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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5F12D43E-A9D8-468C-AC68-1EFB4C5A0002

April 13, 2021

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend Alicia Sage for the position of TOSA Technology.

I am Kerry Millhorn, an eighth grade teacher at El Camino. I have twenty-five years experience
with the Santa Maria Bonita School District. I have taught first, third, fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grade. I have served as a member of Leadership at Alvin Elementary and in my current
position. As head of the Elective Department, I have had the opportunity to work with Alicia for
the past extraordinary year.

As the district transitioned to online instruction, many struggled to learn and incorporate new and
varied technologies into our teaching. Time and again, Alicia demonstrated knowledge of
platforms and programs our department wished to implement. She taught us techniques and
strategies to maximize the utility of Google Classroom, Pear Deck, Zoom, Jamboard, and
Screencastify among others. She patiently answered questions and worked with individuals to
solve tech issues.

In her position as the 21st Century English teacher, she incorporated technology into her daily
lessons. She designed her class to facilitate group work among her students and maximize
opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge in both written and verbal forms by utilizing
Flipgrid and other programs. She created a supportive and encouraging class environment by
providing students with the scaffolds and feedback they needed while delivering challenging and
engaging content. She also hosted an Academic Academy to help students improve their literacy
skills through the use of Study Sync materials.

In addition, Alicia kept the minutes for all Elective meetings. She worked as part of the Tech
Committee to determine what technology skills teachers wanted to develop to be more successful
in their classrooms and then made instructional videos to teach those topics.

Alicia has demonstrated the knowledge, patience, and skills to do an excellent job as the District
Tech TOSA. She can work with both students and staff to facilitate a deeper understanding of


Kerry Millhorn
El Camino Jr. High

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