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Apri1 16, 2021

General Paul Nakasone

National Security Agency
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755

Dear General Nakasone:

On March 23, 2021, I sent you a letter offering to meet to resoIve any concems you might
have related to my selection as General Counsel ofthe National Security Agency (NSA) or my
qua輯cations to serve in the position・ This letter followed a request from my attomey on
January 21 , 2021 , for information so I could help address any misunderstandings or concems.
Sbe Enclosures. Last week, I received a response in which you declined my request for a
meeting and did not provide any additional information・

Yesterday, in an open hearing ofthe House Pemanent Select Committee on Intelligence,

you stated that you were aware in December 2020 that the Department of Defense Inspector
General had completed a preliminary review ofthe process that led to my selection and found no
improper political influence. You also con魚med that NSA had followed its regular process

when it favorably a叫dicated my Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security

clearance. Even so, yOu declined to provide Congress with any additional infomation about
NSA’s actions.

I am disappointed that you are not willing to meet with me or provide any additional
infomation about NSA’s actions. It has been an honor to protect my country as a national

security professional since 2007, and I remain ready to serve as General Counsel ofNSA.
However, I have been on administrative leave for nearly three months without any explanation or
updates, and there is no sign that NSA will attempt to resoIve the issue. I therefore reslgn my
POSition, effective immediately.


Michael J. E11is

Letter from Michael Ellis to General Paul Nakasone, March 23, 2021
Letter from Paul Butler to General Paul Nakasone, January 21 , 2021

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