Gavanda Et. 2018 - Block Vs DUP

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“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”

by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Note. This article will be published in a forthcoming issue of the

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. The
article appears here in its accepted, peer-reviewed form, as it was
provided by the submitting author. It has not been copyedited,
proofread, or formatted by the publisher.

Section: Original Investigation

Article Title: The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and
Performance in Adolescent Football Players

Authors: Simon Gavanda1, Stephan Geisler1, Oliver Jan Quittmann and Thorsten Schiffer2

Affiliations: 1IST University of Applied Sciences, Erkrather Straße 220 a-c, 40233
Düsseldorf, Germany. 2German Sport University Cologne, Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6,
50933 Cologne, Germany.

Journal: International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Acceptance Date: November 22, 2018

©2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Title: The effect of block versus daily undulating periodization on strength and performance
in Adolescent football players.

Submission Type: Original Investigation

Authors: Simon Gavanda1, Stephan Geisler1, Oliver Jan Quittmann and Thorsten Schiffer2

IST University of Applied Sciences, Erkrather Straße 220 a-c, 40233 Düsseldorf,
German Sport University Cologne, Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6, 50933 Cologne,

Corresponding Author:
Simon Gavanda
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

IST University of Applied Sciences

Erkrather Straße 220 a-c, 40233 Düsseldorf, Germany
T +49 (0) 211 8 66 68-508
F +49 (0)211 8 66 68-30

Running Head: Block vs daily undulating periodization

Abstract Word Count: 246

Text Word Count: 4201

Number of Figures: 2

Number of Tables: 5
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.


Purpose: Muscle mass, strength and power are important factors for performance. To improve

these characteristics, periodized resistance training is used. However, there is no consensus

regarding the most effective periodization model. Therefore the purpose of this study was to

compare the effects of block (BLOCK) versus daily undulating periodization (DUP) on body

composition, hypertrophy, strength, performance and power in adolescent American football

players. Methods: Forty-seven subjects participated in this study (M±SD age = 17±0.8 years;

strength training experience = 0.93±0.99 years). Pre- and post-measurements consisted of body

mass (BM), fat mass (FMkg), body fat percentage (relFM), fat-free mass (FFM), muscle mass
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

(MM) and muscle thickness of the M. vastus lateralis (VL), M. rectus femoris (RF) and M.

triceps brachii (TB), one repetition maximum (1-RM) back squat (BS) and bench press (BP),

countermovement jump (CMJ), estimated peak power from vertical jump performance

(Wpeak), medicine ball put (MBP) and 40 yd sprint. Subjects were randomly assigned in either

the BLOCK or DUP group prior to the 12 week intervention period consisting of 3 full-body

sessions per week. Results: Both groups displayed significantly higher BM (p<0.001), relFM

(p=0.005), FFM (p<0.001), MM (p<0.001), RF (p<0.001), VL (p<0.001), TB (p<0.001), BS

(p<0.001), BP (p<0.001), CMJ (p<0.001), Wpeak (p<0.001) and significant lower sprint times

(p<0.001) following twelve weeks of resistance training with no difference between groups.

Conclusions: Resistance training was effective to increase muscle mass, strength, power and

performance in adolescent athletes. BLOCK and DUP affect anthropometric measures and

physical performance equally.

Keywords: Youth, weight training, resistance training, hypertrophy, sprint

“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.


In American Football (AF), body size, strength and power are important factors for

performance 1. Previous studies indicated that one repetition maximum (1-RM), sprint

performance and vertical jumping ability are important predictors for success in AF 2. Starters

are stronger, more powerful and had higher fat-free mass (FFM) compared to nonstarters 2.

These characteristics are required for rapid acceleration, linear speed, change of direction and

to cope with repetitive collisions 3. It is well known that resistance training (RT) is effective in
increasing strength, power, hypertrophy, and motor skill in adults . Therefore, to develop

successful AF players, an intensive RT program is recommended.

