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Biomentors Classes Online, Mumbai
23 October 2018
1. Who is regarded as the Father of Indian Phycology
(a) Prof. M. O. P. lyenger
(b) Prof. J.N. Mishra
(c) Prof. R.R. Mishra
(d) Prof. R.N. Singh

2. Phycology is the study of

(a) Algae
(b) Fungi
(c) Bacteria
(d) All the above

3. Who is popularly known as the Father of Modern Phycology

(a) Fritsch
(b) Papenfus
(c) Smith
(d) Morris

4. Group of algae in which sexual reproduction is absent

(a) Cyanophyceae
(b) Bascillariophyceae
(c) Chlorophyceae
(d) None of these

5. Which of the following occurs both in fresh as well as in marine water

(a) Oedogonium
(b) Cladophora
(c) Spirogyra
(d) None of these

6. Which one is a parasitic algae
(a) Vaucheria
(b) Polysiphonia
(c) Cephaleuros
(d) Batrachospermum

7. Which of the following is a flagellated alga

(a) Chlamydomonas
(b) Ulothrix
(c) Spirogyra
(d) Acetabularia

8. Algae which form motile colony is

(a) Volvox
(b) Nostoc
(c) Spirogyra
(d) Chlamydomonas

9. True nucleus is absent in

(a) Mucor
(b) Vaucheria
(c) Volvox
(d) Anabaena

10. Algae differ from Bryophyta in possessing

(a) Naked sex organs
(b) Sex organs covered with sterile covering
(c) Chlorphylls α and β
(d) Aerobic respiration

11. Chlamydomonas does not occur in
(a) Fresh water
(b) Pond and lake
(c) River
(d) Ocean

12. In chlamydomonas the meiosis occurs in

(a) Gamete
(b) Zygote
(c) Sporogonium
(d) Zoospore

13. Thallophyta includes

(a) Fungi and bryophyta
(b) Algae and bryophyta
(c) Algae, fungi and bryophyta
(d) Algae and fungi

14. The thallus of Volvox is called

(a) Trichome
(b) Coenobium
(c) Coenocyte
(d) Parenchymatous

15. Algae attached to stone is called

(a) Epilithic / lithophytic
(b) Epifolic
(c) Coenolithic
(d) None of these

1. Ans.(a) Prof. M. O. P. lyenger
2. Ans.(a) Algae
3. Ans.(a) Fritsch
4. Ans.(a) Cyanophyceae
5. Ans.(b) Cladophora
6. Ans.(c) Cephaleuros
7. Ans.(a) Chlamydomonas
8. Ans.(a) Volvox
9. Ans.(d) Anabaena
10. Ans.(a) Naked sex organs
11. Ans.(d) Ocean
12. Ans.(b) Zygote
13. Ans.(d) Algae and fungi
14. Ans.(b) Coenobium
15. Ans.(a) Epilithic

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