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4A Basic Chemistry

Mud engineers deal with chemistry Volume is a measure of the quantity
Chemistry is every day. Chemistry is the study of of space occupied by matter. Common
the study of matter, including its composition, its oilfield units of volume are gallons (gal),
properties, and its transformation barrels (bbl), cubic feet (ft3), liters (l) and
matter… into, or reaction with, other sub- cubic meters (m3).
stances (chemical reactions). Matter Density is defined as the ratio of mass
is something that has mass and divided by volume. Common oilfield
occupies space. units of density are pounds per gallon
Mass is a measure of the quantity (lb/gal), pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3),
of matter or the amount of material kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3) and
something contains. Mass is one of grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).
the fundamental quantities upon Specific gravity is a special expression
which all physical measurements are of density often used for liquids and
based. Mass causes matter to have solids. It is the ratio of a substance’s
weight in a gravitational field and density divided by the density of pure
inertia when in motion. The weight water at a stated temperature, usually
of something is the force of gravity 4°C. Likewise, the density of gases is
acting on a given mass and is directly often expressed as a “gas gravity,” or
proportional to the mass times the the ratio of the density of a particular
gravitational force (acceleration). gas divided by the density of pure air
Common units for mass are grams at standard conditions.
(g) and pounds-mass.

Classification of Matter
All substances fall into one of three • Homogeneous (pure substances)
_______________________ physical states: • Heterogeneous (mixtures
• Solid of substances)
• Liquid An example of a homogeneous
_______________________ • Gas material would be table salt, wherein
_______________________ Solids usually have higher density each grain is identical in chemical
_______________________ than liquids and gases. They are sub- composition. An example of a hetero-
stances which are not fluid and, there- geneous (non-uniform) material would
fore, do not flow when force is applied. be riverbed gravel; it is a mixture of
_______________________ Solids do not readily conform to the rocks — from a variety of sources —
_______________________ shape of their container. having different chemical composi-
Liquids usually have a density less tion, appearance and properties.
than solids, but greater than gases. Drilling fluids and most materials
_______________________ Liquids will readily conform to the found in nature are mixtures.
_______________________ shape of their container. Both liquids Homogeneous materials (pure sub-
and gases are fluids which “flow” stances) are occasionally found in
when a force is applied. nature, but more often are manufac-
Gases not only conform to, but tured by processing to separate dissimi-
_______________________ expand, to fill their container. lar materials or to remove impurities.
_______________________ All substances can also be separated Pure substances can be identified
into one of two categories: because they are homogeneous and
Basic Chemistry 4A.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4A Basic Chemistry

have uniform composition, no matter elements). A pure substance is a com-

how they are subdivided or where they pound if it can be subdivided into at
are found. least two elements. All compounds are
Pure substances can be separated formed by the combination of two or
into one of two distinct categories: more elements. If a pure substance
• Elements cannot be separated into two or more
• Compounds elements, it must be an element.
Elements Elements cannot be broken down It is convenient to refer to an ele-
(decomposed) or subdivided into sim- ment with an abbreviation called a
cannot be symbol rather than the full name.
pler substances by ordinary chemical
broken methods. Elements are the basic build- Table 1 contains the chemical name,
down or ing blocks of all substances and have symbol, atomic weight and common
unique properties. Compounds can be valence (electrical charge) of the ele-
subdivided ments of most interest to the drilling
reduced into two or more simpler sub-
into simpler stances (either elements or groups of fluid industry.
Element (Latin) Symbol Atomic Weight Common Valence
Aluminum Al 26.98 3+
Arsenic As 74.92 5+
Barium Ba 137.34 2+
Boron B 10.81 3+
Bromine Br 79.90 1-
Cadmium Cd 112.40 2+
Calcium Ca 40.08 2+
Carbon C 12.01 4+
Cesium Cs 132.91 1+
Chlorine Cl 35.45 1-
Chromium Cr 52.00 6+
Copper (cuprium) Cu 63.55 2+
Fluorine F 19.00 1-
Hydrogen H 1.01 1+
Iodine I 126.90 1-
Iron (ferrum) Fe 55.85 3+
_______________________ Lead (plumbum) Pb 207.19 2+
Lithium Li 6.94 1+
Magnesium Mg 24.31 2+
_______________________ Manganese Mn 54.94 2+
_______________________ Mercury (hydrargyrum) Hg 200.59 2+
Nickel Ni 58.71 2+
_______________________ Nitrogen N 14.00 5+
_______________________ Oxygen O 16.00 2-
Phosphorus P 30.97 5+
Potassium (kalium) K 39.10 1+
_______________________ Silicon Si 28.09 4+
Silver (argentum) Ag 107.87 1+
Sodium (natrium) Na 22.99 1+
_______________________ Sulfur S 32.06 2-
_______________________ Tin (stannum) Sn 118.69 2+
Titanium Ti 47.90 4+
Zirconium Zr 91.22 4+
_______________________ Zinc Zn 65.37 2+

_______________________ Table 1: Common elements.

Basic Chemistry 4A.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Atomic Structure

Diffuse cloud of light electrons (–) orbiting the nucleus in

structured shells.

All matter is composed of discrete

units called atoms. The atom is the
smallest unit into which an element
can be divided and still retain the ele-
ment’s unique chemical properties.
Atoms are Atoms are the basic building blocks for
the basic all matter; they are the smallest units
of an element that can combine with
building atoms from another element. Atoms of
blocks for different elements have different prop-
all matter… erties. Atoms are neither created nor
destroyed in chemical reactions.
Atoms contain three subatomic
• Protons
• Neutrons
• Electrons
The atom has two distinct zones: a Nucleus is compact and dense, containing heavy protons (+) and
neutrons (neutral).
small, dense nucleus, which contains
the protons and neutrons, surrounded Figure 1: Atomic structure.
by a diffuse cloud of electrons. The size
of an atom depends almost entirely on (no valence), the number of electrons is
the amount of volume occupied by equal to the number of protons so that
the electron cloud of the atom, while the net charge of the atom is neutral.
virtually all the mass is located in the Some atoms can gain or loose elec-
nucleus (see Figure 1). trons so that a charged atom, called an
The nucleus is approximately spheri- ion, is formed. When an electron is
cal, 10 – 4 angstrom (Å) or 10–14 m in lost, a positive charge results. A posi-
diameter and contains protons and tively charged ion is called a cation.
neutrons only. A proton has a positive Similarly, when an electron is gained,
charge while a neutron has no charge. a negatively charged “anion” is formed.
The mass The electron cloud, or shell, also is The mass of either a proton or a neu-
of either a approximately spherical, 1 Å or 10 –10 m tron is roughly 1,837 times greater than
in diameter and contains only elec- the mass of an electron. Due to this
proton or huge difference in mass, the mass of
trons, which orbit the nucleus much
a neutron like a miniature solar system. An elec- the protons and neutrons in the nucleus
is roughly tron has a negative charge equal in account for the approximate total
mass of the atom (see Table 2).
1,837 times strength to the positive charge of a
proton. In neutrally charged atoms
greater than Particle Charge Mass (g)
Proton Positive (1+) 1.6724 X 10 – 24
the mass of Neutron None (neutral) 1.6757 X 10 – 24
an electron. Electron Negative (1-) 0.000911 X 10 – 24

Table 2: Mass and charge of subatomic particles.

Basic Chemistry 4A.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

The nucleus of an atom is very three of these isotopes contain only one
dense; approximately 1,770 tons/in.3 proton in the nucleus.
(98,000 kg/cm3). The electron cloud The atomic mass scale is a relative
has a diameter 10,000 times larger mass scale based on the mass of the
than the nucleus. The larger volume carbon isotope, 126 C, which has a mass
of the low-density electron cloud bal- of exactly 12.0 atomic mass units (amu).
ances the high density of the nucleus This scale is used to simplify expressing
to an average density of 2 to 20 g/cm3. such small values of mass for each iso-
The lightest The lightest and simplest element is tope of each element. The mass of one
and simplest hydrogen, which has only one proton neutron, or one proton, is roughly
in each nucleus. Naturally occurring equal to 1 atomic mass unit (amu).
element is atoms contain between 1 and 93 pro- The atomic weight of an element is
hydrogen… tons in their nucleus. Heavier atoms, equal to the weighted average mass of
with even more protons, have been cre- all the isotopes of the element on the
ated in laboratories, but are unstable atomic weight scale. For example, the
and do not occur naturally. All atoms three hydrogen isotopes, 11H, 21H and
that have the same number of protons 1H, have masses of 1.0078, 2.0140 and
in their nuclei have identical chemical 3.01605 atomic mass units, respectively.
properties and are called elements. The fraction of each isotope that occurs
There are 92 naturally occurring ele- in nature are 0.99985, 1.5 x 10 – 4 and
ments which, in various combinations, 10 –11. The atomic weight of hydrogen,
form the physical world. therefore, is: (0.99985) 1.0078 + (1.5 x
The number of protons (p+) in the 10 –4) 2.0140 + 10 –11 (3.01605) = 1.0079.
nucleus is used to define each element Some combinations of neutrons and
and is called the “atomic number” (z). protons are not stable in the nucleus
Hydrogen, with just one proton, has an of an atom. These unstable nuclei will
atomic number of 1. The sum of the break apart naturally, or “decay,” to
number of protons and neutrons (n) in form atoms of entirely different ele-
the nucleus of an atom is called the ments. This “decay” is a nuclear (phys-
“atomic mass number” (a), a = p+ + n. ical) reaction which involves neither a
Each element Each element may have several chemical reaction with oxygen nor a
may have atomic structures called isotopes, each biological activity normally associated
with a different number of neutrons in with chemical decay. Isotopes that are
several its nucleus, giving each a different subject to nuclear decay are said to be
atomic atomic weight. Although these isotopes radioactive. When an atom decays, it
structures of an element will have different atomic releases subatomic particles and energy
weights, they will have identical chemi- (radioactivity). Radioactivity is widely
called cal properties, and form compounds used for laboratory analytical evalua-
isotopes… with the same properties. Isotopes are tions of chemicals and minerals. Some
written with the atomic number (z) as wellbore evaluation logs use either a
a subscript before the chemical symbol radioactive source or natural back-
and the atomic mass number (a) as a ground radiation to identify and evalu-
superscript ( zaX). Hydrogen has three ate formations and formation fluids.
isotopes. The most common isotope of Atoms of one element bond with
hydrogen has no neutron in its nucleus atoms of other elements to form com-
(11H), the second most common isotope pounds either by transferring elec-
has one neutron (21H) and the third iso- trons (ionic bonding) or by sharing
tope contains two neutrons (31H). All electrons (covalent bonding). Bonding

Basic Chemistry 4A.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

is the combination of attractive forces Molecules are composed of two or more

between atoms which make them act chemically bonded atoms. Atoms in a
as a compound or unit. The manner molecule always combine in particular
in which bonding occurs has impor- ratios and with specific orientations.
tant implications for a compound’s Molecules cannot be divided into any
physical properties. smaller unit and still retain the com-
Two or more Two or more elements can combine pound’s unique chemical properties.
elements can to form a compound. Elements in a The composition of a compound
compound are bound together by can be described by a simple chemical
combine shared electrons. Compounds have formula using the atomic symbols and
to form a different chemical and physical prop- subscript numbers which show how
compound. erties than the elements from which many of each atom are in the simplest
they are formed. For instance, both molecule. For example, the smallest
hydrogen and oxygen are gases at particle of carbon dioxide is one mole-
standard conditions, but when com- cule with one carbon atom bonded to
bined to form water, they exist as a two oxygen atoms and can be repre-
liquid. Table 3 lists the chemical sented by the chemical formula CO2.
name, formula and common name Groups of atoms bonded together
for the most common compounds of also can be ions (polyatomic ions). For
interest to the drilling fluids industry. example, the hydroxyl ion, OH–, is an
The smallest unit into which a com- anion with a net 1- charge, or one extra
pound can be divided is a molecule, a electron. The ammonium ion, NH4+, is a
combination of tightly bound atoms. polyatomic cation with a 1+ charge.
Name Formula Common Name Name Formula Common Name
Silver nitrate AgNO3 — Magnesium oxide MgO Mag ox
Aluminum oxide Al2O3 Alumina Magnesium Mg(OH)2 —
Barium sulfate BaSO4 Barite hydroxide
Barium carbonate BaCO3 Mineral witherite Nitric acid HNO3 Aqua fortis
Barium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 — Potassium chloride KCl Muriate of potash
Calcium Sodium hydroxide NaOH Caustic soda
hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Hydrated lime Sodium
_______________________ bicarbonate NaHCO3 Baking soda
Calcium sulfate CaSO4 Anhydrite
_______________________ (anhydrous) Sodium chloride NaCl Salt
Calcium sulfate CaSO4 • 2H2O Gypsum Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 Soda ash
_______________________ (hydrous) Sodium sulfate Na2SO4•10H2O Salt cake,
_______________________ Calcium carbonate CaCO3 Limestone, Glauber’s salt
marble, calcite Sodium acid Na2H2P2O7 SAPP
_______________________ Calcium chloride CaCl2 — pyrophosphate
_______________________ Calcium oxide CaO Quick lime, Sodium Na6P4O13 Phos
hot lime tetraphosphate
_______________________ Hydrochloric acid HCl Muriatic acid Silicon dioxide SiO2 Quartz, silica
Hydrogen oxide H2O Water Zinc carbonate ZnCO3 —
Sulfuric acid H2SO4 — Zinc sulfide ZnS —
_______________________ Hydrogen sulfide H2S — Zinc oxide ZnO —
_______________________ Table 3: Common compounds.





Basic Chemistry 4A.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

The valence of an element or ion is compound Ca(OH)2. Many elements,
the number of electrons it can gain, such as iron, chrome, nickel, chlorine
lose or share in order to become a sta- and sulfur, can have several valences.
ble, neutrally charged compound. The Valence also is often referred to as the
hydrogen atom is selected as the refer- “oxidation state” (as it is listed later in
ence and has one positive bond, or a Table 5). Table 4 is a list of common
Valence valence of 1+. Valence determines elements and ions (groups) with their
determines which elements or ions will combine respective symbols and valences.
and in what ratio they will combine.
which For example, one atom of chlorine Element Symbol Valence
elements (Cl) combines with one atom of hydro- Hydrogen H 1+
Oxygen O 2-
or ions will gen (H, 1+ valence) to form hydro-
Potassium K 1+
chloric acid (HCl), so chlorine must
combine and have a 1- valence. One oxygen atom
Sodium Na 1+
Calcium Ca 2+
in what ratio (O) combines with two hydrogen atoms Magnesium Mg 2+
they will to form water (H2O), so oxygen has Aluminum Al 3+
a 2- valence. One sodium atom (Na) Zinc Zn 2+
combine. combines with one chlorine atom Iron Fe 3+, 2+
(Cl, 1- valence) to form salt (NaCl), so Silver Ag 1+
sodium must have a valence of 1+. One Carbon C 4+
atom of calcium (Ca) combines with Phosphorus P 5+
two atoms of chlorine to form calcium Sulfur S 2+,4+,6+
Chlorine Cl 1-,1+,3+,5+,7+
chloride (CaCl2), so calcium must have
Ion or Group Symbol Valence
a 2+ valence. Following the same line
Hydroxide OH 1-
of reasoning, the valence of K in KCl Oxide O 2-
must also be 1+. If we consider the Carbonate CO3 2-
compound H2SO4, we see that the Bicarbonate HCO3 1-
valence of the sulfate group or ion Sulfate SO4 2-
_______________________ (SO4) must be 2- since there are two Sulfite SO3 2-
_______________________ hydrogen atoms. The sulfate ion (SO42–) Sulfide S 2-
is taken as a complete unit. In the case Nitrate NO3 1-
of caustic soda (NaOH), since Na has a Nitrite NO2 1-
_______________________ valence of 1+, then the hydroxyl ion Phosphate PO4 3-
(OH) must have a valence of 1-. For Ammonium NH4 1+
Acetate C2H3O2 1-
calcium hydroxide (lime), since cal-
_______________________ Formate CHO2 1-
cium has a valence of 2+ and the
Thiocyanate SCN 1-
_______________________ hydroxyl ion has a valence of 1-, then
_______________________ there must be two hydroxyl ions in the Table 4: Common symbols and valence.








Basic Chemistry 4A.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Electron Shell
Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom Individual atoms generally begin by
in orderly arrangements called electron having a balanced electrical charge
shells. Each shell can hold only a spe- (with the same number of electrons as
cific maximum number of electrons. protons), but can give up or accept elec-
The outer- The first orbital or shell must not con- trons to fill shells. The outermost orbit is
most orbit is tain more than two electrons and, in designated as the valence electron orbit
general, each succeeding shell cannot (valence shell) because it determines the
designated as contain more than eight electrons. Each valence an atom will have. The arrange-
the valence subsequent shell has an orbit of larger ment of elements called the “Periodic
electron orbit diameter. Completely filled shells form Table” lines up elements with the same
stable (less reactive) structures, i.e., they number of electrons in the “valence-
(valence tend not to accept or give up electrons. shell” into columns (see Table 5).

Ionic Bonding
As shown in Figure 2, sodium and Sodium atom Chlorine atom
chlorine form the sodium chloride com-
pound by sodium losing and chlorine
gaining an electron (called ionic bond-
ing) to form filled outer electron shells. 11+ 17+

The sodium atom (atomic number 11)

has 11 protons and 11 electrons; there-
fore, the 11 electrons are arranged with
1 electron 7 electrons
two in the first shell, eight in the sec- outer shell outer shell
Neutral atoms
ond shell and only one electron in the
third shell. The one electron in the out-
_______________________ ermost “valence-shell” makes sodium
want to give up one electron when
combining with other atoms to form a 11+ 17+
_______________________ stable structure with its last shell filled.
_______________________ If one electron is lost (1- charge), sodium
would become an ion with a 1+ charge, Transfer of an electron
or valence.
_______________________ The chlorine atom (atomic number
17) has 17 protons and 17 electrons.
+ –
Ionic bond
The electrons are arranged with two in
_______________________ 11+ Transfered 17+
the first shell, eight in the second shell electron
_______________________ and seven in the third shell. The seven
_______________________ electrons in the outermost “valence-
shell” make chlorine want to gain one Na+ ion Cl– ion
electron to fill its last shell. If one elec- Each has 8 electrons outer shell
_______________________ Sodium chloride compound
tron is gained, chlorine would become
_______________________ an ion with a 1- charge or valence. Figure 2: Electron shells and ionic bonding.
_______________________ Thus, the combination of one atom of
sodium and one atom of chlorine forms
the stable sodium chloride compound,

Basic Chemistry 4A.7 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

Basic Chemistry

Basic Chemistry
1a 2a 3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8 1b 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 0
1 +1 2 0
H -1 He
1.008 4.00260
3 +1 4 +2 5 +3 6 +2 7 +1 8 -2 9 -1 10 0
Li Be Atomic number 50 +2 Oxidation states B C +4 N +2 O F Ne
Symbol Sn +4 -4 +3
Atomic weight 118.69 +5
6.94 9.01218 10.81 12.011 14.0067 -2 15.9994 18.9984 20.17
Transition elements
11 +1 12 +2 13 +3 14 +2 15 +3 16 +4 17 +1 18 0
Na Mg Group 8
Al Si +4 P +5 S +6 Cl +5 Ar
-4 -3 -2 +7

22.9898 24.305 26.9815 28.086 30.9738 32.06 35.453 -1 39.948

19 +1 20 +2 21 +3 22 +2 23 +2 24 +2 25 +2 26 +2 27 +2 28 +2 29 +1 30 +2 31 +3 32 +2 33 +3 34 +4 35 +1 36 0
K Ca Sc Ti +3 V +3 Cr +3 Mn +3 Fe +3 Co +3 Ni +3 Cu +2 Zn Ga Ge +4 As +5 Se +6 Br +5 Kr
+4 +4 +6 +4 -3 -2 -1
39.102 40.08 44.9559 47.90 50.941 +5 51.996 54.9380 +7 55.847 58.9332 58.71 63.546 65.37 69.72 72.59 74.9216 78.96 79.904 83.80

37 +1 38 +2 39 +3 40 +4 41 +3 42 +6 43 +4 44 +3 45 +3 46 +2 47 +1 48 +2 49 +3 50 +2 51 +3 52 +4 53 +1 54 0
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb +5 Mo Tc +6 Ru Rh Pd +4 Ag Cd In Sn +4 Sb +5 Te +6 I +5 Xe
+7 -3 -2 +7
Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

85.467 87.62 88.9059 91.22 92.9064 95.94 98.9062 101.07 102.9055 106.4 107.868 112.40 114.82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.9045 -1 131.30

55 +1 56 +2 57* +3 72 +4 73 +5 74 +6 75 +4 76 +3 77 +3 78 +2 79 +1 80 +1 81 +1 82 +2 83 +3 84 +2 85 86 0
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re +6 Os +4 Ir +4 Pt +4 Au +3 Hg +2 Tl +3 Pb +4 Bi +5 Po +4 At Rn
132.9055 137.34 138.9055 178.49 180.947 183.85 186.2 190.2 192.22 195.09 196.9665 200.59 204.37 207.2 208.9806 (209) (210) (222)

87 +1 88 +2 89** +3 104 105

Fr Ra Ac
(223) (226) (227)

*Lanthanides 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

**Actinides 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

Table 5: Periodic table.


