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50 Best

Calisthenic Exercises
50 Best
50 Best
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Introduction 8
What Are Calisthenics Exercises? 9
Are Calisthenics Exercises Effective? A Look At Current Evidence 10
How Does Calisthenics Work? 12
Benefits And Potential Drawbacks Of Calisthenics 13
Benefits Of Calisthenics 13
How About The Drawbacks? 13
Top Calisthenics Workouts For Beginners 14
1. Scapula Push-Ups 15
2. Rotator Cuff Stretches 16
3. Chest Stretches 17
4. Scapula Foam Roll 18
Increasing Mobility In The Lower Body 19
5. Mountain Climbers 20
6. Deep Squat 21
7. Hip Flexor Stretch 22
8. Piriformis Foam Roll 23
9. Knee Circles 24
10. Adductor Foam Roll 25
Increasing Core Mobility 25
11. Side Leans 26
12. Spine Foam Roll 27
Exercises To Include In Calisthenics Workout Routine 27
13. Push-Ups 28
14. One-Arm Push-Ups 29
15. Wall Push-Up 30
16. Wrist Push-Up 31
17. Rows 32
18. Rock Climber Pull-Up 33
19. Rope Pull-Up 34
20. Wide-Grip Pull-Up 35
21. Incline Pull-Up 36
22. Chin-Up Pull-Up 37
23. Triceps Dip 38
24. Box Dip 39
25. Fast Muscle-Up 40
26. False Grip Muscle-Up 40
27. Wall Walks 41
28. Ninety-Degree Push-Ups 42
29. Parallette Handstand 43
30. Freestanding Handstands 44
31. Planks 45
32. Crunch 46
33. Dragon Flag 47
34. Hanging Knee Raise 48
35. Window Wipers 49
36. Single Leg Squat 50
37. Calf Raise 51
Calisthenic Exercises For Conditioning 51
38. Jump Lunges 52
39. Bear Crawls 53
40. Star Jumps 54
41. Sprints 55
42. Jump Squats 56
43. Squat Thrusts 57
Working On Flexibility 57
44. Cobra Stretch 58
45. Quad Stretch 59
46. Chest Stretch 60
47. Upper Back Stretch 61
48. Cat Stretch 62
49. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 63
50. Hamstring Stretch 64
Developing A Calisthenics Training Program 65
Conclusion 67

Have you recently seen someone creating a human flag in the park? Or maybe they
used the bars at the local park as a way to do a few chip-ups in the outdoors? Chances
are, you’ve observed calisthenics in action.

Today, calisthenics is no longer a new term. We hear it all the time, even when visiting
a gym. It has become a popular training method that requires nothing more than
gravity and your own body weight. Calisthenics does not require lengthy or expensive
gym memberships, and the world becomes your playground with this training method.

You’ve shown an interest in calisthenics, perhaps after seeing it in real life, or maybe
you watched a video on YouTube. The problem, however, is that getting started can be
a challenge. Most people won’t be able to go out and do a human flag on their first run
with calisthenics. In fact, this particular method is generally considered advance – it
requires dedication and a lot of strength.

The good news is, that guy doing the human flag so easily had to begin somewhere.
Following the right guidance, understanding how calisthenics work, and knowing
where to begin – these are factors that are sure to contribute to your success. They are
also factors that we will be addressing in this book.

By following this book, you will discover what calisthenics is and find out how you can
develop a training program that matches your preferences, needs, and your goals. You
will also discover 50 of the best calisthenic exercises that are perfect for beginners.
We look at a few myths surrounding these exercises too and consider the truth behind
each of these.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

While calisthenics has become popular, many people do not thoroughly understand how
the process works and what it does. With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea
to start this book out by providing an easy-to-understand explanation.

The word “calisthenics” originates from the Greek language. There are two specific Greek
words that were used to develop the term “calisthenics.” These include Kalos and Stenos.

Kalos translates to “beauty,” whereas Stenos translates to “strength.”

You should note that calisthenics was not originally intended to help you gain strength
and muscle mass. In fact, the program was initially implemented in schools and
educational institutes. Calisthenics was used as a way to promote the overall health of the
body – particularly among children.

Over the years, calisthenics has evolved. It is no longer a simple activity used to help
promote fitness and health among children at school. Today, people have taken the idea
of calisthenics and created more intensive versions – which means more resistance and,
as a result, the ability to create a training program that works for adults too.

Calisthenics is generally not performed in a gym, although some people do visit a gym to
perform a few moves that form part of their training program. If you prefer not to go to a
gym, then no problem – you can perform the exercises that are part of calisthenics even
when you do not have your own equipment at home.

As you gain more experience in calisthenics, note that you can expand your horizons and
make the outdoor world part of your experience. This is why calisthenics is often called a
street workout – many people take the exercises to the park or other outdoor areas.

Calisthenics is sometimes called bodyweight training too. This is due to the principle
behind the exercises. While you would usually pick up a set of weights when training,
calisthenics generally does not involve the use of such equipment. Instead, the exercises
that are part of a calisthenics program uses gravity, combined with your own body’s
weight, to create resistance. This, in turn, helps you activate muscle hypertrophy, which
results in an increase in both muscle mass and strength.

There are also some cases where people combined more traditional “weight lifting” ideas
with calisthenics. This is often found among people who have gained more experience in
the field of bodyweight training. In this case, the exercises may be referred to as weighted
calisthenics. A weight set may be added to the workout, such as in the form of a belt that
contains weights. This type of activity would add extra weight to your body – creating
more resistance in the workout routine.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners


Calisthenics has evolved over the years. While it started out as an exercise for kids, people
have adopted and adjusted the training program to provide an effective strategy for adults
too. Since the idea behind calisthenics for building strength and mass is still relatively
new, it is important that we consider whether it is actually effective.

