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6.1. What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as

in the examples. The past continuous is not always
necessary (see the second example).
1 (at 8 0'clock yesterday evening) I was hiving dinner.
2 (at 5 0'clock last Monday) I was on a bus on my way home
3 (at 10.15 yesterday morning) . I was going to work
4 (at 4.30 this morning) I was sleeping
5 (at 7.45 yesterday evening) I was having breakfast
6 (half an hour ago) I was taking a shower
6.2. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the
past continuous.
1 Matt phoned while we were having dinner
2 The doorbell rang while I was taking a shower
3 The car began to make a strange noise when wewer were
4 Jessica fell asleep while she was reading the paper
5 The television was on, but nobody was watching it
met Was cyclingh
Did not see
Was looking Were going
Was going Was going
had managed
Were waiting
Did not hit

6.4. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or
past simple.
1. Jenny vows vooJtLng (wait) for me when I
2. 'What were you doing (you / do) at this time
yesterday?' 'l was asleep.'
3. Did you go (you / go) out last night?' 'No, I was too
4 How fast were you driving (you / drive) when the accident
happened (happen)?
5 Sam took (take) a picture of me while I was not looking (not
/ look).
6 We were in a very difficult position. We did not know (not /
know) what to do.
7 I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last saw (see) him, he
was trying (try) to find a job.
8 I was walking (walk) along the Street when suddendly I heard
(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody was following (follow)
me. I was scared and I started (start) to run.
9 When I was young, I wanted (want) to be a pilot.
10 Last night I dropped (drop) a plate when I doing (do) the
washing-up. Fortunately it did not break (not / break).

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