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Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289

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Wheat milling by-products and their impact on bread making

Sami Hemdane, Sofie Leys, Pieter J. Jacobs, Emmie Dornez, Jan A. Delcour, Christophe M. Courtin ⇑
Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 – box 2463, 3001
Leuven, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigates the relationship between the properties of dietary fiber (DF) rich wheat milling
Received 19 October 2014 by-products and their impact on bread making. From coarse bran over coarse and fine weatings to low
Received in revised form 10 February 2015 grade flour, the content of starch and lipids increased, while that of DF and ash decreased. Enzyme activ-
Accepted 13 April 2015
ity levels differed strongly and were not related to other by-product properties. Average particle size of
Available online 22 April 2015
the by-products was positively correlated with DF and ash contents and their hydration properties. When
meals from flour and by-products were composed on the same overall starch level to compensate for dif-
ferences in endosperm contamination in the by-products, bread specific volume was more strongly
Coarse bran
depressed with fine weatings and low grade flour than with coarse bran and weatings. This suggests that
Coarse weatings the properties of the former were intrinsically more detrimental to bread making than those of the latter.
Fine weatings Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low grade flour
Bread making

1. Introduction bread improvers, rather than working on bran itself. Although sev-
eral studies investigated the detrimental effect of wheat bran in
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bran, recovered in a number of by- bread making, a clear view on the contribution of different aspects
products of the wheat milling industry, is a good source of dietary of bran on this effect is lacking. Nevertheless, several hypotheses
fiber (DF), antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals (Delcour & on the underlying causes of quality loss exist. Firstly, it is generally
Hoseney, 2010; Shewry, 2009). Epidemiologic evidence exists that accepted that the replacement of flour by wheat bran causes a dilu-
the daily consumption of bran-enriched cereal products may tion of wheat gluten proteins. Pomeranz et al. (1977), for instance,
reduce the risk of welfare diseases like obesity (de Munter, Hu, reported that the addition of up to 5% wheat bran decreased bread
Spiegelman, Franz, & van Dam, 2007), cardiovascular disease volume to an extent expected from dilution of gluten proteins.
(Jacobs & Gallaher, 2004) and colorectal cancer (Jacobs, Marquart, However, when 7% bran or more was added, the volume decrease
Slavin, & Kushi, 1998). Furthermore, the European Food Safety could no longer be explained by the dilution of gluten proteins
Authority recently recognizes two health claims concerning wheat only. Also the competition for water between meal constituents
bran, allowing to state that wheat bran increases fecal bulk and might explain the detrimental effect of wheat bran on bread prop-
accelerates the intestinal transit (EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products erties. More recently, Bock, Connelly, and Damodaran (2013)
Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), 2010). Therefore, incorporation of observed a redistribution of water among dough components
wheat bran in cereal-based products is an interesting and low-cost when wheat bran is added, resulting into partial dehydration and
strategy to improve their nutritional properties and physiological structural changes of the gluten proteins. A third possible explana-
effects. However, incorporation of bran-containing milling by- tion of the impact of bran on bread properties is its steric hin-
products in cereal-based foods generally results in inferior end- drance during dough development, disturbing the formation of
product quality. In bread, such incorporation results in a decreased an optimal gluten network (Gan, Ellis, Vaughan, & Galliard,
bread loaf volume, an increased crumb firmness and a decreased 1989). Wheat bran might furthermore not only hinder the forma-
sensory acceptance (Moder, Finney, Bruinsma, Ponte, & Bolte, tion of a gluten network, but may also destabilize gas cells, result-
1984; Pomeranz, Shogren, Finney, & Bechtel, 1977). ing into a decrease in gas retention (Gan, Galliard, Ellis, Angold, &
Nowadays, the detrimental effect of wheat bran in bread mak- Vaughan, 1992; Pomeranz et al., 1977). Finally, Wootton and
ing is counteracted by use of strong wheat flour and addition of Shams-Ud-Din (1986) noticed that bran extract is more detrimen-
tal to bread volume than the washed residue, suggesting the
involvement of deleterious bran-related enzymes or reactive
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 16 321917; fax: +32 16 321997.
chemical components like glutathione or ferulic acid, which might
E-mail address: (C.M. Courtin).
0308-8146/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289 281

