What Is Plain English

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1. What is plain English?

Plain language is grammatically correct and universally understood

language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word
usage. Plain language is not unprofessional writing or a method of
"dumbing down" or "talking down" to the reader.
Writing that is clear and to the point helps improve all communication as it
takes less time to read and comprehend. Clear writing tells the reader
exactly what the reader needs to know without using unnecessary words
or expressions. Communicating clearly is its own reward as it saves time
and money. It also improves reader response to messages. Using plain
language avoids creating barriers that set us apart from the people with
whom we are communicating.

2. Is there a plain English movement around the world?

After World War II, federal employees started to boost the plain language movement. Even though
they started with it so early, it did not formally start until the 1970s, when President Nixon encouraged
federal departments to write in a less bureaucratic way. In 1977 The Federal Communications
Commission issued rules to Citizens Band Radios, which were probably the first to appear in plain
English. Consequently, people started implementing this style. In 1978 President Carter issued
Executive Orders for government regulations. This regulations were intended to be “easy to
understand” by those who were required to comply with them. After this, a few other agencies begun to
publish regulations that were also clearly written. After a few years of not being used, President
Clinton revived the movement of plain language in 1998. He revived it as a major government
initiative, and wrote a Presidential Memo formalizing the movement and stating that all agencies and
federal departments would have to adopt plain language as their way of writing. Employees were
rewarded when they turned their bureaucratic messages into plain language messages. A great icon for
plain language was, Arthur Levitt, creator of the SEC handbook. He was formally the Chairman of the
Securities and Exchange Commission. He was known to be one the best at plain language writing,
therefore the SEC handbook still remains as a great source for Plain Language writers. The Plain
Language Movement became of great importance for communication among co-workers and outsiders,
it facilitated communication and stated the message much more clearly
3. Benefits of plain language
4. Basic rule in plain english writing
5. What is legalese?
6. Give 20 sentences written in legalese with plain English counterpart

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