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Quarter 3
Week 3

Self - Learning

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit


Employ basic project management
1. Describe the different programming models available for developers in
OBJECTIVES 2. Choose between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET 4.x.
3. Describe the role of ASP.NET Core MVC in the web technologies stack,
and how to use ASP.NET Core MVC to build web applications.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

ASP.NET overview

ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great websites and web applications using HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript. You can also create Web APIs and use real-time technologies like Web

ASP.NET Core is an alternative to ASP.NET.

Exploring ASP.NET Core MVC

Microsoft ASP.NET Core MVC and the other web technologies of the ASP.NET Core can help you
create and host dynamic, powerful, and extensible web applications. ASP.NET Core, of which
ASP.NET Core MVC is part, is an open-source, cross-platform framework that allows you to build
web applications. You can develop and run ASP.NET Core web applications on Windows, macOS,
Linux, or any other platform that supports it.

ASP.NET Core MVC supports agile, test-driven development cycle. It also allows you to use the
latest HTML standard and Front-End frameworks such as Angular, React, and more.

Websites and web applications

ASP.NET offers three frameworks for creating web applications: Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, and
ASP.NET Web Pages. All three frameworks are stable and mature, and you can create great web
applications with any of them. No matter what framework you choose, you will get all the benefits and
features of ASP.NET everywhere.

Each framework targets a different development style. The one you choose depends on a
combination of your programming assets (knowledge, skills, and development experience), the type
of application you're creating, and the development approach you're comfortable with.

Below is an overview of each of the frameworks and some ideas for how to choose between them.


If you have Development style Expertise
experience in
Web Win Forms, Rapid development using a rich library of controls Mid-Level,
Forms WPF, .NET that encapsulate HTML markup Advanced
MVC Ruby on Full control over HTML markup, code and markup Mid-Level,
Rails, .NET separated, and easy to write tests. The best choice Advanced
for mobile and single-page applications (SPA).
Web Classic ASP, HTML markup and your code together in the same New, Mid-
Pages PHP file Level

Web Forms

With ASP.NET Web Forms, you can build dynamic websites using a familiar drag-and-drop, event-
driven model. A design surface and hundreds of controls and components let you rapidly build
sophisticated, powerful UI-driven sites with data access.


ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a
clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup for enjoyable, agile
development. ASP.NET MVC includes many features that enable fast, TDD-friendly development for
creating sophisticated applications that use the latest web standards.

ASP.NET Web Pages

ASP.NET Web Pages and the Razor syntax provide a fast, approachable, and lightweight way to
combine server code with HTML to create dynamic web content. Connect to databases, add video,
link to social networking sites, and include many more features that help you create beautiful sites
that conform to the latest web standards.

Notes about Web Forms, MVC, and Web Pages

All three ASP.NET frameworks are based on the .NET Framework and share core functionality of
.NET and of ASP.NET. For example, all three frameworks offer a login security model based around
membership, and all three share the same facilities for managing requests, handling sessions, and so
on that are part of the core ASP.NET functionality.

In addition, the three frameworks are not entirely independent, and choosing one does not preclude
using another. Since the frameworks can coexist in the same web application, it's not uncommon to
see individual components of applications written using different frameworks. For example, customer-
facing portions of an app might be developed in MVC to optimize the markup, while the data access
and administrative portions are developed in Web Forms to take advantage of data controls and
simple data access.

Web APIs

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad
range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for
building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

Real-time technologies

ASP.NET SignalR is a new library for ASP.NET developers that makes developing real-time web
functionality easier. SignalR allows bi-directional communication between server and client. Servers
can push content to connected clients instantly as it becomes available. SignalR supports Web
Sockets, and falls back to other compatible techniques for older browsers. SignalR includes APIs for
connection management (for instance, connect and disconnect events), grouping connections, and

Mobile apps and sites

ASP.NET can power native mobile apps with a Web API back end, as well as mobile web sites using
responsive design frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap. If you are building a native mobile app, it's easy
to create a JSON-based Web API to handle data access, authentication, and push notifications for
your app. If you are building a responsive mobile site, you can use any CSS framework or open grid
system you prefer, or select a powerful mobile system like jQuery Mobile or Sencha and great mobile
applications with PhoneGap.

Single-page applications

ASP.NET Single Page Application (SPA) helps you build applications that include significant client-
side interactions using HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript. Visual Studio includes a template for building
single page applications using knockout.js and ASP.NET Web API. In addition to the built-in SPA
template, community-created SPA templates are also available for download.


WebHooks is a lightweight HTTP pattern providing a simple pub/sub model for wiring together Web
APIs and SaaS services. When an event happens in a service, a notification is sent in the form of an
HTTP POST request to registered subscribers. The POST request contains information about the
event which makes it possible for the receiver to act accordingly.

WebHooks are exposed by a large number of services including Dropbox, GitHub, Instagram,
MailChimp, PayPal, Slack, Trello, and many more. For example, a WebHook can indicate that a file
has changed in Dropbox, or a code change has been committed in GitHub, or a payment has been
initiated in PayPal, or a card has been created in Trello.

