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Anchorage of URM parapets.

URM parapets in buildings in SDC C, D, E, or F must be

braced. (See Chap. 11 for a discussion of parapet bracing.)
Anchorage of URM partitions. In buildings in SDC C, D, E, or F partitions made with
URM within the work area and adjacent to egress paths from it must be braced, removed, or
strengthened to resist out-of-plane seismic forces.

For the above four provisions, the following applies:

1. Reduced IBC-level seismic forces may be used.

2. Additional anchorage or bracing may be avoided if an evaluation shows compliance.

1.10 Change of Occupancy (IEBC Chapter 10)

A change of occupancy is a common reason for building renovation. Old hotels are converted
into apartments, old schools into offices, old industrial buildings into condominiums, etc. IBC
Chapters 3 and 4 provide the descriptions and special requirements for various occupancy
classifications. Some provisions in IEBC Chapter 10 depend on whether the proposed work
includes a true change of occupancy (e.g., from industrial to residential) or a change to another
group within the same occupancy classification (e.g., from hotel to apartment). Also, if the
proposed work involves a change to certain special building categories, a full compliance with
the IBC provisions is mandated. These categories are listed in the IBC and in IEBC Section
1002.1 and include covered mall buildings, atriums, motor vehicle- and aircraft-related
structures, etc. Here is a summary of some related structural provisions in Chapter 10:

Live loads. The framing in the area where the change in occupancy takes place and the
structural members supporting that framing must be able to resist the IBC-required level of
the design live load. An exception applies to the members where the DCR would increase by
5 percent or less after the change.
Snow and wind loads. If the change of occupancy entails a higher risk category, the
structure must be able to resist the IBC-required level of the design snow and wind load for
the higher risk category. An exception applies if the new occupancy is less than 10 percent
of the building area, considering the cumulative effect of the changes in occupancy.
Seismic loads. Like for snow and wind, if the change of occupancy entails a higher risk
category, the structure must be able to resist the IBC-required level of the design seismic
load for the higher risk category. Three exceptions apply:

1. The building Risk Category changes from I or II to III and the seismic coefficient SDS
is less than 0.33.
2. The new occupancy comprises less than 10 percent of the building area, considering
the cumulative effect of the changes in occupancy, and the new occupancy is not in
Risk Category IV.
3. The renovation design of buildings with URM bearing walls assigned to Risk
Category III and to SDC A or B may use the procedures of the IEBC Appendix

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