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

While there has been concerns about the safety and effectiveness of RT for children

(chronological age girls ≤ 11, boys ≤ 13) and adolescents (≤ 18 years), recent reviews dispelled

these concerns and demonstrated that RT can be safely implemented to prepare young athletes

for competition if designed properly and supervised by coaches 6–8. Moreover, studies showed

that RT is not just safe for young athletes (≤ 18 years), but also effective for increasing strength,

power, and motor skill 9. Thus, it is recommended for young AF players to participate in RT to

increase their performance.

Since power is dependent on the level of strength , and muscle cross-sectional area
(CSA) provides the basis for strength , it has been suggested to increase muscle mass and

total body strength first as the foundation for future development in power, speed and change
of direction ability . These characteristics can be increased throughout the whole annual

training program, depending on training status, but are primarily developed in the off-season 3.

For RT programs, it is recommended to divide the training year into sequential phases

in order to improve specific strength related goals by manipulating training variables

(intensity, volume, frequency, rest) while minimizing the risk for overtraining 13. This approach

is one central aspect of periodization. Regarding maximal strength and muscle mass
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

development, periodized training has been shown to be more effective than non-periodized

programs lasting longer than six weeks 14.

Two of the most commonly referred RT periodization models in the literature are block

periodization (BLOCK) and undulating periodization. In BLOCK, the macrocycle is divided

into blocks lasting several weeks, with each focusing on one unique goal in a logical sequencing
order (e.g. strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength) . From a training practical

point of view, and contrary to the understanding of some authors, BLOCK training is also

comprised of heavy and light days, creating little variation of, and thus, a “wave-like”

distribution of training load.15

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

However, undulating periodization models are characterized by more frequent and

substantial variation of training variables and therefore training goals 13, either weekly (WUP)

or daily (DUP);for example, Monday muscular endurance (sets of ≥ 12 repetitions), Tuesday

maximal strength (sets of ≤ 6 repetitions), Friday hypertrophy (sets of 6 – 12 repetitions)16.

However, it appears that there is no consensus regarding the most effective

periodization model, with BLOCK and DUP showing equal results in order to improve muscle

mass, power and strength 13. However, studies with adolescent athletes are lacking.

Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare the effects of BLOCK vs. DUP RT

programs on body composition, hypertrophy, strength, power and sprint performance in

adolescent AF players.


Design The study was conducted between September and December. This period

represented the off-season period. A two-group randomized parallel study design was used to

assess the effects of a 12 week BLOCK or DUP training program on structural and functional

adaptations. The independent variables in this study consisted of two different training forms
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

(BLOCK and DUP) and 14 dependent variables. Back squat (BS) and bench press (BP) one-

repetition maximum (1-RM), as measurements of strength. Bioelectrical impedance analysis

(BIA) and ultrasound measures were taken to test for changes in body composition and muscle

mass (body mass, absolute and relative fat mass, fat-free mass, muscle mass, muscle thickness

of M. rectus femoris, M. vastus lateralis and M. triceps brachii). In addition 40 yd sprint times

were taken as a test for speed. Countermovement jump height (CMJ), peak power estimated

from vertical jump performance (Wpeak) and medicine ball put distance (MBP) were recorded

for power assessment.

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Subjects were 47 male adolescent volunteers recruited from a German first division

American football team. All participants and their parents were informed about the methods

and experimental procedures used, as well as potential risks prior to participation. In addition,

all participants completed a questionnaire about their previous strength training experience and

medical history. Two subjects did not meet medical inclusion criteria and were excluded prior

to the intervention. The remaining participants had no existing musculoskeletal or

cardiorespiratory disorders. Each subject over the age of 18 gave written informed consent. For

subjects under the age of 18, informed consent was obtained by the subjects’ parents.

Participants agreed to abstain from any additional RT for the course of the study.

