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Data Upload via

Now that you’re ready to connect your data to Datorama, you can do so in one
of two ways:

Through one of our many API Connectors

Through our custom connector, TotalConnect.

TotalConnect allows you to seamlessly connect virtually any type of data to the
platform. Let’s review how you could connect your data via TotalConnect,
in 7 Steps:

From the Connect & Mix tab, click on ‘Add New’

Select TotalConnect as the connector
3a. Upload the file you wish to connect, either by dragging and dropping,
or by browsing to it:

3b. If you are uploading a Spreadsheet that contains more than one Sheet,
you will be prompted to specify one of the following two options:

1. Specify a Sheet Name for the sheet that will be uploaded into the
Data Stream in future uploads, or -

2. Confirm that the first sheet of any spreadsheet uploaded into this Data
Stream in the future will be uploaded into the Data Stream.
Now, let’s start editing the General Settings for this Data Stream.

4a. First, name your Data Stream

4b. Note that Datorama will identify the Data Stream Type automatically,
based on the headers in the uploaded file. You can modify this using the
drop-down menu, or even create customized Data Stream Types by
clicking on ‘Manage’.

4c. If you wish to apply any Advanced Settings to your new Data Stream,
such as Custom Attributes, Automated Retrieval or Delivery, and more,
you can do in the Advanced Settings section. For more information on
these settings, please refer to the TotalConnect section within our
Knowledge Base.


4d. Click on ‘Next’ to proceed to the Mapping Screen

Next, you will begin mapping. Mapping is the process of correlating fields from
your Source Data to the appropriate fields in the Datorama Data Model.

Before you approach Mapping for the first time, we strongly recommend that
you review our Module on the Data Model. You can also find resources on the
Data Model in the Data Model section within our Knowledge Base.

5a. Welcome to the Mapping Screen.

The unmapped fields show up on top – Source File fields in the left column,
and Datorama Fields in the right column.

On the bottom, you will find the mapped fields. Note that Datorama
pre-maps some fields based on the match between the Source File field
names and the Datorama field Names.

The links made by Datorama will show up with a green check mark.
5b. If you wish to the mapping, simply click on the orange line to un-map a link:

5c. Or create a new mapping link by clicking on the small circle near the field
name, or simply dragging and dropping:
5d. Modify the Display Name for any selected field using the Editing Panel
on the right:

*Note that modifying the Display Name for a Data Model field will change that
field’s Display Name wherever it appears throughout the Workspace you
are currently in.

5e. You can also apply mapping formulas in order to manipulate the data as it
is uploaded into this Data Stream, by clicking on Edit in the Formula Section:
For example, let’s add a 5% commission to the Media Cost, by typing in:
csv[‘Media Cost’] * 1.05. This will multiply the source data in the Media Cost
column of any file we upload into this Data Stream by 1.05. We can then check
the syntax of our formula by clicking on ‘Code Validation’, which will display a
checkmark if the validation is successful, or an error message if it fails.

Then, click on ‘Update’ to apply the new formula:

6a. Once you’re done mapping, click on ‘Save’:
6b. After which, a Mapping Validation screen will appear, showing the Date
Range of the data you are uploading. Click on ‘Data Preview’ in the Mapping
Validation Screen in order to view a preview of the first 100 rows of the data
as it will be processed into the system:

6c. Click on ‘Continue’ in order to finish creating your Data Stream.

Congratulations, you’ve created your first TotalConnect Data Stream!
Verify your data in a Pivot Table before proceeding to create beautiful
Dashboards, comprehensive Reports, and more!

In this Module, you have learned:

How to create a Data Stream using TotalConnect

How to modify and customize Mapping in a Data Stream

How to verify data before and after uploading it to Datorama,

using Data Preview and Pivot Tables.

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