With this in mind, we should turn our focus to studies done on the subject. Fortunately,
there are a few studies that have looked at calisthenics and bodyweight exercises. By
considering these studies, you can get a better idea of what you should expect when
participating in calisthenics. You can also use data provided by studies to determine the
safety of the exercises – allowing you to understand whether you would be putting your
body at greater risks, particularly when compared to a more traditional workout routine.

In the first study, we look at what was published in the Journal of Isokinetics and Exercise
Science. The study was done in 2017 and specifically looked at calisthenics training
programs. The researchers looked at how calisthenics affected body composition and
strength, as well as posture.

There were 28 male participants in the study. The participants had a mean age of 24 years
and an average bodyweight of 67kg.

Participants in the study were divided into two groups. This allowed the researchers to
have a control group, ensuring results from the calisthenics program could be compared
to other exercise interventions. The first group was introduced to a calisthenics training
program. The second group performed a standard weight training routine.

Measurements and tests were performed at baseline, as well as after the study period
concluded. The following tests were performed on all participants:

Postural Body Push-up Pull-up Handgrip

assessment composition test test test

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

The group of participants who performed calisthenics exercises experienced the following

• There was a 16.4% average improvement in strength

• A significant improvement in body composition was found.
• Pull-up strength increased by an average of 39.2%

The study concluded that calisthenics is a highly effective training tool that can be used
to improve posture, the composition of the body, and overall strength.

This is not the only study to look at calisthenics. A study in the Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research looked at how calisthenics would affect upper body strength. The
goal was also to see if there was an increase in muscle thickness or lean muscle mass
when a participant is introduced to calisthenics.

The study had 23 male participants. All of the men were considered healthy at the time of
the study. The participants were also moderately trained, which means they were already
familiar to exercise. Two groups were used. One group used calisthenics as a training
protocol. The second group focused on bench presses.

A significant improvement in several aspects of lean muscle mass and strength was
observed among the male participants who performed calisthenics exercises. Push-up
progression had improved. There was an increase in muscle strength throughout the
upper body. Similar improvements in lean muscle mass were observed between the
calisthenics and the bench press groups.

Studies show that calisthenics provides effective results in both men and women. For
example, in one study, researchers looked at how calisthenics could affect and benefit
women of mature ages. Women were introduced to low-intensity calisthenic exercises and
performed these training protocols over a period of 10 weeks. The mean age among the
female participants was noted as 42 years.

A decrease in body fat percentage was observed among the women who completed the
study. There were improvements in knee mobility and flexibility. Strength was improved
among the female participants. The study results were compared to a control group.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners


Now that we’ve established calisthenics as an effective workout option, we should take
a quick look at how exactly these exercises work. We’ve shared some basic information
about what calisthenics is, but you should also ensure you understand the process by
which the exercises work. This gives you a better idea of what you should expect and how
the process may benefit you.

With a traditional bench press, you would lay down and take a bar in your hands. Weights
are attached to both ends of the bar. This creates resistance from the bar and weights,
which you use to work out. You then use your arms to lift the bar into the air and then
slowly bring the bar back toward your body. A number of reps are done based on your
current strength and abilities.

As you continue this workout, the impact from the weight causes muscle tissue to tear.
This causes injury, which means a reaction develops in your body. To heal the injury,
muscle fibers are fused together – leading to an increase in lean mass. Muscle size
improves in the process, and you also feel like you are getting stronger.

Calisthenics does not use the same process as a traditional workout routine, yet there are
still similarities to take note of. When you perform calisthenics exercises, you will not be
lying on that bench with a weighted bar on top of you. Instead, the methods described
in calisthenics uses your own body’s weight to create resistance. Essentially, your body
replaces the bar and attached weights.

The same principles apply, however. As your body creates resistance, muscle fibers tear
and then goes through a recovery process. You start to notice an increase in muscle size,
and your muscle strength becomes elevated.

To truly understand calisthenics, you should also realize that there are different types of
these exercises.

Two of the primary categories that you can consider include standard calisthenics, as well
as weighted calisthenics.

With standard calisthenics, you would only rely on your bodyweight as a means to create
resistance in your training routine. When you do weighted calisthenics, you use certain
elements, such as a weighted belt, to increase your bodyweight. As a result, there is more
resistance during the exercise.

As a beginner, you are not likely to start out with weighted calisthenics. Instead, you will
rather begin by following standard calisthenic steps and exercises. You’ll also use less
strenuous ones at first and then gradually build up to some of the more advanced training
options as your body gets used to the beginner-level protocols.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners


Since you are still somewhat new to the idea of calisthenics, you may still be weighing
your options. Perhaps calisthenics is one of the exercise routines you are interested in. To
understand whether these exercises are for you, it is important to have a good overview of
both pros and cons associated with calisthenics. This is exactly what we’ll be doing in this

Let’s start by looking at some of the benefits that people often note when they implement
a calisthenics program into their own life:

1. Calisthenics has been researched. Scientific evidence supports the efficacy of

these activities in building muscle mass, reducing body weight, and improving
physical strength.
2. The exercises help with long and short-term goals.
3. With the right exercise program, you may find that you experience a
significant improvement in your mobility. The movement also becomes easier,
as there are many calisthenic exercises that focus on enhancing your flexibility.
4. You are using your own bodyweight as a way of adding resistance to your
training routine. This means there is often not a need to buy expensive
equipment or join a gym membership.
5. There are many beginner-friendly exercises that you can start with.
Calisthenics can be used by anyone, regardless of your current fitness level.