Two weeks prior to the intervention, participants completed a wash-in familiarization

phase with one session per week. The goal was to eliminate any preexisting fatigue from

subjects’ previous training, learn the exercise techniques and get familiar with the required

tests. Furthermore participant’s 10-RM for each assistance exercises was determined. All

subjects had to attend at least of 32 of maximum possible 36 (88 % adherence) of the training

sessions to be included for analysis. During the intervention period, 17 subjects missed more
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

than 4 training sessions and were eliminated for further analysis (illness n=5; non-football

injury n=3; football-related injury n=3; personal reasons n=6). None of the subjects were

injured during the RT sessions.

Descriptive data for the 28 subjects who completed the study are shown in table 1. This

study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and the research design was

approved by the Ethics Committee of the IST-University of Applied Sciences.


Subjects were tested in the week prior to and a maximum of 7 days after the

intervention. Pre- and post-testing consisted of two separate sessions. Session one included
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

anthropometric analysis and maximal strength testing. In the second session participants were

tested for power and sprint ability. Each testing session was performed at the same time of the

day and all tests were carried out by the same researcher during each of the test dates.


Body mass (BM) was measured using electronic weighing scale (Seca 803, Hamburg,

Germany) and height using a wall-mounted stadiometer with subjects in their underwear

wearing no shoes or socks.

Body fat mass (FMkg), body fat percentage (relFM), fat-free mass (FFM) and muscle

mass (MM) were assessed using BIA (Akern BIA 101, Firenze, Italy) and BodyGramPro

software (Version 3.0, Akern, Firenze, Italy).

Muscle thickness was measured using B-mode ultrasound (Mindray DP-50, Shenzhen,

China) with 8.5-MHz linear probe scanning head (Mindray 75L53EA, Shenzhen, China) at

three anatomical sites of the right side. M. triceps brachii (TB) at 60 % distal between the lateral

epicondyle of the humerus and the acromial process of the scapula (gain = 50 dB; image depth

= 5.5 cm), M. vastus lateralis (VL) at half distance between lateral condyle of the tibia to the
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

most prominent point of the greater trochanter of the femur (gain = 50 dB; image depth = 3.7

cm) and M. rectus femoris (RF) at 50 % between the anterior inferior suprailiac crest and the

proximal border of the patella (gain = 50 dB; image depth = 3.7 cm) as has been described

previously17 A water-soluble gel was applied on the probe, and images were taken without

depression of the dermal surface. Three images were recorded for each site and the average

value for muscle thickness was recorded.


After a standardized warm-up procedure, 1-RM tests were conducted. The warm-up

consisted of five minutes of low-intensity treadmill running, followed by a specific warm-up

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

for free-weight parallel BS. Warm-up sets of 10, 5, 3 and 1 repetitions were performed using

50, 65, 80 and 90 % of the subjects´ estimated 1-RM with 1, 2, 3 and 4 minutes of rest between

sets respectively. Afterwards 1-RM was measured by successively increasing the weight until

the participants failed the attempt. Proper execution and depth of the exercises were visually

controlled, and strong verbal encouragement was given by the researcher. Following a

minimum of 15 minutes of rest, this procedure was repeated for BP.


Following a standardized warm-up, subjects were asked to perform 2 submaximal CMJ

before performing 3 maximal CMJ with hands on hips for lower-body power assessment.

Participants were instructed not to tuck their legs during the jump, and to land on the same spot

in the same posture as when they took off. Proper execution was visually controlled by the

researcher. Invalid attempts were repeated until three successful jump were recorded. A rest

interval of 60 seconds was interspersed between jumps. Jumping height was calculated using

subjects’ flight time measured by Optojump photocell system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy). Best
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

height was recorded for analysis. Peak power was estimated from vertical jump performance

and participants’ body mass using the Sayers equation 18.

