MN3042QA The Context of Business Term 2 Module Booklet 20-21

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Module Handbook

Module Title:
The Context of Business

Module Code:

Module Leader:
Hasa Ram

Session: November 20-21

Teaching period:
Pre-requisites: Where appropriate

Weblearn URL:

London Metropolitan University | Tower Building | 166–220 Holloway Road | London N7 8DB
Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7423 0000 |
London Metropolitan University is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 974438 and VAT registered number GB 447 2190 51. Our registered
office is at 166–220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB. London Metropolitan University is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011. Its registration number with HMRC is X6880.
Welcome to The Context of Business
Session 2020-21

Module Booklet Contents

1. Teaching team........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Module Summary and Description.................................................................................... 3
Module Learning Outcomes............................................................................................................................ 3
Module Syllabus/Content................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Indicative weekly teaching programme..........................................................................5
4. Attendance and Absence...................................................................................................... 7
5. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism................................................................................... 7
7. Grading criteria......................................................................................................................... 8

1. Teaching team

Details of staff teaching on the module

Name Role Office and Email
Hasa Ram Lecturer/Modul
Yao Semarco Lecturer

Yaneal Patel Lecturer

Godfred Osei Lecturer

Steven Lecturer

JeanMatanda Lecturer

2. Module Summary and Description

This module introduces students to the contexts of business. Business functions
including innovation, operations, marketing, human resource management, finance
and accounting, all of which interact with one another, can only be fully understood
when the environmental, organisational, and strategic contexts within which the
business operates are also understood. The focus of this module is the development
of students’ understanding of how business organisations work and operate in the
wider environment. Students’ have opportunities to examine the various functions of
businesses and their relevant environments. They will analyse a variety of business
situations and cases. This module introduces students to the concept of globalisation
in terms of its impact on socio-cultural, political, economic and technological factors.
The main aim of the module is to introduce students to the impact of various contexts
on business itself, and to provide them with opportunities to enhance a wide range of
academic and business skills such as commercial awareness, and sensitivity in
terms of people and cultures.

Module Learning Outcomes

LO1: discuss the concept of business contexts and demonstrate a range of skills
including commercial acumen;

LO2: explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses;

LO3: identify and explain how a business of your choice works and deals with
external challenges;

LO4: demonstrate commercial acumen and the ability to work collaboratively with
other students.

Module Syllabus/Content

The syllabus is structured around four main themes as follows:

The concept of business in context includes examining socio-cultural, political,

economic and technological elements and their impact on the various functions of

The second theme focuses on the functions of business. Students will be introduced
to the various functions including, inter alia, innovation, operations, marketing,
human resource management, finance and accounting.

The third theme is globalisation. Students are introduced to the concept of

globalisation and its impact, not only on global organisations but also on local small

Fourth, there is a wide range of academic and business skills embedded in this
module, such as academic literacies, commercial acumen, self-awareness and

3. Indicative weekly teaching programme

The indicative weekly programme shows the topic likely to be covered in each teaching
week, please note that the precise order can change. Check your Weblearn for up to date

To view the time, date and location of class see your personal timetable available at

No Week Topics Learning Objectives

1 11/01/2021 Module Overview Introductions to each other and module
2 18/01/2021 Business and Environment of What are businesses? How organizations

3 25/01/2021 Organizational structures Explore differences between organisations’

size, legal status and sector differences.
4 01/02/2021 Types of Industry & Organizational Sole Trader and Partnership, LTD, PLc.
structure Cont…
5 08/02/2021 Business Functions Identify the different activities and functions
business undertake to run efficiently
Operations/Production & Marketing

6 15/02/2021 Business Functions ( Continued) Finance

7 22/02/2021 Business Functions (Continued) Human Resources

8 01/03/2021 What is Globalization? Expansion of businesses beyond

9 08/03/2021 Poster design support / practice for How to design a Poster
Assessment 1
10 15/03/2021 Assessment 1: Group Poster Submission via Weblearn/Turnitin by 15th
March 2021 before 3. P.M.
Presentations in Class
Group Poster Presentation in w/c 15th
March during respective lecture & seminar
11 22/03/2021 Mission & Global Trade Vision, Mission Statements & Global Trade
12 29/03/2021 Importance of Economics Micro and macro economics
05/04/2021 Easter Break : Assessment Period
12/04/2021 Easter Break : Assessment period
19/04/2021 Assessment Period -
13 26/04/2021 Markets Demand and Supply Demand and Supply

