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File Name - Tournament G’Hill 2K10

1NC Alliance F/L (1/3)

No impact- ASEAN Solves

Global Times, 6/12/10

("US regards ASEAN as key to solution of future problems"
US has renewed its relations with the …. and so much else," she emphasized.

No impact to alliance collapse—Japan is dead weight

Leddy 10
(Carolyn M. is a Council on Foreign Relations-Hitachi Ltd. international affairs fellow at the National Institute for
Defense Studies in Tokyo, “Moving Forward From Futenma”
Japanese Prime Minister … and work to strengthen the relationship.

1NC Alliance F/L (2/3)

And US Presence in Okinawa is critical to the overall military alliance

Dr. Kapoor, 2k10
(Dr. Rajesh Kapoor is Associate Fellow at the Centre for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi."The Strategic Relevance
of Okinawa"
Notwithstanding popular …. in Okinawa.

Their ev is just rhetoric—the alliance is resilient—star this card

Yakota 10
(Takashi, Newsweek Japan Correspondent, “A Pacific Squall”
In the run-up to the 50th …. believe any hype about a crisis.
Collapse inevitable—Japan’s moving closer to China

Auslin 10
(Michael, director of Japan studies at the American Enterprise Institute, was an associate professor of history and
senior research fellow at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University prior to joining
AEI. He has been named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, a Marshall Memorial Fellow by the
German Marshall Fund, and a Fulbright and Japan Foundation Scholar. “U.S.-Japan Relations: Enduring Ties,
Recent Developments” 3/17/10,
None of this, however, should …. a wary eye on exchanges between Beijing and Tokyo.

Outwork Everyone
File Name - Tournament G’Hill 2K10
2NC Alliance is Dead Weight

And there is no value to the alliance- lack of willingness on Japan’s part

Finnegan, 2k10
(Michael Finnegan is a Senior Research Associate with the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR). Prior to joining NBR in August 2008, he
served in the United States Army, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel with over 27 years of Commissioned and Noncommissioned service.
Since 1987, he served exclusively in the Asia-Pacific area. As a Foreign Area Officer specializing in the political-military affairs of Northeast Asia,
he served as the Senior Country Director for Korea for the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2003 to 2007 and most recently served as a
Special Assistant for Regional Strategy in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs. He holds an A.M.
in Regional Studies East Asia from Harvard University. "Return to Basics: Recalibrating the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance" Asia Policy, Number
10 July 2010
Beyond the question of capacity, … security concerns. The value proposition of the alliance is thus diminished.
2NC Alliance Turn

Troop presence is key to the overall alliance- allows us to meet treaty obligations

Schiffer, 2k10
(Michael Schiffer, Deputy Assistant Secretary Of Defense For Asian And Pacific Security Affairs (East Asia); Hearing
Of The Asia, Pacific, And Global Environment Subcommittee Of The House Foreign Affairs Committee)
The only readily … peace, stability, and economy prosperity in the region for decades to come.

2NC Alliance Resilient (1/2)

And the overall alliance is resilient-their evidence doesn’t assume other areas of cooperation

Oros, 2k10
(Andrew Oros is a specialist on the international and comparative politics of East Asia and the advanced industrial
democracies, with an emphasis on contending approaches to managing security. He also serves as Chair of the
Division of Social Sciences, Director of the first-year student Global Perspectives: Research and Writing Seminars.
‘The 50th Anniversary: Time for a “Renewal of Vows”’ Asia Policy, number 10 July 2010, 1–41
First, however, it is … should be maintained.

And the alliance can overcome Futenma

Oros, 2k10
(Andrew Oros is a specialist on the international and comparative politics of East Asia and the advanced industrial
democracies, with an emphasis on contending approaches to managing security. He also serves as Chair of the
Division of Social Sciences, Director of the first-year student Global Perspectives: Research and Writing Seminars.
‘The 50th Anniversary: Time for a “Renewal of Vows”’ Asia Policy, number 10 July 2010, 1–41
It is regrettable that the new …-Pacific partnership.

Outwork Everyone
File Name - Tournament G’Hill 2K10

2NC Alliance Resilient (2/2)

And the election was about the economy not foreign policy- there is overwhelming public support
for the alliance

Green, 2k10
(Michael J. Green is a senior adviser and holds the Japan Chair at CSIS, as well as being an associate professor of international relations at
Georgetown University. He previously served as special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Asian affairs
at the National Security Council (NSC), from January 2004 to December 2005, after joining the NSC in April 2001 as director of Asian affairs with
responsibility for Japan, Korea, and Australia/New Zealand. His current research and writing is focused on Asian regional architecture, Japanese
politics, U.S. foreign policy history, the Korean peninsula, Tibet, Burma, and U.S.-India relations. Dr. Green speaks fluent Japanese and spent over
five years in Japan working as a staff member of the National Diet, as a journalist for Japanese and American newspapers, and as a consultant for
U.S. business. He has also been on the faculty of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), a fellow at the Council on
Foreign Relations, a staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, and a senior adviser to the Office of Asia-Pacific Affairs in the Office of the
Secretary of Defense. He graduated from Kenyon College with highest honors in history in 1983 and received his M.A. from Johns Hopkins SAIS in
1987 and his Ph.D. in 1994. He also did graduate work at Tokyo University as a Fulbright fellow and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
as a research associate of the MIT-Japan Program. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute for Strategic
Studies, and the Aspen Strategy Group. He is also vice chair of the congressionally mandated Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission and serves on the
advisory boards of the Center for a New American Security and Australian American Leadership Dialogue and the editorial board of The
Washington Quarterly. “Redefining and Reaffirming the U.S.-Japan Alliance” Asia Policy, number 10 (july 2010), 1–41
Some observers have …, Hirano, and Okada).
2NC Decline Inevitable (1/2)

And decline inevitable-

A) Demographic Trends

Calder, 2k10
(Kent Calder is Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at SAIS/Johns Hopkins University. He is the
author of Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations, as well as Seven other books, and served as Special Advisor
to the U.S. Ambassador to Japan. “Alliance Endangered? Challenges from the Changing Political-Economic Context
of U.S.-Japan Relations” Asia Policy, number 10 July 2010, 1–41
Demographic trends … United States, notably China and Korea, than they do to Japan.

B) Lack of experts

Calder, 2k10
(Kent Calder is Director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies at SAIS/Johns Hopkins
University. He is the author of Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations, as well as Seven
other books, and served as Special Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Japan. “Alliance
Endangered? Challenges from the Changing Political-Economic Context of U.S.-Japan Relations”
Asia Policy, number 10 July 2010, 1–41
Even as U.S.-Japan … political-economic context within which the alliance is embedded.

Outwork Everyone
File Name - Tournament G’Hill 2K10
2NC Decline Inevitable (2/2)

C) No interagency dialogue

Ogoura, 2k10
(Kazuo Ogoura, a political science professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, is president of the
Japan Foundation."Japan-U.S. relations cry out for new management, dialogue"
There are indeed …. lies much deeper.

Outwork Everyone

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