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Lesson Plan Title: Recycling Competition Reading & Comprehension Work

Concept / Topic to Teach: Reading fluency & comprehension

Objectives (Iowa Core Standard(s):

A. Students with an IEP in reading & writing

B. Will be able to read the passage fluently and use context clues to figure out the meaning of words. They will
also be able to craft a paragraph.

C. Repeated reading practice

D. Each student will be able to successfully independently read through the practice and answer the questions

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Discussion on what it means to be a fluent reader and look through a fluent reader rubric


1. How to read & comprehend a piece of text

2. How to compare and contrast two subjects using a venn diagram

Input/Step-By-Step Procedures for Direct Instruction w/time estimate:

Introduce the reading and I read the text, Recycling Competition (2 minutes)

(Between Answering the 2 questions & Creating a Venn diagram) Directions for the paragraph they will be writing (
2 minutes)

Modeling: I will be reading along with the students and then modeling how to get started with their paragraphs by
creating a venn diagram and topic sentence

Checking for Understanding: The answers to their questions and their paragraph

Step-By-Step Procedures for Guided Practice w/time estimate:

Reading as a small group through the passage, Recycling Competition ( 5-7 minutes)

Students take turns reading

Together, read and answer questions 1&2 ( 5 minutes)

Together, create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting Art and Music (8-10 minutes)

Brainstorm words that are used when comparing and contrasting ( 2 minutes)

Get the students started with their paragraphs, brainstorm the topic sentence together ( 3 minutes)

Let the students write their paragraphs individually ( 5-10 minutes)

Plan for checking for understanding Stopping throughout the text and asking questions or clarifying

Plan for Independent Practice (may be outside of class): Continuing to do this type of reading and comprehension
work in a small group setting

Closure: Students wrapping up their paragraphs and going back to the big class

Required Materials: Worksheet, pencils, whiteboard for me

8. Assessment based on objectives: The compare and contrast paragraph writing assignment

· Adaptations (for students with learning disabilities): Sentence starters given by me

· Extensions (for gifted students): Being able to go on and write more by themselves

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