4A Basic Chemistry

NaCl. The one sodium valence electron charge (written as Na+) and the chlo-
is transferred from the sodium atom to rine atom has become an ion with a
the outer shell of the chlorine atom. negative charge (written as Cl–).
Why does sodium give up its elec- The evidence to support electron
tron and why does chlorine accept it? transfer and the formation of ions is
The theory dealing with the behavior the phenomenon that melted NaCl
of atoms assumes that every atom tries is a conductor of electricity, and if a
to achieve a full outer electron shell current is applied to the molten salt,
Atoms with with eight electrons. Atoms with one, sodium metal collects at the negative
one, two and two and three valence electrons find it pole of the cell (cathode) and chlorine
easier to give away electrons, whereas gas collects at the positive pole (anode).
three valence those with four, five, six and seven Thus, the sodium ion is called the
electrons find find it easier to accept them. In the cation and the chloride ion is called
it easier to case of sodium and chlorine, sodium the anion. In writing the name of a
gives one electron, resulting in a net compound, the cation is usually writ-
give away charge of +1, and chlorine takes on ten first. Since sodium gives up an elec-
electrons… one electron, resulting in a net charge tron, it is said to be electropositive, and
of 1. Neither atom is considered neu- since it readily gives up this electron, it
tral with these changes. The sodium is said to be strongly electropositive.
atom has become an ion with a positive

Covalent Bonding
The sharing of electron pairs to form Hydrogen bonding: Some covalent
bonds between atoms is called cova- compounds have incomplete sharing
lent bonding. Unlike sodium chloride, of the electron in the bond. This results
where there is a transfer of electrons in partial postive and negative charges
…covalent (ionic bonding), covalent bonding is on the atoms arranged in a manner
bonding the simultaneous sharing of electrons. which polarizes the molecule. In water
Both water and hydrogen gas are good (H2O), for example, the two hydrogen
is the examples of compounds with covalent atoms remain partially positive and the
simultaneous bonds (see Figure 3). In a water mole- oxygen atom remains partially nega-
sharing of cule, one electron from each of the two tive. The negative charges of oxygen
hydrogen atoms is shared with the six dominate one side of the molecule,
electrons. electrons in oxygens’ second electron while the postive charges of the hydro-
shell to fill it with eight electrons. gen atoms dominate the other side,
Likewise, each hydrogen atom in a forming a polar molecule (see Figure 4).
water molecule shares one of the six The hydrogen atoms of water mole-
electrons from the oxygen atom’s sec- cules are attracted to the oxygen atoms
ond electron shell to fill its first electron of other nearby water molecules. This
shell with two electrons. Compounds attraction of the positive hydrogen
with a high degree of electron sharing pole of one molecule to the negative
have strong interatomic forces with oxygen pole of another molecule is
weak intermolecular forces. The weak referred to as hydrogen bonding. The
intermolecular forces usually are not forces of hydrogen bonding are esti-
sufficient to maintain a rigid structure. mated to be only one-tenth to one-
Because of this, covalently bound thirtieth as strong as those of covalent
compounds are often liquids and gases. bonding. These weak bonds easily

Basic Chemistry 4A.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

2 Hydrogen atoms Oxygen atom Combine to form Water (H2O)


_______________________ 1+ 1+


_______________________ Covalent bond

8+ 8+
_______________________ Shared electrons


1+ 1+

1 electron 6 electrons outer shell Each atom has full outer shell
_______________________ outer shell

_______________________ Hydrogen gas:

2 Hydrogen atoms Combine to form Hydrogen gas (H2)

_______________________ Covalent bond

1+ 1+ 1+ 1+
_______________________ Shared electrons

Figure 3: Covalent bonding of water and hydrogen gas.

alternate between molecules and change Water molecule (H2O)
association, i.e., making and breaking
bonds between nearby molecules.
Hydrogen side Oxygen side
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gas even positive charge O2– negative charge
though its a heavier molecule than
water (H2O), because the charge distri- H+
bution is not polar. The two hydrogen Polar charge orientation
atoms have only weak positive charge
and the sulfur is only weakly negative, H+
forming a balanced structure. The lack H+
of a strong polar structure allows the O2– H+ O2–
individual molecules to diffuse into
a gas under standard conditions.
The polarity The polarity of water explains some
of water of the phenomena seen in drilling
fluids. Clays and shales are strongly H+ O2–
explains charged, complex structures. The attrac- O 2–

some of the tion of the water molecule’s charges to H+ H+

phenomena the charge sites of clay platelets leads to
Attraction of positive hydrogen
clay hydration. Clays have a strong neg- O2–
seen in ative charge on their large planar surface
side to negative oxygen side
drilling and positive charges along their thin
fluids. edges. The positive hydrogen side of the Figure 4: Polar molecule and
water molecule is attracted to and will hydrogen bonding in water.
hydrogen bond to the large negative

Basic Chemistry 4A.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry


bonded water

O O + O + O + O +
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si + Silica layer

Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Alumina layer

+ Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si O Silica layer
O O O O O O O –
+ + + +


O O O O Hydrogen
bonded water


Figure 5: Hydration of clay by water through hydrogen bonding.

clay surface. This water adsorption can bonds. The bonds between the carbon
be many water layers thick, spreading and oxygen in the carbonate group
and swelling adjacent clay layers (see (CO32 –) are covalent (electron sharing),
Figure 5). Cation exchange (exchange while the bonds between the sodium
of ionic bonded cations) within a clay ion (Na+) and the carbonate group are
can displace the water of hydration and ionic (electron transfer). When soda ash
flocculate the clay particles, because dissolves, the sodium dissociates from
their bonds are stronger than water’s the carbonate group, while the carbon
weak hydrogen bonds. and oxygen of the carbonate group
Many compounds contain both continue to function as a single unit.
Ionic bonding covalent and ionic bonds. Soda ash Ionic bonding is as strong as covalent
is as strong (Na2CO3) is an example of a compound bonding and both are much stronger
that contains both covalent and ionic than hydrogen bonding.
as covalent
bonding and
both are much Compounds
stronger than
hydrogen A compound is a substance that is • The composition of a compound
composed of elements in definite is always the same; it is definite
bonding. proportions. Common table salt is and exact.
an ionic compound; it can be broken • Elements lose their identity (their
down into the elements sodium (Na) characteristic properties) when they
and chlorine (Cl). The following combine to form a compound.
apply to all compounds: • A compound is homogeneous.

Basic Chemistry 4A.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry


Since a specific compound always con- The number of atoms of an element

tains the same elements combined in in a compound’s formula is equal to
exactly the same ratio, it is possible to the number of moles of that element
represent its composition by means of a needed to make one mole of the com-
A compound’s formula. A compound’s formula repre- pound. In water, two moles of hydro-
formula sents one molecule of the compound. gen react with one mole of oxygen to
Atoms and chemical compounds form one mole of water. Expressed on a
represents do not react with or form just one weight basis, hydrogen (atomic weight
one molecule molecule at a time. Instead, millions of 1.01) combines with oxygen (atomic
of the molecules and atoms are reacting simul- weight 16.00) in the ratio of 2.02 g
taneously. Due to their small size, it is of hydrogen to 16.00 g of oxygen;
compound. impossible to count the number of i.e., a ratio of two moles of hydrogen
atoms involved in chemical reactions. to one mole of oxygen. The formula,
Weight is used to measure the quantity therefore, is H2O.
of chemicals involved in chemical reac- Carbon (atomic weight 12.01)
tions. Since one atom of sodium weighs combines with oxygen in the ratio
22.99 amu and one atom of chlorine of 12.01 g of carbon to 32.00 g of
weighs 35.45 amu, then based on ratio, oxygen to form carbon dioxide. The
the atoms in 22.99 g of sodium would formula, therefore, is CO2. The sub-
combine with the exact number of script 2 refers only to the oxygen,
atoms in 35.45 g of chlorine to form and means that there are two oxygen
salt. This principle of ratio works for atoms per molecule. Atoms in a for-
any unit of measure — grams, pounds, mula which do not have a stated sub-
kg, tons, etc. — but the gram is the unit script, such as the carbon atom, are
of measure most commonly used. understood to have a subscript of 1.
The sum of When expressed in grams, the atomic The sum of the atomic weights of the
the atomic weight corresponds to 6.023 x 1023 atoms in a chemical formula is called
atoms. This amount is one “gram-atom” the formula weight. If the chemical for-
weights of molecular weight or “mole.” mula of a substance is the molecular
the atoms in A mole is a quantitative unit of formula, the formula weight is also the
a chemical measure that contains the exact molecular weight. Thus, the formula
number of atoms, molecules or for- weight of NaCl is 58.44. This value is
formula is mula units which have a mass in obtained by adding the atomic weight
called the grams equal to the atomic, molecular of sodium (22.99) to the atomic
formula or formula weight. A mole of an ele- weight of chlorine (35.45).
ment contains the same number of A specific compound always contains
weight. chemical units (atoms, molecules or the same elements combined in exactly
units) as exactly 12 g of carbon 12, the same ratio by weight and the com-
or Avogadro’s number; 6.023 x 1023 position is represented by the simplest
of chemical units. A common usage formula that describes the compound.
of the mole is the formula weight CaCl2, Fe2O3 and BaSO4 are examples
expressed in grams. For NaCl (salt), of formulas of compounds.
the formula weight is 58.44, so one
mole of sodium chloride would be
58.44 g.

Basic Chemistry 4A.12 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Stoichiometry - Stoichiometric Reactions

The reason compounds contain fixed weights is called “stoichiometry”.
Stoichiometry ratios of elements is because atoms Stoichiometry deals with the quantities
deals with react with other atoms according to and exact ratios of substances which
their valence. As discussed previously, react. Stoichiometric calculations allow
the quantities atoms react according to these ratios the exact weight and ratio of chemicals
and exact based on the fixed weights of each which will react to be determined so
ratios of atom involved. Determination of the that a desired result can be achieved.
which react.
Equivalent Weight
In many cases, chemical testing and One mole of H2SO4 reacts with two
reactions are done with unknown mate- moles OH–. From this standpoint, 1⁄2
rials. Because we don’t know the exact mole of sulfuric acid is equivalent to
composition, it is often convenient to one mole of hydroxyl. To remove only
express results in terms of “equivalents” one mole of OH–, then only 1⁄2 mole of
of a standard compound instead of H2SO4 is needed. On a formula weight
moles. For example, in mud engineer- basis this would be 98 ÷ 2 or 49 g.
ing, we titrate water-base mud filtrate to Therefore, the equivalent weight of
measure “total hardness” and express H2SO4 is 49 g. To consume the same
the result as if it were all calcium. This amount of OH– using hydrochloric acid
total hardness titration actually mea- (HCl, formula weight 36.5) which has
sures both magnesium and calcium, so only one hydrogen atom, then the reac-
we are expressing the total hardness in tion can be written as:
calcium “equivalents.” HCl + OH– → H2O + Cl–
The equivalent weight is defined as Since one mole of HCl reacts with
the formula weight of an element, com- just one mole of OH–, then the equiva-
_______________________ pound or ion divided by how many lent weight of hydrochloric acid is its
times it takes part in a specific reaction. formula weight, 36.5 g. By this equiv-
As an example, for acids the number of alent weight method, 49 g of H2SO4 is
_______________________ hydrogen atoms in the chemical for- equivalent to 36.5 g of HCl. Using this
_______________________ mula determines the equivalent weight. principal if pilot testing in the labora-
Acids react by donating protons (hydro- tory shows that it takes 36.5 lb/bbl of
gen ions). Suppose sulfuric acid (H2SO4, HCl to neutralize a high pH fluid, and
_______________________ formula weight 98) is used to reduce only H2SO4 was available to use at the
_______________________ pH. The reaction can be written as: rig, then 49 lb/bbl of H2SO4 would also
H2SO4 + 2OH– → 2H2O + SO42– neutralize the fluid.








Basic Chemistry 4A.13 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Balancing an Equation
One of the first steps involved in Now, however, the iron must be bal-
determining stoichiometric reactions anced. As a result of balancing the oxy-
is to balance the chemical equation. gen atoms, there is now one iron atom
Chemical Chemical equations must always have on the left and four iron atoms (2 x 2)
equations an equal number of each atom on both [with 12 positive charges, 2 x 2 x 3+]
sides of the equation. If all of the reac- on the right. In order to completely
must always tants and products are known, the best balance the equation, there must be
have an equal approach is to single-out one element four iron atoms on the left with 12
number of of known valence and balance the positive charges on the left. If a 4 is
entire equation on the basis of that ele- placed before the iron, the equation
each atom… ment. Many elements can have more is balanced:
than one valence, which complicates 4Fe3+ + 3O22– → 2Fe23+O32–
the process. If present, oxygen should Stoichiometrically, four moles of iron
be used to balance the equation. The combine with three moles of oxygen
arrow or arrows indicate chemical reac- to yield two moles of iron oxide.
tions or transformations and should be Consider the following problem:
considered to be like an equals sign (=) Using the reaction from above, how
in mathematics. Consider the following many grams of oxygen would be
unbalanced equation involving the required to react with 140 g of iron
reaction between iron (Fe3+) and oxygen to produce iron oxide?
(O2–) producing iron oxide: 4Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3
Fe3+ + O22– → Fe23+O32–
4 moles iron + 3 moles oxygen →
This equation is not balanced with 2 moles iron oxide
respect to the number of atoms or
atomic weight Fe = 55.85,
valence charges. Starting with oxygen,
so 4 moles Fe = 4 x 55.85 = 223.4 g
the equation is not balanced since
there are two oxygen atoms on the atomic weight O ≈ 16,
left side and three on the right. First, so 3 moles O2 = 3 x 2 x 16 = 96 g
_______________________ balance the number of oxygen atoms, Since only 140 g of iron is used (not
_______________________ then the iron atoms. The valence 223.4), the ratio of 140 divided by 223.4
charges are also not balanced, with can be multiplied times the 96 g of oxy-
four negative charges (2 x 2-) on the gen to determine the amount of oxygen
left and six negative charges (3 x 2-) needed to react with 140 g of iron.
_______________________ on the right. If a 2 is used in front of Oxygen required =
the iron oxide and a 3 in front of the 140 g Fe
_______________________ x 96 g O2 =
oxygen, the equation then becomes: 223.4 g Fe
Fe3+ + 3O22– → 2Fe23+O32– 60.2 g O2
The number of oxygen atoms and Therefore, it takes 60.2 g of oxygen
_______________________ negative charges are now balanced. to react with 140 g of iron to produce
_______________________ iron oxide.





Basic Chemistry 4A.14 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry


H+ H+
_______________________ If sugar is added to water, it will dis-
solve, forming a solution of sugar in H+
O 2–
_______________________ H+
water. The solution is homogeneous
_______________________ when no particles of sugar can be seen. O 2– O 2–
_______________________ The sugar is referred to as the solute; it H+
is the substance that is dissolved. The
_______________________ Na+
water is referred to as the solvent; it is
_______________________ the substance that does the dissolving. H+ H+
_______________________ Small additions of sugar will dissolve O 2– O 2–
until a point is reached at which the
solution is unable to dissolve additional H+ H+
_______________________ O 2–
sugar. This will be indicated when the
H+ H+
_______________________ crystals that are added drop to the bot-
tom of the glass and will not dissolve, Sodium ion is compact with relatively strong bonds with water.

even if the contents of the glass are well

_______________________ H+
stirred. A solution which has dissolved
O 2–

_______________________ all the solute that it is capable of dis-

_______________________ solving at a given temperature is said to H+
be saturated and this quantity of solute O 2–
is referred to as its solubility. H + H+
The solubility of compounds in polar Cl– O 2–
solvents, like water, can generally be H+
explained by their bonding. Polar H+
O 2–
covalent compounds, such as CO2,
usually are soluble in water. When H+
their attraction to water’s hydrogen O 2–
bonds is greater than their attraction H+
to the charges of other molecules of Chlorine ion is larger with weaker bonds with water.
the compound, the molecules of the
compound will disperse into solution. Figure 6: Ionization of sodium chloride in water.
Nonpolar covalent compounds, such Salts (compounds) with either mono-
as methane (CH4), are usually insolu- valent cations (sodium (1+) in soda ash,
ble in water and other polar solvents, Na2CO3) or monovalent anions (chlo-
but are often dispersable in nonpolar rine (1-) in calcium chloride, CaCl2) are
solvents, such as diesel oil. When non- usually soluble in water. The salts of
ionic compounds dissolve, they become multivalent cations combined with mul-
molecularly dispersed not ionized. tivalent anions (calcium (2+) and sulfate
Many ionic Many ionic compounds are soluble in (2-) [in gypsum CaSO4, for example]) are
compounds water. If the forces of attraction between usually insoluble or only sparingly solu-
the water molecules and the ions are ble. The forces holding ions together in
are soluble greater than the forces holding the ions the salts of multivalent cations and mul-
in water. in their crystals, the ions will attract a tivalent anions are much greater than
“shell” of water molecules and be freed the forces holding the ions together in
from their crystalline lattice, as shown
for sodium chloride (see Figure 6).
Basic Chemistry 4A.15 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4A Basic Chemistry

the salts of either monovalent cations or 1. Temperature. Solubility increases

monovalent anions. with increased temperature for most
Ionic bonded Ionic bonded compounds dissolve or solids and liquids. The solubility of
compounds solubilize into ions, whereas covalent gases usually decreases with increasing
bonded compounds are soluble as mole- temperature.
dissolve or cules. Brines are solutions of a high con- 2. pH. pH is a measure of the relative
solubilize centration of soluble salts and are more acid or base character of a solution
into ions… viscous than freshwater because the dis- (described in detail later). The solubility
solved salts reduce the free water by of many chemicals is a function of pH.
attracting large shells of water around Some chemicals, such as the multiva-
themselves, restricting the free move- lent salts of hydroxide and carbonate,
ment of the water. Ionic compounds are are more soluble in acidic conditions.
generally insoluble in nonpolar solvents Other chemicals are soluble only over
such as diesel oil. a neutral pH range, and still others
(organic acids such as lignite and lig-
nosulfonate) are more soluble as pH
The quantity of solute that will dis- increases to >9.5. Calcium and magne-
solve in a quantity of solvent to give a sium ions are soluble at acid to neutral
saturated solution is referred to as the pH, but become less soluble at high pH,
solubility of the solute in the solvent. as shown for calcium in Figure 7. As
Solubility of a solid, liquid or gas in a the hydroxide ions increase with pH,
liquid is generally expressed in units they react with the calcium and magne-
of grams of solute per 100 g of water. sium to precipitate calcium hydroxide
Table 6 lists the degree of solubility of and magnesium hydroxide.
several common compounds used in Other compounds, such as carbonate
drilling fluids. and sulfide ions, change species with
increasing pH. For instance, CO2, a gas,
(g per reacts with water to become carbonic
100 g acid at low pH. It will react with hydrox-
Compound Common Name water)
NaOH Caustic soda 119
ide to form bicarbonate ions in a neutral
CaCl2 Calcium chloride 47.5
pH range and finally carbonate ions at
NaCl Sodium chloride (table salt) 36 high pH (see Figure 8).
Water-base KCl Potassium chloride 34.7 The solubility of many mud chemi-
drilling fluids Na2CO3 Soda ash 21.5 cals is a function of the pH of the solu-
NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate 9.6 tion. For instance, not only are lignite
are generally CaSO4 Anhydrite 0.290 and lignosulfonate more soluble above
maintained Ca(OH)2 Lime 0.185 pH 9.5, but products like DUO-VIST (xan-
MgCO3 Magnesium carbonate 0.129 than gum) are more effective in the 7 to
in the 8 to CaCO3 Limestone 0.0014 11 pH range. Other additives are sensi-
12 pH range… Mg(OH)2 Milk of magnesia 0.0009
tive to high pH. Products like POLY-PLUST
BaSO4 Barite 0.0002
(PHPA) hydrolyze and become less effec-
ZnO Zinc oxide 0.00016
tive at high pH (>10.5). Most individ-
Table 6: Solubility of common chemicals. ual mud products have an optimum
pH range for maximum performance.
Water-base drilling fluids are generally
• Temperature maintained in the 8 to 12 pH range for
• pH (acid or base) improved chemical solubility and per-
• Ionic environment (salinity) formance, as well as for anti-corrosion
• Pressure and safety reasons. Mud engineers
should familiarize themselves with these

Basic Chemistry 4A.16 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

1,000 100

Filtrate calcium (mg/l)

900 CO2 CO32 -
800 Ca(OH)2 added to 80
700 NaOH solutions 68°F HCO3-

600 60 Increasing salinity
500 40 shifts curves to
400 the left
300 20
200 HCO3- HCO3-
100 0
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 pH
Caustic soda (lb/bbl)

Figure 7: Decreasing solubility of calcium Figure 8: Carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium.

with increasing pH.

ranges and maintain the drilling fluid liquid, but has practically no effect
system within the optimum pH range. on the solubility of liquids and solids.
3. Ionic environment (salinity). Of This increased solubility of gas is par-
particular importance to mud engi- ticularly important when we consider
neering is the chlorides concentration, the downhole chemical environment,
or salinity. An increase in salinity gen- where intruding or entrained gases
erally increases the solubility of other are subjected to high pressure and
salts and additives and will affect such may be solubilized.
…in solution, chemical reactions as precipitation. For The importance of the relative solubil-
the compound example, calcium sulfate (gypsum and ity of chemicals is that in solution, the
with the anhydrite) has its greatest solubility in compound with the lowest solubility
a 15% salt solution, wherein it is four will precipitate first. For example, if cal-
lowest times as soluble as it is in freshwater. cium chloride (high solubility) were
solubility will This trend decreases as the salinity mixed into water, it would ionize into
precipitate approaches saturation. Lime (calcium calcium and chloride ions. Then, if soda
hydroxide) also is more soluble at mod- ash (moderately soluble) were added, it
first. erate salinity. Even polymers, which are would ionize into sodium and carbon-
sensitive to precipitation by divalent ate ions, and calcium carbonate (low
cations and other conditions, are more solubility) would precipitate immedi-
stable in saline environments. The ately as the soluble calcium and soluble
_______________________ ionic environment of the solvent has carbonate ions react. Relative solubility
_______________________ a great impact on the chemical reactions can be used to determine what chemical
that will take place and the stability of to add to remove an undesirable chemi-
various products. cal. The other ions which are present in
_______________________ 4. Pressure. An increase in pressure the solvent affect solubility.
_______________________ increases the solubility of a gas in a









Basic Chemistry 4A.17 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

pH and Alkalinity

pH Kw depends on temperature (increases

The pH The pH value is used to describe the Kw) and ionic concentration of the
acidity or basicity of solutions. The pH solution (salinity).
value is used Kw, the product of [H+] and [OH–],
value is defined as the negative log of
to describe the hydrogen ion concentration. Low remains constant providing the tem-
the acidity or pH values correspond to increasing acid- perature is constant. In a neutral solu-
ity and high pH values correspond to tion, the concentration of hydrogen
basicity of [H+] is equal to the concentration of
high basicity. A change of one pH unit
solutions. corresponds to a ten-fold increase in hydroxide [OH–]; therefore, each would
hydrogen ion concentration. have a concentration of 1.0 x 10–7, and
Water is a weak electrolyte which the solution would have a pH of 7.0.
exists in nature as molecules of H2O. It If [H+] increases, the [OH–] decreases
can ionize to form hydronium (H3O+) and the solution becomes more acidic.
and hydroxyl (OH–) ions. The ioniza- Likewise, if the [OH–] increases, then the
tion of water is statistically rare, with [H+] must decrease and the solution
only one molecule in 556 million becomes more basic.
being ionized. Water is in equilibrium H+ (aq) and OH– (aq) ions are always
with the above ions according to the present in aqueous solutions in equilib-
following equation: rium with the solvent. H+ (aq), and OH–
2H2O H3O+ (aq) + OH– (aq) (aq) can react with other ions, influenc-
ing the concentrations of other ions in
The (aq) The (aq) indicates that the ions are
the solution. For this reason, reference
indicates dissolved in water, forming an aqueous
to the concentrations of H+ (aq) and
solution. Since water ionizes itself, the
that the ions process is called autoionization. This
OH– (aq) are made. To assist in this ref-
are dissolved erence, the terms pH and pOH are
equilibrium with the hydronium and
defined as:
in water, hydroxide ions provides the basis for
pH = - log [H+]
the classification of acids and bases.
forming an Acids are substances that add hydrogen
pOH = - log [OH–]
aqueous ions, (H+), when dissolved in water, A convenient relationship between
solution. increasing the hydronium concentra- pH and pOH is found by taking the
tion [H3O+]. The concentration for dif- negative logarithm (indicated by a p)
ferent ions is indicated by the chemical of Kw, which gives:
being shown in brackets, such as [H+] pKw = -log Kw = -log [H+] -log [OH–]
for the concentration of hydrogen ion. Using the definitions of pH and pOH,
The equilibrium expression for the given above, we find that at 25°C:
autoionization process is: pKw = pH + pOH
Kw = [H+] [OH–] since Kw = l.0 x 10 –14, then
This type of equilibrium expression is pKw = - log Kw = 14, which gives
used frequently to describe equilibrium pH + pOH = 14
conditions of related chemical species. This relationship of acids and bases
The equilibrium constant is given the with values for pH and [H+] plus pOH
symbol Kw, where the subscript (w) and [OH–] is shown in Figure 9.
refers to water. At 25°C, Kw = l.0 x 10–14,