react with sulfhydryl groups of gluten proteins (Noort, van Haaster, polymeric glucose, 13.6 ± 0.2% proteins, 0.63 ± 0.01% ash and
Hemery, Schols, & Hamer, 2010). 1.5 ± 0.1% lipids. Vital wheat gluten was from Tereos Syral (Aalst,
When studying the impact of bran addition on bread making, it Belgium) and fresh baker’s yeast from AB Mauri (Merelbeke,
should be recognized that the use of the term ‘‘bran’’ can lead to Belgium). Also commercial sugar and salt were used. All chemicals,
confusion. From a botanical point of view, bran is defined as the solvents and reagents were of analytical grade and purchased from
outer layers of the wheat kernel, consisting of the pericarp, seed Sigma–Aldrich (Bornem, Belgium), unless specified otherwise.
coat and nucellar epidermis. Bran defined by the miller contains
besides the botanical bran also aleurone and starchy endosperm 2.2. Chemical composition of the milling by-products
remnants which were not removed during the milling process
(Delcour & Hoseney, 2010). It should also be noted that botanical DF content was analyzed according to the AOAC Official Method
bran is distributed over a range of different by-products formed 991-43 (AOAC International., 1995). Total starch (measured as
during milling, namely coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine weatings polymeric glucose), total arabinoxylan (TOT-AX) and water-ex-
and low grade flour. Coarse bran (which is usually defined as reg- tractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX) contents were analyzed in tripli-
ular bran) and coarse weatings (or fine bran) are separated in the cate using a gas chromatography based method as described by
early breaks of the milling process, while fine weatings (also Courtin, Van den Broeck, and Delcour (2000). Saccharides were
referred to as middlings or shorts) are smaller particles of endo- hydrolyzed to their constituting monosaccharides with 2.0 M tri-
sperm and bran, which were not separated after grinding fluoroacetic acid, reduced to alditols with NaBH4 and derivatized
(Delcour & Hoseney, 2010). This latter by-product has also been to alditol acetates using acetic acid anhydride. Polymeric glucose
reported to contain more aleurone and germ than (coarse) bran was calculated as the level of glucose multiplied by 0.90, arabi-
(Lai, Hoseney, & Davis, 1989b). Low grade flour (or red dog) is noxylan content was calculated as the sum of the arabinose and
the flour like material remaining after the last grinding steps and xylose levels multiplied by 0.88 (Courtin et al., 2000). Protein con-
contains a high level of non-endosperm material (Delcour & tent was measured in duplicate by the Dumas combustion method,
Hoseney, 2010). an adaptation of the AOAC Official Method 990-03 (AOAC
Although all of the above mentioned milling by-products can be International, 1995) to an automated Dumas protein analysis sys-
reconstituted with their flour complement to form whole meal, lit- tem (EAS VarioMax N/CN, Elt, Gouda, The Netherlands). The
tle information can be found on their functionality relative to each detected nitrogen was converted to protein content using 6.25 as
other in bread making. This is unfortunate from a scientific point of conversion factor. Total lipid content was determined gravimetri-
view as comparison of their properties with their impact on bread cally after extraction with water-saturated butanol as described
making might yield insight in the detrimental impact of bran in by Gerits, Pareyt, and Delcour (2013). Moisture, ash and damaged
general and the different by-products in particular on bread mak- starch contents were determined in triplicate following AACC-
ing. Also from a practical point of view this is unfortunate, as each methods 44-19.01, 08-01.01 and 76-31.01, respectively (AACC,
of the fractions is a possible candidate for addition to bread for- 2000).