14 03/05/2021 Market Research Services vs. Do we treat consumers differently
dependent on what is being offered?
15 10/05/2021 Challenges faced by businesses Understand what impacts on organisations
and how they meet challenges.
16 17/05/2021 Porter’s 5 forces & Business in a Understand and apply Porter’s five forces
What is Strategy?
Global Environment
Understand Globalisation of Business
Group Tutorials to develop Explain why nations and companies
participate in international trade.
Assessment 2
17 24/05/2021 Demonstrate an awareness of ethics in
Corporate Social Responsibility
18 31/05/2021 Assessment 2:Group Presentation Support / Feedback / Practice
– practice
19 07/06/2021 Assessment 2:Group Presentation Submission Weblearn/Turnitin by 7th June
in class/Webex (subject to any 2021 before 3. P.M.
change) Group Presentation in w/c 7th June during
respective lecture & seminar sessions.
20 14/06/2021 Business and Innovation Why businesses need to be innovative and

21 21/06/2021 SWOT Analysis How businesses can see their position and
standing in the market
121 Feedback

22 28/06/2021 Managing Change & Assessment 3

Support / Feedback
23 05/07/2021 Revision/Report/Academic Writing Assignment 3 – 121 support and feedback
24 12/07/2021 Assignment 3 - support Assignment 3 – 121 support and
25 19/07/2021 Assignment 3 : Submission Submission via Weblearn/Turnitin by 19th
through Weblearn July 2021 before 3. P.M.

Assessment Period 4/5

Assessment Period 6
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break / RESITS
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break
Semester Break

Semester Break

To pass the module you must achieve an overall minimum mark of

40%. If you pass the module on re-assessment, the component you
resit will be capped at a pass mark level of 40%

4. Attendance and Absence

Students studying at QAHE will be subject to the QAHE Student Attendance and
Engagement policy. You will be required to agree to abide with these policies during
enrolment for your programme at the QAHE Centre. Copies of the policy are
available in paper format from Student Services.
Studies have shown that a good attendance record has a positive impact on
performance and therefore is an important factor in helping you to fulfil your
academic potential. If your attendance is unsatisfactory, we will review your complete
You are expected to attend all scheduled classes and prescribed activities.
Otherwise you may not achieve the learning outcomes for your modules and could
be ineligible for formal assessment in some of them.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your attendance fulfils the published
attendance requirements as set by QAHE.

If you are aware that you will not be able to attend your scheduled class, please
email and inform them of your absence and the reasons for
your absence. Non-attendance will have implications for your visa and student loan
(for example, your visa or student loan could be revoked) and could, ultimately,
result in the possibility of you being withdrawn from the course.
QAHE recognises that you may need to undertake part time employment to support
your studies and may have other commitments such as childcare or family or
religious events. However, QAHE does expect you to fit these commitments around
timetabled sessions in order to take part in the course fully. If you are aware of an
event (for example, unexpected work commitments or a religious holiday) that is
going to disrupt your attendance at taught sessions you should discuss this with your
lecturer and inform .

5. Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Academic integrity requires honesty in your studies. You should not present another
person’s sentences or ideas as your own work. You should clearly identify quotations
through the use of quotation marks and references to the sources. Failure to adhere
to these academic standards may lead to allegations of academic misconduct, which
will be investigated by the Casework Office.

Academic misconduct covers a variety of practices, such as:
 Plagiarism: copying another person’s ideas or words and presenting them as
your own work, without the use of quotation marks and/or references;
 Self-plagiarism: reproducing parts of one of your assignments in another
piece of work;
 Inventing, altering or falsifying the results of experiments or research;
 Commissioning another person to complete an assessment;
 Collaborating with others in the production of a piece of assessed work which
is presented as entirely your own work;
 Cheating in an exam (e.g., by taking revision notes into the exam room).

For full details of academic misconduct and how allegations are investigated, see the
relevant section of the University’s academic regulations:

6. Assessment

All assessments are designed to support your learning and help you develop a
deeper understanding of the topics covered in your module.

 Formative assessments provide an opportunity to learn and do not contribute

to your grade.
 Summative assessment contribute to your overall mark and grades.

Module Assessments (Summative)

If not pass on aggregate,

Assessment % Week
Description of Item explain what is required
Method weighting Due
to pass the module
Group Poster Poster presentation 20% 10
Group Group presentation on 40% 18
Presentation globalisation
Individual 1500 word coursework 40% 25
Coursework on the impact of context
of a local business

7. Grading criteria
Grade Indicative Criterion

A+ 95
A 85
A- 75
B+ 67
B 63
C+ 57
C 53
D+ 47
D 43
F1 37
F2 23
F3 0
HM 0

8. Module specification

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