultural diversity with mindset and
action that embrace this fact lead to many benefits like.

Communication and understanding of differences leads to increased

compassion instead of judgment.
Varied perspective and tens of looking at the world land to innovative
people who come together and bring their own style of working together
tend to support a more productive team.
New Opportunities:
The diversity opens the door to new opportunities and the blending
of ideas which would otherwise have bear homogeneous.
Problem solving:
Problem are lied, so having people with different backgrounds can lead
to better problem solving with richness of opinions.

Culture diversity in Worth Celebrating:

The world is filled with people who have different beliefs, religions, traditions and ways of
living it. It is within our difference that we can find beauty. Both environments cultural
diversity, benefits everyone. It paves the ways to better problem, solving more empathy
and compassion depends learning and approaches the world from various perspective.

Q no 2 (B)
Applying group dynamics on daily classroom teaching
Definition of group:
The people who interact with each other on regular basis, it
establishes relationship among each other. It’s have all units of society. we are living in
groups, such as like family, etc.
Sociologists has also described sociology as a science of social group.

A group is;
The people who share common things and evolution of themselves and
behave with such role.
The collection of people who interact with one another, as member who share
common identity.

Criteria for a group include:

 Formal social culture.
 Face to face interaction.
 Two or more person.
 Common fate.
 Common goal,
 Inter dependence.
Group dynamics:
The study of groups, structure, function and groups behavior is simply called
group dynamics.
Concept of group dynamics:
The change which take place within groups and is concerned
with interaction and force obtained between group member in social setting. A group
does not mean individuals possess some identical features.
Importance of group dynamics:
. They are of following
1 Psychological aspect.
2 Scientific aspects.
3 Sociological aspects.
4 Practical aspects.
5 Personal aspects.
Group function:

They are three function that influence the effectiveness and productivity.
1. Task function:
The purpose of group is to accomplish task.
Some of the following roles.
1. Initiating
2. Information seeking
3. Information giving
4. Clarifying ideas
5. Bringing closure
6. Consensus testing

2. Maintenance behavior:

Group need social emotional support to effect. Some member

will take lead

a. Encouraging
b. improving group
c. Harmonizing
d. Compromising
e. Gate keeping
f. standard setting
3. Self-interest behavior:
The function displayed by some individual, generally takes away
from groups performance.
a. Dominating and controlling
b. Blocking
c. Manipulating
d. Belittling
e. Splitting hairs

Principles of group dynamics:

. The member of group must have a strong sense of

belonging to the group

 Group have attraction of members

 The prestige of the group member in the eyes of members
 The successful effort to change individual
 Need for change relating to information
 the group survives by pacing member

Role of individual within the classroom:

Some rules are available to individual in groups.

2. Leader:

a. Rules varies according to the groups, makeup, group purpose and activities

b. They generally have highly standard of understanding.

c. Teacher must aware that leaders they appoint are not necessarily.


a. Individual who take the position of entertainer of the ground.

b. Role in order to mask feeling of inferiority.

c. Clown some time help the group and sometime hinder it.

4. Fall guys:

a. Individual who take blame and punishment in order to gain favor.

b. They can set up the fall guys to suffer the penalties.

5. Instigators:

a. Individual who cause troubles.

b. Solve then inner conflict by getting others to act them.

c. group may need help in recognizing and discouraging the role.

Q no 3 (A)

Role of education in preserving and permuting the culture of society


Education plays major role in transmission of culture, this is achieved when

preservation is done from one generation to another culture can potentially have great impact
on education as well as social change. Culture is the social change of any character in society.
The main function of educational society is to transmit the cultural heritage to new generation.
But in changing the society, these keep on changing from generation to generation and the
educational system in such society must not only transmit the cultural heritage, but also aid in
preparing the young for adjustment to any change in them that they have occurred are likely to
occur in future

Role of education to transmitting culture in society:

Education plays a major role in transmission of culture, this is achieved when preservation is
done from one generation to another. Culture can potentially have great impact on education as
well as social change, culture is social change of any character in society. The main function of
education system is to transmit the culture heritage to new generations. But in changing society
must not only transmit the culture heritage but also aid in preparing the young in them that may
have occurred are likely to occur in both cultural and values for the progress and development of
society. The influential fact of education on culture are preservation of culture, transmission of
culture, per motion of culture, equips man to adapt the changing cultural patterns, molding the

personality, restoring unity of mankind through diffusion of culture and removing cultural log.
Culture paves the ways for education while education is responsible for flavoring the cultural
values in life. There for both have to be interwoven in various ways.