mula to enhance dietary fiber levels in bread.
Therefore, in this study, we try to gain more insight in the phe- 2.3. Enzyme activity levels of the milling by-products
nomena underlying the detrimental effect of wheat bran on bread
making by studying the properties and functionality of different a-Amylase and endoxylanase activity levels in bran extracts
wheat milling by-products (coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine were determined with the Amylazyme and Xylazyme AX methods,
weatings and low grade flour) in bread making. To this end, differ- respectively (Megazyme, Bray, Ireland). Enzymes were extracted
ences in bran chemical composition, enzyme activity levels and by suspending 1.0 g of sample in 10.0 mL maleate buffer
physical properties were investigated and related to dough and (100 mM, pH 6.0, 5 mM CaCl2) for the Amylazyme method and in
bread properties. 10.0 mL sodium acetate buffer (25 mM, pH 5.0) for the Xylazyme
AX method and shaking (Laboshake, VWR International, Leuven,
Belgium) during 30 min at room temperature. An azurine cross-
2. Materials and methods linked amylose or AX tablet was added to 1.0 mL pre-equilibrated
sample at 40 °C. After an appropriate incubation time (generally
2.1. Materials 15 min for amylase activity levels and 6 h for xylanase activity
levels), the reaction was stopped by adding 10.0 mL of
Ten wheat milling by-products were kindly provided by differ- Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) base solution (2.0 w/v%
ent industrial milling companies. In addition, four milling by-prod- for the Amylazyme method, 1.0 w/v% for the Xylazyme AX
ucts were produced on laboratory scale with a Bühler MLU-202 method). After filtration of the suspensions, the filtrates were
laboratory mill (Uzwil, Switzerland) by milling wheat cultivars cooled to room temperature and the extinction values at 590 nm
Akteur and Apache (harvest 2012) obtained from AVEVE (Landen, (E590) [Ultraspec III UV/vis spectrophotometer (GE Healthcare,
Belgium), resulting into coarse bran 5 and fine weatings 3, and Uppsala, Sweden)] were measured against a control, prepared by
coarse bran 6 and fine weatings 4, respectively. Akteur is a cultivar incubating the extracts without the tablet. Correction was made
with excellent baking properties and a flour protein content of for non-enzymic color release by the substrate tablets. Activities
14.6 ± 0.1%, while Apache gives flour of inferior quality (flour pro- were expressed in a-amylase and endoxylanase units (AU and
tein content of 10.3 ± 0.2%). Milling yields were 76.3% and 75.8%, XU, respectively) per gram dry matter (dm). One unit is defined
respectively. The reason to produce the latter by-products was as the increase of E590 per hour of incubation, under the conditions
twofold. First, it allowed to assess the difference in the properties of the assay.
and functionality of milling by-products obtained from wheat cul- Endopeptidase activity levels were determined using azocasein
tivars with superior and inferior baking properties. Secondly, the as substrate (Feller & Erismann, 1978). Enzymes were extracted by
production of these samples on laboratory scale resulted in better suspending 1.0 g sample in 10.0 mL maleate buffer (100 mM, pH
insight in how the by-products obtained by laboratory milling dif- 6.0, 5 mM CaCl2) and shaking (Laboshake, VWR International,
fer from those obtained by industrial milling. The flour used in this Leuven, Belgium) during 30 min at room temperature. Azocasein
study was Crousti (Dossche Mills, Deinze, Belgium) with following solution (350 lL, 1.4 w/v%) was added to 250 lL enzyme extract
composition (dry matter basis): 2.3 ± 0.1% DF, 83.2 ± 1.1% and incubated for 4 h at 40 °C. After incubation, 500 lL of cooled
282 S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289