Sure, there are many benefits of calisthenics, but let’s not overlook some drawbacks. The
good news here is that there are not too many drawbacks.

While there are several Following calisthenics Even though promoted as

exercises that are perfect over a long period of time exercises that only require
for beginners, people who will gradually reduce your own body weight,
are unfit may find it difficult your risks of injury. In there are several calisthenic
to start out. With no gym the beginning, however, activities that require some
membership, it often also pushing yourself too far equipment. Examples
means little support if you can cause muscle-related include pull-up bars and
do not employ the services injuries. dip stations.
of a personal trainer.
50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners


We’ve introduced you to some of the most important factors related to calisthenics. You
should have a good idea of what it means to participate in a calisthenics workout program
by now and have a basic understanding of what you should expect.

Still, when you’re new to the entire exercise protocol, it can be tough knowing where to
start. The best way to get into calisthenics is to just start practicing exercises that use
your bodyweight for resistance. There are many opportunities for you to explore – and a
majority of these can be done right inside your home or in the backyard.

We are going to introduce you to 50 of our favorite beginner calisthenics exercises. We

divide the exercises into different categories, as calisthenics can be used to target many
muscle groups, as well as to achieve specific results.


Similar to any other type of exercise, when looking at calisthenics, you need to focus
on warming up before you start with some of the more serious routines. Warming up
generally include low-intensity exercises that help to loosen your muscles. There are
several benefits associated with warm-ups, including a reduced risk of sustaining an
injury while exercising.

The great thing about calisthenics is that warm-up exercises can also be used for mobility.
The thing here is that mobility is important when performing bodyweight exercises.
You depend on mobility throughout your entire body to ensure you can perform those
jumping jacks, planks, and lunges, for example.

Here, we will introduce you to a few mobility exercises that are great for addressing your
upper body. You can easily include these as part of your warm-up protocol. They will not
only help to get your muscles loose and make exercising easier but also provide long-
term benefits for your overall mobility.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 1
The scapula is an area that many people overlook when they perform exercises. This
is the area surrounding the shoulder blades. It is where muscle tissue and bones come
together and form a basis for your upper body. To ensure workouts that focus on the chest
and arms can be done without any issues, you should start your warm-ups with some
scapula push-ups.

Make sure you know exactly where your shoulder blades are positioned. This will allow
you to perform the scapula push-up without any issues.

Here’s a quick overview of how you should perform scapula push-ups:

• You want to start in a standard push-up position. Make sure you hold a natural stance
in your position.
• During the push-up process, the elbows should not bend at all. They should remain in
a static position.
• While bringing your chest downward toward the floor, you need to squeeze the two
shoulder blades together.
• As you come out of this position, the shoulder blades are pushed apart. The spine
should slowly rise up toward an elevated position.

It’s a good idea to start out with about ten reps of a scapula push-up. Know your limits,
and don’t push your body if you feel like it’s too much.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 2
While warming up the scapula, do not forget about the rotator cuff. This is an area at the
shoulder that plays a part in various movements. When you fail to stretch the rotator cuff
prior to performing more intensive exercises, you risk yourself unpleasant injuries. The
area may also feel stiff, which could affect your performance.

It’s simple to do a rotator cuff stretch. Simply follow the instructions below:

• Stand straight or position yourself on the ground for this stretch. Extend an arm
should be at a 90-degree angle across the body and hold it in place with the other arm.
Your hand needs to point upward in the air.
• While holding the angle of the elbow start pulling in gently. Don’t pull too hard, as
this could cause injury.
• The stretch position should be maintained for about half a minute.
• Switch positions to stretch the other rotator cuff too.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 3
When working out, regardless of the intensity, you want to focus on your upper body. In
addition to warming up the shoulders, you need to focus on your chest too. There are a
few stretches that will help to open up both your shoulders and your chest at the same
time. These can be helpful when you are going to perform pull-ups and other exercises
that focus on your upper body.

Below is a quick stretch that can be used to open up your chest while also loosening
the muscles in your shoulders.

• Start by getting down on your knees and hands.

• The hips and buttocks are pushed upward – toward the ceiling.
• Your hands are spread out in front of you while you lower your chest toward the
• You should feel a stretch at your arms, chest, shoulders, and armpits.
• The stretch position should be maintained for about 15 seconds. You can increase this
to 20 seconds if you can. Release once the countdown stops.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 4
Foam rolling has become a popular activity among people who enjoy calisthenics. Even
as a beginner, you should make a habit of including some foam rolling activities in your
exercise routines. You will need an appropriate foam roller to do this exercise. Don’t worry
– they are usually very affordable.

When you do scapula foam rolling, you will essentially reduce tightness in your shoulder
blades and upper back. Stiffness in these areas can interfere with your mobility. By
loosening muscles in this area through foam rolling, you’ll find that the exercises you
perform are easier and leads to less soreness.

To do scapula foam rolling, follow these instructions:

Lie down on your back, Place both feet flat on the Slowly roll back and
with your foam roller ground. Using your feet forth on the foam roller.
underneath the upper back and the foam roller as You can reduce the
region. Place your support, left your pace at which you roll
hands on top of your chest hips upward. when you get to a spot
in a “hugging” position. that feels especially
tight or sore.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners


Working on mobility and warm-ups should not only target your upper body. Calisthenics
involves exercises that can target all muscle groups throughout your body. With this in mind, you
shouldensure you loosen muscles in the lower region of your body too.
There are numerous stretches and quick workouts that can be used to improve lower body mobility.
These will warm the muscles below your hips and give you the ability to exercise without the risk of
injury due to muscle tightness.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 5
Mountain climbers might not be the easiest exercise to do, but with some practice, you’re
sure to perfect the movement. This is a multi-faceted exercise that you can use as part of
your general routine or as a warm-up. With mountain climbers, you’ll be able to condition
your body. This particular exercise is also excellent for boosting your metabolism – and a
faster metabolism means it will be a bit easier to shed excess fat.