Influence of education on culture:

1. Preservation of education on culture:

Culture is blood vein of a society which need to be
conserved. It is the important function of education to help in preservation of culture on
social heritage. Education through its specialized agencies try to inculcate values, art,
moral etc. into the lender minds of pupils.
2. Transmission of culture:
In addition of preservation of culture. It is task of education to
maintain the continuity of culture by handing down the existing cultural experiences
value, tradition, customs etc. from one generation to another through its various
programs and practice without this transmission the nation survival may be the toughest
task and the progress of mankind can be stifled society rules in utter chaos and

3.Permotion of culture:

Besides preservation and transmission, another vital function of

education is to modify the existing patterns in light of changes visible in the needs and demands
of society. These changes are heightened owing to eras cultural variability. This new cultural
patterns are formed by replacing and reorienting the old outmoded cultural form to suits the
changing needs of time and man. Therefore, society make ostensible progress. This part of
education is called progressive function of education.

4.Eqiup man to adapt to changing cultural patterns:


It is admitted fact that every generation

after generation modifies the old and archaic forms and adds new ones to the best advantage of

This is possible through educational means and methods. Moreover, education equips to
individual to adjust him or herself to the changing cultural forms and patterns for better and
successful living.

5.Moulding the personality:

It is universal element of culture that personality is shaped and

molded by education. An individual personality goes on developing when he or she continue to
forge a web of relationship with the other member of society. This form of interaction is made
possible by education according behavioral patterns.

6.Restoring unity of mankind:

It is a dire necessity of civilization the unity of mankind is to be

restored. It is to be made possible through education which assist the diffusion of culture in
effective manner.

7.Removing cultural log:

The purpose of cultural log is attributed to famous sociologist auburn.

When there exists a difference between material cultural. Them emerges this large concept.

Q no 4 (A)

Process of socialization:

Socialization is an interactive communication process that involves both

individual development and personal influences, namely personal reception and interpretation
of all social massages, but also the dynamic and content of social influence. Thus

socialization is a complex process that is based on the theory of social learning, learning which is
fundamental mechanism of assimilation of social experiences. Although retaining certain
ansomony, man and society form an indissoluble unity and society is generated by relationship
between its members. The socialization term is expressed in the literature by social learning
culture etc. All these term have the meaning of process through which the little child humanized
by acquiring human behavior. In order for socialization process to prove its efficiency. It must
develop individual ability to self-educate, to manage himself to discern between good and evil,
to know how to choose between the moral attitude that are assessed by society negatively and
those which allow for adequate social cohabitation.


Socialization means broadly transforming an individual into social being, in tilling

gradually different ways of thinking feeling and then acting. All these things are accomplished
through psychosocial process of transmission, but also by assimilating attitudes, values, concept
or model specific to a group or community for formation, adaption and social integration of a
person. Inn term of defining the concept of socialization, sociologist and psycho. Pedagogues
have different opinions. Thus H. Walloon (1959) considers that the whole relationship between
human and all forms of emotional communication is a social behavior and term socialization is
improper because the human is born and grows in social environment.

The human being has since birth the need of communication. In one way or another and by its
essence, man is social being. It existence is only possible in a social environment in cohabitation
with other peers.

An expert point out both the whole development and the human condition itself are flooded and
stimulated by the socialization process through which the social integration and identity of a
person are formed. Because it formed natively to human species all the child is born in particular
society in which to integrate the newborn feels the needs for a community.

People live by side with each other as human individual and not a simple object and society does
not appear as a mere sum of the individual that make it up, but an organic whole of individual

The socialization concept:

According to J. Piaget the child starts from purely individual state that of
the first mouth of existence in which no exchange is possible with others, after which
socialization that develop progressively and which will never end. At the starting point, he does
not know any rules or signs and must conquer through a gradual adaptation formed by
assimilating others and accommodating others, two essential properties of outer society, mutual
understanding based on the word and based common disciplines based on reciprocity rules.

The fundamental task of education is to form people who will be able to integrate socially and
then take on responsibilities in group they belong to. The socialization of individual is
accomplished throughout his life, going through different stages, in a childhood is essential in
socialization process J. Piaget, support the idea that the child start form a purely individual state,
that of the first month of existence when no exchange is possible with others and then a
progressive socialization that will never end.

The socialization process start from youngest age when first social contact and life experience
take place throughout the man’s life.

Erickson (1950) argues that “every stage of human development is characterized by a certain
type of socialization.

socialization is the mean purpose that realization of the ability to obey the urgencies of social
norms and ideal materialized in the cultural values of the group to which man belongs.

