Sponsored Event Program

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Sponsored Event Program 1

Iota-Alpha Chapter
Sigma Pi Fraternity, International
Sponsored Event Program
I. General
It is the job of the Executive Council but especially of the Risk Management Chairman to
maintain a safe but enjoyable atmosphere at all Sigma Pi sponsored events. To accomplish these
ends, it falls upon the Risk Management Chairman to prepare for each event so that it can run as
smoothly as possible. In this, there are several areas that need attention: Alcohol Regulations,
Security, Designated Driving, and Crisis Management. He will organize a small team of sober
individuals charged with attending each area. At least one member of the Executive Board must
be at the party and sober at all times.
II. Security
Security is a necessity at every Sigma Pi sponsored event and is to be of high priority. Any order
given to any member or guest by the Executive Council, Risk Management Chairman, or a
member of the event’s Risk Management team is to be followed without question as long as it
pertains to the safety of that individual or of another.
A. Security Members
All security members are to be completely sober at all times and are to be willing to fulfill
their job requirements. There is to be a minimum of the following security members at
every event at all times:
1. Two (2) members at the facility’s entrance to attend to the list
2. One (1) member for every two fire exits to insure that no unauthorized members or guests
are allowed entry
a) If possible have one (1) member per fire exit
B. Outside Security
During social events all doors will be unlocked from the inside and unblocked from both
directions. There will only be one entrance to all social events which will be at a
predetermined centralized location. Members and guests are absolutely prohibited from
leaving the chapter house with an open container of an alcoholic beverage.
The Risk Management Chairman or a member of his team is to make regular rounds of the
facility in which the event is held to make sure that the grounds are safe. Loitering is
strictly prohibited. It is a good idea for the person making rounds to make sure that guests
and members are not illegally parked. The presence of any law enforcement
representatives or university personnel is to be reported to the Chairman, his team, or the
Executive Board member immediately to prevent any possible problems.
C. Working the Door
The main outside security is working the door. Members charged with working the door
must abide by the following guidelines:
1. The List: All guests or members entering the facility must be on a predetermined list
made by the Social Chairman and approved by the Office of Greek Affairs. Those not on
the approved list are to be turned away without question.

Iota-Alpha Chapter
Sponsored Event Program 2

2. Wristbands: All guests and members who enter the facility must show proper
identification and are to be given a specific wristband obtained by the Risk Management
Chairman from the Office of Greek Affairs.
3. Guest Count: There is to be a count of guests and members entering and exiting the house
to make sure that it both agrees with the list and abides by fire regulations for the facility.
4. Refusing Entry: Members working the door have the right to refuse entry to any guest or
member for any of the following but not limited to:
a) They do not have any form of legal identification
b) They are habitual problem makers
c) They are delinquent and owe money
d) They are already obviously intoxicated
Any disputes are to be brought to the Risk Management Chairman or his team members.
D. Inside Security
When inside the facility that the event is being held, it is important to prevent any and all
altercations between members or guests. Any small problems should be reported to a
member of the risk management team or the Risk Management Chairman. Any major
problems should be reported to the Executive Council and if necessary the facility placed
on lock-down. If the event is held in the Fraternity house, it is important to note that
members may have a reasonable number of guests in their own room. Guests may stay as
long as they abide by the quite hour policies of the Fraternity.
To prepare for injuries, the Fraternity medical kit is to be stocked and accessible by
everyone if the event is held in the Fraternity house. If the event is held in another facility,
make sure the Risk Management Chairman and his team knows where the First Aid kit is
located. In the event of injury, the proper first aid procedures are to be followed.
III. Alcohol Regulations
A. Alcohol Distribution
The laws pertaining to the established drinking age are fully applicable to all Fraternity
events and supercede all others. Members at the party and their guests may only consume
alcohol if age 21 or older, no special cases. There shall be an identification check in some
form or fashion at all events including alcoholic beverages. Hard alcohol is prohibited
during all Sigma Pi sponsored events. No new alcohol may enter the house or be
distributed between 12:00 am and the official end of the event set by the Social Chairman.
B. Alcohol Consumption
The consumption of alcohol during social events shall be limited to the predetermined
party area. It is also the job of the Risk Management Chairman and his team to insure that
members and guests drink responsibly and maintain control. It is the most difficult job of
any person to stop a guest or especially a friend from drinking too much but it must be
C. Alcohol Disposal
It is the responsibility of all members to properly dispose of all alcoholic containers as
soon as they become empty. Any and all spills are to be cleaned immediately. If the
person or guest is unruly or unwilling to clean the mess, have the Risk Management
Chairman or a member of his team clean the mess and report the offender.

Iota-Alpha Chapter
Sponsored Event Program 3

IV. Designated Drivers

At any social event where alcoholic beverages are distributed, designated drivers are to be
utilized. All designated drivers will be pre-determined and are to abide by the Designated Driver
Program. The security team is to be aware of which Fraternity members are the night’s
designated drivers and the drivers’ numbers are to be easily accessible to the security members.
It is stressed that a member of the security team or another sober individual contacts the
designated driver to prevent prank calling.
V. Food and Non-Alcoholic beverages at Social Functions
It is the job of the Social Chairman to provide non-alcoholic beverages and food at all social
functions. The Risk Management Chairman and his team should insure the safety of all food
provided and is to monitor the usage of energy drinks used in combination with alcoholic
VI. Emergency Information
Make sure all emergency routes for the Fraternity house and emergency numbers are kept up-to-
A. Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency, members and guests are to abide by the established crisis
management programs. In case of fire, evacuate the facility as guided by its established
evacuation procedure. For the Fraternity house, follow the fire evacuation policy. If there
is a major injury or another serious problem, it may be necessary to place the house on
lockdown while the necessary measures are taken.
B. Important Numbers
1. Emergency 911
2. Mercy Region Hospital (785)-776-3322
3. KSU Police Department (785)-532-7408
4. Riley County Police Department (785)-537-2112
5. Riley County Fire Department (785)-537-6333
6. Manhattan Fire Department (785)-587-4500
7. Interfraternity Council (785)-532-5546

Iota-Alpha Chapter

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