Assessment of upper-body power was done using the seated 9 kg MBP. Subjects were

positioned on a 45° incline bench with the ball in both hands against the chest. The edge of the

measuring tape was aligned with the outside of the medicine ball. Subjects were allowed 2

submaximal trials before performing 3 maximal attempts with 60 seconds of rest each. The

best trial was recorded for further analysis.

Sprint speed was tested over 36.58 m (40 yards) on an athletic track with subjects

starting when ready from a three-point stance. Times for each trial were recorded by two
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

coaches using handheld stopwatches, starting the watch on first movement of the subject. The

average of the two taken times was recorded. Athletes performed two trials of maximum effort,

with minimum rest of 3 minutes between sprints. The average time of the best trial was taken

for further analysis.

Resistance training protocol

Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups (BLOCK [n = 14] and DUP [n

= 14]). Both training protocols spanned 12 weeks, consisting of three full-body training

sessions per week on non-consecutive days. Exercise selection and sequence were identical for

both groups (table 2). Each exercise was performed with maximum possible range of motion.

Volume and rest periods of the core exercises were altered according to the assigned

intervention group (table 3). Prior to every workout, there was a standardized warm-up,

comprised of 5 minutes of low intensity cardio on a treadmill, followed by 8 dynamic mobility


BLOCK training consisted of four 4-week mesocycles. The main focus of the first

mesocycle was muscular endurance, characterized by high training volume and short rest
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

periods between sets (2 sets of 20 repetitions, 1 minute rest), followed by the 4 weeks of

medium volume training (hypertrophy training using 3 sets of 10 repetitions – 2 minutes of

rest). The primary aim of the third mesocycle was maximal strength with low training volume

(4 sets of 5 repetitions – 3 minutes of rest). In the first microcycle subjects used 55 % of their

1-RM for the first set of the first training day for BS and BP. Thereafter, athletes were instructed

to perform each set of every exercise until they achieved concentric muscle fatigue or failed to

maintain proper exercise technique. If subjects could complete more than the prescribed

number of repetitions, they continued the set until concentric failure was reached. Participants

increased training intensity when the prescribed number of repetitions was exceeded by three
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

or more. If the number of completed repetitions was three less than prescribed, subjects reduced

training resistance accordingly.

The DUP program also consisted of four 4-week mesocycles. Within each mesocycle

the first training day was characterized by high, the second by low, and the third by medium

training volume. Therefore, the primary aim of the respective training sessions were muscular

endurance (2 sets of 20 repetitions – 1 min rest), maximal strength (4 sets of 5 repetitions – 3

min rest) and hypertrophy (3 sets of 10 repetitions – 2 min rest). During the first week of

training subjects used 55 % of their 1-RM for muscular endurance, 70 % for hypertrophy and

85 % for maximal strength for their first set of BS and BP. Thereafter, the participants increased

or decreased training load as previously described.

For muscular endurance and hypertrophy training, cadence was set as 2-seconds (s)

eccentric and 1-s concentric with no static hold at the top or the bottom of each repetition. For

maximal strength, the eccentric portion was 2 s and maximum effort during the concentric

phase of the movement, with no static hold at the bottom or between repetitions. Cadence was

monitored by a coach using via mobile application Pro Metronome (Xanin Technnology,

Berlin, Germany).
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Every fourth week, the training volume was reduced (total number of sets) for both

groups to minimize the risk of overtraining. Total training volume (sets times repetitions) was

equated over the course of the study.


To minimize possible dietary confounding results, participants were instructed to

maintain their normal nutritional regimen without taking any additional supplements besides

those provided during the intervention. To maximize muscle protein synthesis, participants

were supplied with a post-workout supplement, containing 23 g protein, 1.9 g carbohydrate

and 0.9 g fat (inkospor X-TREME Whey, Roth, Germany) as recommended by Arentson-Lantz
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

and collegues19.