When you perform mountain climbers, you are also stretching your hamstring
muscles, as well as your hip flexor.

• Start by positioning your body as if you are going to do a push-up. Life the chest area
a little, and position your left foot next to your hand. Bring the leg in as close to your
hand as you can.
• Your arms should remain straight during this entire process. Do not bend your
elbows. You will now jump with your feet while your hands remain grounded on the
floor. As your legs move into the air, your left leg is pulled back.
• During the jumping activity, you will bring your right leg forward, positioning it next
to your right hand.
• Repeat this for about ten reps if you can. You should feel a stretch at your hamstring
and upper legs while performing mountain climbers.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 6
Everyone knows what a squat is – but did you know that there are different variations of
this exercise. While some squats – such as a weighted squat – is often used as part of your
main exercise routine, in calisthenics, a squat can be a great way to loosen those tense
lower body muscles.

A deep squat, in particular, is an excellent way to promote mobility in your hips,

hamstring, and your legs. It’s also easy to do a deep squat, and you can hold the position
for as long as you can. A deep squat does not necessarily have to be done just before you
start your routine. Many people find that a deep squat is so easy to do, they implement it
as a mobility exercise throughout the day.

Here’s how to do a deep squat:

• Move into a squat position as you would usually. Your heels should be about shoulder-
width from each other.
• Your toes should be pointed outward – but only slightly.
• Now, as you bend your knees to enter the squat, push the hips backward.
• Try to go as low as you can with your buttocks. While lowering your body, you should
aim to keep the spine in a straight position.
• When you reach your lowest point, your elbows go inside of the knees. Once your
elbows are in position, push them outward – this means your knees should also now be
moving outward.
• You can hold this position for a few seconds. As you progress, you can aim to hold the
• position for longer with every session. Your goal should be to be able to hold the
position for about five minutes at a time.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 7
The hip flexor is an often overlooked part of the body when it comes to power and drive.
Whetheryou are planning to go for a run or want to perform some bodyweight exercises,
your hip flexors play multiple roles.

When the hip flexors are tight, you may run into different problems. First, your
performance will lack. You will find that the hip suffers from reduced power when you
have tight hip flexors. You also put yourself at risk of certain injuries with a stiff hip flexor.

The hip flexor stretch helps to take care of this. Follow these instructions to warm up
the muscles:

• Kneel down with one knee in front of you at a 90-degree angle. The other leg should
be stretched out toward the back of your body.
• Rest both hands on the knee located in front of your body.
• While keeping your back straight and aligned, lean forward. A stretch should be
experienced at the hip, as well as your upper legs. You may also feel a stretch at the
• Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, then repeat with the opposite leg position.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 8
Similar to the hip flexors, the piriformis is another muscle where stiffness is very likely
to develop. When you participate in exercises that demand a lot of movement from your
hips, you may find that stiffness in the piriformis increases. These are the muscles located
in the outer region of your hips. Stiff piriformis muscles can lead to tension, as well as
soreness. It can also greatly reduce the mobility of your hips.

This is another area where foam rolling can be exceptionally helpful. Piriformis foam
rolling can help to relieve tension and tightness in the area, allowing for better mobility.

• You’ll need to sit down for this one. Your left foot goes on your right knee. Grab hold
of the left foot with your right hand, and pull it just a little.
• You will be sitting on top of the foam roller for this stretch, but not with your buttocks
Instead, move your body to the side so that the left piriformis muscles rest on the
• In slow motion, roll over the foam – back and forth. Take time to focus on the areas
that feel tender – decrease the motion, even more when you hit such a spot.
• While rolling on the foam, the torso should be kept upright. A stretch should be felt in
the glute. Take deep breathes during the activity.
• Once you’re done with one side, switch over to the other side.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 9
When you are planning to perform lower body exercises, you need to ensure you focus on
the hips during warm-up. You essentially want to open up the hips, allowing for greater
mobility and flexibility in the lower body. Knee circles are great for achieving this particular

This activity is simple to do and requires only a few seconds to complete.

• You will do this activity with both your knees and your hands flat on the floor.
• Start with your left leg – lift it toward your side. Once raised, extend the knee, which will
backward, then bring it in toward your body. Imagine drawing a type of arc with your
• Bring the knee back to the ground, and do the same with the other leg.
• About ten reps with each leg should be enough to give you the benefits of knee circles.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 10
One last exercise to use as a warm-up for your lower body is a foam roller that focuses on
the adductor – a group of muscles that starts at the front of your pelvis and runs toward your
thighs. The adductor muscles work with the glutes and the hamstrings. Thus, you can’t only
focus on loosening the glute and hamstring muscles, as you also need to address tightness in
the adductor.

Adductor Foam rolling takes about 30 seconds to complete:

• You’ll be lying on the ground with your stomach toward the floor for this rolling exercise.
• The foam roller is placed underneath the adductor – about just above the knee. Position the
roller at a 90-degree angle from the knee.
• Now position your knee on top of the roller. Lift your body using both hands, with more of a
stretch at the side where the roller is located.
• Instead of rolling in a back and forth position, you are going to want to roll in a sideways
manner with this exercise. Start at the inside of the knee, and roll toward the hip.
• Change positions to roll your other knee too. Make sure to roll for about 15 seconds with
each of your legs.


