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SERVICE MANUAL ICF-SW77 US Model Canadian Model AEP Model UK Model E Model Australian Model ‘SPECIFICATIONS Circuit system FM: Single conversion superheterodyne Dual conversion superheterodyne AM: Frequency range v9] Frequency coverage: Fe [tw MW. Ww T |76.0-108Mtie [150 29,999 one 2 | 87-5-108Mh2 | 159 —— — 29 909.9412 3. | 87.5-toeMte|150-2esktte [591 "26, ;00KH2 4 | 7.5-roente|150-2esktte | 631-1 602KHe| 9.850-26,100KH2 "Seve ecapton when ung soso eaphenes Type 1: Countries that are not listed below Type 2: Germany, Austria, and Scandinavian countries Type 3: Saudi Arabia Type 4: Italy Intermediate frequency FM:10,7MHz LWIMWISW: 55.845MH2 (ist) 455kHz (second) Antennas FMISW: Telescopic antenna MWILW: Built in ferrite bar antenna Battery ite Speaker ‘Approx. 125% 77 mm (5 x 3in,) 3a Power output 400 mW (at 10% harmonic distortion) Outputs Recording output jack etarae mink) Output level 138 mV (1508) Output impadance less than 40 kilohm Earphone jack (stereo minijack) Power requirements evoc Four R14 (size C) batteries DC IN6 V jack accepts: + supplied AC power adaptor (except for Australian model) [Where [AC power urchases| adaptor {US modal | AC-E60# [120 V AG, i leone "| Canadian | AC-EG02 | 110-120) mode! 220-120 | AC, agjust- | blo, 50/ L ore UK modal | AC-E808 | 240 VAC, sone "| ‘AEP, E | ACEB00 | 110-120 v7 ‘Australian 220-120 model AC, adjust able, 50/ bore + DOC-E160L car battery cord (not supplied for use with 12 V car atlery ‘Approx. 20 hours (FM reception) ‘Approx. 12 hours (AM reception) Of listening for fours hours a day ata normal volume, using Sony SUM-2(NS) batteries, Continued on next page — LW/MW/SW/FM STEREO PLL SYNTHESIZED RECEIVER SONY. F-SW77 Dimensions 276% 172.5 x 46.5 mm (winid) (1olex8"%6>1"rsinches) including projecting parts and controls with antenna retracted Weight Approx. 1.48 kg (3 1/4 Ib) including batteries AC power adaptors (1) AC plug adaptors (1) Stereo earphones (1) Ear pad (2) Carrying belt (1) SSW compact antenna (1) External antenna connector (1) ‘Wave Handbook" (1) "How to Catch the Wave" (1) Preset Freauency Uist Not provided wih certain models Accessories supplied Design and specications subject to change without notice. Note ‘This appliance conforms with EEC Directive 87/308/EEC regarding interference suppression, The ICF-SW77 is availabe in various madels with dllerences, in frequency coverage and other variances. corresponding to the regulations of afferent countries. The main differences are shown in the following table, Please: check the type of your unit with respect fo each tem, The AM {LWIMWISW) and FM frequency ranges are indicated inside the top panel of your unit Despite he above diferences. the operating procedure oa tReunts are denical. Tho dletances are leary doscibed inthe text as required Frequency coverage wo] Mw sw — mao one 2 lars tos nne| 130 1 Feoos tne 5 lers-tos wmeiso-zesversor——- ze oowte 4 [erst 90 20s so -600 9980-28008, [SSB reception | Prowded | Provided Not provided (Ne SSB key) LProvises SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING! COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK (i, OR DOTTED LINE WITH MARK A\ ON THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL TO SAFE OPERATION. REPLACE THESE COMPONENTS WITH SONY PARTS WHOSE PART NUMBERS APPEAR AS ‘SHOWN IN THIS MANUAL OR IN SUPPLEMENTS PUB- LISHED BY SONY, + An LIWIMWISWIFM