Basic Chemistry 4A.18 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

pH [H+] [OH–] pOH

removed from the solution, and the pH
0 1 Acids 10–14 14 remains neutral. Again, if the salt con-
1 10–1 10–13 13 tains the cation of a strong base and
_______________________ the anion of a strong acid, the solution
2 10–2 10–12 12
_______________________ 3 10–3 10–11 11 will remain neutral. However, if the
4 10–4 10–10 10 salt contains the cation of a strong base
5 10–5 10–9 9 and the anion of a weak acid, its solu-
_______________________ 6 10–6 10–8 8 tion will be basic (increasing pH), as
_______________________ 7 10–7 Neutral 10–7 7 is the case with Na2CO3 (soda ash).
8 10–8 10–6 6
Conversely, if the salt contains the
9 10–9 10–5 5
cation of a weak base and the anion of
_______________________ 10 10–10 10–4 4
11 10–11 10–3 3
a strong acid, its solution will be acidic
12 10–12 10–2 2
(decreasing pH). Naturally, if an acid is
_______________________ 13 10–13 10–1 1 added, the pH would decrease, whereas
14 10–14 Bases 1 0 the pH would increase if a base were
added to a neutral solution.
Figure 9: pH scale, acids and bases.
_______________________ Note that low pH values correspond
Alkalinity titrations determine OH–,
to acids and low pOH values correspond
_______________________ HCO3– and CO32– concentrations by
to basic solutions. A change of one pH
measuring the amount of acid required
or pOH unit corresponds to a change in
to reduce pH. Borates, silicates, phos-
molar concentration by a factor of 10. A
phates, sulfates and organic acids (like
solution with a pH of 2 is not twice as
lignite) also can enter into the titration
acidic as a solution with a pH of 4; it is
and/or treatment calculations based on
100 times as acidic as a solution with a
alkalinity values. Alkalinity is the com-
pH of 4.
bining power of a base measured by the
Remember, the value of Kw changes
quantity of acid which can react to form
with temperature and ionic concentra-
a salt. In mud engineering, phenolph-
tion (salinity) so that pH values mea-
thalein alkalinity (P) is reported as the
sured with an electronic pH probe may
number of milliliters of 0.02 N H2SO4
not be valid unless the instrument
(water-base muds) required to titrate a
(meter or probe) and measurement
milliliter of filtrate (Pf) or mud (Pm),
are compensated for the temperature
reducing the pH to 8.3. The methyl
of the liquid and the salinity of the
orange filtrate alkalinity (Mf) measures
fluid. High-salinity pH measurements
the acid required to reduce pH to 4.3.
may require the use of a special “salt-
Alkalinity is compensated” pH probe.
Alkalinity is not the same as pH,
not the same although their values usually trend in
As discussed previously in regard to
the same direction. A strong base, such
as pH… salts, when NaCl (a neutral salt formed
as CAUSTIC SODA, added to pure water
by the combination of a strong acid
would show this correlation between
and a strong base) is dissolved in water,
alkalinity titration values and pH, as
the Na+ ions do not combine with OH–
shown in Table 7; however, due to the
ions (to reduce pH), because NaOH is a
presence of HCO3–, CO32– — as well
strong base. Likewise, the Cl– ions do
as calcium and magnesium — in oil-
not combine with H+ ions (to increase
field waters and drilling fluids, no
pH) because HCl is a strong acid. As a
correlation should be made.
result, neither H+ ions nor OH– ions is

Basic Chemistry 4A.19 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

NaOH Pf OH– hydroxyl, bicarbonate and carbonate

pH (lb/bbl) (cc 0.02N H2SO4) (ppm) concentrations as described in API
_______________________ 7 0.0000014 0.000005 0.0017 13B-1, Section 8, Table 8.1, and in the
_______________________ 8 0.000014 0.00005 0.017
Testing chapter. Because the Mf value
9 0.00014 0.0005 0.17
_______________________ can be an unreliable indication of bicar-
10 0.0014 0.005 1.7
_______________________ 11 0.014 0.05 17
bonate contamination if organic acids
12 0.14 0.5 170
or organic salts (like lignite or acetate)
_______________________ are used, an alternative procedure uses
13 1.4 5 1,700
_______________________ 14 14 50 17,000 a pH measurement and the Pf value to
calculate the carbonate and bicarbon-
Table 7: Relationship of pH and alkalinity for pure water.
ate concentration. These calculations
This table shows how small concentra- help monitor and diagnose carbon
_______________________ tions of caustic soda (NaOH) in pure dioxide, bicarbonate and carbonate
_______________________ water cause relatively high pH values contamination. In addition, these val-
and filtrate alkalinity. To observe the ues give the mud engineer a more
effect of a more complex ionic envi- thorough understanding of the ionic
_______________________ ronment, compare the higher amount and buffering environment of the
_______________________ of caustic required to increase pH in mud system, far beyond what can
seawater as shown later in Figure 10. be learned from a pH value alone.
Alkalinity measurements (Pf, Mf
_______________________ and other values) are used to calculate

Acids, Bases and Salts

Acids can be described as substances Both acids and bases can be either
which have a sour taste, cause efferves- strong or weak, depending on the
cence in contact with carbonates, turn elements in the compound and
blue litmus red and react with bases, their valence.
alkalis, and certain metals to form salts. Salts are simply combinations of the
All acids All acids contain hydrogen. Acids are anion (negative ion) from an acid and
contain termed as “strong” or “weak,” accord- the cation (positive ion) from a base. A
ing to the concentration of hydrogen salt may be neutral or have a tendency
hydrogen. ion (H+) that results from ionization. toward the acid or base side, depending
Bases can be described as having a on the relative strengths of the respec-
bitter taste, a “slippery” feeling in solu- tive ions or groups. As discussed previ-
tion, an ability to turn red litmus paper ously, the combination of a weak acid
blue, and an ability to react with acids and a strong base forms an alkaline
to form salts. Bases do not cause effer- salt, while the combination of a strong
vescence in contact with carbonates. acid with a weak base forms an acidic
Acids react with bases to form salts. A salt, and the combination of a strong
base is termed strong or weak, depend- acid with a strong base forms a neutral
ing on the quantity of the molecule salt. Table 8 is a list of the most com-
which disassociates into hydroxyl ions mon acids, bases and salts that are
(OH–) in solution. used in drilling fluids.

Basic Chemistry 4A.20 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Chemical Name Common Name Formula Type

Hydrochloric acid Muriatic acid HCl Acid (strong)
Sulfuric acid — H2SO4 Acid (strong)
Nitric acid Aqua fortis HNO3 Acid (strong)
Phosphoric acid Orthophosphoric H3PO4 Acid (mod. weak)
Carbonic acid Soda (sparkling) H2CO3 Acid (weak)
Citric acid — H3C6H5O7 Acid (weak)
Sodium hydroxide Caustic soda NaOH Base (strong)
Potassium hydroxide Caustic potash KOH Base (strong)
Magnesium hydroxide Magnesium hydrate Mg(OH)2 Base
Sodium carbonate Soda ash Na2CO3 Base (weak)
Calcium hydroxide Slaked lime Ca(OH)2 Base (strong)
Calcium oxide Quicklime CaO Base (strong)
Sodium chloride Rock salt NaCl Salt
Potassium chloride Potash (muriate of) KCl Salt
Calcium chloride — CaCl2 Salt
Calcium sulfate Anhydrite (gyp) CaSO4 ( • 2H2O ) Salt

Table 8: Common acids, bases and salts.

BUFFER SOLUTIONS solution of a weak acid and the soluble

Certain solutions called buffer solu- salt of that acid, the increase in hydro-
tions resist large pH changes when gen ion concentration (pH) is so slight
a base or acid is added to a solution. that for all practical purposes it is negli-
Many oilfield Many oilfield liquids and mud-treating gible. The anions of the salt of the weak
chemicals are buffered solutions. acid have taken the H+ ions as fast as
liquids and they were added and have reacted with
Buffer solutions generally consist of
mud-treating either a weak acid and a salt that con- them to form more of the weak acid.
chemicals are tain the same anion or a weak base and The net result is that the hydrogen ion
a salt that contain the same cation. The concentration has changed only very
buffered slightly; and the pH is little changed.
buffering action of a solution consist-
solutions. ing of a weak acid plus a salt of the This phenomenon can take place
acid comes about because: (1) added very easily when the mud engineer is
base reacts with the weak acid to form titrating (with an acid) the alkalinity
more of the common ion and (2) endpoints. In fluids with high carbon-
added acid reacts with the common ates, bicarbonates and hydroxides, as
ion to produce the weak acid. An soon as carbonates are converted to
example of a weak acid is carbonic acid bicarbonates, a buffer solution begins
(H2CO3). An example of a weak base is to develop which resists changes in pH.
ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH). If a Triethanolamine, lime and mag-
small amount of strong acid, such as nesium oxide are all chemicals used
HCl, is added to pure water or to a to buffer pH-sensitive mud systems.
dilute solution of acid in water, the Buffering can be highly beneficial to
hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of maintain stable fluid properties and
the water or solution is noticeably to resist the detrimental effects of
increased. If the same small amount various contaminants.
of acid is instead added to a buffered

Basic Chemistry 4A.21 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

ELECTROLYTE Since the ability of a solution to con-

Substances whose water solutions con- duct electricity is dependent upon the
duct electricity are called electrolytes presence of ions, it can be concluded
and contain both positive and negative that solutions that are excellent con-
All solutions ions. All solutions of ionic compounds ductors contain high concentrations of
are electrolytes. All acids, bases and salts ions (completely ionized), while solu-
of ionic com- tions that are poor conductors contain
are electrolytes. Electrovalent com-
pounds are pounds are formed by transfer of elec- low concentrations of ions (not com-
electrolytes. trons (ionic bonds); in the process, pletely ionized). Electrolytes that are
positive and negative ions are produced. completely ionized are called strong
The resulting solid compounds (salts electrolytes, whereas those that are not
and hydroxides) all have an ionic crystal completely ionized are called weak elec-
lattice structure. This means that, in the trolytes. With very few exceptions, salts
case of these electrovalent compounds, are strong electrolytes. Most hydroxides
the ions are formed when the com- (except Mg2+) are strong electrolytes and
pound is formed. They exist before the accordingly classified as strong bases.
compound is dissolved in water. When Acids such as HCl, H2SO4 and HNO3
such a compound is dissolved, the ionic are strong electrolytes and, therefore,
crystal lattice is broken down and the are classified as strong acids; most oth-
ions disassociate in solution; the water ers are moderately weak and are classi-
merely acts as a solvent. Typical equa- fied as weak acids. Pure water is a weak
tions to illustrate the disassociation of electrolyte, and not as conductive as
these already existing ions are: salt solutions.
Salt: NaCl = Na+ + Cl–
(as shown in Figure 6)
Lime: Ca(OH)2 = Ca2+ + 2OH–

Osmosis is a phenomenon that takes The “activity” of a solution is a mea-
place when two solutions of greatly dif- sure of the vapor pressure or “relative
_______________________ ferent solute concentration (salinity) humidity” and is related to solute con-
_______________________ are separated by a semi-permeable centration (salinity). Water would have
membrane. During osmosis, there is an activity of 1.0; higher salinity reduces
a net movement of solvent (water) activity. In drilling water-sensitive shales,
_______________________ through the membrane from the solu- it is desirable for the drilling fluid and
_______________________ tion with a lower solute concentration formation to have a similar activity to
(lower salinity) to the solution with the minimize the transfer of water from
higher solute concentration (higher the drilling fluid to the formation. Oil-
_______________________ salinity). Therefore, osmosis will tend and synthetic-base fluids have the
_______________________ to transfer solvent until the two solu- potential to transfer water from their
tions have a similar solute concentra- emulsified water phase (usually calcium
tion (salinity). The driving forces in chloride brine) if it’s activity is higher
_______________________ this process are the difference in solute than the activity of the formation
_______________________ concentration and the character of the through osmosis.
semi-permeable membrane.

Basic Chemistry 4A.22 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry


The chemical The chemical tests made in mud analy- important chemicals. Care should be
tests made ses are called titrations. Titrations are exercised to follow the exact procedure.
procedures which use standard solu- Formulas are also provided which will
in mud tions of a known concentration (N1) enable the engineer to make the neces-
analyses to determine the unknown concentra- sary calculations without having to
are called tion (N2) of a sample of known volume convert units.
(V2). The basic equation involving this
titrations. quantitative analysis is:
V2 x N2 = V1 x N1 Chemicals used to determine the end-
point in titrating are called indicators.
Solving this equation for N2 gives
Indicators are compounds that change
the following:
color with either a change in pH or a
N2 = 1 x N1 change in chemical concentration. The
color changes of acid-base indicators do
For a known sample volume (V2), so at a specific pH value. Different indi-
Chemicals using an indicator and titrating with a cators change color in acidic, neutral or
solution of known concentration (N1), basic pH conditions. Chemical indica-
used to
it is possible to determine the unknown tors are used which change color in the
determine the concentration (N2) of the sample by presence of calcium, magnesium chlo-
endpoint in measuring the volume (V1) required to rides and bromides. Table 9 lists the
titrating reach the endpoint. Proper procedures most common indicators used in mud
are outlined in the Testing chapter for analysis with the titrating chemical
are called quantitative measurements using stan- used and the color change the indicator
indicators. dard solutions for determining the undergoes at a specific condition.
Indicator Original Color Color Change Titration Titrating Chemical
Phenolphthalein Pink/red: pH >8.3 Colorless: pH <8.3 Pm Pf Pom Sulfuric acid
Methyl orange/ Green: pH >4.3 Yellow: pH <4.3 Mf Sulfuric acid
brom cresol green
Methyl orange Yellow/orange: pH >4.3 Pink/red: pH <4.3 Mf Sulfuric acid
Brom cresol green Blue: pH >3.8 Yellow: pH <3.8 — Sulfuric acid
Thymolphthalein Colorless: pH <9.5 Blue: pH >9.5 — Caustic solution
Methyl red Yellow: pH >5.4 Pink/Red: pH <5.4 PHPA Sulfuric acid
Calmagite or manver Wine red: Blue/purple: Total hardness Standard Versenate
or erio black T Presence Ca2+ and Mg2+ Absence Ca2+ and Mg2+ (0.01m EDTA)
CalVer II or Calcon Wine red: Blue/purple: Calcium Standard Versenate
Presence Ca2+ Absence Ca2+ (0.01m EDTA)
Potassium chromate Yellow Orange/red: Chlorides Silver nitrate solution
solution Excess AgNO3

Table 9: Common indicators.

Basic Chemistry 4A.23 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Concentrations of Solutions
Molality (m). A molal solution is a Milligrams per liter (mg/l).
solution which contains one mole of Milligrams per liter is a weight-volume
solute per kilogram of solvent. Thus, a relationship. A 100-mg/l solution con-
_______________________ 1 m (molal) solution of NaOH would tains 100 mg of solute per liter of solu-
_______________________ be 40 g of NaOH per 1,000 g of water. tion. Milligrams-per-liter concentrations
Molarity (M). A solution which con- are often improperly reported as parts
tains one mole of solute per liter of solu- per million, which is a weight-weight
_______________________ tion is called a molar solution. Thus, relationship. Milligrams per liter can
_______________________ 0.1 M (molar) HCl is a hydrochloric acid be converted to parts per million if the
solution which contains 1/10 mole or fluid density is known, by dividing
3.646 g of hydrogen chloride per liter the mg/l value by the specific gravity
of solution. of the solution.
_______________________ If the normality (N) (see below) of a Parts per million (ppm). Parts per
_______________________ solution is known, then the molarity million, abbreviated “ppm” is simply
(M) can be calculated by dividing the the concentration by weight of one
normality by its net positive valence. chemical expressed in per million parts
_______________________ Molarity = of the total. It is normally used to
_______________________ Normality ÷ net positive valence measure small concentrations. It is the
Normality (N). A 1.0 normal (N) solu- same as the weight fraction (decimal)
tion is defined as a solution with a con- times one million (1,000,000) or the
_______________________ weight percent times 10,000. Saturated
centration that contains 1 g-equivalent
weight of a substance per liter of solu- salt water, for example, is 26% salt by
tion and is usually written as just 1.0 N. weight; therefore, it would contain
For example, 1.0 N solution of HCl has 260,000 ppm salt (26 x 10,000 =
36.5 g solute per liter of solution. 260,000). Parts per million also can be
Likewise, a 1.0 N solution of H2SO4 calculated directly from a titration
has 49 g solute per liter of solution. which yields a concentration in mil-
If the Molarity (M) of a solution is ligrams per liter by dividing the mg/l
known, the Normality (N) can be cal- value by the specific gravity of the
culated by multiplying the molarity of solution.
the solute by its net positive valence. Equivalent Parts per Million (EPM).
Normality = EPM is the unit chemical weight of
Molarity x net positive valence solute per million unit weights of solu-
If the net If the net positive valence is 1, nor- tion. The EPM of a solute in solution is
mality and molarity will have the equal to the parts per million divided
positive by the equivalent weight.
same numerical value.
valence is 1,
and molarity
will have
the same

Basic Chemistry 4A.24 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Concentration* Solute Weight Solvent Weight Solution Volume Solution Weight

1 m (molal) 1 g mole wt 1,000 g — 1 g mole wt + 1,000 g
1 M (Molar) 1 g mole wt — 1 liter —
1 N (Normal) 1 g equiv wt — 1 liter —
100,000 mg/l 100,000 mg — 1 liter —
100,000 ppm 100,000 mg 900,000 mg — 1,000 g

Table 10: Solution concentrations.

* There is no standard starting solvent Molecular weight sodium chloride:

volume for any of these solution con- 58.44
centrations. A specific weight of solute is Gram-moles NaCl =
either added to a specific weight of sol- (230 ÷ 58.44) = 3.94
vent or solvent volume is added until a Since there are only 918 g of water,
final volume of solution is obtained. not 1 kg (1,000 g), then the number
Example: For a simple 1.148 g/cm3 (SG) of gram-moles must be adjusted for
sodium chloride solution with a volume the 1 kg value.
of 1,000 cm3 which contains 230 g of Molality = 3.94 x (1,000 ÷ 918) =
dissolved salt, calculate the following 4.287 gram-moles NaCl per kg
compositions and concentrations: d) Molarity — moles of solute per
a) Composition in weight % 1 liter of solvent:
b) Composition in volume % From c) above, there are 3.94 gram-
c) Molality moles NaCl in the original 1,000-cm3
d) Molarity (1-l) solution.
e) Normality Molarity = 3.94 gram-moles-per-liter
f) mg/l sodium chloride
e) Normality — gram equivalent
g) ppm sodium chloride
weight per liter solution:
h) EPM
Since sodium chloride has a net pos-
i) Weight ratio of NaCl to H2O, (lb/lb)
itive valence of 1, normality is the
Total solution weight =
same number as molarity.
1,000 cm3 x 1.148 g/cm3 = 1,148 g
Normality = 3.94 gram-equivalent
Water weight = total wt - salt wt =
_______________________ weights per liter
1,148 - 230 = 918 g
_______________________ f) mg/l sodium chloride:
a) Composition in weight %:
Since 230 g (230,000 mg) sodium
_______________________ Weight % NaCl =
chloride are contained in the 1,000-cm3
(230 ÷ 1,148) x 100 = 20.0%
_______________________ (1-l) solution:
Weight % H2O =
_______________________ mg/l sodium chloride =
(918 ÷ 1,148) x 100 = 80.0%
230,000 mg ÷ 1 l = 230,000 mg/l
_______________________ b) Composition in volume %:
g) ppm sodium chloride — weight
_______________________ SG pure water (20°C) = 0.998 g/cm3
ratio x 1,000,000:
Volume of pure water =
_______________________ ppm sodium chloride = (230 ÷ 1,148)
(918 ÷ 0.998) = 920 cm3
_______________________ x 1,000,000 = 200,350 ppm
Volume % of water =
(920 ÷ 1,000) x 100 = 92% h) EPM — ppm divided by
Volume of sodium chloride = equivalent weight:
_______________________ EPM sodium chloride =
1,000 - 920 = 80 cm3
_______________________ Volume % sodium chloride = (200,350 ÷ 58.44) = 3,428 EPM
_______________________ (80 ÷ 1,000) x 100 = 8% i) Weight ratio NaCl to H2O:
c) Molality — moles of solute per Grams NaCl ÷ grams H2O =
kilogram of solvent: (230 ÷ 918) = 0.2505

Basic Chemistry 4A.25 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Mixtures, Solutions, Emulsions and Dispersions

All of these terms have significant beverages) or gases in gases (air).
meanings to the mud engineer. The sub- Whenever two substances that can
tleties in meaning often are overlooked react with each other are in solution,
and not appreciated. they will usually do so.
A mixture is a combination of two A dispersion is a two-phase system
or more substances with no consistent in which one phase consists of finely
composition throughout. Mixtures of ground solid particles distributed in
different kinds of nuts or candies are the second phase. Drilling fluids with
common. Each substance in a mixture clays and solids are dispersions.
retains its unique properties. An emulsion is a stable mixture of
A solution is A solution is a homogenous mixture immiscible liquids held together by
a homoge- of two or more substances. A solution emulsifiers. Diesel oil and calcium
has a consistent composition through- chloride brine are not soluble in each
nous mixture out. Solutions can be solids in solids other; however, they can be combined
of two (metal alloys), solids in liquids (sugar to form an emulsion with the brine
or more in water), liquids in liquids (alcohol in being emulsified in the diesel oil to
water), gases in liquids (carbonated form oil-base mud systems.