Statistical Analyses

Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Version 25 (Chicago, IL, USA). Data

were tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilk-Test and homogeneity of variance using Levene-

Test. Data are presented as means ± SD. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to

find baseline differences between groups. A 2 x 2 (group * time) ANOVA was used to

determine differences in BM, FM, relFM, FFM, MM, muscle thickness (RF, VL, TB), strength

(BS, BP), power (CMJ, Wpeak) and sprint time (40 yd). Statistical power for all tests with

significant time effects was ≥ 0.841. Where necessary, Bonferroni post-hoc analysis was

performed (adjusted for type I error). Cohen’s d effect sizes (ES) were calculated according to

Cohen and ESs of ≤ 0.2, ≤ 0.5, ≤ 0.8 and > 0.8 were considered trivial, small, moderate and

large, respectively20.Statistical significance was defined as p ≤ 0.05. In addition, mean

percentage changes were calculated ([Post mean – Pre mean]/[Pre mean] x 100).
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.


Test-retest intraclass correlations (R) were calculated for muscle thickness

measurements, CMJ, MBP and 40 yd sprint. The R range for muscle thickness was R = 0.996

– 0.998. These correlations were R = 0.998 (RF), R = 0.996 (VL) and R = 0.997 (TB). The R

values for CMJ, MBT and 40 yd sprint were R = 0.980, R = 0.881 and R = 0.992 respectively.

Intra-rater technical error of measurement (TEM) was 0.045 cm RF, 0.054 cm VL and 0.073

cm TB. Inter-rater TEM was 0.098 s for 40 yd.


The results of anthropometric and performance measurements are summarized in Table

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

4 and 5. There were no significant group differences for any measurement at baseline. There

was a significant time effect for BM, relFM, FFM, MM, RF, VL and TB. No time*group

interactions were found. Post hoc analysis indicated that the decrease of FM (-8.2 % vs. 0.36

%) and relFM (-10.43 % vs. -3.13 %) was significant higher in the DUP group. There were

higher ES for FM (-0.14 vs. 0.01), relFM (-0.29 vs. -0.08), FFM (0.48 vs. 0.22) and MM (0.65

vs. 0.27) in the DUP group. For VL BLOCK showed higher ES than DUP (0.67 vs. 0.28).

Percentage changes can be found in Figure 1.


All results of strength, power and speed are outlined in Table 4 and 5. There were no

significant group differences for any measurement at baseline. A significant time effect was

found for BS, BP, CMJ, Wpeak, MBP and 40 yd. There were no time*group effects. DUP

resulted in higher ES in BS (0.71 vs. 0.62), BP (0.59 vs. 0.43), MBP (0.88 vs. 0.62) and 40 yd

(-0.32 vs. -0.2). Percentage changes can be found in Figure 2.

“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.


The results of this study show that both periodization models were effective for

increasing muscle mass, strength, power and performance in adolescent American football


There was a significant increase of BM, FFM and MM. However, a significant decrease

in FM and relFM only has been observed in the DUP intervention group, whereas the BLOCK

group did not change. Since athletes´ nutritional behavior was not controlled, other than

providing a post-workout supplement, this result should be interpreted with caution. It is

possible that athletes in the DUP group cam below total energy intake requirements (energy
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

expenditure of physical activity and non-exercise activity) by having three additional training

sessions per week. This may have potentially created a caloric deficit which led to higher fat

loss compared to the BLOCK group. The effects of periodization models on fat loss need

further investigation, including dietary monitoring.

In accordance with the study by Baker et al. 22, lean body mass increased to a similar

extent in our study with no significant differences between groups. In addition, BM and MM

also increased significantly. However, most periodization studies failed to detect any of these
anthropometric changes , which might be due to different assessment techniques, such as

circumferences or skinfold measurements. Studies with longer intervention periods might be

necessary to measure possible changes in muscle mass for different periodization models.