trichloroacetic acid (7 °C) was added and precipitated proteins wheat gluten was mixed. In both approaches, a control flour com-
were removed by centrifugation (10,000g, 10 min). Finally, posed of 95% Crousti flour and 5% gluten was used as reference.
500 lL of NaOH (500 mM) was added to 500 lL supernatants and
the extinction at 440 nm (E440) was measured. Endopeptidase 2.7. Dough properties
activity levels were expressed as endopeptidase units (PU) per
gram dm, with one PU defined as the increase of E440 per hour of For the determination of dough properties, doughs of the com-
incubation. posite meals were made in triplicate using a Brabender E330
Farinograph (Duisburg, Germany) with a 10 g stainless steel mix-
2.4. Particle size distribution of the milling by-products ing bowl, according to AACC method 54-21.02 (AACC, 2000).
Farinograph water absorption (FWA) and dough development time
Particle size distribution of samples was determined in tripli- (DDT) were determined. FWA was expressed on a 14% meal mois-
cate by sieving 20.0 g of sample on a Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS ture basis and corrected to 500 Farinograph Units.
200 control (Retsch, Aartselaar, Belgium) for 30 min, with intervals
every 30 s and a shaking amplitude of 0.75 mm. Sizes of the sieve 2.8. Bread making
pores were 2000 lm, 1000 lm, 710 lm, 500 lm, 250 lm, 125 lm
and 50 lm. The weight retained on the different sieves was Breads enriched in the different bran types were prepared in
expressed as w/w%. Mean particle size (MPS) was also calculated, triplicate according to the straight dough procedure of Shogren
using the formula of Ensor, Olson, and Colenbrander (1970): and Finney (1984). The composite meal (10.00 g, moisture content
Pn pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 14.0%), 0.53 g compressed fresh yeast, 0.60 g sucrose, 0.15 g salt
d d
ðW i log Þ
1 Pn i iþ1 and 6.8 mL water were mixed with a 10 g pin mixer (National
MPS ¼ 10 1 ð1Þ Manufacturing, Lincoln, NE, USA) for 4 min 15 s. For the breads
with low grade flour and composed on a 15% bran basis, a water
With Wi defined as the mass of sample retained on sieve i (g), di as volume of 6.6 mL was used. For the white control bread (95%
the pore diameter of sieve i (lm) and di+1 as the pore diameter of Crousti flour, 5% gluten), 6.2 mL of water and a mixing time of
the upper sieve following sieve i (lm). 4 min were used. Preliminary bread making trials led to the use
of the amount of water and mixing times described here.
2.5. Hydration properties of the milling by-products Fermentation and final proofing were performed in a fermentation
cabinet (National Manufacturing) at 30 °C and 90% relative humid-
The procedure for water retention capacity (WRC) determina- ity for 90 and 36 min, respectively. Doughs were punched after 52
tion was optimized based on the method described by Mongeau and 77 min fermentation and punched and molded after 90 min.
and Brassard (1982). Wheat bran (1.0 g) was weighed in a 50 mL Baking was performed for 13 min at 232 °C in a rotary oven
tarred centrifuge tube and 10.0 mL deionized water was added. (National Manufacturing). Bread volume was measured by rape-
After vortex stirring, the sample was left for 60 min at room tem- seed displacement, according to AACC method 10-05.01 (AACC,
perature, followed by 10 min of centrifugation at 4,000g. The 2000). Breads were weighed and their specific volumes calculated.
supernatant was carefully removed and a draining step of 15 min
was performed in order to remove residual non-retained water. 2.9. Statistical analysis
The centrifuge tube was weighed and the WRC was expressed as
g water retained per g dm bran and as g water per g by-product Statistical analysis of the results was performed using the
DF (WRCDF). Statistical Analysis Software 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC,
Swelling capacity (SC) was determined by the bed volume tech- USA). One-way analysis of variation (ANOVA) was performed to
nique as described by Kuniak and Marchessault (1972) with slight analyze significant differences between mean values of several
adaptations. Approximately 500 mg of sample was weighed in a variables. After a positive omnibus test, post hoc analyses were
10.0 mL graduated glass cylinder and steeped for 60 min at room conducted to detect differences among experimental settings. A
temperature in 5.0 mL deionized water. SC was expressed as vol- Tukey multiple comparison procedure was used with a 5% family
ume occupied by the swollen sample (mL) per g dm bran. significance level. Pearson’s correlation coefficients (P < 0.05) for
linear correlations between mean values were also calculated with
2.6. Composing meals SAS 9.3.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a multivariate data analy-
For the investigation of the impact on wheat milling by-prod- sis method, was conducted with the Unscrambler software 9.1.2
ucts on dough and bread making properties, meals were enriched (CAMO Technologies, Woodbridge, NJ, USA). In PCA, the high num-
in different bran types by following two different approaches. ber of original variables is reduced to a smaller number of new
In a first approach, meals were composed on a 15% bran basis by variables called principal components (PCs), which are linear com-
mixing 80% Crousti flour, 15% milling by-product and 5% vital binations of the original variables. These PCs are independent vari-
wheat gluten. In a second approach, meals were composed on an ables and describe in decreasing order the variability of the data.
overall 70% starch basis as starch was considered to be a good mea- All variables were centered and scaled to unit variance prior to
sure for the endosperm contamination of the bran. Therefore, the multivariate analyses.
depending on the starch content of the milling by-products, differ-
ent levels of sample were mixed with Crousti flour. The reason for 3. Results
the latter approach was that the different milling by-products ana-
lyzed in this study significantly differ in starch content, and thus 3.1. Chemical composition of the milling by-products
consequently in botanical bran content. In order to investigate
the functionality of the botanical bran component in the milling Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the milling by-prod-
by-products, we decided to also compose meals on a same overall ucts under study. On average, coarse bran contained 51.1% DF, of
starch level of 70%. As a result of this approach, the endosperm which 25.5% TOT-AX, 22.0% starch, 18.9% proteins, 6.4% ash and
content was equal for all meals. Also in the latter approach, 5% vital 2.8% lipids. These values are comparable to data reported in
S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289 283