Common Chemical Reactions in Mud Chemistry

This section concerns mud chemistry used with caution for this purpose,
problems commonly facing most mud because SAPP reduces pH and is not
engineers. Reactions with various treat- stable at high temperatures as a mud
ment chemicals are illustrated with resul- thinner. The reaction of SAPP with
tant precipitants or results. For a more gypsum is as follows:
detailed discussion of these reactions, Na2H2P207 + H2O → 2NaH2PO4;
see the chapter on Contamination 2NaH2PO4 + 3CaSO4 →
_______________________ and Treatment. Ca3(PO4)2↓ + 2Na+ + 3SO42 – + 4H+
The calcium ion, which can be derived Cement contains lime, Ca(OH)2, a
_______________________ from gyp or when drilling anhydrite, source of calcium and a flocculant
_______________________ is a contaminant in most water-base which can be removed by adding
muds. One way to reduce calcium is to sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). The
add soda ash. The following equation reaction is as follows:
_______________________ illustrates how calcium sulfate (or gyp) Ca(OH)2 + NaHCO3 →
_______________________ can be removed using treatments of CaCO3↓ + NaOH + H2O
sodium carbonate (soda ash) to form This reaction forms sodium hydrox-
calcium carbonate. The downward ide and will result in elevated pH even
_______________________ arrow implies precipitation of an insol- after the calcium from the cement is
_______________________ uble solid, whereas an upward arrow removed. For severe cement contami-
would imply generation of a gas. nation, an acid should be used in com-
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 → bination with sodium bicarbonate to
_______________________ CaCO3 ↓ + 2Na+ + SO42 – maintain an acceptable pH value.
_______________________ Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) Common acids used with sodium
_______________________ can also be used for treating anhy- bicarbonate are citric acid, acetic
drite contamination. It should be
Basic Chemistry 4A.26 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4A Basic Chemistry

acid, SAPP, and organic acids like calcium to lime, resulting in a pH >11.0
lignite or lignosulfonate. (see Figure 10). In seawater, the preferred
treatment for magnesium removal is
caustic, while the preferred treatment
Magnesium ions and calcium ions are for calcium removal is soda ash.
present in seawater. Both of these ions
are detrimental to water-base muds. CARBON DIOXIDE GAS CONTAMINATION
Since magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an acidic gas
and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) are which exists in many formations and is
relatively insoluble at higher pH, caus- a common mud contaminant. CO2 in
tic should be used to remove magne- an aqueous solution will form carbonic
sium and suppress the solubility of acid (H2CO3), which will convert to
calcium. The reactions are as follows: bicarbonate groups (HCO3–) at medium
Mg2+ + 2NaOH → pH values, then carbonate groups (CO32–)
Mg(OH)2↓ + 2Na+ (pH >10) at higher pH, as illustrated previously
Ca2+ + 2NaOH → in Figure 7. Small influxes may be
Ca(OH)2↓ + 2Na+ (pH >11) treated with caustic soda:
Caustic soda Caustic soda is used to reduce the CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 (carbonic acid);
magnesium and calcium in seawater 2NaOH + H2CO3
is used to 2Na+ + CO32+ + 2H2O (pH > 11)
by first precipitating magnesium as
reduce the Mg(OH)2, and then increasing pH to Massive influxes should be treated
magnesium suppress the solubility of calcium and with lime. Be advised that the calcium
precipitate lime. If lime is used in sea- carbonate precipitate may cause scale
and calcium to form on the surface of the drill-
water it, too, will remove magnesium,
in seawater… but the resulting calcium levels will be string and is difficult to remove from
very high and are undesirable. Gulf of the fluid with solids-control equipment
Mexico seawater requires 1.5 to 2 lb/bbl due to the ultra-small (submicron)
caustic soda (4.3 to 5.7 kg/m3) to precip- particle size.
itate all magnesium, then convert the H2O
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 ↓ + H2O

Distilled water

Freshwater mud

Mg removed — Ca
begins to convert to
Magnesium begins
to precipitate as
Mg (OH)2

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Caustic soda (lb/bbl)
Seawater: pH 8.0, 390 mg/l Ca, 1,300 mg/l Mg, 19,000 mg/l Cl

Figure 10: pH vs. caustic soda for seawater.

Basic Chemistry 4A.27 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

CARBONATE AND BICARBONATE soda or lime to increase the pH to >11.5

CONTAMINATION to form sulfide (S2–), then precipitated
Bicarbonate (HCO3–) and carbonate with a source of zinc.
(CO32–) contamination can occur Neutralization with caustic soda:
through the conversion of CO2 gas, 2NaOH + H2S
mentioned above, or from the thermal 2Na+ + S2– + 2H2O (at pH >11.5)
degradation of organic additives such as Neutralization with maintaining
lignite and lignosulfonate and from bio- excess lime:
degradation of starch and other addi- H2S + Ca(OH)2 →
tives, among other sources. These ions Ca2+ + S2– + 2H2O (pH >11.5)
can be removed with calcium. However, Converting hydrogen sulfide into just
since calcium bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2 is sulfide by increasing pH is not a per-
soluble, all bicarbonates must be con- manent reaction. If the pH were to
verted into carbonates (above a pH of drop into the acid region, sulfide will
about 11) before they can be completely convert back into the poisonous hydro-
…H2S should precipitated as calcium carbonate. The gen sulfide form. For this reason, H2S
always be removal of bicarbonates and carbonates should always be precipitated with a
can be achieved with any source of solu- source of zinc, such as zinc oxide.
precipitated ble calcium under conditions of con- Removal by precipitation with
with a source stant pH (if pH is high enough) or by treatments of SULF-XT (ZnO):
of zinc… increasing the pH with caustic soda in H2S + ZnO → ZnS↓ + H2O
the presence of calcium. REMOVAL OF OXYGEN WITH
Lime (Ca(OH)2) is preferred for con- OXYGEN SCAVENGER
verting HCO3– to CO32– and then pre-
Dissolved oxygen will cause increased
cipitating the carbonates as CaCO3,
corrosion and can be removed with
especially if the system pH will not be
treatments of a chemical containing
elevated to >11.
sulfite. Liquid ammonium bisulfite
2HCO3– + Ca(OH)2 →
solutions are the most common oxy-
CaCO3↓ + OH– + H2O
gen scavengers and react with oxygen
CO32– + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3↓ + 2OH–
as follows:
When a constant pH value must be NH4HSO3 + 1⁄2 O2 + OH– →
maintained, a combination of gyp and NH4 + SO3 + H2O;
lime treatments is required: SO3 + 1⁄2 O2 → SO4
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCO3– →
Soluble calcium may react to form
CaCO3↓ + CO32– + 2H2O
calcium sulfite, which has a maximum
CaSO4 • 2H2O + CO32– →
solubility of about 43 mg/l in cold
CaCO3↓ + SO42– + 2H2O
water and less in hot water. The sulfite
HYDROGEN SULFIDE residual at the flow line should not be
(H2S) CONTAMINATION expected to exceed this level if the mud
Hydrogen Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous and contains high levels of calcium.
sulfide is a dangerous acidic gas encountered in ACID TREATMENTS
many formations and produced fluids.
poisonous It can quickly deaden senses and can be
The filter cakes containing acid-soluble
and weight materials, such as calcium car-
fatal even at low concentrations. H2S is
bonate used for non-damaging drill-in
dangerous characterized by its typical “rotten egg”
fluids, are often removed from the well
smell. For safety reasons, it should be
acidic gas… neutralized immediately with caustic
with hydrochloric acid treatments.

Basic Chemistry 4A.28 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4A Basic Chemistry

Calcium carbonate dissolution using enough to be removed by mechanical

hydrochloric acid: means. The filter cake will filter out
CaCO3 + 2HCl → most of the calcium complexed with
_______________________ CaCl2 + CO2↑ + H2O the lignite. However, some lignite-
_______________________ complexed calcium will pass through
the filter cake and paper so that it will
Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) be collected with the filtrate. During
_______________________ and other phosphates will react with the titration of filtrate calcium, the
and precipitate calcium according to readily available calcium is titrated
the following reaction: first. As the titration continues, the
Na2H2P2O7 + H2O → 2NaH2PO4; complexed calcium solubilizes and
_______________________ 2NaH2PO4 + 3Ca(OH)2 → this, too, will be titrated. This com-
_______________________ Ca3 (PO4)2↓ + 4H2O +2NaOH plexed calcium is not available for
Although the reaction has caustic as chemical reactions in mud systems.
a byproduct, pH is still reduced, since One lb/bbl of solubilized lignite has
SAPP is a weak acid and the reaction the potential to complex 200 mg/l cal-
_______________________ leaves only two hydroxyl groups for cium. Keep in mind that although the
_______________________ every six original hydroxyl groups. calcium titration may show a sufficient
excess of calcium, none may be avail-
_______________________ EFFECT OF LIGNITE ON CALCIUM
able to react with carbonate and bicar-
_______________________ Lignite contains calcium (from 1.5 to bonate groups. So, it may be possible
5%) as part of its chemical makeup. to be experiencing a carbonate prob-
Organic acids like lignite also have the lem even though some calcium is
ability to tie up calcium chemically. titrated in the filtrate when using
This complexed calcium exists as a solid lignite as an additive.
particulate (flock) and may not be large

Basic Chemistry 4A.29 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

A thorough understanding of clays can clay minerals can be further classified
be the mud engineer’s most valuable as to the ratio of silica to alumina lay-
tool. Clay may be added intentionally, ers such as 1:1, 2:1 and 2:2, as well as
such as M-I GELT, or it may enter the according to whether they are layered
mud as a major contaminant through or needle-shaped clay minerals.
dispersion of drill solids. In either case, In the drilling fluids industry, cer-
it becomes an active part of the system. tain clay minerals such as smectite, a
…it is For this reason, it is necessary to under- major component of bentonite, are
necessary to stand basic clay chemistry in order used to provide viscosity, gel structure
to properly control water-base muds. and fluid-loss control. Formation clays
understand Clay chemistry is also important with are unavoidably incorporated into the
basic clay regard to interactions between water- drilling fluid system during drilling
chemistry base muds and shales which affect operations and they may cause vari-
wellbore stability. ous problems. Thus, clay minerals
in order Clay is a broad term commonly used can be beneficial or harmful to the
to properly to describe sediments, soils or rocks fluid system.
control consisting of extremely fine-grained The term bentonite is used for
mineral particles and organic matter. commercially-mined sodium montmo-
water-base A good example is the clays (or some- rillonite (which is a form of smectite)
muds. times called gumbo clays) found in the that is used as an additive for drilling
backyard or along riverbanks. These mud (i.e. M-I GEL or GEL SUPREMEE).
clays are often soft and plastic when Geologically, bentonite is a bed of altered
wet, but become hard when dry. This volcanic ash. One of the biggest
“soft when wet, hard when dry” physi- deposits of this volcanic ash occurred
cal property can be related to the pres- over 60 million years ago in areas of
ence of certain clay minerals. Clay is North America now known as the
also used as a group term for particles Blacks Hills of Wyoming and South
with a size less than 2 microns in Dakota, and the Big Horn Mountains
diameter, which includes most of of Wyoming. Bentonite clay mined in
the clay minerals. Wyoming actually comes from this
…clay Clay minerals are fine-grained volcanically deposited bentonite bed.
minerals… aluminum silicate minerals having Bentonite clay mined in other areas of
well-defined microstructures. In min- the world may be from other types of
are used eralogical classification, clay minerals geological deposits.
to provide are classified as layered silicates because Because of their small particle sizes,
viscosity, gel the dominant structure consists of lay- clays and clay minerals are analyzed
ers formed by sheets of silica and alu- with special techniques such as x-ray
structure and mina. Each sheet is a thin, plate-like diffraction, infrared absorption and
fluid-loss structure and is called a unit layer. A electron microscopy. Cation Exchange
control. typical layered silicate mineral, for Capacity (CEC), water adsorption and
example, is mica or vermiculite, which surface area are some of the properties
can be split into thin layers along the of clay minerals that are often deter-
cleavage planes. Most clay minerals are mined in order to better characterize
platy in morphology. Depending on clay minerals as well as to minimize
the repeating units of the structure, drilling problems.

Clay Chemistry 4B.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

Types of Clays
There are a large number of clay min- Sodium montmorillonite (Wyoming
erals, but those with which we are bentonite, M-I GEL and GEL SUPREME)
concerned in drilling fluids can be is also normally added to a mud to
categorized into three types. increase viscosity and reduce fluid loss.
The first type are needle-shaped, The filtration and rheological proper-
non-swelling clays like attapulgite or ties of the mud become a function of
sepiolite. It is believed that the shape the amounts of various clays contained
of the particles is responsible for the in the mud. Since the montmorillonite
clay’s ability to build viscosity. The nat- is intentionally added to a mud to con-
ural fine crystal size and needle shape trol these properties, the other clay
causes it to build a “brush heap” struc- types may be considered contami-
ture in suspension and thereby exhibit nants, as they are not as effective
high colloidal stability even in the as a commercial clay.
presence of high electrolyte concen- Clays exist in nature with a stacked or
Clays exist tration. Owing to their shape and layered structure, with each unit layer
in nature non-swelling characteristics, these clays roughly 10 angstroms (Å) thick. This
exhibit very poor filtration control. For means there are about a million layers
with a this reason, attapulgite is primarily used of clay per millimeter of thickness. Each
stacked or as a viscosity builder in saltwater muds clay layer is highly flexible, very thin
layered and sepiolite is most often used as a and has a huge surface area. An indi-
supplemental viscosifier for geothermal vidual clay particle can be thought of
structure… and high-temperature fluids. These as being much like a sheet of paper or
clays are rarely, if ever, present in for- a piece of cellophane. One gram of
mation shales. M-I sells attapulgite sodium montmorillonite has a total
under the name SALT GELT and sepiolite layer surface area of 8,073 ft2 (750 m2)!
under the name DUROGELT. In freshwater, the layers adsorb water
The second type are the plate-like, and swell to the point where the forces
non-swelling (or slightly swelling) holding them together become weak-
clays: illite, chlorite and kaolinite, ened and individual layers can be sep-
discussed later. arated from the packs. Separating these
Separating The third type are the plate-like, packs into multiple layers is known as
these packs highly swelling montmorillonites. dispersion. This increase in number of
The second and third types of clay particles, with the resulting increase in
into multiple minerals are found in formation shales surface area, causes the suspension to
layers is in the following order in decreasing thicken. Figure 1 is an actual photomi-
known as amounts: (1) illite, (2) chlorite, (3) crograph of a bentonite particle. Note
montmorillonite and (4) kaolinite. that it resembles a fanned-out deck of
dispersion. Because these clays are present in cards. Several of the plate-like particles
drilled formations, they become dis- can be seen overlapping each other. It
persed in the drilling fluid system in is this characteristic shape of the parti-
varying amounts. The montmorillonite cles that produces the so-called “shin-
in shales is usually calcium montmo- gling” effect that is so important to
rillonite since it is in equilibrium with fluid-loss control.
the formation water, which is normally
rich in calcium.

Clay Chemistry 4B.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

2µ 2µ

ca One
Sili 10 Å unit
Tetrahedral a
mn i layer

Figure 2: Idealized montmorillonite particle.

sheets. Three-layer clays are built of

unit layers composed of two tetrahe-
Figure 1: Photomicrograph of bentonite particles. dral sheets on either side of one octa-
hedral sheet, somewhat like a sandwich
Clays are usually either of the two-
(see Figure 2). Two-layer clays are built
layer type like kaolin or three-layer
of unit layers consisting of only one
type such as montmorillonite, chlorite
tetrahedral and one octrahedral sheet.
or illite. Each plate-like clay particle
Clays can consists of a stack of parallel unit lay-
Clays can either be electrically neu-
either be tral or negatively charged. For exam-
ers. Each unit layer is a combination
ple, pyrophyllite [Al2Si4O10 – (OH)2],
electrically of tetrahedrical (pyramid) arranged
a neutral clay, as shown in Figure 3,
silica sheets and octahedrical (eight-
neutral or faced) arranged alumina or magnesia
is similar to the negatively charged
negatively montmorillonite.
charged. All surface charges balance
– – – – –
O O + O + O + O +
O O O O O O O Silica
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si + layer
Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Alumina
OH OH OH OH layer

+ Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si O Silica
O O O O O O O –
+ + + + layer

Figure 3: Electrically neutral pyrophyllite.

Clay Chemistry 4B.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

MONTMORILLONITE CLAYS In addition to the substitution of

(THREE-LAYER CLAYS) magnesium (Mg2+) for aluminum (Al3+)
_______________________ If just one atom of magnesium (Mg2+) is in the montmorillonite lattice, many
substituted for one atom of aluminum other substitutions are possible. Thus,
(Al3+) in the lattice structure (arrange- the name montmorillonite often is used
_______________________ ment of atoms), it will then possess a as a group name including many spe-
_______________________ surplus electron or negative charge cific mineral structures. However, in
(see Figure 4). The net negative charge recent years, the name smectite has
is compensated by the adsorption of become widely accepted as the group
_______________________ name, and the term montmorillonite
cations (positive ions) on the unit
_______________________ layer surfaces, both on the interior and has been reserved for predominantly
on the exterior surfaces of the stack. aluminous members of the group. This
The cations that are adsorbed on the group of minerals includes montmoril-
_______________________ lonite, hectorite, saponite, nontronite
unit-layer surfaces may be exchanged
_______________________ for other cations and are called the and a number of other specific minerals.
_______________________ exchangeable cations of the clay. The ILLITES (THREE-LAYER CLAYS)
quantity of cations per unit weight of
_______________________ Illites have the same basic structure
the clay is measured and reported as
as montmorillonites, but they do not
_______________________ the CEC. The cation may be a single-
show interlayer swelling. Instead of
_______________________ charge ion such as sodium (Na+) or a
the substitution of Mg2+ for Al3+ as in
double-charge ion such as calcium
_______________________ montmorillonite, illite has a substitu-
(Ca2+) or magnesium (Mg2+). Thus, we
tion of Al3+ for Si4+, still giving a nega-
have sodium montmorillonite, calcium
tive charge. The compensating cations
montmorillonite and/or magnesium
are primarily the potassium ion (K+),
montmorillonite. Although Wyoming
as shown in Figure 6. The net negative
bentonite is generally described as
lattice charge that results from these
sodium montmorillonite, the exchange-
substitutions, by compensating potas-
able calcium and magnesium may con-
sium ions, is usually larger than that
stitute 35 to 67% of the total exchange
of montmorillonite by as much as one
capacity. The most typical property of
and a half times.
montmorillonites is that of interlayer
swelling (hydrating) with water (see
Figures 5 and 6).

Na+ Surface-bonded cations Na+

Surplus negative charges
– – – – –
O O + O + O + O +
O O O O O O O Silica
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si + layer
Al Alumina
Al Mg Al Al Al Mg Al

+ Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si O Silica
O O O O O O O – layer
+ O + O + O + O

Figure 4: Substitution of Mg 2+ for Al 3+ causing a negative-charged particle.

Clay Chemistry 4B.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry



distance OH


Exchangeable cations nH2O (adsorbed water) Swelling

Next unit

Oxygens OH Hydroxyls Aluminum, iron, magnesium

and Silicon, ocassionally aluminum

Figure 5: Structure of smectite.

The spacing between unit layers is shale formations and often cause vari-
2.8 Å. The ionic diameter of the K+ is ous problems in borehole stability and
Only the 2.66 Å. This allows the K+ to fit snugly drilling fluid maintenance. The trouble-
potassium between unit layers forming a bond some nature of these clay minerals can
ions on the that prevents swelling in the presence be related to the weakly-bonded inter-
of water. Since the unit layers do not layer cations and weak layer charges
external swell and separate when exposed to that lead to swelling and dispersion
surfaces water, the potassium ions (K+) between upon contact with water. With increas-
can be the unit layers are not available for ing burial depths, the smectite gradually
exchanged exchange. Only the potassium ions on converts into illite/smectite mixed-layer
the external surfaces can be exchanged clays and finally to illite and mica. As
for other for other cations. a result, shale formations generally
cations. Among the 2:1 clay minerals, smec- become less swelling but more disper-
tite, illite, and mixed layers of illite and sive in water with increasing depth.
smectite are encountered during drilling

Clay Chemistry 4B.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry


Chlorites are structurally related to the Kaolinite is a non-swelling clay that
three-layer clays. In their pure form has its unit layers bound tightly
they will not swell, but they can be together by hydrogen bonding. This
made to swell slightly with alteration. prevents expansion of the particle
In these clays, the charge-compensat- because water is unable to penetrate
Kaolinite ing cations between montmorillonite- the layers. Kaolinite does not contain
does not type unit layers are replaced by a layer interlayer cations or surface charges
of octahedral magnesium hydroxide, because there is little or no substitu-
contain or brucite (see Figure 6). This layer has tion in either tetrahedral or octahedral
interlayer a net positive charge because of some sheets. However, some minor charges
cations or replacement of Mg2+ by Al3+ in the can come from broken bonds or impu-
brucite layer. rities. Therefore, kaolinite has a rela-
surface Chlorite is often found in old, deeply tively low cation exchange capacity
charges… buried marine sediments and normally (5 to 15 meq/100 g). Kaolinite is com-
does not cause significant problems monly found as a minor to moderate
unless present in large quantities. The constituent (5 to 20%) in sedimentary
cation exchange capacity of chlorite rocks such as shales and sandstones.
varies from 10 to 20 meq/100 g, primar- A summary of clay minerals is shown
ily due to broken bonds. The interlayer in Table 1 and a schematic comparison
distance of chlorite is usually about of the various clay structures shown in
14 Å. Chlorite also may form mixed- Figure 6.
layer clays with other clay minerals
such as smectite. The resultant mixed-
layer clay would have the properties of
both types of clay minerals.
Exchange Distance
Group Structure Charge Cation (Å) Swelling
Kaolinite 1:1 layer Nil None 7.2 None
Talc 2:1 layer Nil None 9.3 None
Smectite 2:1 layer 0.3 - 0.6 Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ 11 - 15 Variable
Vermiculite 2:1 layer 1.0 - 4.0 K+, Mg2+ 14 - 15 Variable
Illite 2:1 layer 1.3 - 2.0 K+ 10 Nil
Mica 2:1 layer 2.0 K+ 10 None
Chlorite 2:2 layer Variable Brucite layer 14 Nil
Sepiolite 2:1 chain Nil None 12 Nil
Palygorskite 2:1 chain Minor None 10.5 Nil

Table 1: Commonly encountered clays.

Clay Chemistry 4B.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry


H2O Mg(OH)2 KK

H2O H2O Mg(OH)2

1 crystal 1 crystal 1 crystal KK 1 crystal

H2O H2O Mg(OH)2
Mg(OH)2 KK

Needle-shaped clay H2O H2O H2O
H2O H2O Kaolinite Chlorite Illite
(Mg(OH)2 = brucite sheet) (K = potassium)
Plate-like, non-swelling clays
1 crystal Mg(OH)2 KK 1 crystal
1 crystal
H2O b H2O
1 crystal 1 crystal
a c
Mg(OH)2 KK

Chlorite type Illite type
“a” Has the properties of chlorite
“b” Has the properties of montmorillonite H2O
“c” Has the properties of illite
Mixed-layer clays Plate-like, swelling clays

Figure 6: Clay structure comparison.

