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File Name - Tournament G’Hill 2K10

Turn Kadena is the Centerpiece of U.S. Deterrence in the Region – Chinese Perceptions of U.S.
Power Rest with Kadena
Swaine 2k5
(Michael, The Okinawa Question and the U.S.-Japan Alliance ed. Mochizuki, 127-31//ghs-ef)
The Taiwan Issue Remains the …. as in a Taiwan-related contingency.

Airpower Critical to Deter China From Attacking Taiwan

Dunlap 2k6
(Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap Jr. is the deputy judge advocate general of the Air Force. He has more than 30 years’
service and is a distinguished graduate of the National War College. He has served in Korea and has deployed for
numerous operations in the Middle East and Africa, “America’s asymmetric advantage,” pg online @ //ghs-ef)
This illustrates …. situation (Iraq included), the very existence of the U.S. is at risk.
Straits Times, 2K [staff, “Regional Fallout: No One Gains in War Over Taiwan,” LN//mac-dch
Will a full-scale Sino-US war lead to a …. inconceivable, it cannot be ruled out entirely, for China puts sovereignty above everything else.

2NC Kadena Turn Overview (1/3)

Prefer our impact- Removal of Kadena IMMEDIATELY changes China’s calculations and causes
them to invade Taiwan- jacking US-Sino Relations
Ross 2k2
(Robert, Professor of Political Science, Boston College, and Associate of the John King Fairbank Center for East
Asian Studies, Harvard University, International Security, “Navigating the Tiawan Strait: Deterrance, Escalation
Dominance, and US-China Relations,” //ghs-ef)
Fait Accompli Strategies and the …. defense minister in March 2002. 94

2NC Kadena Turn Overview (3/3)

US Sino Cooperation Solves Extinction

Wenzhong, PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2-7-2K4 (Zhou, “Vigorously Pushing Forward the Constructive and
Cooperative Relationship Between China and the United States,”
China's development needs a …. in China-US relations.

B. Solves the aff impacts- Airpower in the Pacific Stops Multiple Threats from Nuclear, Biological
and Chemical Weapon Use
Tellis et al ‘98
(Ashley, Ashley J., Senior Political Scientist at RAND specializing in South Asian Security, Chung Min Lee, James Mulvenon, Courtney
Purrington, and Michael D. Swaine, pg online @ //ghs-ef)
REGIONAL CONCLUSIONS …. will acquire long-range cruise missiles during the time frames examined in this report.

Outwork Everyone

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