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Your Complete Stanford-Binet Test Report1+ 240Q Practice IQ Test PDF 5 Practice
Tests +100 Questions + 50 Bonus Questions + Answers & Detailed Explanations +
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1 We use the latest scoring system (10/2017 - based on millions people from 151

We will send you by email (within 24 hours) your test report (Check your
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Sample Test Report:

Bowe Rojas,
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Your IQ is: 160

Standard Deviation: 15
Percentile: 99.996831397%
Rarity: 1/31560

Your age adjusted IQ score is 160 and the average score for all test takers is

Your Grade ** Genius **

Anyone with a general IQ this high is undoubtedly a genius. From this range on,
only specific high-range tests should be considered. You have the ability to think
critically, conceptualize ideas and form your own conclusions. Your ability to think
in patterns and to produce order out of chaos enables you to handle complexities
and see logic in everything. Needless to say you are self-aware of your abilities
and have the brains for all known occupations. If you think of intelligence as the
ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are at the top of the charts.

A number of famous figures have the same IQ score range as yours such as: Bill
Gates, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Beethoven, etc. They
are undoubtedly few most established figures of not only their time but also of
human history. People with your IQ range are rare and have many opportunities
opening up for them. It is your choice as to where your true passion lies and work
hard for it. Although it seem easier for you to gain success in any field, remember
Albert Einstein himself once said “Genius is 99% hard work and 1% talent”. With
proper investment of your time and effort, you stand a golden chance of making
great contribution and make yourself remembered, not in just a country but to
mankind even.

It is advised that you may consider joining associations whose mission is to foster
humans’ potentials such as Mensa for best environment to develop your ability.
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