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)

The compensating cations that are When this test is run on a mud, the
adsorbed on the unit-layer surface may total methylene blue exchange capac-
be exchanged for other cations and are ity of all the clay minerals present in
called the exchangeable cations of the the mud is measured. It is normal
The quantity clay. The quantity of cations per unit procedure to report the Methylene
of cations weight of clay is measured and reported Blue Capacity (MBC) as the equiva-
as the CEC. The CEC is expressed in lent amount of Wyoming bentonite
per unit millequivalents per 100 g of dry clay required to obtain this same capacity.
weight of (meq/100 g). The CEC of montmoril- It is important to note that the test
clay is… lonites is within the range of 80 to does not directly indicate the amount
150 meq/100 g of dry clay. The CEC of bentonite present. However, an esti-
the CEC. of illites and chlorites is about 10 to mate of the amount of bentonite and
40 meq/100 g, and for kaolinites it is solids in the mud can be calculated if
about 3 to 10 meq/100 g of clay. one considers that the average drill
The Methylene Blue Test (MBT) is an solids have about 1/9 the CEC of ben-
indicator of the apparent CEC of a clay. tonite, and if the amount of drill solids

Clay Chemistry 4B.7 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

present in the mud is calculated from The relative concentration of each

a retort analysis. This estimation of cation also affects this cation-exchange
the quantity of added bentonite and preference. Even though calcium is
drill solids can be made more exact more difficult to replace than sodium,
by measuring the MBC of the drill cut- if the ionic concentration of Na+ is
tings. This procedure can be helpful significantly higher than Ca2+, then
in estimating both the amount and sodium will displace calcium. Cation
quality of the clays in the mud. exchange may result from a change in
In order to have some idea of which temperature since many compounds
cations will replace other cations in have different solubility-to-temperature
the exchange positions, the following relationships. Some of the common
…any cation is generally accepted and is arranged calcium salts, such as CaSO4, decrease
to the left in decreasing preference: in solubility at high temperatures while
will replace H+ > Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > NH4+ > most sodium compounds increase in
Na+ > Li+ solubility. As the Na+/Ca2+ concentra-
any cation tion increases, there is a tendency for
to its right. In other words, any cation to the the Ca2+ on the clay to be replaced by
left will replace any cation to its right. Na+ from solution.

Composition of Clay-Water Muds

In most In most areas, commercial clays, such hard water, soft water, etc. It is
areas, as M-I GEL and GEL SUPREME, are added not uncommon to use a variety
to water when preparing a water-base of brine solutions from salty up
commercial mud. The clays serve a dual purpose: to saturation as the base liquid
clays…are (1) to give viscosity to the drilling fluid, to build a water-base system.
added to and (2) to deposit a filter cake that will 2. The reactive-solids phase is com-
seal permeable formations in order to posed of commercial clays, incorpo-
water when limit filtration losses and prevent stuck rated hydratable clays and shales
preparing a pipe. In some areas, drilling can be per- from drilled formations that are held
water-base formed starting with water and allow- in suspension in the fluid phase.
ing the drill solids to be incorporated, These solids are treated chemically
mud. resulting in sufficient properties to allow to control the properties of the drill-
the well to be drilled. In other situations, ing fluid. Various additives will be
polymer-base systems are used where no used to obtain desirable properties.
clays are added to the formulation. 3. Inert solids refer to those solids in
Clay-water muds have water as the liq- suspension that are chemically inac-
uid continuous phase in which certain tive. These may be inert drill solids
materials are held in suspension and such as limestone, dolomite or sand.
other materials dissolved. Numerous Barite is added to the drilling fluid
mud additives are used to obtain special to increase the fluid density and is
properties but, basically, all components also an inert solid.
can be divided into three categories.
The remainder of this chapter will
1. The water phase is the continuous
discuss the behavior of the reactive
phase of the mud. Depending on
solids in the water phase and how
location and/or available water,
this affects mud properties.
this may be freshwater, seawater,

Clay Chemistry 4B.8 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

HYDRATION OF CLAYS phenomena allow clays to generate

The bentonite crystal consists of viscosity. As shown in Figure 7, cal-
three layers: an alumina layer with a cium-base bentonites only expand to
silica layer above and below it. The clay 17 Å, while sodium bentonite expands
platelet is negatively charged and has a to 40 Å.
The thickness cloud of cations associated with it. If a The thickness of the adsorbed-water
of the significant amount of these cations are film is controlled by the type and
sodium, the clay is often called sodium amount of cations associated with the
adsorbed- clay. Water adsorbed to the large, flat,
montmorillonite. If they are primarily
water film calcium, then the clay is called calcium planar surfaces comprises the major
is controlled montmorillonite. part of the total water retained by
Depending on the cations present, hydratable clays. Divalent cations
by the type such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ increase the
the interlayer spacing of dry montmo-
and amount rillonite will be between 9.8 (sodium) attractive force between platelets, thus
of cations… and 12.1 Å (calcium) and filled with decreasing the amount of water that
tightly bound water. When dry clay can be adsorbed. Monovalent cations
contacts freshwater, the interlayer such as Na+ give rise to a lesser attrac-
spacing expands, and the clay adsorbs tive force and allow more water to
a large “envelope” of water. These two penetrate between the platelets.

Calcium montmorillonite

Ca2+ 17 Å

Silica Ca2+

10 - 12 Å Ca2+



+ water

Sodium or calcium Na+

40 Å


Sodium montmorillonite

Figure 7: Comparison of swelling for calcium and sodium montmorillonite.

Clay Chemistry 4B.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

Because sodium bentonite swells four water-sensitive. Most shales contain sev-
times as much as calcium bentonite, eral types of clay in varying amounts.
sodium bentonite will generate four The reactivity of a shale depends on the
times the viscosity. A more compre- types and amounts of clay minerals pre-
hensive discussion of the role which sent in the shale. Often the CEC is a
calcium-base exchange plays in calcium- better measure of clay reactivity than
treated systems is covered in the Water- the mineralogical analysis inferred from
Base Systems chapter. X-ray diffraction analysis.
A cation Smectite, in addition to adsorbing
water and cations on external surfaces,
may serve absorbs water and cations to surfaces As pointed out previously, the relative
as a bond between layers in its crystalline struc- replacing power of one cation by
ture. The ability of smectite to adsorb another is shown in the following series:
to hold the
water is much greater than other clay H+ > Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > NH4+ >
clay mineral minerals. The ability to adsorb water, Na+ > Li+
particles the quantity of exchangeable cations A cation may serve as a bond
together… (CEC) and the surface area are closely to hold the clay mineral particles
related phenomena that are sometimes together, thereby decreasing hydra-
termed colligative properties of clay. tion. Multivalent cations tie layers
These colligative properties are basi- together more firmly than monova-
cally measurements of the reactivity lent cations, usually resulting in aggre-
of the clay. Because CEC is easy to gation of the clay particles. Potassium,
…colligative measure, it is a practical method to a monovalent cation, is the exception
properties assess clay or shale reactivity. The CEC to the rule. The adsorbed cations may
of clay can be measured with a meth- become hydrated and attract a water
are basically ylene blue titration. When measuring envelope with a definite shape. The
measurements the CEC, 0.01 N methylene blue solu- size and shape of the hydrated cation
of the tion is used so the number of milli- affects its ability to fit between inter-
liters of methylene blue solution
reactivity needed to reach the end point is
layer clay surfaces and influences both
clay swelling and clay hydration. Spaces
of the clay. equal to meq/100 g. The range of within the crystalline montmorillonite
CEC for pure clay mineral materials layers is 2.8 Å. Small ions, like potas-
is shown in the following table: sium, that can fit between clay layers
Clay CEC (meq/100 g) are more easily and permanently
Smectite 80 - 150 exchanged. In addition, cations that
Illite 10 - 40 become large when hydrated expand
Chlorite 10 - 40 the interlayer distances to promote clay
Kaolinite 3 - 10 hydration. Calcium is a good example,
Table 2: CEC range for pure clay mineral materials. having a hydrated diameter of 19.2 Å.
Lithium is another example, having
Smectite is clearly much more reactive three water molecules and a hydrated
than other clay mineral materials. Shales diameter of 14.6 Å. Monovalent cations
containing smectite are the most water- with large hydrated diameters cause the
sensitive and hydrate the most. Shales most swelling and dispersion. Multivalent
containing other clay minerals have cations with small hydrated diameters
less ability to hydrate but still may be are the most inhibitive.

Clay Chemistry 4B.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

Table 3 lists the ionic diameter The ion exchange reaction is gov-
(crystalline) and hydrated diameter erned by the law of mass action; that
of cations common to drilling fluids. is the rate of exchange depends on
Once hydrated cations are adsorbed the concentration of the ions (i.e. the
in the interlayer region, they can be higher the ratio of K ion to Na ion,
dehydrated with time and exposure to the faster the rate of exchange
high temperatures so that the inter- of K+ for Na+).
layer distances actually shrink and In addition to ion exchange, ion fix-
become less reactive (see ion fixation ation will occur in clays with a high
discussed in the following section). layer charge. This increases the selec-
tivity of the clay for potassium by an
Ionic Diameter Hydrated Diameter order of magnitude. Montmorillonite
Cation (Å) (Å)
Li+ 1.56 14.6
clays, such as Wyoming bentonite and
Na+ 1.90 11.2 some gumbo-type shales which were
K+ 2.66 7.6 deposited in potassium-depleted envi-
Chemical NH4+ 2.86 5.0 ronments, are selective to potassium.
Mg2+ 1.30 21.6 Based on theoretical calculations, Eberl
reactions Ca2+ 1.98 19.2 finds that potassium fixation in smec-
between Al3+ 1.00 18.0 tite clays will occur if the layer charge
clay and Table 3: Ionic radii and hydration radii is high and will shift the equilibrium
of common cations. toward preferential cation exchange
potassium with potassium.
ions are CLAY REACTIONS WITH POTASSIUM IONS In the Gulf Coast, the smectite con-
unique… Chemical reactions between clay and tent of the shales and gumbos is derived
potassium ions are unique when com- from the weathering of igneous and
pared to other ions. The ion exchange metamorphic rock or recycled sedi-
model does not fully explain the inter- mentary smectite ultimately derived
action of potassium with clay. Special from igneous and metamorphic rock.
attention will be paid to this process Furthermore, the smectite clays in the
because of the widespread use of potas- Gulf of Mexico have undergone at least
sium in drilling and completion fluids some degree of alteration by the process
to stabilize reactive shales. Even in U.S. known as burial diagenesis.
…smectite offshore applications, where the potas- This diagenetic alteration can be sub-
sium level must be maintained below divided into a two-step reaction. The
clays in the 5% for environmental reasons, this first step is the creation of high-layer-
Gulf of small concentration of ions can help charged smectite by the substitution of
Mexico have stabilize active shale formations because aluminum for silicon in the tetrahedral
ion fixation can occur in some smec- layer of the smectite. The high-layer-
undergone at tite clays when they are exposed charged smectite is then converted to
least some to potassium. illite (actually mixed-layer illite/smectite)
degree of According to Eberl (1980), there are by fixation of potassium. This fixation
two ways that potassium can become of potassium occurs in nature even with
alteration… associated with clay minerals: a high sodium-to-potassium ratio in the
1. Ion exchange (discussed earlier). pore solution.
2. Ion fixation.

Clay Chemistry 4B.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

There is enough potassium available important to the rheology of clay sus-

…linking to allow smectite layers to transform pensions. These linking processes must
processes to illite layers in many geological set- be understood in order to understand
tings. In other geological settings, the and control rheological changes in
must be complete transformation cannot occur drilling fluids.
understood because potassium is in short supply. In The thin flat, plate-like particles of
in order to geological settings where transformation clay have two different surfaces. The
of smectite layers to illite layers has been large face or planar surface is negatively
understand limited by the unavailability of potas- charged and the thin, edge surface is
and control sium, high-layer-charged smectite can positively charged where the lattice
rheological diagenetically develop. This is the case is disrupted and a broken bond sur-
with Gulf Coast smectite clays. They face exposed. These electrical charges
changes in will generally have a high-layer charge, and exchangeable cations make up an
drilling and a higher portion of the charge will electrical force field around the clay par-
fluids. arise in the tetrahedral layer which ticles that determines how these parti-
should be more selective toward potas- cles interact with one another. If the
sium at lower temperatures. Therefore, exchangeable ions are dissociated from
when potassium becomes available from the clay surface, the repelling force
drilling mud, even seawater muds with between the flat negatively-charged
a high sodium-to-potassium ratio, plates is large, and the plates will be
the conversion of high-layer-charged dispersed from one another. Complete
smectite layers to illite layers will dispersion is rare and probably can only
occur. The effect of this reaction is occur in dilute suspensions of purified
to stabilize the shale. sodium montmorillonite. Usually, some
In some gumbo shales, the high- degree of linking between particles occurs.
layer-charged smectite layers coexist Clay particles associate in one of
with lower-layer-charged smectite lay- the following states: aggregation,
ers. The low-layer-charged smectite dispersion, flocculation or defloc-
layers will not fix potassium and, in culation (see Figure 8). They can be
cases where the potassium concentra- in one or more states of association
tion is greatly exceeded by sodium, at the same time with one state of
will behave according to classical ion association predominating.
exchange theory. Thus, increasing the
potassium-to-sodium ratio in the mud Aggregation Flocculation
(face to face) (edge to face) (edge to edge)
will help saturate the low-layer-charged
smectite layers with potassium and
provide additional shale stabilization.
Dispersion Deflocculation
In addition to knowing the amount
and quality of the clays in a mud, it is
necessary to know the state of associa-
tion of the clay particles. The various
linking processes of clay particles are
Figure 8: Association of clays.

Clay Chemistry 4B.12 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

…defloccu- Aggregation (face-to-face linking) certain chemicals to the mud neutralizes

lating chemi- leads to the formation of thicker plates the electrochemical charges on the
or packets. This decreases the number clays. This removes the attraction that
cals are often of particles and causes a decrease in the results in edge-to-edge and/or edge-to-
referred to plastic viscosity. Aggregation can be face bonding between clay particles.
as mud caused by the introduction of divalent Since deflocculation results in a reduc-
cations to the drilling fluid, such as tion in viscosity, deflocculating chemi-
thinners. Ca2+. This could occur from additions cals are often referred to as mud thinners.
of lime or gypsum or by the drilling of Deflocculation also aids in allowing the
anhydrite or cement. After an initial clay particles to lay flat in the filter cake
increase, the viscosity will decrease to reduce fluid loss.
with time and temperature to some
value lower than it was originally.
Dispersion, the reverse of aggrega- The yield of clays is defined as the
tion, leads to a greater number of parti- number of barrels of 15-cP (centipoise)
cles and to higher plastic viscosities. mud that can be obtained from one
…yield of Clay platelets are normally aggregated ton of dry material. Figure 9 illustrates
before they are hydrated and some dis- why 15 cP was chosen as the defining
clays is value for yield. The critical part of the
persion takes place as they hydrate. The
defined as degree of dispersion depends on the curve for all types of clay appears at
the number electrolyte content of the water, time, 15 cP. Large additions of clay up to
15 cP promotes little viscosity increase,
of barrels of temperature, the exchangeable cations
on the clay and the clay concentration. whereas, small amounts of clay have a
15-cP mud pronounced effect on viscosity above
Lower salinity, longer times, higher
that can be temperatures and lower hardness lead 15 cP. This is not only true with com-
obtained from to more dispersion. Even Wyoming mercial clays but for hydratable drill
bentonite will not completely disperse solids as well. It is also relevant that
one ton of a 15-cP clay suspension will support
in water at room temperature.
dry material. Flocculation refers to edge-to-edge barite in weighted-mud systems.
and/or edge-to-face association of par- This graph can be very useful to the
ticles, leading to the formation of a mud engineer. For a given viscosity of
“house of cards” structure. This causes the various clays, data relative to slurry
an increase in viscosity, gelation and density, percent solids by weight, yield
fluid loss. The severity of this increase in barrels-per-ton, percent solids by
is a function of the forces acting on volume and pounds solids per barrel
the linked particles and the number of mud may be obtained.
of particles available to be linked. For example, about 20 lb/bbl of ben-
Anything that increases the repelling tonite (M-I GEL) is required to produce
forces between particles or shrinks a 15-cP viscosity mud. From the graph,
the adsorbed water film, such as the then, it would contain 51⁄2% solids by
addition of divalent cations or high weight, yield 100 bbl/ton, have 21⁄2%
temperature, promotes flocculation. solids by volume and weigh about
Deflocculation is the dissociation 8.6 lb/gal.
of flocculated particles. The addition of

Clay Chemistry 4B.13 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

Slurry density (lb/gal)

8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0

Specific gravity of solids = 2.4



Viscosity (cP)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Solids (% wt)

200 100 75 50 40 30 25 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 8
Yield (bbl/ton of 15-cP mud)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30
Solids (% vol)

10 20 30 40 50 75 100 150 200 250

Solids (lb/bbl)

Figure 9: Viscosity curves resulting from different clay solids.

The yield would be less if a clay takes be improved by utilizing high-quality
up less water. By comparison, if sub- Wyoming bentonite.
bentonite was used to produce a 15-cP M-I GEL and GEL SUPREME are both
viscosity mud, it would contain 18% Wyoming bentonites. They differ in
solids by weight, yield only 28 bbl/ton, that M-I GEL is treated with very small
have 81⁄2% solids by volume and would amounts of polymer (peptized) to
weigh almost 9.4 lb/gal. increase its yield, while GEL SUPREME
Clays have many applications in is a non-treated bentonite. M-I GEL
drilling muds. Increasing the viscosity meets API Specification 13A, Section 4
of a drilling mud may best be accom- “Bentonite” specifications. GEL SUPREME
plished with the least amount of solids meets API Specification 13A, Section 5
by adding a clay which has the high- “Non-Treated Bentonite” specifications.
est yield (M-I GEL). Lower fluid-loss M-I also sells OCMA bentonite which
values can be obtained with bentonite meets API Specification 13A, Section 6
since coarse and medium-sized parti- “OCMA Bentonite” specifications.
cles are normally produced from the NOTE: OCMA is the acronym for Oil
formation. The quality of the mud will Companies Materials Association.
Clay Chemistry 4B.14 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4B Clay Chemistry



Viscosity (cP)
Hydration and Hydration and dispersion of dry clay 20
Salt solution
dispersion of are greatly affected if the makeup 15
water contains salt or various metallic 10 Calcium solution
dry clay are ions. For example, many drilling 5
greatly muds are prepared with seawater for 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
affected if the economy and convenience. A typical Salt (mg/l x 1,000)
analysis of seawater might contain the 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0
makeup water following components: Calcium (mg/l x 1,000)
contains salt
Parts per Million Figure 10: Viscosity effect when adding
or various Components (mg/l) bentonite to water containing various
metallic ions. Sodium 10,550 concentrations of salt or calcium.
Chloride 18,970
Sulfate 2,650
Magnesium 1,270
Calcium 400
Potassium 380
Bromine 65
Other components 80
NOTE: Brackish water could contain the same components,
but at different concentrations.

Water containing any salt concen-

tration can be saturated with an addi-
tional salt. Saturated saltwater contains
about 315,000 mg/l sodium chloride. Initial 72 hr later
Approximately 120 lb/bbl of salt is
required to saturate freshwater. Figure 11: Hydration of bentonite in freshwater.
Figure 10 shows the effect of various
concentrations of these ions upon the
hydration of bentonite. In general, it
…hydration can be stated that the hydration of
of freshwater freshwater clays decreases rapidly with
increasing concentrations of these ions.
clays decreases This phenomenon is more apparent
rapidly with in Figures 11 and 12. Demonstrated in
increasing these examples is the hydration of two
identical cubes of bentonite, the first
concentrations in freshwater and the second in salty
of these ions. water. Figure 11 shows the bentonite Initial 72 hr later

cube initially in a beaker of freshwater

Figure 12: Hydration of bentonite in salty water.
and then again 72 hr later. Hydration
and consequent swelling is readily practice is to “soften” the water with
apparent. Figure 12 shows the ben- soda ash and caustic soda to precipi-
tonite cube initially in the salty water tate calcium and magnesium. When
and again 72 hr later. It is obvious that high chloride concentrations exist, the
little or no hydration has occurred. only method of reducing the concen-
Water containing calcium or magne- tration is by dilution with freshwater.
sium is referred to as “hard” water. To When the makeup water is salty,
obtain more viscosity from the clay, one SALT GEL (attapulgite) may be used
Clay Chemistry 4B.15 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4B Clay Chemistry

water, a question might be “Why not

always use attapulgite?” The answer
would be (1) greater cost, (2) lack of
filtration control due to particle shape
and (3) rheology characteristics are
more difficult to control.
Bentonite can be used as an effective
viscosifier in saltwater if it is first prehy-
drated in freshwater then added to the
salty water. It is beneficial to maintain
Figure 13: Photomicrograph of attapulgite particles. a 9 to 10 pH and treat the prehydrated
bentonite slurry with a deflocculant
…attapulgite for achieving viscosity. Attapulgite is before adding it to the salty water.
clay will a unique mineral. Its crystalline struc- In this way, the initial flocculation
ture is needle-like as shown in Figure followed by a loss of viscosity from
build similar 12. Its ability to build viscosity is inde- dehydration in the saltwater environ-
viscosity in pendent of the makeup water. At the ment is reduced.
any type of same concentration, SALT GEL in any This is shown in Figure 14. A slurry
type water would give about the same consisting of 30 lb/bbl bentonite was
makeup viscosity as M-I GEL in freshwater. The prepared and allowed to hydrate. It
water… ability to build viscosity does not depend was then added to a barrel equivalent
on hydration, but rather upon the of water having a concentration of
extent to which the bundles of needles 100,000 mg/l sodium chloride.
are sheared. The resultant viscosity is From this figure, it is obvious that
created by two elements: the clay is dispersed in the saltwater
1. The formation of brush-heap struc- and the rheological properties show
tures by the shearing forces. A sim- that the clay is performing its func-
ple analogy would be similar to tion. Much of this viscosity will be
straw stirred into water. eventually lost through dehydration
2. Attractive forces between particles over time, but a portion will always
created by broken-bond charges on remain. The resultant viscosity will
the edges of needles broken by the always be substantially higher than
shearing force. making an addition of dry clay
Since the attapulgite clay will build directly to the saltwater.
similar viscosity in any type of makeup

1 3
⁄4 bbl of 30-lb/bbl + ⁄4 bbl of 100,000-mg/l = 1 bbl slurry with properties
prehydrated bentonite slurry NaCl water AV = 47, PV = 15 and YP = 63

Figure 14: Addition of prehydrated bentonite to saltwater.