The content of socialization has not only a psychological significance, but also culture, logical and

The socialization process is based on a setup of variable that include.

 individual characteristics

 Methods and forms of transmission

 Structure of attitude, values, actions and behavior.

The factor of social skills development:

Alongside family the kindergarten and then school are important socializing agent that facilitate
the children and young people learning the conduct rules accepted by society. first kindergarten
, then school uses various ways and means of systematic socialization by developing and
substantiating young people with attitude and persuasions that facilitate then integrate into
society , because socialization is not just accumulation of representation and nation about family
, friend , homeland etc. preschool education is one of the life stages in which freedom must not
live to maximum, because only in this way the future adult can fed free and able to conquer his
freed through his forces , most of time inhibited , tense childhood accompanied by blasphemy
alters the construction of self-generating foundation of “Me” thus creating a dependent and a
very weak human being

Q no 4 (B)

Role and responsibilities of teacher in socialization

The teacher role is most important in the process of socialization of child after the family or
parent. A teacher should do following to encourage the process of socialization.

1. Transmission of culture
The culture effect a person behavior controlling the final forces
and the development of social elements is possible only with the help of culture. The
teacher should familiarize the student with the society culture and should stern sense of
respect for it in them. This will help in the socialization of a child.
2. Encouragement of group work
The teacher should organize group activities to help
facilitate. The process of socialization in a child and encourage the children to
participate in them, this will facilitate team spirit in them.

3. To form social environment

For the apt socialization of child, the teacher, should
establish smooth relation with children and should communicate more and more with
them. A teacher should create a high social environment in the school. The principal,
teacher, student, official and employees should stay away from conflict groupies and
dirty politics. They should n a way that reflects. Mutual love cooperation, sympathy and
4. Development of inter cultural feelings
Children from different cultural backgrounds
come to a school to get the education. The teacher should develop a kind of feeling in
children which regard and respect other culture, to understand their point of view and
rise above all the narrow /petty feeling.

5. Presentation of social ideals

The teacher should present high ideals in front of the
children by their saying and different activities which would make a child follow them
and behave in a way, which is highly social able. This will help in socialization of a child.
6. Healthy human relation
Healthy human relation is important for facilitating the process
of socialization, hence it is the responsibility of a teacher to create healthy and smooth
human relations.
In school healthy relation between students, teacher and student, principal and
principal, teacher should be established in a social. The environment in the school
should be filled with healthy and smooth human relations.

7. Social traditions
School tradition have deep impact on socialization of child therefore, a
teacher should create healthy and helpful tradition from the social form of view, rouse

trust in, children for those traditions and should encourage the children to work
according to them only
8. Feeling of healthy competition
Healthy competition has an important role in the
socialization of a child, therefore child should develop a feeling of healthy competition
in the children.
9. School should be community center
The school should be community in itself. Those
program should be arranging and organized there which have direct relation with
activities in the community. If the school and family members cooperate with the
members of the community and the community member cooperate with school and
family member there would an apt.
Socialization of children in stable way.
10.Organizing co -curricular activities
The co-curricular activities have an important place
in the development of socialization of a child. The teacher should organize activities like
games, sports, literacy and cultural activities, scouting wee, national charity plane etc.
on a universal level, to help develop social virtue in the children. The children should be
given the opportunity to draw a frame work for, organize and evaluate these activities.

Q no 5(A)

Role of religious group in influencing social behavior

Function of religion

The structural functional approach to religion has its roots in Emile

Durkheim’s, work on religion. Durkheim’s argued that religion is, in a sense, the celebration and
even workshop of human society. Given this approach Durkheim’s proposed the religion has
three major function in society. It provides social cohesion to help to maintain solidarity

through shared rituals and beliefs, social control to enforce religious based morals and norms to
help maintain conformity and control in society and it offers meaning and purpose to answer
any existential questions. Further, Durkheim’s placed himself in the positive tradition meaning
that the thought of his study of society as dispassionate and scientific. He was deeply interested
in problem of what held complex modern societies together. Religion he argued, was an
expression of social cohesion. Religion for Durkheim is not Imaginary, although he does deprive
it of what may believe find essential. Religion is very real, it is expression of society itself and
indeed, there is no society, that doesn’t have religion. We perceive as individual a force greater
then ourselves and give that perception a supernatural face. We then express ourselves
religiously in groups which for Durkheim’s makes the symbolic power greater. Religion is an
expression of our collective consciousness, which is the fusion of all of our individual
consciousness which then creates a reality of its own.

It follows then, that less complex societies, such as Australian Aborigines, has less complex
religious system, involving totem’s associated with particular Alans. The more complex a
particular society is, the more complex the religious system to emphasize universalism to a
greater and greater extend. However, as the division of labor makes the Individual seem more
Important religious system increasingly focus on individual salvation and conscience.