SAQ-1: What is ASP.NET?

SAQ-2 : What is ASP.NET MVC framework?

Let’s Practice!

(Answer on the Answer Sheet provided for Activity and Assessment.)

Directions: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

1. What does ASO stand for?

a. Active Server Pages
b. Active Standard Pages
c. All Standard Pages
d. A Server Page

2. ASP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which?

a. <script> … </script>
b. <%> … </%>
c. <&> … </&>
d. <% … %>

3. How do you write “Hello world” in ASP?
a. Response.Write(“Hello World”)
b. Document.Write(“Hello World”)
c. “Hello World”

4. “<%=” is the same as:

a. <%Response.Write
b. <%Write
c. <%Equal
d. <%Document.Write

5. What is the default scripting language in ASP?

b. JavaScript
c. VBScript
d. EcmaScript

Key Points

ASP.NET is an open-source server-side application framework designed for web developers to

produce dynamic web pages with .NET framework. It was developed by Microsoft to allow
programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services.

ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework for the .NET Platform used for building full stack web
applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

ASP.NET Web API is used purely for building backend web APIs which can be used by an array of
clients, from the web to desktop to mobile. It forms the server component in the RESTful
(Representational State Transfer) architecture.

If one intends to build a server component that can be easily utilized by an array of clients then
ASP.NET Web API is the way to go. If, however, the project is purely going to be used as a web
application, then ASP.NET MVC is a more appropriate choice.

The web.config file is crucial because it contains the configuration settings for the application. It
keeps your entire configuration separate from your code so you can easily change settings without
code changes. It also allows you to potentially encrypt the configuration settings for increased


Directions: Follow the step by step procedure in creating a program in ASP.NET below, what is
the output?

Step 1) The first step involves the creation of a new project in Visual Studio. After
launching Visual Studio, you need to choose the menu option New->Project.

Step 2) The next step is to choose the project type as an ASP.Net Web application.
Here we also need to mention the name and location of our project.

1. In the project dialog box, you can see various options for creating different types
of projects. Click the Web option on the left-hand side.
2. When we click the Web option in the previous step, we will be able to see an
option for ASP.Net Web Application. Click this option.
3. We then give a name for the application, which in our case is DemoApplication.
We also need to provide a location to store our application.
4. Finally, we click the 'OK' button to let Visual Studio to create our project.

Step 3) In the next screen, you have to choose the type of web application that
needs to be created. In our case, we are going to create a simple Web Form application.

1. First, choose the project type as 'Empty'. This will ensure that we start with a
basic application which is simple to understand.
2. We choose the option "web Forms". This adds the basic folders. These are

required for a basic Web Forms Application.
3. Finally, we click the 'OK' button to allow Visual Studio to create our application.

It should be look like this:

In the Solution Explorer, you will be able to see the DemoApplication Solution. This
solution will contain 2 project files as shown above. At the moment, one of the key files
in the project is the 'Global.asax.cs'. This file contains application specific information. In
this file, you would initialize all application specific variables to their default values.

Step 4) Now, it's time to add a Web Form file to the project. This is the file which will
contain all the web-specific code for our project.

 Right-click on the DemoApplication project and

 Choose Add->Web Form from the context menu.

Step 5) In the next screen we are going to be prompted to provide a name for the web

1. Give a name for the Web Form. In our case, we are giving it a name of Demo.
2. Click the Ok button.

Step 6) The next step is to add the code, which will do the work of displaying "Hello World." This can
be done by just adding one line of code to the Demo.aspx file.

Source:” Developing ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Applications ”
Accessed December 28,2020.

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not
been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this learning
resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning resources available
for the learners in reference to the learning continuity plan of this division in this
time of pandemic.
This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource.

Developed by:


Integrated Senior High School

10 | P a g e
Learning Competency: Employ basic project management tasks
SAQ 1. ASP.NET is an open-source server-side application framework designed for web
developers to produce dynamic web pages with .NET framework. It was developed by Microsoft
to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services.

SAQ2. ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework for the .NET Platform used for building full
stack web applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

Let’s Practice
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D


11 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: __________________________________ Grade Level: ____________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Quarter: _________________________________________________________________
Week: ___________________________________________________________________
Learning Competency: _________________________________________________________


1. Read carefully the learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for compliance to standards
indicated in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite
specific page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached
Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed


Title of the CapSLET: ____________________ Grade Level: ______

Quarter: ___________________________
Week: _____________________________
Part of Brief Specific Put a check mark
the descripti recommend
CapSLE on of ations for
T/ Errors/ improving
Paragra Findings the
ph / Line / identified
/ Page Observa criterion Not
number tions Impleme
(in nted

12 | P a g e
Legend: (Type of Error) C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not captured

in the evaluation tools used.
Prepared by: Date accomplished:
_________________________ _____________________
(Signature Over Printed Name)

13 | P a g e

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