Increments in RF, VL and TB thickness were similar to or slightly higher than those reported
in previous studies conducted with young adults (4.18 – 11.68 % vs. 6 – 7 %) . However

discrepancies might be a result of different measurement techniques for muscle mass. The

above mentioned study used MRI, while this study utilized ultrasound. Unlike the study with
trained women by Bartolomei et al. , which found increases in CSA only in the weekly

undulating periodization group for thigh muscle size this study showed similar increases in
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

muscle mass for upper and lower body muscle thickness in both the DUP and the BLOCK

intervention group. This might be explained by different hormone concentrations associated

with muscle growth seen in young men in general and after RT compared to women 27. Further

periodization studies on the effects on CSA with male and female subjects are needed.

After 12 weeks of RT, similar strength gains were observed for BP and BS in both
groups compared to previous research with adolescent populations . In accordance with

previous research, there has been no difference between periodization models 24,30, while there

are studies considering DUP to be more effective for improvements in strength 31,28. However,

it should be noted that these studies compared DUP or WUP protocols to linear or non-
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

periodized programs. Therefore this study confirms the results of a meta-analysis performed

by Harries et al. 13, suggesting that there is not enough evidence for a superior periodization

model to increase strength. More studies comparing BLOCK and undulating periodization are


Power increased significantly following 12 weeks of RT. This is in line with previous

work, where improvements in strength through RT led to increased performance in power-

dependent tasks, such as jumping and throwing 32,33. However, in this study, subjects continued

with their AF practice, which involved high intensity activities like jumping and blocking.

While it should be noted that improvements in power cannot solely be transferred to

improvements in strength through RT. Nevertheless it is recommended to combine RT with

task-specific training to allow for positive transfer of strength gained in the weight room into

athletic performance 4. The periodization model used to realize this goal might play a minor

role, since we found no differences between BLOCK and DUP group, nor for CMJ, Wpeak,

and MBP.

Meta-analysis showed that increases in squat strength positively transfer to sprint speed
. Although this assertion was recently challenged 34, we observed in both groups an increase
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

in muscle mass via hypertrophy-orientated RT26 which led to increased levels of strength, and

ultimately to sprint performance in line with the aforementioned meta-analysis. Since body

weight can affect speed, strength, and power, a lean body with an optimal muscle to fat ratio
can be advantageous . The aforementioned reduction in FM and relFM in the DUP group

might therefore at least partially explain the higher ES seen for sprint in the DUP group. But

since there was no control group performing AF practice only, it is again questionable to

account the increased sprint ability in BLOCK and DUP solely to the applied RT program.

Effects could be in part explained by the additional AF specific sprint and plyometric training

sessions completed by both groups. Nevertheless, improvements of 1.96 % in BLOCK and

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

1.64 % in DUP are similar to those reported in other studies with adolescents using RT alone
or in combination with plyometric exercises 37, with no difference between periodization



Depending on individual training history, the variation of the selected periodization

model might be a novel stimulus, and may therefore lead to greater adaptations. For this reason

coaches should consider changing the applied periodization model for further increases in

strength and/or muscle mass in the long term.


In the short term RT, is effective in order to increase muscle mass, strength, power, and

performance in adolescent athletes, regardless of the periodization model being used. Future

studies should include longer training periods with trained or even highly trained athletes from

various sports. In addition, concerning DUP, it is still unclear how to sequence training goals

in order to maximize training effects.

“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.


The authors would like to thank FitX Deutschland GmbH for their support by letting us use

their facilities. We also are deeply grateful for inkospor providing the Whey-Protein used in

this study. The results of the current study do not constitute endorsement of the product by the

authors or the journal.

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

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“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Figure 1: Percent change in body mass (BM), fat mass (FM), relative fat mass (relFM), fat-
free mass (FFM), muscle mass (MM), M. rectus femoris (RF), M. vastus lateralis (VL) and M.
triceps brachii. Data are mean ± SD. BLOCK (dots) = Block periodization; DUP (squares) =
daily undulating periodization.
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Figure 2: Percent change in back squat (BS), bench press (BP), countermovement jump (CMJ),
peak power (Wpeak), medicine ball put (MBP) and forty yard sprint (40 yd). Data are mean ±
SD. BLOCK (dots) = Block periodization; DUP (squares) = daily undulating periodization.
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 1: Baseline group characteristics, Mean ± SD.

