Biology Lesson Plan: TH TH

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Biology Lesson Plan

Name: Whitney Mills Grade: 9th/10th Subject:


Lesson Title: Ecological Succession Date: February

17, 2021

Unit Level Learning Goals:

Students will be able to evaluate and communicate information about organisms and how they live off
one another and their community.
State Mandated Standard(s):
SB5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to assess the interdependence of all organisms
on one another and their environment.
C. Construct an argument to predict the impact of environmental change on the stability of an
IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson
The overall IEP goal that will be addressed in this lesson is Reading Comprehension. The students will
read through the notes and be able to answer a question with 80% accuracy. Every student in the
class has this goal.
Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned
I will measure the lesson objectives by reviewing their For an informal Feedback:
answers that they gave while participating in class. This assessment I will ask the I will provide
allows me to understand where they stand with the students questions verbal feedback
concepts. I will be able to understand what they have throughout the lesson to to the students
throughout the
understood from the lesson. They will demonstrate their assess what knowledge
lesson. I will let
mastery by answering a question out loud. They will also they have attained. As them know how
be able to demonstrate their mastery by telling me what a another informal great they are
vocabulary word means. assessment, the doing when they
students will play an participate
interactive game at the throughout the
end of class. This game lesson and when
is a great way to assess they understand
if the students what is being
understand the steps of taught. I will also
ecological succession. provide feedback
when they might
need some extra
guidance with the

Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of

The communication skills that will be required for this The vocabulary that will Vocabulary
lesson will include understanding what ecological be taught in this lesson and/or
succession is, understanding the difference between will include Succession, Communication
primary and secondary succession, and understanding Primary Succession, Skill in the
what a pioneer species is. The students should be able Pioneer Species, and Lesson:
to provide informed answers when asked questions or Secondary Succession. I will utilize this
prompts. vocabulary
throughout the
lesson in both
the PowerPoint
and the
Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive
The materials required for this lesson include PowerPoint I will use the smartboard Technologies:
slides 1 through 11 and an interactive game. This will in the classroom. I will The assistive
also involve a video of underwater succession. The also use Chromebooks. technologies for
students will also be provided guided notes. Another form of this lesson will
Game link- technology will be the include subtitles students' phones. with videos.
Video Link-

Planned Supports: One way for planned support is the use of

prompts throughout the lesson. A lot of the
students need the prompts to continue to
pay attention through the lesson. Prompts
are also helpful because many students
need prompts in order to understand the
questions being asked.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: For Differentiated Instruction Strategies, I
will differentiate instruction by teaching
Ecological Succession with the use of
guided notes. I will be using three different
sources to help get the information through
different ways of learning. I will be using a
video, a PowerPoint, and an interactive
game. This is a way for me to connect the
information in different ways for each of the
students.This is the way I will differentiate
learning for the students.
Planned Collaboration with Others: I will collaborate with my placement
teacher. She will assist me throughout the
lesson by giving more examples to the
students so that they have a greater
understanding of the topic.
Management Considerations: The two biggest management
considerations will be their phones and
behavior. They love to be on their phones
instead of paying attention. There is also
one student who loves to blurt out
answers. To address the student who
blurts out answers, I will tell the students
that when answering a question we will
take a minute to let everyone write their
answers. I will then call on a student to
answer. This allows everyone to have a
chance to answer their question with no
interruption. To address the phones, before
the lesson the students will be told to put
the phones away. At the end of class they
will have a couple minutes of technological
exploration to find an image about a man
made ecological succession and share it
with a classmate.
Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook: (5 minutes)
The hook I will use is a video of an
underwater ecological succession that
occurred on a sunken boat.
Connection to Background Knowledge or
Previous Learning:
I will connect this to their previous learning
because the day before their teacher will
have talked to them about Mt. Saint Helen
and the succession that happened there.
The knowledge being taught today will
build on that. At the beginning of the
lesson, I will ask the students how Mt.
Saint Helens connects to us discussing
ecological succession.
Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step Procedures/Teaching Introduce and Model New Knowledge: (20
Strategies minutes)
I will introduce and model new knowledge
through a PowerPoint. There will be
pictures so the students can see the
different types of ecological succession.
Guided Practice: (5 minutes)
Guided practice will be questions about the
information sprinkled throughout the
Independent Practice: (15 minutes)
The independent practice will be the
students playing an interactive game on
Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning: (5
To summarize learning, we will go over
what students believe to be the big ideas of
Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:
The connection to tomorrow's lesson is that
we will continue talking about ecological
succession in a more in depth
Notes: The lesson did not take as long as I
thought it was going to take. It is important
to have a backup plan in case a lesson
runs short.

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