Table 1
Dietary fiber, total arabinoxylan (TOT-AX), total and damaged starch, protein, ash and lipid contents of wheat milling by-products (coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine weatings and
low grade flour).a

Values in grey represent averages of the by-products from a different origin but of a same type. The individual samples are compared to each other for significant
differences and are grouped using small letters. The averages are compared to each other as well and are grouped using capital letters. Values within the same column not
sharing a same letter are significantly different (P < 0.05).

previous studies (Seyer & Gélinas, 2009; Zhang & Moore, 1997). from 2.5% for coarse bran to 12.8% for low grade flour (P < 0.05,
The average composition of coarse weatings was 43.2% DF, of Table 1). This fivefold increase in damaged starch content in the
which 20.5% TOT-AX, 28.8% starch, 18.8% proteins, 4.6% ash and finer bran types can only be partly explained by the increase in
3.7% lipids. Fine weatings consisted of 31.9% DF, of which 16.1% total starch content, as the ratio of damaged starch over total
TOT-AX, 40.5% starch, 19.5% proteins, 3.8% ash and 5.0% lipids starch only increased twofold, from 11.4% for coarse bran up to
and low grade flour contained 14.5% DF, of which 9.1% TOT-AX, 23.5% for low grade flour (P < 0.05).
54.4% starch, 18.8% proteins, 2.8% ash and 5.7% lipids. WE-AX- Overall, when comparing the chemical composition of milling
levels were relatively low in all samples, ranging from 0.53% to by-products of the same type, differences in composition were
1.37% (results not shown), indicating that arabinoxylan in bran is rather small. For protein contents, there was even little or no vari-
mainly water-insoluble. The damaged starch content increased ability over the different milling by-product types (Table 1).

Table 2
a-Amylase, endoxylanase and endopeptidase activity levels of wheat milling by-products (coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine weatings and low grade flour).a
α-Amylase activity Endoxylanase activity Endopeptidase activity
Milling by-product
AU/g dm XU/g dm PU/g dm
Coarse bran 1 6.3 ± < 0.1b 2.4 ± < 0.1 h 3.8 ± 0.1 j
Coarse bran 2 70.5 ± 0.3 a 4.6 ± < 0.1 d 6.3 ± 0.1 d
Coarse bran 3 14.4 ± 0.2 i 4.7 ± < 0.1 c 4.7 ± 0.1 h
Coarse bran 4 4.5 ± 0.1 k 1.2 ± < 0.1 k 3.2 ± 0.2 k
Coarse bran 5 6.2 ± 0.1 j 1.4 ± < 0.1 j 5.1 ± 0.1 g
e a
Coarse bran 6 24.8 ± 0.1 5.6 ± < 0.1 6.4 ± 0.1 d
Average 26.1 ± 24.8 3.3 ± 1.9 4.9 ± 1.3 A
c m
Coarse weatings 1 34.3 ± 0.2 0.9 ± < 0.1 5.4 ± 0.1 f
f e
Coarse weatings 2 21.8 ± 0.1 3.2 ± < 0.1 6.2 ± < 0.1d
d b
Coarse weatings 3 28.2 ± 0.1 5.4 ± < 0.1 7.5 ± 0.1 b
Average 28.1 ± 6.2 A 3.2 ± 2.3 A
6.4 ± 1.0 A
Fine weatings 1 17.7 ± 0.1 h 0.7 ± < 0.1 n
4.1 ± < 0.1i
Fine weatings 2 28.1 ± 0.1 d 2.0 ± < 0.1 i
9.6 ± 0.1 a
Fine weatings 3 9.1 ± 0.3 i 1.0 ± < 0.1 l
5.9 ± 0.1 e
g f c
Fine weatings 4 20.0 ± 0.3 2.6 ± < 0.1 6.6 ± 0.1
Average 18.7 ± 7.8 1.6 ± 0.9 6.5 ± 2.3
d g c
Low grade flour 28.0 ± 0.2 2.5 ± < 0.1 6.9 ± 0.1
Average 28.0 ± 2 / A 2.5 ± 1/9 A
6.9 ± 1/3 A

Values in grey represent averages of the by-products from a different origin but of a same type. The individual samples are compared to each other for significant
differences and are grouped using small letters. The averages are compared to each other as well and are grouped using capital letters. Values within the same column not
sharing a same letter are significantly different (P < 0.05).
284 S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289