portable receiver with worldwide band coverage. + Quartz controlied PLL (Phase Locked Loop) synthesizer system using a microcomputer makes pinpoint tuning easy. FM stereo reception for earshones, + Smooth tuning with rotary manual tuning ial For AM reception, you can tune in by 50 H2 interval when you select “SLOW’ forthe tuning interval ‘Synchronous detector circuit reduces interference from adjacent stations (beats) and distortion due to fading in AM reception. + Choice of Preset Stations direct, manual, or scan tuning Preset Station Tuning. Tuning in a station by select ing the name of the preset station. (Page 12) Direct tuning. Tuning in the station by inputting the ‘trequency of the station directly. (Page 16) Manual tuning. .Tuning in the station by turning the dial. Even if you don't know the frequency of the station, you can tune in the station precisely, (Page 18) ‘Scan tuning, Searching for a station automatically, (Page 20) + Up to 162 frequencies can le memorized for Preset Station Tuning. You can ecit them in any desired order. (Page 21) + Program Time can be memorized in the Preset Station, which enables the unit to choose the tuning frequency automatically depending on the time. + You can label he Presel Station with a Station Name. + AM mode can also be memorized. Several stations on the Tuning Page are already preset in this unit atthe factory Other features Clock display...You can select trom lacal time or UTC. (Universal Time Coordinated} time indication, (Page 9) 5 sets of timer .. You can preset a desired station to be received at a desired time. (Page 27) ‘Sleep timer...You can make the radio tum oft auto matically after 60, 30, or 15 minutes. (Page 26) ‘Three different power sources...iniernal batteries, house current. or car battery. (Page 8) ATTENTION AU COMPOSANT AYANT RAPPORT ‘A LA sécuniré LES COMPOSANTS IDENTIFIES PAR UNE MARQUE SUR LES DIAGRAMMES SCHEMATIOUES ET La LISTE DES PIECES SONT CRITIQUES POUR LA SECURITE DE FONCTIONNEMENT. NE REMPLACER CES COM POSANTS QUE PAR DES PIECES SONY DONT LES NUMEROS SONT DONNES DANS CE MANUEL OU DANS LES SUPPLEMENTS PUBLIES PAR SONY. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Pose Specifications seeeteeceeeeeeeee Fenures oes: nn a SERVICING NOTES [Notes on Repairing Microcomputer Board 3 Microcomputer Board Checking -+s++-s---+ 3 LCD 802 Replacing Procedure =++-+s++ss000+ Poin ofthe Frequeney Coverage Adjustment ve s 2. GENERAL Location and Function of Controls 6 Power Sources - 8 Setting the Clock 8 Tips for Better Reception 9 Preset Station Tuning, 10 Direct Tuning 2 Manvel Tuning B ‘Scan Tuning 4 “Memorisng and Editing Stations “ Sleep Timer Operation 0 How to Set the Timer 7 Extemal Antenna Connection 18 Recording a Broadcast ++20:0++ “19 3. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS. Main VCO Frequency Adjustment 2» ‘Sub VCO Freerun Frequency Adjustment +-++- 20 XS01 (6.275 MHz) X'tal Adjustment ++++++++ 21 AM Ist IF Adjustment see 2d FM IF Adjustment ++++++++ “2 SYNC USBA.SB Zero ‘eat Adjsinent 2 AM Tracking Adjustment *++>+ 2 FM Tracking Adjustment +-++0+00e0ss006+ 23 FM Stereo Adjustment 2B FM Sean Stop Adjustment 24 Clock Frequency Adjustment (Merocomputer Board) Py] 4, DIAGRAMS 41, ICPin Function 26 42. Block Diagram 43. Microcomputer Section Printed Wiring Boards =+++ +--+ M 4-4. Microcomputer Section Schematic Diagram --~ 39 4-5. Signal Section Schematic Diagram 4-6, Signal Section Printed Wiring Boards 5. EXPLODED VIEWS 9-1-5. 