Clay Chemistry 4B.16 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

70 60

60 50

50 40

Viscosity (cP)
Viscosity (cP)
40 30

30 20

20 10

10 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Salt (mg/l x 1,000)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 16: Effect of salt on prehydrated bentonite.
Calcium x 100 (mg/l)

Figure 15: Effect of calcium on prehydrated bentonite.

considerations, since pH does affect vis-
cosity, is selection of the most desirable
An entirely different reaction occurs pH range for optimizing the rheologi-
when salt or calcium is added directly cal properties of the drilling fluid. From
to a bentonite slurry prepared and the graph it can be observed that the
hydrated in freshwater. Figures 15 viscosity of a bentonite suspension is
and 16 demonstrate this reaction. lowest in the pH range of 7 to 9.5. This
To be noted is the initial increase is one reason why most water-base
and subsequent decrease in viscosity drilling fluids are run in this range.
previously discussed under clay Increased dispersion of clay results
particle associations. when pH is above 9.5, increasing the
Figure 15 represents initial viscosity viscosity of the drilling fluid.
increase due to flocculation caused by
the addition of the divalent cation Ca2+. 70

This in turn causes aggregation of the

particles and a viscosity decrease due 60

to dehydration and decreased number

…all drilling of particles. 50

muds… Figure 16 shows essentially the same

Viscosity (cP)

thing except that flocculation and the 40

should aggregation are caused by mass action of
have a pH the Na+ due to its high concentration. 30

above 7. EFFECT OF PH 20
It is relevant at this time to also con-
sider the effect of pH on the yield of 10
bentonite. Figure 17 illustrates the vis-
cosity of a bentonite slurry as the pH 0
is varied. Most all drilling muds are 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
treated to be alkaline, i.e., they should
have a pH above 7. One of the primary Figure 17: Effect of pH on Wyoming bentonite.

Clay Chemistry 4B.17 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

In previous discussions, the emphasis what is considered to be desirable mud

has been toward getting the most vis- properties. For obvious reasons, such
cosity from the smallest addition of as safety and corrosion, drilling muds
material. The significance of pH is that are rarely operated in the acidic range
the viscosity created by values above with a pH below 7.
10 is sometimes out of proportion to

Principles of Chemical Treatment

Viscosity is Viscosity is the result of frictional as that portion of viscosity due to hydra-
the result of well as electrical forces existing in a tion of the clay minerals. Anionic mate-
mud system. As drilling progresses, rials are adsorbed on the edges of the
frictional as solids are incorporated into the drill- clay particles to satisfy the residual
well as elec- ing mud. They will be ground and broken-bond cationic charges. Anionic-
trical forces broken into very fine particles, caus- charged chemicals commonly used for
ing an increase in the viscosity of the the treatment of drilling mud include
existing in a mud, unless these solids are removed phosphates, tannins, humic-acid lignins
mud system. from the system. Drilling various con- (lignite), lignosulfonates and low-
taminants will also cause flocculation molecular-weight synthetic polymers.
and an increase in viscosity. This adsorption changes the balance of
Evaluating the rheological properties forces acting on the clay particle from
of the mud will enable the mud engi- an attractive force (flocculation) to a
neer to quickly determine the cause repulsive force (deflocculation). Instead
of trouble and the proper treatment of being drawn together, the particles
to reduce viscosity. Water is effective repel or tend to avoid contact with
for reducing viscosity if solids are one another.
high, but it is not the most economi- Chemical treating agents reduce
cal treatment if abnormal viscosity is flocculation in clay-water drilling flu-
caused by chemical flocculation (as ids by one or more of the following
indicated by a high yield point and mechanisms.
gels). There are organic and inorganic 1. Removing the contaminant
anionic additives that can be used to by precipitation.
effectively reduce flocculation. 2. Reducing the effects of the con-
The primary effect of anionic viscosity- taminant by complexing the
reducing chemicals is believed to be a contaminate (sequestering).
neutralization of residual broken-bond 3. Neutralizing flocculation by
cationic charges. The mechanism of satisfying cationic charges on
this action in water-clay suspensions the clay particles.
is to reduce that portion of viscosity 4. Encapsulating or forming a protec-
due to attractive forces between the tive film around the clay particle.
particles without substantially affecting

Clay Chemistry 4B.18 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

PHOSPHATES has a more neutral pH (8.0) that

The two principal phosphates used in makes it more applicable for routine
drilling mud are: mud-thinning treatments.
1. Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) The application of phosphates for
pH of 4.8. treatment is limited. The materials are
2. Sodium Tetraphosphate (STP or not effective mud thinners at moderate
PHOS) pH of 8.0. temperatures. If the mud temperature
is much in excess of 175°F (79.4°C), the
…phosphates These phosphates are powerful phosphates revert to orthophosphates.
are powerful anionic dispersants and only a small As orthophosphates, they may become
treatment will produce maximum vis- flocculants rather than deflocculants.
anionic cosity reduction. The amount of treat- This does not rule out the application
dispersants… ment for simple dispersion rarely of phosphates for sequestering calcium
exceeds 0.2 lb/bbl. This means that for at higher temperatures. As orthophos-
a 1,000-bbl system, only 200 lb would phates, they still have the ability to
be required to thin the fluid. The phos- decrease calcium, although their thin-
phates can be added directly through ning power is decreased. The phos-
the hopper or from the chemical barrel. phates also do not perform effectively
If added from the chemical barrel, at higher salt concentrations.
approximately 50 lb of phosphate is
mixed with a barrel of water. The solu- LIGNITE
tion is then added directly to the mud The basic lignite used for viscosity con-
uniformly over one circulation. trol is TANNATHINT (pH 3.2). Lignite is less
Phosphates Phosphates are used principally in soluble at low pH, so to be effective the
are used low-pH muds and spud muds. They pH of the mud must be in the alkaline
lower viscosity in two ways: (1) they range or the lignite must be presolubi-
principally neutralize attractive forces by being lized in a high-pH slurry before being
in low-pH adsorbed on the surface of solids, and added to the mud system. Caustic soda
muds and (2) they remove calcium and magne- is usually added with low-pH lignite
sium. The low pH of SAPP and its additives. In field use, the ratio of caus-
spud muds. ability to remove calcium makes it an tic soda to TANNATHIN will range from
excellent treating agent for cement 1:6 to 1:2. The lignins are best added
contamination. The phosphates are through the mud hopper. TANNATHIN
seldom used by themselves in mud performs best in mud systems with
treatment; rather, they are used to pH values that range from 9 to 10.5.
supplement control along with caus- CAUSTILIGT is a causticized lignite
tic soda and an organic thinner. If that has a pH of about 9.5. K-17T is
SAPP (pH of 4.8) were used continu- a potassium hydroxide-neutralized
ously by itself, the mud would even- lignite with a pH of about 9.5.
tually become acidic. This could be XP-20T (pH 10) is a prereacted chrome
detrimental and lead to severe corro- lignite used primarily in conjunction
sion and excessive viscosity. PHOS with SPERSENEE (chrome lignosulfonate).

Clay Chemistry 4B.19 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

It complements the performance of to lignite-base additives. Tannins are

SPERSENE in M-I’s Chrome Lignosulfonate usually more expensive and provide a
System (CLS or SPERSENE/XP-20 system). shorter-term effect as compared to
As an integral part of the SPERSENE/XP-20 both lignite and lignosulfonate. Desco,
mud system, XP-20 is a drilling-fluid from Drilling Specialties Co., a chrome
stabilizer and emulsifier. It decreases lignin, and Desco CF, a chrome-free
fluid loss and contributes to the inhib- lignin, are widely used as thinners.
itive properties of the mud. It is the
primary thermal stabilizer in the high-
temperature DURATHERME system. The The lignosulfonates include SPERSENE,
application of XP-20 is not limited a chrome lignosulfonate; SPERSENE CF,T
to SPERSENE/XP-20 and DURATHERM a chrome-free lignosulfonate; and
systems, and can be used in a wide SPERSENE I, a ferro-chrome lignosul-
variety of deflocculated water-base sys- fonate. These additives are versatile
tems for fluid-loss control, thinning materials that have wide applications
and increased thermal stability. in many deflocculated water-base sys-
Lignite Lignite additives help form oil-in- tems. They work well at all levels of
water emulsions and are generally not alkaline pH, can be used at elevated
additives salt levels and are effective in the
effective at high calcium concentration.
help form They are only moderately effective at presence of higher calcium levels.
oil-in-water higher salt concentrations. Lignosulfonate additives have a low
pH (about 3.0). For this reason, caustic
emulsions… LIGNINS soda should be added along with all
Lignins are a group of products similar SPERSENE treatments. The amount of
to lignite and lignosulfonate that come caustic will vary according to the type
from chemically-treated tree bark. mud being run, but usually at one
QUEBRACHOE is a lignin/lignite blend part caustic for four parts SPERSENE. It
designed to provide thinning and fluid- not only reduces viscosity and gel
loss control. In general, tannin products strength, but when used in sufficient
are more soluble than alternative chem- quantities, it reduces water loss and
icals in lower-pH muds. They are more provides an inhibitive environment.
effective at lower temperatures and Additions of SPERSENE are generally
high-salinity environments as compared made through the mixing hopper.

Clay Chemistry 4B.20 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

APPLICATION The principles of chemical treatment

Figure 18 demonstrates the changes of in a clay-water fluid are shown in
viscosity that occur when plastic viscos- Figure 18:
ity and yield-point values are altered by 1. Introducing 1⁄2 lb/bbl of cement
chemical contamination and treatment. caused flocculation to occur due
The data can be analyzed to determine primarily to calcium contamina-
the effect on both the funnel viscosity tion. Both the funnel viscosity
and apparent viscosity by varying mate- and the apparent viscosity increase.
rial additions to promote changes, then Examination of the graph reveals
interpreting the rheological values. that this viscosity change was
Whether measured in seconds/quart brought about by increasing the
with the funnel or in cP with the vis- yield point (increased attractive
cometer, the apparent viscosity is com- forces or flocculation). Little or no
posed of two components: (1) solids change was experienced in plastic
content and nature of these solids, and viscosity because plastic viscosity is
(2) the electro-chemical attraction due primarily to solids.
between the solids. 2. Ten % water was added to demon-
As contaminants are introduced and/ strate that water has little effect on
or the solids content is increased, the reducing yield point (flocculation).
viscosity increases. If the Marsh-funnel Water does not remove calcium,
viscosity increases, then the apparent which is the cause of flocculation
viscosity will usually increase. It is also or high attractive forces. Water can
true that if one decreases, the other only increase the separation of the
will usually decrease. However, if only solids, but does not change the
the apparent viscosity were measured, association of the clays or alter
this value is of little use for mud con- yield point.
Plastic trol. Plastic viscosity, yield point and gel 3. The addition of 1 lb/bbl of PHOS
strengths are the important factors. Plastic (for removing calcium) produces a
viscosity, tremendous decrease in both the
viscosity is more of a measure of the
yield point structural viscosity that is determined funnel and apparent viscosity. This
and gel by the solids concentration. Yield point was brought about by lowering the
and gels are more a measure of clay yield point. The yield point was
strengths reduced because PHOS reduces cal-
hydration and flocculation. Yield points
are the and gels in clay free xanthan polymer cium and deflocculates the clay par-
important muds are less affected by normal conta- ticles. It is also shown that this
mination, flocculation/deflocculation addition of chemical had little or
factors. no effect upon plastic viscosity.
and anionic chemical thinning.

Clay Chemistry 4B.21 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry


Funnel viscosity (sec/qt)



Funnel vi

Apparent viscosity
Plastic viscosity
AV, PV and YP (cP or lb/100 ft2)



Yield point


Base 10% 200 10% 1/4
mud water lb/bbl water lb/bbl
1/2 1 1/4 1/4 10%
lb/bbl lb/bbl lb/bbl lb/bbl water
cement PHOS PHOS cement +
10 lb/bbl

Figure 18: Principles of chemical treatment.

Clay Chemistry 4B.22 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4B Clay Chemistry

_______________________ 4. The second viscosity increase (Part point as in Part A. Plastic viscosity
_______________________ D) was caused by the addition of was increased by adding 10 lb/bbl of
200 lb/bbl of barite (inert solids) to clay for the same reason as the viscos-
increase mud weight. The apparent ity increased in Part D by the intro-
_______________________ viscosity change is almost the same as duction of solids. There is, however,
_______________________ before, but for an entirely different one great difference. The clay solids
reason. This viscosity change resulted hydrate and take up water. With less
from raising plastic viscosity. The free water available, the friction is
_______________________ addition of more solids increased increased considerably with only a
_______________________ the friction between solids because small amount of solids. For a unit vol-
the total surface area of the solids ume of solids, hydratable drill solids
increased. Yield point increased only will always increase viscosity more
_______________________ slightly because the solids are closer than inert solids. The correct treat-
_______________________ together. Any attractive force will ment here is the addition of both
be more effective because the dis- chemical thinners and water for dilu-
tance between particles is reduced. tion to lower both plastic viscosity
However, the funnel and apparent and yield point.
_______________________ viscosity increased primarily because 8. Addition of chemicals lowered
_______________________ of increased plastic viscosity. The cor- viscosity for the same reason as
rect mud treatment here would be to in Part C.
add water. 9. Addition of water lowered viscosity
5. 1⁄4 lb/bbl of PHOS was added to for the same reason as in Part F.
demonstrate that a slight reduction
The following generalization can be
in viscosity can be obtained by lower-
made for the most economic control
ing the yield point, and to also show
of flow properties to obtain optimum
that chemical treatment alone will
not reduce high viscosity from solids.
1. An increasing yield point, accompa-
Viscosity remained high even after
nied by little or no changes in the
the treatment.
plastic viscosity, may be reduced or
6. Adding water is the correct treatment
controlled by the addition of chem-
to reduce viscosity. Ten % by volume
ical thinners in a clay-water system.
water was added and the plastic vis-
2. An increasing plastic viscosity,
cosity was reduced. Both the funnel
accompanied by little or no changes
and apparent viscosities decreased
in yield point, may be reduced or
significantly because they are a func-
controlled by water or the use of
tion of plastic viscosity. The yield
mechanical solids-control equipment
point decreased only slightly.
to discard undesirable solids.
7. Adding both a chemical contaminant
3. Simultaneous large increases in
and reactive solids causes the third
both yield point and plastic viscos-
viscosity increase, increasing both
ity can be reduced or controlled by
yield point and plastic viscosity. The
1 both of the above.
⁄4 lb/bbl of cement increased the yield

Clay Chemistry 4B.23 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


4C Contamination and Treatment


A contami- A contaminant is any type material ions, initially flocculating, then possibly
nant is (solid, liquid or gas) that has a detrimen- chemically converting the bentonite
tal effect on the physical or chemical to a lower-yielding clay. This affects
any type characteristics of a drilling fluid. What the amount of adsorbed water and the
material… constitutes a contaminant in one type size, shape and association of particles,
that has a of drilling fluid may not necessarily be resulting in unstable rheology and
a contaminant in another. fluid-loss control.
detrimental Low-gravity, reactive solids are conta- The severity of these contaminants
effect on the minants all drilling fluids have in com- made it necessary to develop mud sys-
physical or mon. These solids consist of drilled tems that could tolerate them. These
solids incorporated into the system or systems include lignosulfonate muds,
chemical through over-treatment with commer- low-colloid polymer muds, lime muds,
characteristics cial clays. Economically, drilled solids gyp muds and salt muds. Many of these
of a drilling and the problems associated with their systems are deliberately pretreated with
fluid. control have greater impact on mud lignosulfonate, salt (sodium chloride)
costs than other type of contamina- and calcium-containing materials such
tion. However, the primary focus here as lime or gypsum. Therefore, when
is on the following common chemical additional concentrations of these cont-
contaminants of water-base muds: aminants are encountered, they have
1. Anhydrite (CaSO4) or gypsum minimal effect on the systems.
(CaSO4•2H2O). The primary purposes of this
2. Cement (complex silicate of chapter are:
Ca(OH)2). • To reveal the source(s) of each
3. Salt (rock salt, makeup water, seawa- chemical contaminant.
ter, magnesium, calcium and sodium • To describe how each affects mud
chloride, and connate water). properties.
4. Acid gases, including carbon dioxide • To describe how to use mud property
(CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). changes to identify the contaminant.
• To describe how to treat the mud to
With the exception of the acid
restore the original properties.
gases, these chemical contaminants
are directly related to ion exchange Since changes in physical mud prop-
reactions with clays. Therefore, the erties such as increased rheology and
concentration of the clay-type solids fluid loss due to flocculation are similar
in a water-base mud has a direct rela- regardless of which chemical contami-
tionship on how severely the chemical nant is present, the changes in physical
contaminant affects the mud properties. properties indicate only that a contami-
The Methylene Blue Capacity (MBC) is a nant exists. An analysis of the changes
good indication of the concentration of in chemical properties is necessary to
clay-type solids. Muds with MBC levels identify the contaminant. Therefore, the
below 15 lb/bbl are less affected by sources, effects and treatment options
chemical contamination. of each chemical contaminant are dis-
An ion exchange reaction can occur cussed in detail. A quick-reference guide
when sodium bentonite is exposed to and tables, in metric and English units,
chemical environments containing are included at the end of the chapter
high concentrations of other metallic (see Tables 2, 3 and 4).

Contamination and Treatment 4C.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Anhydrite or Gypsum Contamination

There are few areas in the world where DETECTION FACTORS
anhydrite or gypsum is not drilled. The first indication of anhydrite or
Anhydrite Anhydrite and gypsum are both calcium gypsum contamination is an increase
and gypsum sulfate and nearly identical in chemical in physical properties, including funnel
composition. Gypsum (CaSO4•2H2O), viscosity, yield point and gel strengths.
are both with its attached water, is more soluble Chemical tests must be performed to
calcium than anhydrite (CaSO4). The severity of identify which chemical contaminant is
sulfate this contaminant depends primarily on present since the increase in these phys-
the amount drilled. If only a small ical properties is also the first indication
and nearly amount of a contaminant is encoun- of other types of chemical contamina-
identical in tered, it can be tolerated by precipitat- tion. The main indications of gyp or
chemical ing the calcium ion. If large amounts anhydrite contamination include:
are encountered, the mud system 1. An increase in filtrate calcium. This
composition. should be converted to a calcium-base may not be apparent initially if there
system. Both lime and gyp-base calcium is an excess of carbonate, bicarbon-
systems can tolerate anhydrite or gyp- ate or phosphate ions present in the
sum contamination without adversely mud, or if the pH of the mud system
affecting the mud properties. is being increased. But when the solu-
The initial effect of calcium conta- bilized gyp depletes these chemicals,
mination on a bentonite-base mud a reduction in pH occurs because the
system is high viscosity, high gel pH of gyp (6 to 6.5) is very low. This
strengths and increased fluid loss. reduction in pH will result in a large
The extent to which these properties increase in filtrate calcium, since the
are affected is a function of concen- solubility of calcium is inversely
tration of the contaminant, the con- proportional to pH.
centration of reactive solids and the 2. Reduction of the pH and alkalinity,
concentration of chemical defloccu- and an increase in filtrate calcium,
lants in the drilling fluid. are the most reliable indicators.
As shown below, when calcium sul- 3. Due to the relatively limited solu-
fate solubilizes in water, it ionizes into bility of anhydrite and gypsum,
calcium and sulfate ions. cuttings may contain traces of the
CaSO4 Ca2+ + SO42– mineral. Many times, this is evi-
denced by the presence of small,
The solubility The solubility of CaSO4 is con-
white, mushy balls of acid-soluble
of CaSO4 is trolled by pH, salinity and tempera-
material on the cuttings.
ture. Increased pH and temperature
controlled decreases the solubility of gyp while
4. The qualitative test for the sulfate ion
by pH, should indicate an increase. However,
increased mud chlorides increases
this test also detects the sulfonate ion.
salinity and the solubility. The solubility of cal-
The test is meaningless if lignosul-
cium sulfate is reversible and will
temperature. reach some level of equilibrium
fonate is used as the primary defloc-
culant unless a comparison is made
with the chemical environment.
with uncontaminated mud.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

TOLERATING THE CONTAMINANT A similar reaction occurs when

Treating the mud for sodium bicarbonate is used as the pre-
_______________________ gyp/anhydrite contamination: cipitant. By-products of the reaction
1. Increase the concentration of defloc- are chemical compounds such as cal-
culant in the system. Lignosulfonate cium bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2), a highly
_______________________ and lignite are both effective defloc- soluble material (depending on the pH).
_______________________ culants in the presence of calcium. With additional caustic soda to main-
This treatment may be sufficient, tain the pH above 9.7, the bicarbonate
depending on the amount of anhy- ion converts to carbonate. It then reacts
drite or gypsum drilled. Lignite with the filtrate calcium to precipitate
_______________________ chelates the calcium ion, thereby CaCO3. However, the interim period
removing it. If there is too much during which the bicarbonate ion is
calcium, soda ash (Na2CO3) may be present can create problems almost
_______________________ as serious as the contamination itself.
required to precipitate it out.
_______________________ 2. The pH must be maintained in the Therefore, soda ash is preferred over
_______________________ range of 9.5 to 10.5 with caustic soda sodium bicarbonate. Do not over-treat
(NaOH) or caustic potash (KOH). This with soda ash or bicarbonate. Use
_______________________ Table 2 to calculate the amount of
pH range limits the solubility of gyp
_______________________ and enhances the performance of additive needed.
_______________________ the lignosulfonate. Phosphates also have the ability to
3. Any one of the following chemicals complex filtrate calcium. This reaction
may precipitate an increase in fil- produces an insoluble calcium phos-
trate calcium. Precipitating the cal- phate. Common available materials
cium with a source of carbonate of this type are:
ions is extremely effective. Due to Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP)
the low pH of anhydrite/gyp (6 to – Na2H2P2O7 (pH 4.8)
6.5), soda ash is the preferred car- Sodium Tetraphosphate (STP or
bonate because it has a higher pH PHOS) – Na6P4O13 (pH 8.0)
(11 to 11.4) than bicarbonate of
soda (8 to 8.5). When soda ash is Phosphates are limited by their
mixed in water, the pH increases relatively low temperature stability
due to the formation of a hydroxyl (approximately 200°F). They convert
ion, as shown: to orthophosphates above this temper-
ature. As such, they are not effective as
2Na2CO3 + H2O
deflocculants but are still capable of
HCO3 + CO3 + 4Na+ + OH– (pH <11.3)
removing calcium. However, soda ash
If calcium ions are present, they are is the preferred product for treating
precipitated as insoluble CaCO3 (lime- out calcium from anhydrite or gyp at
stone). This is the reaction of soda ash temperatures above 200°F.
and gypsum:
Na2CO3 + CaSO4
Na2SO4 + CaCO3 (pH >11.3)

Contamination and Treatment 4C.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

CONVERTING THE SYSTEM to 1,200 mg/l in a gyp mud, depending

When massive sections of anhydrite The mud may also be converted to
or gypsum are drilled, the amount a lime mud by applying the chemical
of contamination makes it virtually treatment just outlined. To convert to
…add cal- impossible to maintain desirable a lime mud, additional lime is added
cium sulfate flow properties and fluid-loss control. instead of gypsum and is maintained
Therefore, it is necessary to add cal- in excess. To maintain lime in excess,
to convert cium sulfate to convert the system most of the lime must remain insolu-
the system to a calcium-base mud system. ble. Therefore, the pH of the lime mud
to a calcium- The mud may be converted to a gyp must be controlled in excess of 11.5 by
mud by treating with caustic soda, lig- additions of caustic soda and lime. The
base mud caustic soda reacts with the calcium
nosulfonate and additional gypsum. A
system. gyp mud is a low-pH system, but large sulfate to produce additional lime as
amounts of caustic soda are required to shown by the following equation:
maintain the pH in the desired range of 2NaOH + CaSO4
9.5 to 10.5. A viscosity hump (increase) Ca(OH)2 + Na2SO4
will occur as the additional gyp is
The resulting lime-treated mud
added, but with proper water, caustic
requires an abnormal amount of caus-
and lignosulfonate additions, the mud
tic soda to maintain excess lime if large
will break over after one circulation,
amounts of anhydrite or gypsum are
and the viscosity will decrease. Gypsum
drilled. Therefore, a gyp mud is usually
is added until it has no detrimental
preferred. Both muds require the addi-
effect on the mud properties and then
tion of a fluid-loss control agent that
maintained in excess (5 to 8 lb/bbl) to
is not too calcium sensitive such as
feed the chemical reactions occurring.
Typical calcium levels range from 600

Cement Contamination
The probability of drilling cement drilled, and the extent to which it has
exists on every well drilled. The only cured in the hole. Keep in mind that
circumstances under which cement is bulk barite is occasionally contami-
not a contaminant is when clear water, nated with cement during transporta-
brines, calcium-base muds and oil-base tion or at the rig and can cause severe
muds are used, or when the cement is cement contamination, even when it’s
well cured. The most widely used mud not expected.
…cement can system is the low-pH bentonite system. The initial effect of cement conta-
have very In this case, cement can have very mination is high viscosity, high gel
detrimental detrimental effects on the mud proper- strengths and loss of fluid-loss con-
effects on ties. The severity of the contaminant trol. This is the result of an increase
depends on factors such as previous in the pH and the adsorption of the
the mud chemical treatment, solids type and calcium ion onto the clay particles,
properties. concentration, the amount of cement causing flocculation.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Cement is a complex silicate of lime, the cement should be considered.

