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End of Year Video Project Grading Rubric

Categories 4 3 2 1 0
Student’s shows Student’s shows Student’s shows Student’s shows Students shown
complete substantial some understanding limited no

Math understanding of
the mathematical
understanding of
the mathematical
of the
understanding of
the underlying
of math
Concepts concepts used to concepts used to concepts needed to concepts needed to concepts
solve the solve the solve the solve the
problem(s). problem(s). problem(s). problem(s)
All students were Student was an Student Student did not Students did
engaged, listening engaged but had cooperated with work effectively not work
to suggestions of trouble listening to others but needed with others. together at all.
Collaboration others, and working others and/or prompting to stay
cooperatively working on-task.
throughout lesson. cooperatively.
Interesting, well- Relatively Delivery not Delivery not No smooth
Video rehearsed with interesting, not a smooth, but able to smooth and delivery,
smooth delivery smooth delivery hold audience audience attention attention none.
Presentation that holds audience that usually holds attention most of lost.
attention. audience attention. the time.
Content is well Uses titles or Content is logically There was no clear Dis-organized
organized titles or bulleted lists to organized for the or organizational
bulleted lists to organize, but the most part. structure, just lots
Organization group related overall organization of facts.
material. of topics appears
Students shows a Students shows Students shows Students shown No creativity
large amount of some original little evidence of other people's
Creativity original thought. thought. Work original thinking. ideas not giving
Ideas are creative shows new ideas them credit.
and inventive. and insights.

Total Points Earned

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