59 6. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ICF-SW77 SECTION 1 SERVICING NOTES [Note on Repairing Microcomputer Board] ‘The user's program schedule data is memorized in EPROM IC806, When repairing by the microcomputer board replacement, ‘unsolder ICB06 on the user's board and solder it on the new board, [Microcomputer Board Checking] Checking the microcomputer board alone is possible. 1) Disconnect the flexible board from CN4O1 on the signal board, 2) Connect +6 V and ground to the points on the micro- ‘computer board in the following figure. 3). Short-circuit between +3VCPU and OFF LOCK lands (OFF LOCK key ON state), 4) Shor-circuit TST lands. 5) Pressing $805 ON/OFF key tums the microcomputer, board on or off. 6) Release the shorted TST, +3VCPU, and OFF LOCK lands ‘* POWER SUPPLY [wicRocompuror BoaRD} Component Side = regulated ‘tepower supply ‘© 43VCPU — OFF LOCK LANDS {auenocomPuToR BOARD} short-reuk IMicROCOMPUTOR BOARD} Component Side |CF-SW77 [L.cD802 Replacing Procedure] Perform in the order given. 1. Remove the microcomputer board and the key board the set 2. Short-cireuit between +3VCPU and OFF LOCK lands. 3. Short-citeuit TST lands 4. Connest lead wires for the power supply 5. Confirm LCD 802 indication, a. Apply +6 V tothe lead wire. ». Press $806 (ON/OFF key) ~ POWER ON ce. Press $843 (RESET key) ~~ ~ RESET 4._ ress $846 (FM key) on the key board +0» FM. ‘While pressing $829 (METER BAND key), press ‘S840(PAGE FEED } key) LCDall light up SE asea Su zesaoe BEaDg .. aeseee Ri tts Press S840 (PAGE FEED } key) So LD half tights up vee TTT + oa) oo 6. Confirm the LCD position by locking the hole on the left side ofthe LCD holder. 17. Remove LCD802 by loosening 6 twisted portion (k ‘mank) ofthe LCD holder. MICROCOMPUTER board 8. Place in the order, LCD holder, LCD, rubber connectors, light guide chip (B) in its positon confirmed in the item 6. white dots surtace light dude chip (B) rubber connectors Tamatch the edge OF LOD tothe wages orholes LCD and LCD holder positonings 9, Place the microcomputer board on LCD assembled in the item 8 and twist 6 portion for stopper of LCD holder, 10. Confirm LCD indication (Item 5a tof) 11, When the indication goes out of order, repeat the items 710 10 agai, [Points of the Frequency Coverage Adjustment] ‘The soldering on the bridge patterns FM, MW, or SW on, the microcompvete board realizes to change the frequency (uicRocomPUTOR BOARD] = Component Side a Frequency Coverage ‘Solder bridge point | ae Lw Mw sw ru | Mw | sw 1 | 76 — wane | 150 2939899 He open | OPEN | OPEN 2 | a7s—10smee | 150. 299999%kHz | SHORT | OPEN | SHORT 3. | s7s—1osmie | 150-285 ker | S31 26,1002 sHorT | OPEN | sHoRT 4 | s75~10emic | 150-r28siez | sar 1.o02ktHe | 3850->26,10KH2 | SHORT | SHORT | SHORT WuANaD @ NOWLOAS PICU a ener aey "yenuew uoponasuy | wou peroes nx@ S$} UORDES SIUL LLMS-491 | 1CF-SW77 re LMS-491 ieee LLMS-491 -ol— aS cu ) LLMS-491 | 1cF-sw77 i i BE i He 4H i Wl uy ay i SS LLMS-491 eae aL ZLMS-491 | —pl— LLMS-491 ICF-SW77 P16 ICF-SW77 ICF-SW77 P| Sg How to Use an External Antenne (Not ood vost na pry on ter pane Ete tua Toe femal hme ‘ocho st ome Dapeoane sna 28 ‘vn hap ti testing ee rg eer Antenna For Better SW Recepti (inane nado carat apn Fly se he ae | 29 LLMS-491 -61— LLMS-491 ICF-SW77 SECTION 3 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS [See page 25 fo iocation, Main