Ca(OH)2. When solubilized in water This can only be done when the
or the water phase of a drilling fluid, cement is in a hole that is fully cased
an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH–) and there is no communication of
is produced. pressure through the cement.
Ca(OH)2 Ca2+ + 20H– (pH <11.7) 2. If the drilling mud must be used, the
resulting contamination problems
The above reaction is reversible can usually be resolved if the drill-
and represents an equilibrium ing operation is at an intermediate
between the concentration of cement stage. There is usually adequate time
and the pH of the mud. The solubility remaining at this stage of the opera-
of lime decreases as the pH of the tion for treatment and gradual dilu-
mud increases. When the pH exceeds tion to properly condition the mud.
11.7, lime is precipitated from solu- 3. If the well is in the completion stage,
tion. Therefore, the lime becomes sufficient time should be allotted to
practically insoluble at a pH greater properly treat the cement contami-
than 11.7 and provides an excess or nation, or a gelation problem could
reserve of unreacted lime due to the develop. If a lime mud is used as the
undissolved cement. packer fluid, the mud could simply
The primary indication of cement be treated with deflocculants and
contamination is a substantial increase dilution.
in pH, Pm and in the calculated excess
lime content as measured by the Pm The effect of pH on the solubility of
and Pf. the cement makes treatment with pre-
If the amount of cement drilled is rela- cipitants difficult unless there is time
tively small, there is little problem. The for dilution and reduction of the pH.
contaminated mud can be disposed of The hydroxyl ions produced by the
at the shaker or it can be treated with cement increases the pH, rendering the
Cement con- deflocculants and precipitants. The stage calcium (cement) insoluble. Therefore,
of the drilling operation is significant a severely contaminated mud may typi-
tamination cally have low flow properties due to
when treating cement contamination.
at high… Minor contamination can be effectively the calcium ion exchange reaction,
(BHT) must treated to leave a satisfactory fluid in the high pH, high alkalinity, high Pm, low
hole as a packer fluid, but in many cases filtrate calcium and generally high fluid
be treated loss, depending on the chemical con-
insufficient time is taken to properly
quickly and condition the mud. Cement contamina- centration of the mud. Caution should
totally… tion at high Bottom-Hole Temperatures always be exercised when treating
(BHT) must be treated quickly and cement-contaminated mud. Low flow
totally to avoid high-temperature properties derived from tests made at
gelation or solidification. low temperatures may not reflect the
The following options should be condition of the mud at the bottom of
considered when a large amount of the hole, especially at bottom-hole tem-
cement is drilled: peratures above 275°F. High-temperature
1. If the drilling operation is at an inter- gelation can be a serious problem with
mediate or final stage, using water cement-contaminated muds.
rather than the drilling mud to drill

Contamination and Treatment 4C.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

TOLERATING THE CONTAMINANT 3. Available filtrate calcium may be pre-

Treating the drilling fluid cipitated with bicarbonate of soda or
_______________________ for cement contamination: SAPP. There are different opinions as
_______________________ 1. Increase the concentration of defloc- to which of these is the most effec-
culants in the system. Lignosulfonate tive, but sodium bicarbonate reduces
_______________________ pH and Pm just as SAPP does.
and lignite perform well in the pres-
ence of calcium over a broad pH 4. If cement is drilled with a poly-
_______________________ range. If additional fluid-loss control mer system, the polymers will be
is desired, TANNATHIN,T RESINEX and hydrolyzed by the high pH and
XP-20 T are very effective in a high- precipitated by the calcium (Ca)
calcium environment. Most cement (see Figures 1 and 2). Therefore, it
_______________________ contamination problems can be ade- is necessary to reduce the pH and
quately tolerated in this manner. precipitate the calcium (Ca2+) out
However, if an excessive amount of as soon as possible.
cement is drilled, the mud can be 5. In this case citric acid (H3C6H5O7)
_______________________ converted to a low-lime system if is the additive to use. It precipitates
temperatures allow. cement as calcium citrate and reduces
2. Cement increases alkalinity when it the pH. Treating with citric acid:
becomes soluble. Therefore, it is not 2(H3C6H5O7 •H2O) + 3Ca(OH)2 →
_______________________ necessary to add caustic soda with Ca3(C6H5O7)2 ↓ + 8H2O
_______________________ the deflocculants. The low pH of 6. Using solids-removal equipment to
deflocculants such as lignite and discard the fine particles of cement
SAPP offset some of the hydroxyl is another method to reduce the
ions generated by the cement. This contamination. This removes the
aids in reducing the pH and Pm, cement before it can be dissolved
which increases the solubility of at a lower pH.
the cement (and calcium), allowing



O NH2 O NH2 O O– O O– O O– O O–

Figure 1: Hydrolysis of polyacrylamide into polyacrylate at high pH, liberating ammonia gas.




O O– O O– O O– O O– O O Ca OO

Figure 2: Precipitation of polyacrylate by calcium.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent Another approach to treating

treating agent for cement contamina- cement is the use of SAPP (phos-
Phosphates tion as it precipitates calcium and phate). Phosphates effectively remove
effectively reduces pH. Depending on the pH of calcium and aid in deflocculating the
the fluid, sodium bicarbonate forms contaminated fluid. The commonly
remove carbonate (CO32–) and bicarbonate used phosphates convert to ortho-
calcium (HCO3–) ions which will precipitate phosphates above temperatures of
and aid in calcium to form calcium carbonate ±200°F. They are no longer effective
(limestone) as shown below: as deflocculants in this form, but still
NaHCO3 + Ca(OH)2 → remove calcium effectively.
the contami- NaOH + H2O + CaCO3 ↓ An additional benefit in using phos-
nated fluid. The use of bicarbonate reduces the
phates is pH, Pf and Pm reduction. SAPP
has a pH of 4.8 and PHOS has a pH of
pH. This is the result of the reaction 8.0. Another benefit is that there are no
of HCO3 with the NaOH required to harmful by-products resulting from this
convert the HCO3 to CO3. reaction that can create other mud
When using bicarbonate of soda, problems. SAPP is preferred if the Pm
the objective is to provide a source needs considerable reduction.
If a massive of carbonate and bicarbonate ions to If a massive amount of cement must
combine with the excess lime and cal- be drilled, then some form of acid will
amount of cium ions. A frequent problem associ- be required. Even if bicarbonate is used
cement must ated with this method of treatment is to remove all calcium and excess lime,
be drilled, over-treatment with carbonate mater- a undesirably high pH often results.
ial. If carbonates are present in excess In these cases, citric acid, SAPP, acetic
then some of that required to precipitate the cal- acid or a low-pH lignite or lignosul-
form of cium, mud problems associated with fonate must be used in combination
acid will be the carbonates is possible. It is often with bicarb.
better to undertreat cement contami-
required… nation initially, then observe the
NOTE: Soda ash should not be used
to treat cement contamination due to
results before additional treatments. its high pH.

Carbonate Contamination
Chemical contamination from soluble high yield point and progressive gel
carbonates is one of the most misun- strengths, and could result in solidi-
derstood and complicated concepts in fication of the mud. These increases
drilling-fluid chemistry. Carbonate/ in viscosity occur as the carbonates
bicarbonate contamination usually and/or bicarbonates flocculate the
results in high flow line viscosity, clay-type solids in the mud.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.7 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

_______________________ The source of carbonates and 100

H2CO3 CO32 -
_______________________ bicarbonates are: 80
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air HCO3-

_______________________ 60 Increasing salinity
is incorporated into the mud through
40 shifts curves to
_______________________ mud mixers in the pits and through the left.
_______________________ mud mixing and solids-removal HCO3- HCO3-
equipment discharges. As the CO2 0
_______________________ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
dissolves, it becomes carbonic acid pH
_______________________ (H2CO3) and is converted to bicarbon-
_______________________ ates (HCO3) and/or carbonates (CO3) Figure 3: Carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium.
depending on the pH of the mud.
2. Over-treatment with soda ash or USING CHEMICAL ANALYSIS TO IDENTIFY
_______________________ bicarbonate of soda when treating CARBONATE/BICARBONATE CONTAMINANT
_______________________ cement or gyp contamination. The pH/Pf method of carbonate/bicar-
3. CO2 gas intruding from the bonate analysis is based on the amount
formation and formation water. (ml) of 0.02 N sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
_______________________ required to reduce the pH of a mud fil-
4. Bicarbonates and/or carbonates
_______________________ from by-products of the thermal trate sample from an existing pH to an
_______________________ degradation of lignosulfonate and 8.3 pH. This covers the pH range in
lignite at temperatures above 325°F. which hydroxyls and carbonates exist.
5. Some impure barite contains Table 1 shows that if no carbonates
carbonate/bicarbonate ions. exist, very little caustic soda is required
The following chemical equations to achieve typical pH ranges of drill-
illustrate how CO2 dissolves to form ing fluids, and that the corresponding
carbonic acid (H2CO3) and is con- Pf is also low. As examples, 10 pH,
verted to bicarbonates (HCO3) and/or 0.0014 lb/bbl caustic soda and 0.005 Pf
carbonates (CO3) depending on the or 11 pH, 0.014 lb/bbl caustic soda and
pH of the mud. These equations 0.05 Pf. The Pf is low because the con-
show that the chemical reactions centration of OH ions (caustic soda)
are reversible as a function of pH. is low. A very small concentration of
Therefore, CO3 can revert back to hydrogen (H) ions from the sulfuric
HCO3 or even CO2 if the pH is acid (H2SO4) is required to convert the
allowed to decrease. OH ions to water (HOH) and reduce the
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 pH to 8.3, (the Pf end point). However,
– if carbonate ions exist, not only must
H2CO3 + OH HCO3– + H2O and
the OH– ions be neutralized as above,
HCO3– OH– CO32– + H2O but each carbonate ion must be con-
This is also illustrated graphically in verted to a bicarbonate ion by the addi-
Figure 3 which shows the distribution tion of 0.02 N sulfuric acid to reach the
of carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate Pf end point of 8.3 pH. This makes the
(HCO3) and carbonates (CO3) vs. pH. Pf higher (for an equivalent pH) in a

Contamination and Treatment 4C.8 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

filtrate that contains carbonates com- been converted to bicarbonates and the
pared to a filtrate that does not. This 8.3 Pf end point has been reached, more
difference in the Pf where carbonates 0.02 N sulfuric acid must be added to
exist compared to the Pf where no car- convert all the bicarbonates to car-
bonates exist, and a pH measurement bonic acid before the 4.3 Mf end
of the concentration of hydroxyls point is reached.
makes it possible to calculate the con- If no carbonate/bicarbonate ions
centration of carbonates and bicar- exist, no reaction with bicarbonates
Once the bonates. Once the concentration of occur in the pH range of 8.3 to 4.3.
concentration carbonates is known, the concentra- Therefore, the Mf will be only slightly
tion of calcium required to precipitate higher than the Pf. But if the carbon-
of carbonates it out can be calculated. ate/bicarbonate concentration is high,
is known, the the Mf will also be much higher than
NaOH Pf OH– the Pf. Since this is not a qualitative
concentration pH (lb/bbl) (cc 0.02N H2SO4) (ppm)
analysis like the pH/Pf method, some
of calcium 7 0.0000014 0.000005 0.0017
guidelines must be established.
8 0.000014 0.00005 0.017
required to 9 0.00014 0.0005 0.17 1. If the Mf is less than 5 ml of 0.02 N
precipitate it 10 0.0014 0.005 1.7 sulfuric acid, there is usually no
11 0.014 0.05 17 carbonate problem.
out can be 12 0.14 0.5 170 2. If the Mf is greater than 5 ml of
calculated. 13 1.4 5 1,700 0.02 N sulfuric acid, and the Mf/Pf
14 14 50 17,000 ratio is increasing, carbonate con-
Table 1: Relationship of pH and alkalinity for pure water. tamination is a strong possibility
and a more quantitative method of
The Pf/Mf method of carbonate/bicar- determination (such as the pH/Pf
bonate analysis is based on the amount or Garrett Gas Train (GGT)) should
(ml) of 0.02 N sulfuric acid required to be used.
reduce the pH of a mud filtrate sample
from an existing pH to an 8.3 pH and NOTES:
a 4.3 pH, respectively. This range also 1. High concentrations of lignite (or
covers the pH range in which carbon- organic salts such as acetates or for-
ates, bicarbonates and carbonic acid, mates) in muds can cause a high
exist. As discussed above, if no carbon- Mf. These organic chemicals buffer
ates exist, very little caustic soda is the pH between 4.3 and 8.3.
required to achieve typical pH ranges 2. API 13B-1 describes a Pf/Mf calcula-
of drilling fluids and that the corre- tion for hydroxyl (OH), carbonate
sponding Pf and Mf values are low. (CO3) and bicarbonate (HCO3) con-
However, if carbonate/bicarbonate ions centrations, as well as an alternative
exist, not only must the hydroxyl ions P1/P2 method.
be neutralized, but each carbonate ion
The GGT may also be used to deter-
must be converted to a bicarbonate
mine the quantity of carbonates. This
ion by the sulfuric acid to reach the Pf
device estimates the total carbonates in
end point of 8.3 pH. This makes the Pf
mg/l as CO3. Total carbonates include
higher for an equivalent pH where car-
HCO3 and CO3. To convert mg/l to
bonate/bicarbonate ions exist compared
millimoles/liter, divide mg/l by 60.
to a mud with no carbonate/bicarbon-
ate ions. When all the carbonates have

Contamination and Treatment 4C.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

TREATING A CARBONATE/BICARBONATE calcium without changing the pH. If

CONTAMINANT the pH of the mud is above 11.3 where
Treating this contaminant is compli- calcium is not very soluble, gyp should
cated since HCO3 and CO3 ions can be used as both a source of calcium
exist together at various pH levels. and to reduce pH. The concentration
Only the CO3 ion can be treated with of lime and gyp required is provided
free calcium to form the precipitate in Graphs 1 and 2 and in M-I com-
CaCO3. The coexistence of CO3 and puter programs such as PCMODE 3 and
HCO3 form a buffer compound that M-I QUICK CALC-II.E These graphs are
remains at the same pH level but at based on the Pf/pH method of treat-
increasing Pf or Mf levels. As the car- ment. Therefore, the pH and Pf values
bonate/bicarbonate buffer zone is must be measured accurately. An accu-
formed, the Pf increases while the pH rate pH meter is absolutely necessary
remains relatively constant. It is not to use these graphs.
until a pH of 11.7 is attained that all The reaction of lime and gyp to form
of the bicarbonate ions are changed to calcium carbonate is illustrated below:
carbonate ions. Therefore, bicarbon- Treating with lime:
ate/carbonate ions coexist in the pH (CO32–) + Ca(OH)2
range of 8.3 to 11.7 (see Figure 3). The CaCO3 ↓ + 2(OH–)
concentration of HCO3 is insignificant Treating with gyp:
at a pH greater than 11.7. (CO32–) + CaSO4
Since calcium bicarbonate [Ca(HCO3)2] CaCO3 ↓ + (SO42–)
is too soluble to form a precipitate,
It may take several applications of lime
HCO3 ions should be converted to
or gyp over several circulations to com-
CO3 ions with hydroxyl (ions). To
pletely treat out the carbonates (CO3).
convert HCO3 to CO3, the pH should
Serious mud problems can occur if
be increased to at least 10.3 but not
carbonate/bicarbonate contamination
above 11.3. When free calcium is added
is not properly identified and treated.
It may to CO3, the two react to form CaCO3.
If the pH of the mud is allowed to drop
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a rela-
take several tively insoluble precipitate. Therefore,
to 10 or less, carbonates, which are
applications beneficial in small concentrations, are
150 to 200 mg/l free calcium should
converted to bicarbonates. Very high
of lime or be maintained in the system. If the pH
viscosities and gel strengths can develop
is less than 10.3, lime (Ca(OH)2) should
gyp over be used to increase the pH because it
if this occurs. Adding a large concentra-
several tion of deflocculants and caustic appears
is both a source of hydroxyl ions and
to deflocculate the mud but what really
circulations a source of calcium to precipitate the
occurs is that the addition of caustic
carbonates. If the pH is between 10.3
to completely and 11.3, both lime and gyp should be
soda converts the bicarbonates to car-
treat out the bonates. This results in a large reduction
used together to provide a source of

Contamination and Treatment 4C.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

60 CO3 fraction (FW) of the fluid must be
_______________________ known to use the graphs. Graph I has

Yield point (lb/100ft2)

50 HCO3 been modified to allow 20 millimoles/
_______________________ 40 liter of carbonates to remain in the
_______________________ 30 mud after treatment.
_______________________ 20 METHOD A (USING LIME ONLY)
_______________________ 10 On Graph I, enter the vertical axis at
_______________________ 0 the Pf value and proceed horizontally
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
to the intersection of the pH line. From
this point, proceed downward to the
_______________________ intersection of the horizontal axis and
Figure 4: Effect of bicarbonate and
_______________________ carbonate concentration on yield point. read the carbonate concentration in
millimoles per liter. Then go upward
in viscosity (see Figure 4). This phenom- to the top of the graph, and read the
_______________________ enon will recur until the problem is pounds per barrel of lime required to
_______________________ properly identified and treated. precipitate the carbonates. Graph II
The addition of deflocculants may indicates the concentration and treat-
be required to improve flow proper- ment of bicarbonates and is used in the
_______________________ ties once the carbonate ions have identical manner. Enter the vertical
been neutralized. axis at the Pf value, go across to the
Treatments determined by the follow- pH line and upward to the top of the
ing methods are designed to remove all graph to determine the pounds per bar-
bicarbonates and all but 20 millimoles/ rel of lime required to precipitate the
liter carbonates. In Graphs I and II, bicarbonates. Add the amount of lime
a quantitative analysis of carbonate from both graphs, and then multiply
and bicarbonate ions is shown with by the water fraction (FW) to determine
corresponding additives necessary for the treatment necessary.
precipitation. The pH, Pf and the water

Contamination and Treatment 4C.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Lime required (lb/bbl)
_______________________ .1 .5 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
_______________________ 100.0
_______________________ 60.0 14.0
_______________________ 40.0 13.9
_______________________ 13.7
20.0 13.6
_______________________ 13.5
_______________________ 10.0 13.3
8.0 13.2
6.0 13.1
_______________________ 13.0

Pf (cm3)
4.0 12.9
_______________________ 12.8
_______________________ 2.0 12.6
_______________________ 12.4
1.0 12.3
_______________________ 0.8 12.2
0.6 12.0 Example:
_______________________ 11.9 11.8
0.4 pH = 10.7; Pf = 1.7;
_______________________ 11.7 11.6 Wf = 0.80
0.2 11.5

1 3 6 10 30 60 100 200 300 600 1,000
60 ppm 600 6,000 60,000
CO3 (millimoles/liter)

For constant pH .1 .5 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 50
Gyp required (lb/bbl)

Graph I: Concentration and treatments for carbonates.

Example: this point, proceed downward to the

pH = 10.7; Pf = 1.7; FW = 0.80 intersection of the horizontal axis and
From Graph I: read carbonate concentration in mil-
CO3 = 33.5 millimoles/liter limoles per liter. Continue downward
Lime required = 0.34 lb/bbl and read pounds per barrel of gyp
required for precipitation of the car-
From Graph II: bonates. Graph II indicates the concen-
HCO3 = 3.3 millimoles/liter tration and treatments of bicarbonates
Lime required = 0 lb/bbl and is used in the identical manner.
Total treatment = The bottom scale reflects the quantity
(0.34 lb/bbl + 0 lb/bbl)(.80) of lime and gyp necessary for precipita-
= 0.27 lb/bbl lime tion at a constant pH. Requirements of
additives necessary for treatment of
CONSTANT pH) carbonates and bicarbonates are then
added together and adjusted for the
On Graph I, enter the vertical axis at
water fraction of the mud.
the Pf value and proceed horizontally
to the intersection of the pH line. From

Contamination and Treatment 4C.12 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Lime using lime only (lb/bbl)
_______________________ .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
_______________________ 100.0
_______________________ 60.0

_______________________ 40.0

_______________________ 11
_______________________ 10.0 .0
8.0 11
_______________________ 6.0
_______________________ 4.0 10

Pf (cm3)
_______________________ 2.0 10

_______________________ 5
1.0 9.
_______________________ 0.8 Example:
0.6 0 pH = 10.7
_______________________ Pf = 1.7
0.4 Wf = 0.80


1 3 6 10 30 60 100 200 300 600 1,000
HCO3 (millimoles/liter)

Gyp required (lb/bbl)

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

For constant pH
and lime required (lb/bbl)

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Graph II: Concentration and treatments for bicarbonates.