BLOCK (n = 14) DUP (n = 14)

Age [y] 17.14 ± 0.86 16.86 ± 0.66
Height [cm] 182.43 ± 5.88 185.00 ± 6.48
Weight [kg] 83.97 ± 17.25 83.88 ± 15.42
Training history [y] 1.11 ± 1.21 0.75 ± 0.68
Abbreviations: BLOCK = block periodization; DUP = daily undulating periodization.

Table 2: Strength training exercises and order during training period.

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

Core -Back squat -Back squat -Back squat
exercises -Bench press -Bench press -Bench press
Assistance -Romanian deadlift (barbell) -Good mornings -Romanian deadlift (dumbbell)
-Bent-over barbell row -One-arm dumbbell row -Reverse grip bent-over row
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

-Incline dumbbell press -Two-arms triceps extension -Barbell shrugs
-Calf raises (leg press machine) -Seated calf raises -Calf raises (leg press machine)
-Hammer curls -Barbell biceps curls -Barbell biceps reverse curls
-Triceps cable pushdown -Triceps kickbacks -Cable overhead triceps extension
-Side plank -Russian twist -Plank
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 3: Sets, repetition and rest periods according to training group for core and assistance

Weeks 1 - 3 Week 4 Weeks 5 - 7 Week 8 Weeks 9 - 11 Week 12

BLOCK Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises
Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3:
2 x 20 (1 min) 1 x 20 (1 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 4 x 5 (3 min) 2 x 5 (3 min)

Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance

exercises exercises exercises exercises exercises exercises
Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3:
3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min)
DUP Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises Core exercises
Session 1: Session 1: Session 1: Session 1: Session 1: Session 1:
2 x 20 (1 min) 1 x 20 (1 min) 2 x 20 (1 min) 1 x 20 (1 min) 2 x 20 (1 min) 1 x 20 (1 min)
Session 2: Session 2: Session 2: Session 2: Session 2: Session 2:
4 x 5 (3 min) 2 x 5 (3 min) 4 x 5 (3 min) 2 x 5 (3 min) 4 x 5 (3 min) 2 x 5 (3 min)
Session 3: Session 3: Session 3: Session 3: Session 3: Session 3:
3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min)

Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance

exercises exercises exercises exercises exercises exercises
Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3: Session 1 – 3:
3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min) 3 x 10 (2 min) 2 x 10 (2 min)
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Abbreviations: BLOCK = block periodization; DUP = daily undulating periodization.

“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 4: Anthropometric and performance measurements across time, Mean ± SD.

Group Pre Post dTime p

BM [kg] BLOCK 83.97 ± 17.25 86.36 ± 17.04 0.14 0.001**
DUP 83.88 ± 15.42 85.77 ± 15.33 0.12 0.009**
FM [kg] BLOCK 16.07 ± 9.43 16.15 ± 9.96 0.01 0.924
DUP 17.50 ± 9.95 16.06 ± 10.21 -0.14 0.023*
relFM [%] BLOCK 18.21 ± 6.89 17.64 ± 7.60 -0.08 0.356
DUP 19.86 ± 6.94 17.79 ± 7.14 -0.29 0.002**
FFM [kg] BLOCK 67.88 ± 10.51 70.21 ± 10.29 0.22 <0.001***
DUP 66.38 ± 6.98 69.71 ± 6.89 0.48 <0.001***
MM [kg] BLOCK 47.62 ± 7.77 49.79 ± 8.26 0.27 0.001**
DUP 46.33 ± 4.83 49.46 ± 4.78 0.65 <0.001***
RF [cm] BLOCK 2.65 ± 0.29 2.76 ± 0.30 0.37 0.034*
DUP 2.42 ± 0.56 2.62 ± 0.44 0.40 <0.001***
VL [cm] BLOCK 1.67 ± 0.31 1.80 ± 0.33 0.67 0.005**
DUP 1.66 ± 0.39 1.76 ± 0.36 0.28 0.009**
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