VCO Frequency Adjustment setup: Band Selector. AM Frequency: 28999 itz MODE Selector Arbitrary Connect jumper wire a following figure Jumper wire ig! votmeter varicap vottage point troguency counter —— Oe [SIGNAL BOARt = Conductor Side — Procedure: "Adjust CTS02 fora $45 Mlle + 100 kt reading 2 Unsolder the jumper wire at B+ tan side ‘Connect this end to ground land ‘Confirm the counter reading shouldbe less han 93 Mz 3. After the adjustment, emove the jarpec wire 44 Confim te digital voltmeter reading should be less than 11.3 V. Sub VCO Freerun Frequency Adjustment ‘Setup: Bandselecor: AM Connect jumper wir as following fire, ‘equency counter jumper wire Procedure: 1. Adjust CTS03 fora 53.5 Miz + 100 KH reading 2. Unsolder the jumper wire at B+ land side. Connect this endto ground land. Confirm the counter reading shouldbe less than 49 MHz 3. After the adjustment, remove the jumpec wire. —~20- XS01 (6.275 MHz) X'al Adjustment Setup: Band Selecor: FM Frequency 59.00 Mite ‘requency counter TSIGNAL BOAi ‘Conductor Si Procedure: ‘Adjust CTSO1 fora 100 Mitz + 100 Hz reading ICF-SW77 ‘AM 1st IF Adjustment Setup: BandSeletor: AM MODE Selector: WIDE Frequency: 150 lla fr Display VOLUME conto: Aritary AMRF SSG Putthe oad wie ‘antenna close to the set CX mete 30% ampitude ‘modulation by. 400 He signal Procedure: 1. Tune nthe se tothe AM RF SSG frequency 2 Adjust 79 fora maximum ouput evel 3. Adjust L302 and L303 serately utpot eve 4. Final reponve shold bea illustrated below. ‘maximum and symmetrical 9 (center peak) ‘This response canbe checked by detuning the sto upper and lower sides ofthe center frequency in same amount, by changing SSC. frequency with s's requeney Unchanged 5. Repeat above steps several times unl no further improvement is obtined. ‘AM 455kHz IF Adjustment Sotup: Band Selector AM MODE Selecior: WIDE VOLUME conto: Arbitrary Procedur 1. Tunein the set to @ known, stale and strong AM station, 2 Adjust 731 fora maximum output eve te \cF-sw77 | FMIF Adjustment ‘AM Tracking Adjustment setup: setup: BanSeetor FM BindStecor AM Fregeny cept VOLUME cnt: Aimy au ar ssa Putte escaie PURE Sse eat te Capr| 1 ee CB | corse ae al 20% amplitude vr |__s Carat Vaitt:0s—5vec 2254 feaveney Tea el eine iphone LL “oor signal = ANTIN oe inte ql —— rosdphons jack “Adjust T253 to obtain a maximum signal output with VIVM, ‘SYNC USB/LSB ZERO-BEAT Adjustment Setup: Band Selector: AM MODE Selector. SSB (USB or LSBICW) Procedure 1 2 a “Tune in the et oa known, stable and song AM station ‘Adjust L30| for azero-beat note iW TRACKING ADJUSTMENT “Raju or a maximum reading on VIN ANTZ2 ‘C201 TW TRACKING ADJUSTWENT | —~Aajst or a maximum reading on VIVA ANTZ-4 1sSkie cram 280 eH ‘SW_ TRACKING ADJUSTMENT ‘Aaj or a maximum reading on VIVM, cre a6 Ts io ci 2.00 5 i00s CChage the MODE selector tothe opposite side band (ex. fist USB, ext LSBICW), and confirm it continues lo hold a zro-beat note ‘When i does’ adjust again —22— ICF-SW77 FM Tracking Adjustment FM Stereo Adjustment ‘Sot up: Setup: Band Selector, FM BandSelecor: FM Frequency: 87 SMHzor 108,000 Mit VOLUME contol: Arbitrary VOLUME control: Arbiracy {ig for service Al} ser roe Sites’ Geonrngna — ANTIN, Proce 1 RFSSG's and Se's Frequency: 87:5 MHz AdjstT251 and 7252 for a maximum output eve 2. RFSSO's and Set’ Frequency: 108.000 Miz ‘Adjust CT2S1, C1282, and CT253 fora maximum output level 3. Repeat above steps several times ending with trimmers until no further nprovement is bine, [SIGNAL BOARD] Conductor Sice Procedure: 1. Insert the headphones to headphones ack 2 Connect 10 Feapacitor as above figure 3. Tune the set to 96 Mis 4. Adjuse RVAOL for 75.9 ~ 76.1 Ka reading onthe fequency’ counter ~23- Icr-sw77 | FM Scan Stop Adjustment Setup: BandSelecor: FM VOLUME Conta: Ai FM RFSSG 0.01 uF [ee man omic (Pgeren 20% meditation (on SIGNAL board. byaoo te Ld Frequency Deviation: 22.5 ke Garner Frequency.” 