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Republic of the Philippines

De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde

8 L. Sumulong Memorial Circle, Antipolo, 1870 Rizal

Student’s Name

Student’s Section

In partial fulfillment of the subject of UNDSELF

Ms. Donna Donor

Professor’s Name

Answer the following questions (minimum of three sentences per response).

1. What kind of digital self are you portraying at present? Is it consistent with

your true self? Why or why not?

• I’m kind of portraying myself in digital as a cold person because I don’t talk

or message my friends often anymore. And it is not consistent with my true

self because it’s not like me to be this cold to my friends. My friends know me

as talkative it may be virtually or personally. It’s just this pandemic made me

like this. It’s not my personality to be this isolated person. I guess, I’m

becoming an introverted person. Not because I don’t want to talk to them but

I just don’t have the energy to pull some energy to make conversations with

them. I used to be someone who’s a lot of things to share to my friends like

chismis, the who and so on. I don’t know but as of today, I’m not myself

anymore. It’s not consistent of whom I used to be.

2. After learning all about digital self today, what changes do you plan to do in
improving your digital self?

• Not to post too much information about myself. Don’t be reckless in posting

something. Don’t be reckless in attacking someone. The way I translate

everything in the social media. Lessen’ the usage of social media and

reconnect with those people I love. Be knowledgeable about real and fake

news. Lastly, be a social media literate.

3. What is digital toxicity? What are the things that you need to do so that you

will not be labeled as toxic online?

• Attacking someone in social media without knowing the whole story. Quick
spreading of fake news in different platforms. Judging people on social media
because of their appearance. Getting triggered by achievements of others. And
to be not labeled as toxic online, there’s saying that “Think before you click”.
Basically, no matter what you want to post, see, watch and comment on the
social media, spare a time to think about it and figure out of what’s the right
thing to do.

4. In what way your digital self-harms your well-being? What do you do to

address it?

• In our current situation, digital self has a big impact in our well being for the
reason that we spend too much time on using different platforms. It harms
our wellbeing in a way of believing everything on it. There’s too much
information in the internet that being discussed by random people and we
tend to believe what they say because they mentioned based on this, that, and
there. We do not rely anymore to those experts, professionals and reliable
sources of information. For instance, when it comes to health, there are many
people giving information about health tips like they are expert on that field
when in fact they’re not. With that, people believe that information without
asking themselves if it’s true or not. It causes harms to our well-being because
that information may be false and it will cause negative impact in our health.
And to address that, before I do something, I gather information from reliable
sources and research about it just to confirm that the information is true or
not. Or when it comes to health, I consult on the people who has the
profession on that field. Lastly, think before we believe the information in
internet. Given that, we will not cause harms to our well-being.

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