A high variability in a-amylase activity levels was noticed, varying

from 4.5 AU/g up to 70.5 AU/g, but no relation was found between
60% the type of bran and the a-amylase activity level. Indeed, the aver-
age a-amylase activity levels of the milling by-products were 26.1,
wt% 40% 28.1, 18.7 and 28.0 AU/g for coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine
weatings and low grade flour, respectively. Endoxylanase activity
20% levels ranged from 0.7 XU/g to 5.6 XU/g and endopeptidase activity
levels varied between 3.2 PU/g and 9.6 PU/g.
CB 1 CB 2 CB 3 CB 4 CB 5 CB 6
3.3. Particle size distribution of the milling by-products
B 80%

Fig. 1 shows the particle size distribution of the milling by-

products, with their corresponding MPS shown in Table 3. Coarse
wt% 40% bran samples (Fig. 1A) had a MPS varying between 936 lm and
1344 lm (Table 3). The distribution patterns of coarse and fine
20% weatings shifted to smaller sizes (Fig. 1B and C, respectively) com-
pared to the coarse bran samples (P < 0.05), with MPS-values vary-
0% ing between 348 lm and 523 lm for coarse weatings and between
CW 1 CW 2 CW 3 168 lm and 304 lm for fine weatings (Table 3). For low grade
C flour, the highest proportion of particles had a particle size
between 125 lm and 250 lm (Fig. 1C), resulting in a MPS of
60% 173 lm. Some variations in particle size distribution were also
observed between the industrial and the laboratory samples
wt% 40% within one type of milling by-product. The laboratory samples
had a wider size distribution than the industrial samples, resulting
20% in a lower MPS for coarse bran compared to industrial coarse bran
and a higher MPS for fine weatings compared to industrial fine
FW 1 FW 2 FW 3 FW 4 LGF
<50 µm 50-125 µm 125-250 µm 250-500 µm
500-710 µm 710-1000 µm 1000-2000 µm >2000 µm 3.4. Hydration properties of the milling by-products
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of coarse bran (CB, A), coarse weatings (CW, B), fine
weatings (FW, C) and low grade flour (LGF, C) as determined by the sieving method. The variability in WRC and SC of the different milling by-prod-
The Y-axis shows the weight percentage of the particles between the corresponding ucts was investigated (Table 3). Coarse bran generally had a high
sieve pore diameter. Error bars are shown for each sieve. WRC and SC (average values of 5.3 g H2O/g and 10.6 mL/g, respec-
tively), followed by coarse weatings (3.7 g H2O/g and 7.1 mL/g),
fine weatings (2.8 g H2O/g and 6.7 mL/g) and low grade flour
Table 3
(1.8 g H2O/g and 6.0 mL/g). Assuming that DF was the main chem-
Mean particle size (MPS), water retention capacity (WRC) and swelling capacity (SC)
of wheat milling by-products (coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine weatings and low ical component influencing the WRC, WRCDF-values were calcu-
grade flour).a lated: coarse bran had an average WRCDF of 10.2 ± 1.4 g H2O/g
DF, coarse weatings had a WRCDF of 8.7 ± 1.2 g H2O/g DF, fine weat-
ings 8.9 ± 1.2 g H2O/g DF and low grade flour 12.2 ± 0.7 g H2O/g DF.
Here, no trend could be observed anymore among the different
milling by-products

3.5. Relationships between chemical composition, enzyme activity

levels and physical properties of the milling by-products

To establish the relationship between chemical constituents,

enzyme activity levels and physical properties of wheat milling
by-products, PCA was performed (Fig. 2). The first principal compo-
nent (PC 1) explained 62% of the variability in the dataset, while PC
2 explained 16% of the variability. On the left side of the correlation
loading plot (Fig. 2A), total starch, damaged starch and lipids clus-
ter together, while on the right side of the plot, DF and ash are
Values in grey represent averages of the by-products from a different origin but
of a same type. The individual samples are compared to each other for significant
pooled. When observing the corresponding score plot, the different
differences and are grouped using small letters. The averages are compared to each milling by-products could clearly be distinguished (Fig. 2B), with
other as well and are grouped using capital letters. Values within the same column low grade flour on the left side of the score plot and the coarse bran
not sharing a same letter are significantly different (P < 0.05). samples on the other side of the plot. Next, MPS and the hydration
properties (WRC and SC) are located close to the DF and ash con-
tents in the correlation loading plot (Fig. 2A), indicating that they
3.2. Enzyme activity levels of the milling by-products are positively correlated with these parameters. The second PC
seemed to be a measure for the level of a-amylase and
a-Amylase, endoxylanase and endopeptidase activity levels of endoxylanase activity in the bran, though not of endopeptidase
the milling by-products were also determined (Table 2). A very activity.
S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289 285

on a same overall starch level of 70%. Results of the addition of

the milling by-products under study on dough and bread proper-
ties considering these two approaches are here presented.

