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INDEX OF EBOOK.......................................................................................................................................3

ABOUT THE AUTHOR................................................................................................................................5

DR.SHASHIKANT PATWARDHAN ........................................................................................................................5
PROF.DR.SUBHASH RANADE.............................................................................................................................5

DIABETES (PRAMEHA) AYURVEDIC VIEW.........................................................................................7

ATREYA SMITH -..............................................................................................................................................9
DR. MARC RHYNER -.......................................................................................................................................9
TESTIMONIALS ..........................................................................................................................................9
DEEPEN MEHATA - .........................................................................................................................................9
LINDA HAMRICK -............................................................................................................................................9
SANDEEP YELWATKAR -...................................................................................................................................10
VIRAJIT GUNDALE..........................................................................................................................................10
OTHER PUBLICATIONS...........................................................................................................................11

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR-------------------------------- 4
FOREWORD-------------------------------------------- 5
BASICS OF AYURVEDA----------------------------- 6
PHYSIOLOGY OF AYURVEDA-------------------- 7
PRAKRITI [CONSTITUTION]------------------------ 8

Deha Prakriti (Body Constitution)

Mana Prakriti (Mental Constitution)

SAMPRAPTI - the disease process(pathology)--8

CHIKITSA - (disease management)-----------------9

DIABETES - OVERVIEW (modern medicine)---10

Type I diabetes
Type II diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
MANAGEMENT OF DIABETES :------------------ 12
DIABETES (PRAMEHA) ayurvedic view----------13

DIABETES ETIOLOGY (prameha hetu)-----------15


DIABETES CLASSIFICATION----------------------17
A] Classification based on Doshas (C.Ni.4/3)

Association of Twenty types of Prameha with Diabetes :

B] On the basis of genetic involvement

C] Classification on the basis of constitution(C.Chi.6/1 5):

D] Classification Based on prognosis (C.Chi.6/7, C.chi.6/56, A.H. Ni.10/41):

MADHUMEHA :------------------------------------------- 20
DIABETES PATHOGENESIS-(samprapti)--------- 21

SYMPTOMS OF DIABETES---------------------------23
Samanya Rupa (General features):

Vishesha Rupa (specific features) :


DIABETES PROGNOSIS--------------------------------26
DIABETES TREATMENT(ayurvedic management------27

DIET IN DIABETES--------------------------------29
Permitted food items ------------------------------30
Restricted food items------------------------------30


for a diabetic on the ayurvedic principles ----30

DRUGS IN DIABETES----------------------------38
Useful drug formulations--------------------------39
Suggested Home remedies for Diabetes:----41


DIABETES COMPLICATIONS & MANAGEMENT----------------------------52
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hyperosmolar nonketogenic coma


Eye Care
Kidney Care
Heart attacks and strokes
Feet care
Nerve problems - Diabetic neuropathy
Skin Care


GLOSSARY OF COMMON FOOD ITEMS ---------------------------------------65

About the author

Dr.Shashikant Patwardhan

He is practicing as 'Ayurvedic Consultant' for last 25 years at the city

-Sangli , Maharashtra -India.
He has done his graduation in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [B.A.M&S]
and post graduate Fellowship of Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine [F.F.A.M.] From
Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune University , India, during the years 1970-
He is working as a chief editor of a comprehensive website on Ayurveda since last three years.
He is first to author books on various topics in Ayurveda and to publish
them in ebook format.
He writes articles on various topics in Ayurveda in Ayurvedic health

Prof.Dr.Subhash Ranade

Dr. Ranade is Ex. Prof. And Head, Dept. of Ayurveda, Pune University and
Ex. Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune, India. and is internationally
known Ayurvedic academician and physician.
He is visiting Professor at various Institutes in Europe, United States,
Canada and Japan and has written more than 70 books on different Ayurvedic
subjects which have been published in Marathi, English, Italian, German, Polish,
Hindi and Malayalam.
If you are one of those thousands of people who are looking for a natural, safe,
yet effective approach for a problem named 'DIABETES', welcome to the world of
Vibrant, holistic and completely natural, Ayurveda is a system of holistic healing
more relevant in today's world than ever before.

Diabetes mellitus is a curious condition. It was identified as a disease entity

thousands of years ago (called madhumeha in Charaka Samhita) but even today
we cannot pinpoint its cause in a given patient. The cause may be diet, lack of
exercise, overweight, genes, stress, auto-immunity, a virus, or a combination,
which includes some of these factors and perhaps also something which we still
do not know. Diabetes has been treated successfully for more than 75 years but
it continues to maim and kill even today. The worst paradox is that although we
have a good idea of how diabetes may be prevented, the prevalence of the
disease is actually rising at an alarming rate.

Since lifestyle, especially in terms of diet and exercise, plays a major role in the
causation of the common types of diabetes, it stands to reason that appropriate
changes in life style could prevent diabetes. Further, the same measures can
also contribute to treatment. However, for prevention only life style changes are
enough, but for treatment drugs may also be necessary in addition.

Ayurvedic medicine does not need to be complicated, or difficult to incorporate

into your lifestyle. You can integrate it into your routine, as much or as little as
you are comfortable with, in the beginning. As you see results, you will want to
incorporate more and more of these ayurvedic tips for health and well-being into
your daily life.

Ayurveda doesn't promise instant results. Its approach is gentle and

comprehensive, working to correct the root cause of imbalances rather than the
surface symptoms. And it places the responsibility for your well being squarely
where it belongs, with you. But if you make that commitment to yourself, you'll be
richly rewarded, with ongoing benefits that add up gradually, day after day.