Core body strength is something that you want to improve. Whether or not you are looking
to build a six-pack or just tone up, you will need to focus on both mobility and strength in the
core of your body. Take note that the core is responsible for supporting various functions and
becomes a critical factor when performing high-intensity activities.

With this in mind, we are going to take a look at a few calisthenic techniques that can be
used to assist in the development of core mobility. As you perform these, they will also
gradually contribute to a stronger set of core muscles while also helping you experience
improved composition and toning in the area.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 11
Working on your core muscles involves more than just your abdomen. You need to
concentrate on the obliques too. These are the muscles that are situated at your torso’s left
and right sides. The muscles are crucial for sideway bending – an action that you will likely
be performing frequently throughout your calisthenics journey.

Side leans ideal for stretching these muscles. To do side leans, you ideally want to get a rod.
You can buy one at the local equipment store. If you do not have a rod, you can use a bar or
another object that can be held in both hands.

• Your feet need to be apart – stretch them out more than shoulder width.
• Use both hands to hold onto the bar. Your hands should be situated at the same width
from each other as your feet. Stretch your hands out above your hand.
• While keeping your hands straight, bend toward your left side. Make sure the bend
happens at the waist. Your oblique muscles should be used to assist with the bend.
• Note that the shoulders should not move out of position during the bend.
• Go as low as you possibly can with the bend, then slowly return to the starting position.
• Repeat the process, but this time to the other side.

About ten reps of these sides should be sufficient.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 12
There are two primary functions that you can achieve with a spine roll. While you are
targeting the core muscles, the thought of foam rolling the spine may not come to mind.
The thing is, the position of your spine and its ability to extend can actually affect your core
muscle performance.

A spine foam roll helps you increase the extend you can achieve with your spine. It’s also a
great activity for removing knots in the back and can be exceptionally helpful for tension in
your lower and upper back.

• Place the foam roller on the ground in a horizontal position.

• Lay down on the foam roller with your back underneath.
• Place your back on top of the foam roller. The roller should be positioned at your lower
• Your feet should be placed on the floor. Make sure your feet are both flat. Your knees
should be slightly raised and bent.
• Hold your arms on your chest – as if you are hugging yourself.
• Now, start to roll forward and backward on the roller. The roller should reach the upper
region of your back.


We’ve shared some of the best stretches, warm-ups, and mobility exercises that should form
part of your calisthenics program. Make sure you perform these frequently and every time
you are planning to start a more intensive workout. Once you understand how warm-ups
work with calisthenics, you should be ready to progress to the real training – these are the
exercises that won’t focus as much on mobility but rather getting you to reach the results you
are striving toward.

Each of the exercises we include in this section counts toward your overall goals. We
ensure all of these activities are beginner-friendly, but some can be mildly adjusted to suit
you as you start to progress. Start small and with the basics, and as you get more used to
calisthenics, try to add some of the more intensive or demanding activities. Remember to
listen to your own body – know when you are pushing yourself, and then take a step back.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 13
Most people know how a normal push-up works. This forms a basis for calisthenic workouts.

• You’ll do this exercise on the ground, with your abdomen at the bottom.
• Place your hands flat on the floor, ensuring they are about shoulder-width from each other.
• Your legs are stretched out, and you will gain balance on your toes instead of your entire
• As you move your chest toward the ground, bend your elbows. Try to move your chest as
• close to the ground as you can.
• While moving your body up and down, your legs should remain stretched, and you need to
keep using your toes to balance your body.
• Once you reach the lowest level, your chest can go, hold the position for a second or two,
then push your body back up using your arms and hands.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 14
A type of push-up that focuses on both your upper body and your core. It takes some work,
and you should move to this one once you are used to doing normal push-ups. Once you
achieve the onearm push-up, you gain an incredible opportunity for building strength.

• You’ll perform this in a normal push-up position. Your feet, however, should be spread
out a bit wider.
• Start with your one arm on the ground. Place the other arm at your back. This way, you
won’t lose focus trying to keep the hand at your side.
• Do a push-up as you would normally, but keep your hand behind your back.
• Make sure to switch positions to the other arm too. Do an equal number of reps with
both arms.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 15
The wall push-up sounds simple, sure – but it can be a challenge. And no, it’s not the type of
push-up where you stand against the wall and pretend to put effort into your training. This
push-up is done in a similar way as a normal one, but only close to a wall.

• Move into position as if you are going to do a normal push-up.

• Now, make sure your feet are close to the wall. Move backward so that you are closer to
the wall – then put your feet up on the wall.
• Do your push-ups, but your feet need to remain against the wall and not move down to
the floor.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 16
The wrist push-up, just as the name suggests, focuses on your wrists. This is often an
area that people overlook when building upper body strength. You can have exceptional
strength at your core and shoulders but may still fail to perform well due to weak wrists.

• Get in a normal push-up position.

• Your hands are placed in a different position when doing wrist push-ups. Fingers
should point inward to each other. Your hands are placed with the back on the ground.
• Perform normal push-up techniques but while keeping your hands in this position.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 17
Rows are classified as pulling exercises.
They work on the same exercises as a classic pull-up.

• You’ll need to get a bar in your hands for this exercise. Hands should be placed on the
bar, about the same width apart as your shoulders.
• The bar goes above your body. Your heels remain flat on the ground.
• Hold your arms out in a straight position. The bar is then pulled inward toward the
chest, while the heels and feet are pivoted.
• As the bar moves in closer to your chest, straighten both arms again while lowering your
entire body at the same time.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 18
A great pull-up for those who like a challenge. The extra pulling action is needed, giving
your muscles a great workout.

