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DocuSign Envelope ID: 772D86C2-C662-4C27-9F8A-55D54F099328

April 13, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing you to enthusiastically recommend Alicia Sage for the position of technology
T.O.S.A in our Santa Maria Bonita School District. I had the pleasure of working with Alicia in our
technology reintegration cadre here at El Camino Junior High School. We were the smallest
group (3 teachers where the other groups had around 10!) yet we accomplished so much in
large part because of Alicia’s competence. We were tasked with helping teachers on campus to
use all the old and new technology tools we now have at our disposal, and also to prepare
teachers for the upcoming changes that hybrid teaching will bring.

Besides just knowing educational technology thoroughly, she was full of new, creative ideas and
suggested many ways to use these tools that I had overlooked. She spearheaded our cadre’s
survey to the staff of their technological needs. After discovering what our staff needed, she
helped to creat several outstanding videos that teach the skills teachers were lacking. Moreover,
she met personally with those teachers who are, frankly, tired of watching videos and more
willing to learn these important skills one on one.

I really noticed and appreciated when Alicia, without being asked, took notes for our meetings
and laid out our plans and discussions clearly and thoroughly. She is an exceptional team player
and very much understands the importance of group dynamics and working as a team. In our
cadre discussions where we tried to foresee difficulties we would encounter in hybrid teaching,
she came up with a list of pitfalls and benefits that myself and our other member had
overlooked, things like privacy issues, stay at home students, and ways to motivate students
from afar.

If you have any questions that I can answer, please feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to
answer them.

Thank you,

Joel Kringel

English teacher
El Camino Junior High School

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