Although ayurveda has been around for 5,000 years, it's not outdated. Its very
practical, time-tested principles are perfect for today's seekers of prevention-
oriented self-care and cure. You will find this book rewarding in a deeper sense of
This is a sample copy of the ebook "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes"
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Diabetes (Prameha) Ayurvedic View
In this Ayurvedic Review, we would not only discuss the ayurvedic concept of this
dreadful ailment but we'll come up with preventive measures as well. After all,
Ayurveda not only cures but acts as a preventive shield as well.

It has been proved that if we keep our 'blood sugar' close to normal, there is a
chance to resist Diabetes. So here are the ayurvedic principles to guide you at
every step. Unlocking a healing world for you. The Multifold Ayurvedic system will
help you in charting out various ways including yoga postures for putting a rein
on your blood sugar. In short, this booklet packs a -- Preventive punch too ...

This disease complex was known to the oriental world by the name of "ASRAVA"
and "MUTRATISARA" in Vedic period. 3,000 years back.
The etiology, symptomatology, pathology, prognosis, and management principles
of diabetes are described in detail by the physician 'Charaka' in the Charaka
Samhita. This is the earliest major medical text of Ayurveda, and it reached its
present form around the first century A.D.

Another term for madhumeha is 'dhatupaka janya vikruti.' The first word,
“dhatupaka,” means metabolism. The entire term, roughly translated, means that
derangement in body tissues take place due to discrepancies in metabolism.

Etiology of Prameha and Madhumeha with their main characteristic features are
given in Su.Ni. 616. A.H.Ni.10/7, M.Ni. 33/6)

It is said as "Prakarshena Mehati Asminiti Prameha" which means excessive

urination.The word Prameha is derived from the root 'Miha Sechane' meaning
“watering”. In reference to disease of human beings, it may have a meaning of
passing urine, qualified by prefix 'Pra' meaning excess in both frequency and

A study of the ancient literature indicates that Diabetes was fairly well known and
well conceived as an entity in ancient India.

The aetiology, pathogenesis and the principles of management, which are

described in Ayurvedic classics, resemble with the modern concepts almost in

Description of two types of Prameha from management point of view strikingly is

" Krisha" (Lean Diabetic) and "Sthool" (Obese Diabetic) are classified in
Ayurveda on very similar grounds as Diabetics are classified in IDDM and
NIDDM respectively.
On the very similar pattern we find the classification as Sahja
prameh(Congenital) and Apathya nimitaj prameha (Due to overeating and wrong
eating habits).

“With simple lifestyle changes—including healthier diets and physical

activity like -Yoga, Yogasana , Pranayama etc.—you can decrease your risk
of developing diabetes by more than 70 %.”

What should I include in my diet ?

What should I avoid ?
Which exercise is good for me ? What Yoga & Yogasana will be beneficial ?
What simple changes in lifestyle I should do?

The ebook provides right answers to all such questions ……….

In short --

"Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes" is the *New Encyclopedia* of self-help for

every diabetic patient.

This is a sample copy of the ebook "Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes"
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Atreya Smith -
"This book should help bridge Western and Ayurvedic
approaches to disease treatment in general and diabetes specifically. The
problems and causes of the disease are clearly discussed and explained.
A number of valuable treatment modules are discussed for both Type I & II
diabetes that are reasonable for self-treatment. This text is also advanced
enough for all medical professionals who wish to have an insight into the
Ayurvedic protocol of this debilitating disease. The work is a valuable
contribution to medical literature and will be help to all persons suffering
from this disorder." - Atreya Smith

Dr. Marc Rhyner -

"The book has discussed all the important aspects like history,
etiology. pathogenesis, types and there relation with the modern medicine
, various useful herbo-mineral formulations, home remedies and yoga
exercises. The last chapter of the book ' Diabetes complications and its
management' is really excellent and it describes how to prevent as well as
how to treat these complications.
I feel that every diabetic patient must read this ebook to keep him


Deepen Mehata -
says that, "...I never thought I could control my Diebetes without medicines - until
now! I have made changes in my work pattern as suggested by you and now I
require no medicine !! "

Linda Hamrick -
wrote the following " I just wanted you to know that I think your ebook is great! I
was afraid to purchase it... didn't want to waste my money on a hoax :) But when
I saw it recommended on several health sites I decided to go ahead. It is a good
ebook and I am on my way to a new, healthier life!"
Sandeep Yelwatkar -

writes "It contains all the information that I needed. It covers all the aspects of
the Diabetes(Madhumeha) right from its cause till treatment. The presentation is
neat, clean and deep enough for the common man to easily understand and
implement various recommendations. "

Steve Feite -

[Department Head of Nuclear and Molecular Medicine

Waldo County General Hospital
Bucksport, Maine]
writes " the content is excellent. If it is intended for a western
audience, many of the foods may need to have more western names"
[ To be included in 2 ND edition --- editor]

Virajit Gundale

The ebook gives valuable information about the disease diabetes. The Ayurvedic
aspect of Diabetes is made very clear in it.
Other Publications
This is a sample copy of the ebook “Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes”
You can purchase the complete ebook “ Ayurvedic Cure of Diabetes”

You can purchase other ebooks published by us -

1] Home remedies in Ayurveda
2] Treatment of common diseases with Ayurveda & Yoga
3] Ayurvedic Principles Revealed
4] Ayurvedic Pathology
5] Ayurvedic Physiology
6] Ayurvedic Nutrition and Cooking
7] Losing weight with Ayurveda and Yoga
8] Arthritis Ayurveda & You
9] Ayurveda for Heart Diseases

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1] Basic principles of Ayurveda

2] Tridosha - Vata Pitta Kapha

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