• Use a pull-up bar that gives you a grip at the overhand position. Your hands should be
placed wide apart on the bar.
• Your shoulders should be pulled downward.
• When you pull yourself up, do so in such a way that your body pulls to one side, not
straight up in the middle.
• When you lower your body, you need to repeat, but this time to the other side.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 19
The rope pull-up is sometimes referred to as the towel pull-up.

• Grab a towel or a rope. Place it over the pull-up bar.

• Use both hands to grab hold of the rope or towel. One hand goes over the other.
• Pull up until your hands are more or less at the position of the sternum. Then lower the
body down toward the position you started out with.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 20
The wide grip pull-up is also a bit more advanced than a normal pull-up you might be used
to – but its benefits are really great when trying to build up strength and mass.

• Your hands need to be as far apart as possible when gripping onto the bar.
• Your arms need to be in a straight position when you hang from the bar. You should
not bend the elbows at all.
• The shoulders are pulled back, similar to how you would do a scapula stretch.
• Get your chin in a position above the pull-up bar before bringing your body down

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 21
The incline pull-up combines principles from rows and the traditional pull-up.

• Your palms should be positioned so that they face each other when you hold onto the
bar. Your palms should also be touching each other.
• Lean back with your head while ensuring your arms have a straight position while
hanging on the bar.
• Your shoulder blades are pulled inward.
• Your goal is to lift up high enough for your chest to touch your pull-up bar. While lifting,
you need to place your body in a position where it leans backward – this is how you get
the chest toward the bar.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 22
A variety of the pull-up that builds core and upper body strength, as well as works on
your arms.

• Get into position underneath your pull-up bar. An underhand grip is used.
• Hands should be about shoulder-width from each other.
• Keep your shoulder blades pulled back. Pull yourself up until your chin reaches
above the
• pull-up bar.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 23
Triceps dips are generally considered a fundamental of calisthenics. They are a bit hard to
do, but you can start out small – with only a few reps for now.

• Use a lower dip bar for this activity. Hands should be on both bars. Make sure your
palms have an inward position on the grip.
• Bring your ankles up and cross them.
• While bending both elbows, lower your body. See how much you can lower your body,
then pause once you reach your limit.
• After a slight pause, bring yourself up again.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 24
If the triceps dip is too much for you, consider starting out with the box dip. Some find it is
a bit easier to perform.

• Sit in front of a platform that you can use for support.

• Hands go on top of the platforms. Make sure your fingers face forward, and your hand is
• Your legs are spread out in front of your body. You will be used your heels for balance.
• Keep your knees in a locked straight position during this workout.
• While bending your elbows, dip your body toward the ground – but do not touch the
• Keep the position for a moment, and push your body back up.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 25
A variation of the normal muscle-up. In this one, you will be moving up a bit more and at a
faster pace.

• Use a normal muscle-up stance for this one.

• Hands are turned over before doing a fast muscle-up.
• When pulling up, do it faster than you would with a normal muscle-up.
• Your shoulders should reach above the pull-up bar with this variation.

exercise 26
When normal and fast muscle-ups become a bit too easy, it’s time to take things to the
next level. The false grip muscle-up uses the same techniques as these two, but you will
be moving slower. The slower movement will require more effort and power from your
side. It may feel a bit challenging, so start with only a few reps.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 27
Handstands generally form a basis for many calisthenic programs. With this in mind, you
need to get comfortable with your body being in an upside-down position.

• Get a mat with a non-slip bottom. Position yourself in front of a wall that is stable and
has no obstacles.
• Get into a position as if you are going to perform a push-up. Your feet should be placed
against the wall.
• Start to climb the wall slowly with your feet. During this motion, move your arms and
hands back too.
• Go as high as you can while keeping the core muscles tight throughout the motion.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 28
Some handstands are surely easier to do than others. The nine-degree push-up is one
of the harder ones. Once you’ve got the hang of handstands and feel comfortable in the
position, be sure to give this one a try. You might want to wait a bit until you build up
some strength, but it remains a solid option when you want to reach your goals with

• Get into handstand position – particularly freestanding

• Bend the elbows a bit, and start to lower your legs toward the grounds.
• Start lowering your body toward the ground. Do this gradually until you reach a
horizontal position.
• Bring your body back up, and repeat.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 29
This is a variation of the freestanding handstand. You will need a pair of parallettes to do
this one. Once you have your equipment, position them shoulder-width from each other. Do
a regular freestanding handstand while using the parallettes as your grip.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 30
After you’ve gotten used to doing a handstand against the wall, up your game and try
a freestanding version. This means you need to get into a handstand position without
using the wall as a supportive structure. Try to achieve a “V” shape with your legs a bit
apart during the handstand. Hold the position for a few seconds.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 31
The plank is a popular exercise and often overlooked. In calisthenics, it should form a core
part of your program.

• Get into a push-up position. Your forearms should rest on the floor. Stretch your legs out,
and gain a balance with your toes touching the ground.
• Your hips should now be raised until they are level with your shoulder. Your legs should
remain in a straight, stretched position.
• Simply hold the position for a few seconds, then release. Try to aim for 20 seconds hold

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 32
The crunch is another easy exercise that is great for beginners.

