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A How To Guide

For Nursing

By Neelam Girn
Highschool Requirements
Applying For Colleges
• The first step is to find nursing schools either in your province or abroad. The best
nursing school in British Columbia is Douglas College. The best post-secondary in
British Columbia for nursing school, would include, Douglas College, KPU, UBC,
and UVIC.
• The next step is to apply for the admission courses needed to get into nursing
school. You would need to take Biology, English, Social Sciences/Humanities, Math
or Psychology for 3 semesters.
• Once you have completed your admission courses, the next step is to apply for the
fall or winter semester.
• Once you have completed your admission courses, it is time to apply for the BSN
program. There will be a potential interview for further information, you need a
Basic Life Support Certificate, a health assessment, a required immunization record,
a criminal record check, a non-violent Crisis intervention Certificate, and
a Respiratory Mask Fit-test.
Mental Health
• Stress in nursing students is mainly caused by factors of their academic
life and hospital practices; it can be intense, repetitive, and exhausting.
• Stress can affect their learning skills, by reducing them in an academic
environment. The reduction of their learning skills is a crucial impact, as
it would decrease their academic success and their ability to strive for
their goals.
• In the last years of training as a registered nurse, are the years where
they are faced with severe emotional stress and exhaustion. The
stressors include academic factors, high demands of
successful clinical practice, academic assessments, and future
expectations about employment.
• It is estimated that up to 55% of students report depressive symptoms,
burnout, and increased alcohol consumption during their life.
How to Combat Nursing
• Self-care is simple, but extremely important to feel long lasting relief
and relaxation through tough courses. Getting enough sleep is
crucial, as sleep deprivation is physically harmful and mentally
draining. As well, getting enough exercise can reduce stress
hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
• A set schedule is key to staying organized, which will coherently
reduce stress of nursing school.
• Accept yourself during clinicals. These practices are one of the
most stressful aspects of nursing school, as you are putting the
knowledge you have learned to action.
• Communicate with loved ones and peers. Since nursing school
can make you feel isolated and alone, it is important to talk to family,
friends, and especially your peers.
Cons of Nursing
• Physical pain- Foot problems and back injuries are common
occurrences, when being this specific health care professional.
• Long Hours- a typical shift is 12 hours, but nurses can find
themselves working up to 15 hour shifts.
• Virus Exposure- There are extreme forms of exposure that include
being infected from a blood-borne illness by a patient if his or her
needle pricks you. In addition, to being splattered by bodily fluids in
the eyes can cause serious infections.
• Stress- Nurse's experience extreme stress while in nursing school
and when officially working under high pressure and in life or death
• Emotional Burnout- Human suffering can greatly affect a nurse’s
Pros of Nursing
• Helping Others-providing a safe environment for patients through special
care, can allow them to feel important and supply a faster healing
• High Demand- Since the economic model of supply and demand effects
nursing, many nurses over the age of 50 would be in retirement.
• Job Satisfaction- In 2015 a survey was conducted on around 8,000
nurses of whether nursing satisfied them. 85 percent of nurses reported
that they were satisfied with their job with decent salary.
• Diverse Opportunities- As hospitals have the largest number of
employed nurses, they still have the option to work in contrasting
• Flexible Schedules- Being a registered nurse, you can choose to work
full time, part time, or on a call basis, depending on your employer.
• Trusted Union- Being in a nursing union means that you are protected for
its organizations members interests.
The Qualities of a Successful Nurse
• Caring- You need to understand that patient care is not just about the medical aspect of
nursing, but of their emotional being too.
• Communication Skills- Medical errors are more prone to occur, without the ability to
interpret and convey communication the right way.
• Attention to Detail- In this hectic environment, a successful nurse must be detail oriented,
as fully understanding instructions must be followed to the letter, securing the correct
medication dosages, and keeping accurate records.
• Stamina- nurses walk an average of 4-5 miles per shift, as studies have shown. Within a 12-
hour shift, nurses exert a balance of physical and emotional stamina. They must learn to
be strong through the deaths of patients and dealing with difficult families, as well as the
stress of being able to move quickly in dire situations.
• Respect- This important quality of a nurse will present mindfulness for confidentiality and
rules, and high consideration for each patients personal and medical wishes.
• Amy decided to go into nursing because of her father.
• As her personal steps, she first talked to Douglas and KPU of the requirements and the
roots of nursing.
• When you receive a genuine thank you from someone and then seeing that change in
their health for the better is truly rewarding; it provides a stronger drive.
• In order to become a successful nurse, you need to be compassionate and open minded
to learn.
• Some challenges she stated include, You are always working stressed, as hospitals are
short staffed. As well, the supply of masks are monitored as the supply is short.
• Amy does recommend this profession due to the job opportunities globally. Also, since it is
a respected profession.
• While working during the pandemic, she had the proper protective gear on and being
updated with the new policy changes. There wore new gowns as well as goggles, hair nets,
and surgical masks.
Interview continued
• As being a postgraduate, Amy recommends going
into labor and delivery, The joys of motherhood
and the beauty of the birthing process.
• Amy deals with stressful situations by letting go of
the aspects she has no control over. By taking a
step back and realizing that by stressing over
situations you have no power of, is a waste of time
and energy.

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