5.028 Mie Sinpot Love O.5mv (54 cB) oscilloscope TSIGNAL BOARD] = Conductor So Procedure: 1 Tune the set 0 93 Mi 2. Adjust RV3D1 for LV down point onthe oscilloscope Clock Frequency Adjustment (Microcomputer board) Note: When X802 or X803 is replaced, tis necessary to adjust the clock frequency of IC related othe replaced onstal, Setup: ‘troquency counter [eee ~— 1? a rar 1ce0 i 1c802| LJ 1. | @ cree d GND rv TMICROCOMPUTER BOARD) Conductor Sido — regulated de | power supply (I #10801 Clock Frequency Adjustment 1 Connect the regulated de power spp othe microcomputer board 2. Press and keep on presing S801 (TIME SET ke). (Activates 2 Mle clock) 3. Adjust CT8O1 for 20060 +402 kiz reading on the frequency counter. Note: When S80 is released, 2 MHz clock will stop about 1 second ae e802 Clock Frequency Adjustment Connect the regulates de power supply tothe microcomputer board, 2. Turn radio on by pressing $806 (ON/OFF key). 3. Adjust C7802 for 20080 +40.2 Kitz ceasing on the frequency ~24- ‘Adjustment Location aun SRACKING C201 ANT22 SIGNAL BOAR Sonicare = eM na ~ Component Side FM cxana My ‘oe Test cTes1 crase tase 67253 / 301 58 FREQUENCY \ [ 1301 on a sw, a pe TRACKING e3—— Terminal [SIGNAL BOARD] w ondictor Sie / ‘Tse ‘SUB Vco Ebrs mie FREQUEN fp a corso, FREQUENCY i GaN’ Xs01 (275M) Veo! tal FREQUENCY ys ICF-SW77 SECTION 4 DIAGRAMS, 4-1. IC PIN FUNCTION 1C801 (MAIN MICRO COMPUTER) M5093 PinNo.| PortName | iO | Signal Name Description L $8 © | secs | SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TOLCDsar a 2 s7_| 0 | seG7__| SeoMENT SIGNAL OUTPUTTO LCDSor 3 6 0 ‘8866 ___| SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCD80t «| s | secs | SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDs 5 s¢_ [0 | seca | SEGMENTSIGNAL OUTPUT TO LcDsor 7 6 S 0 | seca SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO.LCDeDi [ema 3 0 sec2 | SéGMBNT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO.LCDs0I - _| 3 st [0 | secr | Seomenr sional ourruT To LcDani ome | eenicnl (0| seco | SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TOLCDSo: wo |" coms [0 |” coma | common sionaL OUTPUT TOLcpao —_| u_| “coma [0 | com | common sionat ourpurTo tepaor | 12 | com [0 |” com | commonsional OurutTo Lepsor | 3 [como [© | como | common sionat oureur To Lcpsor 1% VL r BIAS VOLTAGE FOR LCD801 [os | ww la BIAS VOLTAGE FOR LDEO! 16 | vis BIAS VOLTAGE FOR LCDS01 7d | voc POWER SUPPLY INPUT 8 CNTR cf ‘PULSE CONUNTER FOR ROTARY ENCODER INPUT 19 | SRY ‘SERIAL COMMUNICATION READY SIGNAL INFUT SCK SERIAL COMMUNICATION CLOCK OUTPUT SERIAL COMMUNICATION DATA INPUT. 