• Lie down on the floor. Your back should touch the floor. Bend your knees at an angle
of about 90 degrees. Your feet will remain grounded on the floor at all times.
• You should now cross both your arms over each other. Imagine you are hugging
• Lift your shoulders in such a way that they reach toward your knees. Your lower back
should remain in touch with the ground. Once the upper back region is lifted, hold
the position, then bring your body back to the floor again.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 33
The dragon flag focuses on your core muscles. It is a floor exercise that is usually
broken down into three different segments. By dividing it this way, you’ll find it easier to
accomplish the dragon flag. Get close to a bedpost for this move. Start with a candlestick,
then move on to the tucked dragon flat. You can then progress slowly toward the standard
dragon flag.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 34

This move is great for multiple muscle groups, including your core. It also works on
your grip.

• Get into position underneath a pull-up bar

• You need an overhand grip for this exercise.
• Keep the arms straight, and then hang your legs.
• Bring your knees upward by using the core muscles in your abdomen.
• Push your legs back to the starting position.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 35
Window wipers add more variation and power to your leg raise. They do require more
strength at the core, so you might have to work on this one a bit.

• Get into your standard leg raise position.

• Once in position, your legs should be moved to the left side while they remain straight.
• Move the legs back to the starting position and then to the other side.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 36
If regular squats are getting boring, try a single leg variation. Start with an assisted
single-leg squat, and then progress up to the point where you can perform the move
without support. You can then take things one step further by trying weighted single-
leg squats.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 37
Your calves play an important role in your lower body strength, so be sure to focus
on them too. Calf raises help to increase strength and power in this area while also
supporting your entire lower body.

• Stand up straight. Place your feet apart at approximately shoulder width.

• Focus on your calf muscles for this exercise. Contract them as much as you can.
• Once your calf muscles are contracted, pull your legs straight. Find balance on your
toes instead of your entire foot.


Calisthenics is more than just a program for losing those extra pounds or for adding
more muscle mass to your body. The exercises that form part of calisthenics can also
be a great way of conditioning your body. This means improving the appearance and
structure of muscles in specific areas of the body.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 38
An effective conditioning exercise that is great for working on your legs.

• Start in a lunge position. An extended lunge position is your goal here.

• Start dropping down. The rear of your knee should be close to the ground. Be sure to
keep your spine aligned in a straight position.
• Use your legs to push yourself into the air.
• Switch the position of your two legs while you are in the air.
• Now perform the jump with your legs in the opposite positions.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 39
The bear crawl is a bit demanding, that is something you will discover. It does, however,
work on multiple muscle groups, toning your legs, arms, chest, and core at the same time.

• Get into a position as if you are going to do a push-up. Your hands and your feet should
be positioned in front of each other.
• Now, you need to crawl. Use both your feet and your hands to crawl. When you move the
right feet, then the left hand should be moved at the same time; alternate between the
two sides as you crawl.
• To add some variety and an extra challenge, try doing this in a backward direction.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 40
Most people already know star jumps. They are popular in school and even used in
military settings as part of intense training programs. At home, star jumps can be an
excellent calisthenics exercise to help condition your body.

• Stand straight up. Place both feet directly next to each other. Move your arms so that
they hang down at the sides of your body.
• You will now jump up. While your body is moving into the air, your legs and hands
move outward.
• As your body comes down to the floor, your hands and feet return to the starting
• Your goal should be to perform about 20 reps at a time.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 41
Sprinting is highly effective, and most people should be able to do it without any problems.
It’s a great exercise that focuses on increasing your lean muscle mass. Sprinting is also
great for giving your metabolism a boost.

• Set a starting point and a goal point for yourself.

• Run from the starting point toward the end, but push your speed to the limit.
• Maximize the use of power during the spring, and don’t let your arms just hang. Use
them during the entire exercise.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 42
Jump squats are relatively easy and are also good for improving strength and
conditioning in the lower body.

• Get into a normal squat position.

• Squat down as much as you are able to.
• As you move up, make a jump when you reach the top point of your squat.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 43
When it comes to increasing your heart rate to burn calories and push your workout results,
squat thrusts are great. This particular type of exercise can also be used to make burpees a
bit easier later on.
• Place your hands flat on your floor while you are in a crouch position.
• Jump up with your lower body while keeping your hands in touch with the ground.
• As your lower body moves into the air, extend your legs into a straight position.
• When your lower body moves back to the floor, bring your legs back into the starting

In addition to power, composition, and toning, you also need to ensure you work on
flexibility. We’ve already covered some great warm-ups that can be used for mobility. While
there are some associations between flexibility and mobility, this particular subject definitely
deserves its own category. Flexibility not only helps with your general functionality but can
also make certain types of calisthenic exercises significantly easier to do.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 44
If you’re planning to work on your abdomen and core muscles, then you should learn
the cobra stretch. It’s a great technique for releasing tension and reducing spasms in the

• Lie down on the floor. Your face should face the floor and not the roof.
• While keeping your lower body flat on the floor, push the upper body upward.
• You want to feel a stretch at your core while you are pushing your upper body.
Extend your arms until they are straight. Aim to retain the position for about 15

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 45
You use the quads with most exercises that target the lower region of your body. With this
in mind, doing a quad stretch after your workout can help to reduce soreness and improve

• Lie on the floor with your face facing the ground.

• Use your left hand to grab hold of the left foot’s heel.
• Pull the leg back toward the hips. Your knees should remain in close perimeter to each
other during this pull.
• Keep your leg in position for as long as you can – preferably 15 seconds, then release.
• Now do the same with the right leg and arm.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 46
The chest stretch will also work on your shoulders. It’s really easy to do and can be used
as both a warm-up and a cool-down activity. The chest stretch causes your chest and
shoulders to open up, increasing flexibility.

• Get on your knees, place your hands on the floor.