The primary criticism of the structure approach to religion is that it over looks religions dyes-
function. For instance, religion can be used to justify terrorism and violence. Religion has often
been the justification of and motivation for war. In one sense, this still fits the structural
function approach as it provides social cohesion among a member of a terrorist group is high,
but in a broader sense, religion is obviously resulting in conflict without questioning its action
against other member of society.

Religion and social support

According to many social science studies psychological wellbeing is

positively correlated with religious engagement.

Religion and health


There is no extensive research suggesting religious people are happier and

leased stressed, then non-religious counter parts. Social scientists have identified a number
mechanism that might explain why religion might make a individual happier, none of which rest
on the explanation of divine intervention or supernatural phenomenon certain features of
religious practice may facilitate greater wellbeing for members. These include the following.

. Basic social contact.

. A large non family network of social support.

. The positive mental health one derived from optimism volunteering.

. Coping strategies to enhance one ability to deal with stress.

. A word view that prevents existential question from arising.

Scientific studies of religion and health

The legato property index reflects the research that

suggest that there is a positive link between religion engagement and wellbeing. People who
report that God is very important in their lives. After accounting for their income age and other
individual characteristics, that might bias result. A 1993 stay by Kosmin and Lachman indicated
people without religious affiliation appeared to be at greater risk for depressive symptoms then
individual affiliated with a religion.


Research center conclude that spiritually committed people are twice as likely to
report being “very happy then the least religiously committed people, analysis of over 2000
studies contends that high religiousness predict lower risk of drug abuse, fewer suicide
attempts. These same studies associate religious involvement with the report of higher
satisfaction with sex life and sense of wellbeing.


Collaboration among institution towards national development


Economics have large recognized that output per capita per society is intimately
related to the amount of human capital. Physical capital and technology that workers and firms
in that country have access to similarly economic growth is related to the ability of society to
increase its human capital, physical capital and I prove its technology. In this context technology
is constructed broadly technological difference refer not only to difference in technique
available to the firm but also to the difference in human capital and technology are only
proximate causes in sense that they pose the next question of why some countries have less
human capital and make worse use of their factors and opportunities. To develop ore
satisfactory answer go question of why some countries are much richer than others and why
some countries grow much faster than other. Institution are broadly construed are the
fundamental cause of economic growth and development difference across countries and that
it is possible to develop a coherent framework for understanding institution differ across

What are institutions

Doug loss North 1990 offers the following definition.

“institution are rules of the game in a society or more formally, are the humanly devised
constraints that shape human interaction. Three important features of institution are apparent
in this definition.

That they are humanly devised which contrast with other potential fundamental cause, like
geographic factors, which are outside human control.

The broad definition of institution is both advantages and curse. It is an advantage it enables us
to get started with theoretical and empirical investigation of the role of institution without
getting bagged down by taxonomies. It is a curse because unless we can follow it up with a
better understanding of role of specific institution, we have learned only little.

The impact of institution

There are tremendous cross country differences in the way that

economic and political life is organized. A voluminous literature document large cross country
difference in economic institution and a strong correlation between these institution and
economic performance. Many studies look at variation in educational institution and cross
ponding difference in human capital. All of these anthers find substantial difference in these
measure of economic institution and those measure and various indication of economic

To make further progress we need to isolate a source of expenses difference institution so that
we approximate a situation in which a number of other wise identical societies and up with
different set of institution.

Modeling institutional differences

A first step in modeling institution let us consider the

relationship between three institutional characteristics.

1. Economic institution
2. Political power
3. Political institution
A already mentioned economic institution matter for economic growth because they shape the
inactive of his economic factors in society. In particular, they influence investments in physical
and human capital and technology and organization of production. Economic institution not
only determine the aggregate economic growth potential of economy.

The distribution of political power in society is also endogenous. To make more progress here
let us distinguish between two components of political power. De Jure and defector political
power. De Jure political power refer to power that originates from the political institution in

Pitfalls of reforms

Framework we have sketched above is useful in delineating a range of

dysfunctional political equilibria and consequent economic institution. We have also
emphasized how it is important to understand the political forces and institution that maintain
those dysfunctional economic institution is place and are often mutually self- reinforcing.

Persistence of power and incentives

Many dysfunctional institutions are supported by system of specific laws and regulation
that relate to economic institutions. This is true of labor repressive agricultural societies
of nineteenth century Russia.
The first pitfall of institution reform is that directly reforming specific economic
institution may not be sufficient and many even back fire.

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