TB [cm] BLOCK 3.98 ± 0.72 4,44 ± 0.64 0.69 <0.001***

DUP 3.91 ± 0.48 4.23 ± 0.43 0.7 0.001**
BS (kg) BLOCK 112.5 ± 35.6 134.6 ± 35.9 0.62 <0.001***
DUP 103.4 ± 26.7 123.0 ± 28.4 0.71 <0.001***
BP (kg) BLOCK 80.2 ± 23.6 90.5 ± 24.3 0.43 <0.001***
DUP 75.2 ± 16.6 84.8 ± 16.2 0.59 <0.001***
CMJ (cm) BLOCK 39.38 ± 7.96 42.43 ± 7.61 0.39 0.001**
DUP 39.75 ± 5.88 41.96 ± 6.85 0.35 0.008**
Wpeak (W) BLOCK 4140 ± 776 4432 ± 726 0.39 <0.001***
DUP 4158 ± 650 4378 ± 645 0.34 0.001**
MBP (m) BLOCK 3.30 ± 0.37 3.58 ± 0.47 0.62 0.002**
DUP 3.21 ± 0.38 3.57 ± 0.44 0.88 <0.001***
40 yd (s) BLOCK 5.34 ± 0.52 5.24 ± 0.49 -0.2 0.004**
DUP 5.24 ± 0.29 5.16 ± 0.27 -0.32 0.016*

Abbreviations: BM = body mass; FM = fat mass; relFM = relative fat mass; FFM = fat-free mass; MM = muscle
mass; RF = M. rectus femoris; VL = M. vastus lateralis; TB = M. triceps brachii; BS = back squat; BP = bench
press; CMJ = countermovement jump; Wpeak = peak power; MBP = medicine ball put; 40 y = forty yard sprint;
BLOCK = block periodization; DUP = daily undulating periodization. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.
“The Effect of Block Versus Daily Undulating Periodization on Strength and Performance in Adolescent Football Players”
by Gavanda S, Geisler S, Quittmann OJ, Schiffer T
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 5: Time and group effects as well as time by group interactions.

time group time*group

p p p

BM 0.440 <0.001*** 0.000 0.956 0.010 0.607

FM 0.094 0.113 0.001 0.860 0.108 0.087

relFM 0.267 0.005** 0.004 0.740 0.105 0.093

FFM 0.659 <0.001*** 0.003 0.765 0.057 0.221

MM 0.643 <0.001*** 0.004 0.744 0.057 0.220

RF 0.429 <0.001*** 0.052 0.244 0.058 0.218

VL 0.400 <0.001*** 0.003 0.792 0.001 0.879

TB 0.592 <0.001*** 0.017 0.509 0.045 0.280

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

BS 0.718 <0.001*** 0.029 0.389 0.009 0.626

BP 0.808 <0.001*** 0.018 0.492 0.006 0.697

CMJ 0.469 <0.001*** 0.000 0.985 0.021 0.457

Wpeak 0.617 <0.001*** 0.000 0.945 0.031 0.368

MBP 0.530 <0.001*** 0.005 0.734 0.016 0.518

40 y 0.387 <0.001*** 0.000 0.534 0.006 0.699

Abbreviations: BM = body mass; FM = fat mass; relFM = relative fat mass; FFM = fat-free mass; MM = muscle
mass; RF = M. rectus femoris; VL = M. vastus lateralis; TB = M. triceps brachii; BS = back squat; BP = bench
press; CMJ = countermovement jump; Wpeak = peak power; MBP = medicine ball put; 40 y = forty yard sprint;
BLOCK = block periodization; DUP = daily undulating periodization. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.

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