• Stretch your hands out in front of you while lowering your chest to the ground.
• Make sure you feel a stretch, then hold the position for as long as 20 seconds before

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 47
Stress in your back is common in exercises where you focus on the upper body. To avoid
knots, tension, and reduced flexibility, make sure you perform upper back stretches. They
are relatively easy to do, but you will need a bar or another object that can provide stability
and support.

• Get in front of a bar or another stable object. Grab hold of the object, but only with a
single arm.
• While your grip is on the bar, lean toward the back. Keep the arm gripped on the bar
straight. Your legs also need to remain in a straight position.
• Your shoulder blades should be opened at this point. Move the shoulders to your front
and then “squeeze.”
• The freehand should then be used to reach toward the arm holding onto the bar.
• The position should be maintained for 20 seconds, which counts as one rep.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

If you have trouble controlling the shoulder blades at will, then the cat stretch is
definitely an exercise you want to include in your calisthenics routine. It’s simple to do
and comes from a popular pose in yoga.

• Start with your hands and feet flat on the ground.

• Once in position, start to stretch the spine upward. It should reach toward the roof.
• While stretched upward, you want to squeeze your chest. At the same time, see if
you can push the shoulder blades away from each other.
• Try to keep in position for about 15 seconds at a time.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 49
When performing a lot of lower body exercises, you may sometimes find that your hip
flexors become stiff and tight. This can cause problems with your glutes. The kneeling hip
flexor stretch opens up the hips and relaxes these muscles, improving flexibility for lower
body exercises.

• Kneel down, but with one leg in front of your body.

• The other leg is stretched toward the back of your body.
• Make sure to keep your core muscles engaged while also maintaining a straight
alignment of your back.
• Lean forward a bit, and you should feel that the rear leg is stretching. The stretch may
also be experienced at the hamstring and hips.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

exercise 50
Another set of muscles that need to be flexible during lower body activities would
be the hamstrings. These muscles are found in the upper region of your legs and
contribute to flexibility, movement, and power in your legs.

• For this exercise, you will be lying down on the ground. Place your one leg up in the
air in front of you, as straight as possible. The other leg is placed flat on the floor.
• While engaging your core, stretch a small towel or resitance band around the ball
of the extended foot, and gently pull back towards your chest. Your should feel a
stretch in your arms, shoulders, and leg.
• Hold the position for a few seconds, then do the same with the other leg.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

We’ve discussed some basic principles of calisthenics, so you should now realize what
these exercises are and why so many people are starting to follow these programs. We
also shared some great exercises with you – allowing you to determine which activities
you want to start with.

Reading about exercises and seeing the instructions – this is completely different
compared to knowing what to begin with. We’ve set out a complete list of 50 beginner-
friendly exercises, but now you need to decide where to begin, how to proceed, and what
needs to be done.

Before you jump into your own program, developing a plan is a great idea. This would
start with your own personal goals.

If you are overweight, your goal may be to use calisthenics as a way to reduce your body
weight. Those who are too skinny may want to gain some weight. Others could perhaps
simply want to maintain their current weight. Then, there are people who want to pack
some muscles – and this means an increase in lean mass is needed.

In addition to considering the goals that you will be striving toward, you should analyze
your current situation. If you haven’t been physically active for a long time, you will need
to start out slower. People who are already-fit and want to try calisthenics can usually
start with exercises that are more intense.

Apart from these steps, we share a few additional tips that you should consider when
developing a program to help you take advantage of calisthenics:

When developing your Consider where you will be Get any needed equipment
program, know your exercising. Some gyms have before you start. This will
limits. How fit are you? dedicated areas for people doing ensure you do not have to
Do you have any medical calisthenics. You could decide stop your routine halfway
conditions that may to do all your workouts at home. through. Make a list of any
interfere with your ability Some people take to the equipment – including bars
to train? If so, how much streets – this is why calisthenics and clothes, for
of a limitation should you is often referred to as a street example – and shop for
place on your activities? workout. them.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

Focus on nutrition too. Building muscle mass or losing weight depends on more than just

You need to give your essential body nutrients while considering an appropriate calorie
intake. A calorie deficit is needed if you are planning to lose weight. This means eating
fewer calories than the amount you will be burning.

On the other hand, if you need to gain weight, then you want to increase your daily
calorie intake. Be careful with your calorie calculation, as you need to ensure there is a
good balance. Don’t starve yourself, but also ensure you do not overeat – this may lead to
weight gain in the form of fat instead of lean muscle mass.

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

We’ve discussed some basic principles of calisthenics, so you should now realize what
these exercises are and why so many people are starting to follow these programs. We
also shared some great exercises with you – allowing you to determine which activities
you want to start with.

Reading about exercises and seeing the instructions – this is completely different
compared to knowing what to begin with. We’ve set out a complete list of 50 beginner-
friendly exercises, but now you need to decide where to begin, how to proceed, and what
needs to be done.

Before you jump into your own program, developing a plan is a great idea. This would
start with your own personal goals.

If you are overweight, your goal may be to use calisthenics as a way to reduce your body
weight. Those who are too skinny may want to gain some weight. Others could perhaps
simply want to maintain their current weight. Then, there are people who want to pack
some muscles – and this means an increase in lean mass is needed.

In addition to considering the goals that you will be striving toward, you should analyze
your current situation. If you haven’t been physically active for a long time, you will need
to start out slower. People who are already-fit and want to try calisthenics can usually
start with exercises that are more intense.

Apart from these steps, we share a few additional tips that you should consider when
developing a program to help you take advantage of calisthenics:

50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

References / Sources


50 Best Calisthenic Exercises For Beginners

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