Example: multiplied by the water fraction (FW)

pH = 10.7; Pf = 1.7; FW = 0.80 to determine the required treatment.
From Graph I: When using the old API P1/P2
CO3 = 33.5 millimoles/liter method of determining carbonates,
Gyp required = 0.8 lb/bbl Equivalent Parts per Million (EPM) is
used. To convert EPM to millimoles/liter,
From Graph II: EPM is divided by the valence. For
HCO3 = 3.3 millimoles/liter example: 80 EPM of carbonate is the
Gyp required = 0.1 lb/bbl same as 40 millimoles/liter carbonate
Lime required = 0 lb/bbl because CO3 has a valence of 2, and
Total treatment = (0 lb/bbl)(0.80) = 20 EPM of bicarbonate is the same as
0 lb/bbl lime and 20 millimoles/liter bicarbonate because
(0.8 lb/bbl + 0.1 lb/bbl)(0.80) = HCO3 has a valence of one. The cur-
0.72 lb/bbl gyp rent API 13B-1 P1/P2 method reports
Quantities of lime or lime and gyp mg/l. Divide mg/l carbonate by 60
determined from the graphs must be to obtain millimoles per liter (61
for bicarbonates).

Contamination and Treatment 4C.13 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Salt Contamination
The three naturally occurring types of not indicate what metallic ion(s) are
rock salt encountered in drilling opera- associated with the chlorides.
tions are halite (NaCl), sylvite (KCl) For a better understanding of
and carnallite (KMgCl3•6H2O); also, these salts and how to treat the con-
see the chapter, “Drilling Salt.” These tamination in each case, the salts
salts are listed in the order of increas- and/or their associated cations are
ing solubility. Two other common salts described separately.
are magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and
calcium chloride (CaCl2). These two
Halite…is salts do not occur naturally in the crys- Halite (common table salt) is the most
the most talline form due to their extreme solu- frequently drilled salt and is the major
bility. However, both can occur singly, constituent of most saltwater flows. The
frequently initial effect on drilling mud is floccula-
together or with other dissolved salts
drilled salt in connate water. tion of the clays caused by mass action
and is the A saltwater flow can be far more of the sodium ion. The funnel viscosity,
detrimental to flow properties than yield point, gel strengths and fluid loss
major will all increase when halite is encoun-
drilling into rock salt since the salts
constituent are already solubilized and react with tered. The presence of halite can be con-
of most the clays more rapidly. When a salt- firmed by an increase in chlorides. The
clays dehydrate with sufficient sodium
saltwater water flow occurs, the mud density
and time. In doing so, the particle size
must be increased to control the flow
flows. before time can be taken to condition is decreased due to the reduction in
mud properties. adsorbed water. The released water
The mechanism of contamination rejoins the continuous phase of the
in the case of salts is based on cation mud, which may result in a slight
exchange reactions with the clays, mass reduction in plastic viscosity. But the
action by the predominant cation and dehydrated clay particles flocculate,
sometimes pH. The only systems on causing a high yield point, high gel
The presence which dissolved salts have little or no strengths and a high fluid loss. The fluid
effect are clear water, brines, oil-base loss will increase in direct proportion
of halite to the amount of salt incorporated
muds and some low-colloid polymer
can be systems. Whether the source of salt is into the mud.
confirmed by from makeup water, seawater, rock salt Treating the mud involves adding
enough deflocculant to maintain desir-
an increase or from saltwater flows makes little dif-
able flow properties and dilution with
ference on bentonite-base mud systems.
in chlorides. The initial effect is high viscosity, high freshwater to obtain suitable rheology.
gel strengths, high fluid loss and a large Chemical treatment must be continued
increase in the chloride content with until the clays have been deflocculated.
smaller increases of hardness in the mud Additional caustic is required to raise
filtrate. Salt base-exchanges with the the pH. This depends on how much
clays to flush the calcium ion from the salt is drilled and whether there is a suf-
clay particles, resulting in an increase in ficient amount to dehydrate all the
hardness. Detecting a chloride increase clays in the system. If the pH is reduced
does not define the problem well to less than 9.5, the pH may need to be
enough to know how best to treat increased with caustic soda for the acid-
the mud since the chloride test does base deflocculants to become soluble in
order to be effective.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.14 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Pure halite has a pH of 7. Therefore, POLYPAC and prehydrated bentonite.

the more halite drilled, the more caustic The addition of bentonite is usually
is required to maintain the pH above recommended regardless of the specific
9.5. Halite also has an effect on the type of salt contamination. Under these
instruments used to measure pH. If pH circumstances, dry bentonite should
paper is used, the accuracy of this paper not be added directly to the system.
is affected by the chloride concentration The bentonite should be prehydrated
and will indicate a lower pH as the chlo- and protected with additional chemical
rides increase. If the halite is pure, a pH before adding it to the active system.
reduction greater than one unit is not
expected up to complete saturation of
the mud. However, pure halite is rarely The response of the mud properties to
encountered. Associated minerals such sylvite contamination and the treat-
as anhydrite are usually present to some ment of the mud for sylvite are identical
extent, which will increase the filtrate to that for halite. If the mud contains
calcium. Therefore, some caustic soda no chlorides other than those obtained
will usually have to be added along with from drilling the sylvite salt, the chlo-
the deflocculants to maintain the pH in ride titration value would be an accurate
the proper range. measurement of the potassium ion con-
A greater degree of accuracy can be centration. However, this is rarely the
attained if a pH meter is available. The case. It is not uncommon to find these
normal probe used in this instrument salts interbedded. The quantitative titra-
contains a potassium chloride (KCl) tion for the potassium ion can be used
solution and is inaccurate when mea- to identify the salt as either pure sylvite
suring pH in high-sodium-content or partially sylvite for geologic purposes.
solutions. Therefore, a special salt- It is important to know the type of
compensated probe should be used salt to be drilled. Since the solubility
to measure pH in high-salt muds. of sylvite is slightly greater than halite,
The chloride titration is used to indi- a massive sylvite salt section drilled
cate the degree of saturation of NaCl with a saturated halite fluid would still
solutions, since a quantitative measure- wash out to some extent, although not
ment for sodium does not exist for field as severely as if freshwater is used. It is
use. Since neither sodium nor chlorine difficult to prepare a saturated KCl
can be economically precipitated from fluid with desirable flow properties,
the mud, there is no alternative but to fluid-loss control and good suspension
tolerate the concentration of halite that characteristics. However, if required
enters the mud system. Dilution with (and assuming that hole conditions
freshwater is the only economical way would permit), a clear, saturated KCl
to reduce the chloride concentration. fluid could be used.
If massive salt or frequent salt CARNALLITE (KMgCl3•6H2O)
The stringers must be drilled, the mud The complex salt “carnallite” is rela-
should be saturated with salt to avoid tively rare. However, it does occur to
complex salt washout and hole collapse. Whether some extent in parts of the United
“carnallite” saturated or not, a fluid-loss-control States, South America, Europe and the
is relatively agent is usually necessary at concentra- Middle East. The most notable occur-
tions greater than 10,000 mg/l. This rence is in Northern Europe underly-
rare. could be one of several materials such ing the North Sea drilling area. This
as RESINEX, POLY-SAL, SP-101,T MY-LO-JELE , is the Zechstein salt that consists of

Contamination and Treatment 4C.15 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

interbedded halite, sylvite and carnal- increase will occur if magnesium is

Mud lite. Mud problems associated with precipitated by caustic soda.
problems carnallite are severe and two-fold:
Most drilling muds are run in an alka-
1. When solubilized, there are two
associated strong cations (calcium and magne-
line state to maximize the performance
of the clays and other chemicals used to
with sium) acting on the clays to cause
treat drilling fluids. They are also run in
carnallite flocculation and dehydration. Mud
the alkaline state to minimize corro-
treatment would not be too difficult
are severe… if this were the only problem.
sion. Calcium should be removed by
raising the pH and treating with soda
2. In the presence of hydroxyl ions
ash to neutralize the calcium as CaCO3.
(OH–), the magnesium from the dis-
Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) is one chemi-
solved carnallite precipitates as mag-
cal available to control filtrate calcium
nesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). This
in high magnesium content fluids. The
precipitate (Mg(OH)2) is a thick jelly-
chemical reaction is as follows:
like substance that acts as a viscosifier.
At the relatively low pH of 9.9, there Na2SO4 + Ca2+ → 2 Na+ + CaSO4↓
are sufficient hydroxyl ions present This reaction does not affect the
for the precipitate to have a profound potassium or magnesium content.
effect on mud viscosity. Magnesium However, it will control filtrate calcium
can only be precipitated by caustic. to a maximum of 400 mg/l. This is the
This reaction starts occurring with as equilibrium solubility of CaSO4, or gyp-
little as 0.03 lb/bbl of caustic soda. sum, and is indicated by the reversible
Therefore, caustic soda should not be segment of the above equation.
used if it can be avoided. A viscosity

Saltwater Flows
Connate waters can contain a broad waters with additional anions and
spectrum of salts. The origin of these cations. Many of these can be detrimen-
salts is directly related to the origin of tal to drilling fluids. Those waters highly
the sediments themselves. Since marine enriched in calcium and magnesium are
sediments are deposited in seawater, the most detrimental.
they usually contain salts similar to In the case of high-magnesium-
those found in seawater. However, with content water, the relationships
most of the water driven off in the com- previously discussed under carnallite
paction process, the salt concentration apply. The indicators for magnesium
can be considerably higher. are as follows:
The solubility The solubility of most common salts 1. A rapid pH reduction occurs.
of most com- is directly proportional to temperature. 2. Mud thickens with additions of
As the temperature of a salt solution caustic soda or soda ash.
mon salts is increases, the solubility of the salt in 3. Titrate for magnesium ion
directly pro- that solution increases. A solution satu- concentration.
portional to rated with a certain salt at surface tem-
The total hardness titration is
perature is capable of holding more salt
temperature. in solution at elevated temperatures. In
reported as soluble calcium in mg/l.
However, this titration also detects mag-
addition, other chemical reactions such
nesium. To verify the presence and con-
as leaching of minerals from sediments
centration of magnesium, calcium and
by groundwater can enrich connate
magnesium must be titrated separately.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.16 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Indicators for a high-calcium-content NaCl - Halite

water flow, assuming little or no KCl - Sylvite
magnesium present would be: MgCl2 - Magnesium chloride
1. A lesser effect on pH. CaCl2 - Calcium chloride
2. A positive mud response to caustic KMgCl3 - Carnallite
soda or soda ash additions.
In a pure solution of one salt, that salt
3. Titrate for the true calcium ion
can be identified by the chloride con-
tent and titrating for the cations (except
The terms high-calcium- or high- sodium). However, in mixed-salt solu-
magnesium-content connate water is tions the problem becomes complex to
used because sodium salt is nearly the point of becoming an academic
always present. This illustrates the exercise. This is especially true since
point that the chloride determination only calcium, potassium and magne-
can be misleading. For instance, sium can be easily identified in the
observe the variance in the ratio of field. The chlorides not associated with
chloride to the associated metallic the identifiable cations are assumed to
ions in the salts previously discussed. be associated with the sodium ions.

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Contamination

The most The most serious and corrosive conta- neutralization of OH–. In order to off-
serious and minant discussed in this chapter is set the harmful aspects of the H2S gas,
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. This gas is the pH must be increased to at least
corrosive destructive to tubular goods and toxic 11, or a safer level of 12, by adding
contaminant to human life. The appropriate personal caustic soda or lime. The following
discussed in protective equipment and worker chemical reaction describes the alka-
safety measures should be taken imme- line application to H2S. This can also
this chapter diately if H2S is identified. Hydrogen be seen in Figure 5.
is…(H2 S). sulfide gas originates from: H2S + OH– HS + H2O
1. Thermal deposits. H2S + OH –
HS– + H2O
2. As a formation gas.
HS– + OH– S2– + H2O
3. Biologic degradation.
4. Breakdown of sulfur containing 100
Hydrogen sulfide gas can be identified
by the:
% of total sulfides

1. Reduction of pH of the mud.

2. Discoloration of mud (to dark
color) due to the formation of FeS
from barite.
3. Rotten egg odor.
4. Viscosity and fluid loss increase due
to pH reduction. S2-
5. Formation of a black (FeS) scale on 0.01
steel drill pipe. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Since H2S is an acid gas, the pH
of the mud is quickly reduced by Figure 5: Distribution of sulfides with pH.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.17 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

The bisulfide (S2–) ion may be removed due to the solubility of H2S in oil. The
by a reaction with SULF-XT (zinc oxide) detection of hydrogen sulfide in mud
to form zinc sulfide, which is insoluble. is tested by two methods:
S2– + Zn2+ → Zn S– 1. Garrett Gas Train (GGT).
2. Hach test.
A 1-lb/bbl treatment of SULF-X
removes approximately 1,100 mg/l Both tests are fast, simple and have
sulfides. NOTE: Check local environmental easy-to-define results, but the Garrett
regulations and aquatic toxicity require- gas train is more accurate and gives a
ments prior to using any zinc compound. quantitative result. The procedure is
No more than 2 lb/bbl of SULF-X should described in RP 13 B.
be used to pretreat for H2S. The addition If H2S is detected in mud when
of 1 to 2 lb/bbl of SPERSENE is recom- using the soluble filtrate test on the
mended when pretreating. garrett gas train, action should be
To protect tubular goods from the taken to:
…oil-base corrosiveness of H2S, an oil-base mud 1. Immediately raise the pH to at least
mud…acts may be recommended. The oil acts 11.5 to 12 with caustic soda.
as a filming agent in the presence of 2. Buffer the pH with lime.
as a filming 3. Begin treatments with SULF-X
H2S. Hydrogen embrittlement is the
agent in the cause of tubular destruction due to to remove soluble sulfides from
presence the H0 (atomic hydrogen) entering the the system.
of H2S. small, highly stressed metal pores and If it appears that H2S is bleeding in
re-forming as H2 (molecular hydrogen) (flowing) from the formation, the mud
gas, causing an expansion in the vol- density should be increased to shut off
ume of the hydrogen molecule, which the flow of gas into the wellbore.
ruptures the metal. The chemistry of hydrogen sulfide
H2S is no less toxic in oil-base muds gas is quite complex. The actions
than in water-base base muds. Actually, described above are recommended
more safeguards should be used with to minimize the toxic aspects of this
oil-base muds than with water muds corrosive contaminant.

Quick Reference for Recognizing

and Treating Contaminants

CEMENT CONTAMINATION bicarbonate may be used to lower

Symptoms the pH and precipitate the soluble
1. Increased viscosity and gel strengths. calcium (see Tables 2 and 3). The
2. Increased pH, Pm and Pf clay particles are then free to react
(particularly Pm). with the thinner or deflocculant
3. Increased fluid loss. in use.
4. Increased excess lime and soluble 2. Large treatments of water and
calcium (later). SPERSENE to control flow properties.
Treatment Additions of bentonite are made to
1. Depending on the type of system in obtain desired fluid loss after flow
use, SAPP or TANNATHIN and sodium properties are under control.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.18 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

_______________________ MAGNESIUM CONTAMINATION Treatment

_______________________ Symptoms 1. Dilute NaCl concentration with
1. Unstable yield point and fluid loss. water if the salt formation is to be
2. High levels of hardness after treating cased off shortly after drilling. Treat
_______________________ calcium with soda ash. the fluid with lignosulfonates for
_______________________ Treatment viscosity control; caustic soda and
NOTE: The following treatment is for minor lime on a 1:2 ratio for pH and Pf
levels of contamination, such as from sea- control; POLYPAC UL and bentonite
water. DO NOT use caustic when treating for fluid-loss control.
_______________________ massive magnesium contamination (such 2. If the salt is not to be cased off, and
as from carnalite). the formation is to be left exposed
1. Raise pH of mud to 11 with caustic for a long period of time, saturate the
_______________________ system with sodium chloride (salt)
soda or caustic potash (KOH) to
_______________________ remove magnesium (see Tables 2 to prevent further hole enlargement.
_______________________ and 3). Control the viscosity with treatments
2. Maintain pH at this level to prevent of lignosulfonates plus caustic soda
_______________________ and lime. Small treatments of POLYPAC
magnesium from resolubilizing
from Mg(OH)2. are effective for viscosity control if
solids are controlled in the proper
GYPSUM OR range. Control fluid loss by addi-
ANHYDRITE CONTAMINATION tions of starch and/or POLYPAC and
Symptoms prehydrated bentonite additions. If
1. Increased viscosity and gel strengths. starch is used for fluid-loss control,
2. Increased fluid loss. maintain NaCl at 190,000 mg/l to
3. Increased soluble calcium. prevent fermentation of the starch,
4. Possible decrease in Pf and pH. or use a biocide.
1. Precipitate or sequester soluble cal- GAS-KICK CONTAMINATION
cium with phosphates or soda ash
(see Tables 2 and 3). Reduce viscosity
1. Increase in mud pit level.
with treatments of lignosulfonates
2. Increase in rate of returns
and caustic soda. Lower fluid loss
from wellbore.
with treatments of bentonite,
2. Allow gypsum or anhydrite to 1. Shut pump down.
remain in the system to give a solu- 2. Pick up off bottom to clear
ble calcium level above 600 mg/l. the kelly bushing.
Control viscosity with lignosulfonate 3. Close in the well with BOP.
treatment, pH with caustic soda, and 4. Measure the drill pipe pressure and
fluid loss with bentonite and POLYPAC. calculate the additional mud density
required to balance the kick.
SALT CONTAMINATION 5. Increase the mud weight to the
Symptoms required density while circulating
1. Increased viscosity. the kick out at a reduced pump rate.
2. Increased fluid loss. 6. If it is a gas kick, remove the
3. Increased soluble chloride gas from the system by the use
and calcium. of surface circulating equipment
4. Decrease in pH and Pf. and de-gassers.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.19 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

_______________________ 7. If it is a saltwater flow, dump salt- Treatment

water at the surface (if possible), 1. Raise the pH to 10.3 to 11.3.
then condition the fluid with addi- 2. Add lime and/or gyp, two soluble
tional deflocculants and caustic sources of Ca to remove carbonates
_______________________ soda. Dilution of the NaCl ion con- as CaCO3 (see Tables 2 and 3).
_______________________ centration with freshwater may be
required. Small treatments of lime
and caustic soda may also be Symptoms
_______________________ required for pH and Pf control. 1. Decreasing alkalinities.
2. Slight foul odor (rotten egg)
at the flow line.
_______________________ CARBONATE CONTAMINATION 3. Mud or pipe turns black.
_______________________ Symptoms Treatment
1. High gel strengths. 1. Increase pH to 11 to 11.5 with
2. Increasing Pf with constant pH. caustic soda.
_______________________ 3. Increased difference between Pf 2. Buffer with lime.
_______________________ and Mf. 3. Add SULF-X (see Tables 2 and 3).
4. Increasing carbonate or
bicarbonate levels.
Treating Concentration
Contaminant Contaminating Ion Treatment (lb/bbl)
Carbon dioxide Carbonate Gyp to reduce pH mg/l x Fw x 0.00100
Lime to raise pH mg/l x Fw x 0.000432
Bicarbonate Lime to raise pH mg/l x Fw x 0.00424
Gypsum and anhydrite Calcium Soda ash mg/l x Fw x 0.000928
SAPP mg/l x Fw x 0.000971
Sodium bicarbonate mg/l x Fw x 0.00735
Lime or cement Calcium and hydroxyl Sodium bicarbonate lb/bbl excess lime x 1.135
SAPP lb/bbl excess lime x 1.150
Citric acid lb/bbl excess lime x 1.893
Hard or seawater Calcium and magnesium Caustic soda mg/l x Fw x 0.00116
Hydrogen sulfide Sulfide (H2S, HS–, S2–) SULF-X (zinc oxide*) mg/l x Fw x 0.00091
plus sufficient caustic
soda to maintain the
pH above 10.5
*Other zinc compounds such as chelated zinc or zinc carbonate may also be used. An excess should always be maintained in the system.
1. Fw is the fractional % of water from retort.
2. Excess lime = 0.26 (PM – (Pf x Fw)).

Table 2: Chemical treatment in U.S. units.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.20 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

4C Contamination and Treatment

Treating Concentration
Contaminant Contaminating Ion Treatment (kg/m3)
Carbon dioxide Carbonate Gyp to maintain pH mg/l x Fw x 0.00285
Bicarbonate Lime to raise pH mg/l x Fw x 0.00121
Gypsum and anhydrite Calcium Soda ash mg/l x Fw x 0.00265
SAPP mg/l x Fw x 0.00277
Sodium bicarbonate mg/l x Fw x 0.002097
Lime or cement Calcium and hydroxyl Sodium bicarbonate kg/m3 excess lime x 3.23
SAPP kg/m3 excess lime x 3.281
Citric acid kg/m3 excess lime x 5.4
Hard or seawater Calcium and magnesium Caustic soda mg/l x Fw x 0.00285
Hydrogen sulfide Sulfide (H2S, HS–, S2–) SULF-X (zinc oxide*) mg/l x Fw x 0.002596
plus sufficient caustic
soda to maintain the
pH above 10.5
*Other zinc compounds such as chelated zinc or zinc carbonate may also be used. An excess should always be maintained in the system.
1. Fw is the fractional % of water from retort.
2. Excess lime (kg/m3) = 0.074178 (PM – (Pf x Fw)).

Table 3: Chemical treatment in metric units.

Contaminant WT FV PV YP Gels FL pH Pm Pf Mf Cl– Ca2+ Solids Treatment

Cement Bicarb, or SAPP,
— ↑ — ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ — ↑pH↓ — or thinner, bicarb
11.5 and citric acid
Gypsum or Caustic, dilution
anhydrite water and
— ↑ — ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ — ↑ — thinner, or soda
ash (plus fluid-
loss polymer)
Salt Caustic, dilution
water, thinner
— ↑ — ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ —
and fluid-loss

Carbonate or pH <10.3: lime
bicarbonate pH 10.3 to 11.3:
— ↑ — ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ → ↑ — ↓ —

lime and gyp
pH >11.3: gyp
H2S Caustic, lime and
— ↑ — ↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ — — zinc source

Old Dilution
water and
— — — — — — — — ↑

New Dilution water,

equipment and

↑ Increase ↓ Decrease — No change Slight increase Slight decrease

Table 4: Quick reference for recognizing and treating contaminants.

Contamination and Treatment 4C.21 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

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