7 ° isle | 0 SERIAL COMMUNICATION DATA OUTPUT t ° 1 a | Starr SERIAL START SIGNAL OUTPUT. COMMENIGATED WITH ICD 2 | SRE [ SERIAL COMMUNICATION REQUEST FROM ICS02 [xe ‘CONNECTED TO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR x0) x xco [of CONNECTED TO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR O80 Fe PULSE COUNTER FOR ROTARY ENCODER INPUT ws | vss | CONNECTED TO GROUND - 2 RESET 1 RESET SIGNAL INPUT = oa a CONNECTED TO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR OH) 21 a nom af0 CONNECTED TO CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR 8m) 2 [vs ConNcTED TO GROUND 3B Par 1 a) KEY INPUT REQUEST FOR KR7 AND KRS_ = [rs [| Reka RETURN SIGNAC INPUT : [ors [a RRS___| KEY RETURN SIGNAL INPUT ass 36 [ra _[ 1) RR xe RETURN SIONAL INPUT Em) 1 RRB KEY RETURN SIGNAL INPUT Z 3 [ra [1 | RR | Kev RETURN SIGNAL FUT 39 [rt | 1] RR | KEY RETURN SIGNAL INPUT ore [er ee RT UR SNAC INPUT is ICF-SW77 PinNo,| Port Name | vO | Signal Name Description a Pu L RRS __| KEV RETURNSIGNAL INPUT @ | Pie r RT| KEY RETURNSIGNAL INPUT @ | ps [0 | _kss__| Kevscanourut a@ | pu | 0 | KS | KeYscaNourruT 6 pp [0 | ®S | kevscanourrur “| 2 | 0 | ®S | Kevscanourur 7 | eu | o K KEYSCAN OUTPUT | ro [o RS0__| KEYSCANOUTUT ‘| Por 1_| OFF LOCK | KEY LOCK DETECT INPUT so] Pos 1_|_RELOCK | ROTARY ENCODER LOCK DETECT INPUT st Pos 1 | Eery | BaTTRY EMPTY SIGNAL INPUT s2_|_ Poe 1 | EXCHG | BATTRY CHANGE SIGNAL INPUT = |r | o NC | NOTCONNECTED 54 ro2__| 0 | PRE | POWER SUPPLY CONTROL SIGNAL FOR ICAO? 3 por | 0 | uoHT | LeDDRIVEOUTPUT 36 poo [0 | _ Reser _ | RESET SIGNAL OUTPUT TO 1C802 2 | si | o ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LDBDI = so | 0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDSD1 = | | 0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDSO1 o | ss [0 ‘SEGMENT SIONAL OUTPUT TOLCDS01 a crime EO) ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDBOI (eat | Scone | 3K! ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDBOI (esta |Saecsia |X! ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCD801 (ora | Sasol |X! ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDaOI Cobo ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDaOi Cac ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDaOi CEE ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TOLCDa0i esi zoe |) ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LeDa1 esis asioman ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDSOT oles aia [a SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TOLCDEOI 7 s7 | 0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDEOL n | sé | 0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDeO! | vss] = CONNECTED TO GROUND m | sis | o ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TOLCDEOI 75 su [0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDS0: % | sB_ | 0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDS0: 7 |_s2_|0 ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCD80: 7% |S | ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCDaOi ~ | sa | o ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCD801 o s ° ‘SEGMENT SIGNAL OUTPUT TO LCD8O1 ~27- ICF-SW77 1co02(suB MICRO COMPUTER) arasoms FinNo,| PomNane [ 10 [Signa Name Bescon 1 [sc _ | - | ne [norcomecta 2 [rr [0] ne | nor connecrep = 3 evi o BEEP BEEP SIGNAL OUTPUT Z 4 Ps? 1 BUSY LCD802-1 CONTROL DRIVER IC80S ACTIVATING SIGNAL INPUT. a 3 [re [| 6 | sect stonat ourput To ucon7 CONTROL DRIVER ICs ¢ [55 [0 | ci | pxtweownoL SELECT SIGNAL GUTPUT TO CONTROL DRIVER G35 7 [es [0 | — st | bata stwat OUTPUT T0 CONTROL DRIVER ems 3 pss [0 | GER | CLOCK StGNAL OUTPUT TO CONTROL DRIVER ICB05 ~ 9 [2 [0 [Res | RES siowat ouTPUTTO CONTROL DRIVER cas w]e CONNICTED TO GROUND P50 L CONNECTED TO GROUND ~ rep [[eowvecteD ro crown = a [ eonvecteD 70 crown : a CONNECTED TOGROUND is) CONNECTED TO GROUND z 16 P63, 1 CONNECTED TO GROUND. _ 7 P62 1 CONNECTED TO GROUND _ se CONNECTED TO GROUND 1» [wnt [1 |__| SERIAL START SIONAL WUT. COMMUNICATE WITTER [we [0 | WR | NoTCONNecTeD _ _ [21 RD o RD NOT CONNECTED z2_[ Ral [0 | nA Nor CONNECTED 2 | Sync o ‘SYNC NOT CONNECTED _| 24_[ Reso] 0 | nso NOT CONNECTED EI CNVSS = CONNECTED TO GROUND Z ao [ RESET [1 | mse RESET wu 7 NC = NC NOT CONNECTED | 2s [xt | 1 | x1 eonnscre 10 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR [x0 | 1 | x0 Conner To CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR om) 2 [ne [= [ne [Nor conncren a 3 é@ ° E___| NOTCONNECTED memes 32 vss = CONNECTED TO GROUND a 3 Par 1 CONNECTED TO GROUND | 34_[_F6 | 1 [60K | ON DETECTION woDE “SYNC” AND TERMINAL S-WGIFNDIOATES “SLOG 3s_[ mis [ 1” sbi] onScaN, STATION SIGNAL INPUT a | em] 0 | wane | PORBROW Ort: Fowen SONAL OUTTOTON OIE ACVATING 7 P23 o MUTE. MUTE SIGNAL OUTPUT. HIGH: MUTE ae = 38 P22. ° POWER | RADIO POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT. HIGH: RADIOON 3» p21 | vo | SbL__| INPUTIOUTPUTFOR EPROM DATA READWRITE = @_[ re | 0 | scx | cue OUTPUT FOR EPROM DATA READWVRITE -28~ Piao, PortName | 10 | Signal Name Description a [ne | - | ne __| NOTCONNECTED 2 |e7__| © | WR | wrrTe To Lcps022 CONTROL DRIVER Ics0i [38 rie | 0 RD__| READ TO LCD802-2 CONTROL DRIVER 1C804 t_| rts | 0 | aS | RESISTOR SELECT TO LCDeD2-2 CONTROL DRIVER 10808 [eu | 0 | acs | curserectToicior w_| pa [ 0 | Lam? | LATCH StoNAL FoR PLL OUTPUT |p 0 | _tar | LACT stonat FoR BAND OUTPUT w_| eu [0 | pra | DATASIGNAL FOR BAND, FLL OUTPUT |p| 0 | c1x _ | CLOCK SIGNAL FOR BAND, PLL OUTPUT so_| 7 | 0 | rr | DaTA7OUTPUTTOICOM Ee a) DATA 6OUTPUTTO Cent 2 | [o DATA S OUTPUT TO 0804 = | ew | o DATA «OUTPUT TO 16804 | ma | 0 | Ps | data sourPur To icso0 || 0 | m2 | oaTazouTPUTTO Lome ss | mo | 0 | Por | DaTarouTPUT TO Ioaoe 7] mo | 0 | Pov | DataoourmurTo cane 3 |p| 1 _| Pe | CONNECTED TOGROUND 3_| me | 1 | P46 | CONNECTED TO GROUND @_| ms [1 | ras] CONNECTED TO GROUND |p [1 | Pee | CONNECTED TO GROUND @_| pe [1 _| P| CONNECTED TOGROUND | pa | 1 | a2 | CONNECTED TO GROUND |p| 1 | Pat | CONNECTED TOGROUND os | pw | 1 | SMETER | SMETER SIGNAL INPUT. AD CONVERSION IS PERFORMED w_[ oar [0 | pA? ___| norcoNNecreD | oat__| 0 | Dal ___| NOT CONNECTED os_| oavrer [1 | DAVREF | CONNECTED TO GROUND | apvrer [1 | ADVREF | POWER SUPPLY INPUT (S¥), 70|_avss | — | _AVSS | CONNECTED TO GROUND n1_[ avec | =| AvCo | POWER SUPPLY INPUT (5) m_| voc | - | vec | Power surpcy wrut ov) 73 _| _vss__| - | vss | ConNecrep To GRounD 74 |_SROY_| 0 | SRY _| SERISL READY SIGNAL OUTPUT 75_| souk [1 | SCK | SERIAL CLOCK DATA INPUT 76 | s0 | 0 | 880 _ | SERIAL DaTASIGNAL OUTPUT 7] _st__| 1 | ssi__| SERIAL DATA SIGNALINPUT ze_| m3 [© | sR60__| ConnecTeD To GrounD 7 | pe [4 ‘CONNECTED TO GROUND w_| _xc_[ - | ne Nor connecren —29— ICF-SW77 ‘¢ Semiconductor Lead Layouts axoaos7e Mets0940F a MersHeaD4oF EMSSOR MersHeaos3r We MeraHesssae SNTAHGDZANS SNTAHCISBANS SNTAHESBTANS. oxDsss0M SN74HCOANS orn Shratondans 246168-67000 z M37450Me-456FP_ ae Ms0s33-124FP. lo into Lassssi Ll L Lasoosm RFSRDs018 RFSRDso1AC Theartzcps uPCt0s7GR . 2sk1s20.U96 ee —54— '* IC Block Diagrams le301 oxata76s tc80s_.PD7225G8.387 ee] SHER] Ce t 1804 SED1210F1G agagages dead $ i 1 Ta ca marae i § yo mean H remy ||! oes J 8 ecm (2) CHASSIS SECTION

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