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Batman Begins

1. Ordinary World –

Bruce Wayne is the son of Martha and Thomas Wayne, who was a wealthy
surgeon/philanthropist/CEO of Wayne Enterprises. So, Bruce was not an ordinary kid,
but his ordinary world was living in a mansion and having a butler.

2. Call To Adventure –

Bruce’s ordinary world gets stripped away from him when his parents are shot and killed
in an alley way for their money and valuables. This makes Bruce have a resentment
towards any type of criminal. Bruce is then raised by his butler Alfred.

3. Refusal Of The Call –

At first Bruce thinks it is his fault they got shot because he wanted to leave the play they
were attending early. He gets over this guilty feeling eventually but wants to figure out

4. Meeting The Mentor –

Bruce’s life hasn’t been the happiest because of his loss. He travels the world. He wants
to study why people steal and commit crimes, so he joins a group heisting Wayne Tech,
so he ends up in a Bhutanese prison. Ra’s al Ghul waits in his cell and when Bruce enters
he begins to introduce himself and then offers Bruce a path.

5. Crossing The Threshold –

Once Bruce is freed from prison he journeys to where Ra’s told him to go and climbs to
the monastery on the mountain. He enters the home of the League of Shadows and finds
himself beginning training shortly after.

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies –

Bruce joined the League of Shadows because he wants to fight injustice. He learns things
from the League of Shadows and more specifically Ra’s al Ghul. He takes each lesson in
and begins to look up to Ra’s.
7. Approach To The Inmost Cave –

Bruce’s final act to be committed is that he must execute a man who committed a crime.
This is not what Bruce thought the Shadows were about.

8. Ordeal –

He also learns that the League of Shadows’ true intentions are to destroy his home,
Gotham. Bruce cannot do this so he destroys the building though saving Ra’s.

9. Reward (Seizing The Sword) –

Now Bruce returns to Gotham seeking to put an end to the crime taking place there. He
dawns the Batman outfit and begins to fight crime using the martial arts and other things
he learned in the League of Shadows.

10. The Road Back –

The League of Shadows was not destroyed by Bruce. They had begun bringing a fear
toxin into Gotham, employing Carmine Falcone and Scarecrow. Batman puts both men in
jail but not before the League was able to contaminate the city’s water supply which they
then began to vaporize. Causing everyone to hallucinate extremely bad.

11. Resurrection –

Batman has to stop the League before they can vaporize all the water and they succeed.
Batman leaves Ra’s on a train about to crash and that is the end of him.

12. Return With The Elixir –

Bruce realizes that as Batman he can help stop Gotham’s crime. He knows that killing is
not something he should do and seeks to do what he can and this also intimidates the
average criminal.

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