3.6.1. Dough and bread made with meals containing 15% milling by-
Results on FWA and DDT of the doughs prepared from meals in
which 15% of the flour was replaced by milling by-products are
summarized in Table 4A. FWA and DDT increased from 62.2%
and 2.6 min for white flour up to a maximum average value of
68.7% and 8.6 min for coarse bran. Compared to this latter value,
a slight decrease in FWA was noticed when flour was replaced by
finer bran types (P < 0.05). FWA values went from 68.7% for coarse
bran down to 66.8% for low grade flour. Finally, a shorter DDT was
observed when finer bran types were added, going from 8 to 9 min
for coarse bran down to 5 min for low grade flour.
Table 4A equally shows the results of the bread specific volumes
obtained with the standard flour (5.9 cm3/g) and meal in which
15% of flour was replaced by different milling by-products.
Besides the expected decrease in specific volume when wheat flour
was replaced by bran containing milling fractions, some differ-
ences between the breads with different milling by-products could
also be noticed. Indeed, although no significant differences were
observed between the breads with coarse bran, coarse weatings
and fine weatings (3.6, 3.9 and 3.7 cm3/g, respectively), replace-
ment of flour by low grade flour resulted in bread with a signifi-
cantly higher specific volume compared to breads containing
other milling by-products (4.4 cm3/g).

3.6.2. Dough and bread made with meals having an overall starch
content of 70%
In a second part, meals were composed of flour and milling by-
product to obtain an overall starch level of 70% (Supplementary
Table 1). With this approach, all of the composed meals had by
approximation the same quantity of endosperm and non-en-
dosperm material.
The meals composed using this approach were analyzed for
their dough properties (Table 4B). The FWA for by product contain-
ing meals varied between 69.5% and 73.8%. The highest values
were observed for the dough containing fine weatings and low
Fig. 2. PCA correlation loading plot (A) and score plot (B) of chemical composition,
enzyme activity levels and physical properties of different wheat milling by-
grade flour. Next, when the DDTs were investigated, some clear dif-
products. PC 1 (horizontal axis) explained 62% of the variability. PC 2 (vertical axis) ferences in development times could be observed (Table 4B). A sig-
explained 14% of the variability. Abbreviations used: dietary fiber (DF), total nificantly lower DDT was noticed for doughs containing wheat
arabinoxylan (TOT-AX), water-extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX), damaged starch bran with a smaller average particle size. Indeed, the highest aver-
(DStarch), a-amylase activity level (Amy), endoxylanase activity level (Xyl),
age DDTs were observed for doughs containing coarse bran
endopeptidase activity level (Pep), mean particle size (MPS), water retention
capacity (WRC) and swelling capacity (SC), coarse bran (CB), coarse weatings (CW), (8.7 min), followed by doughs with coarse weatings (6.5 min), fine
fine weatings (FW) and low grade flour (LGF). weatings (5.4 min) and finally doughs containing low grade flour
(3.9 min). One exception was the coarse bran 5 sample, where a
DDT comparable to the doughs with coarse weatings was observed
3.6. Functionality of wheat milling by-products in dough and bread (6.6 min).
making Table 4B also shows the differences in bread specific volume. A
different trend was observed compared to breads composed on an
Usually, when wheat bran is added to white flour, a specific equivalent bran sample basis (Table 4A). Indeed, when considering
percentage of flour is replaced by bran. However, in the present bread made with a recipe on a same starch basis (Table 4B), the
study, significant differences in starch content, and thus in endo- specific volume of breads composed with coarse bran was compa-
sperm contamination, were observed between the analyzed rable to the breads composed with coarse weatings (4.2 cm3/g and
milling by-products. When using a fixed replacement level, this 4.0 cm3/g, respectively), but significantly higher compared to
implies that relatively less flour is replaced by botanical bran specific volumes of breads containing fine weatings and low grade
when the milling by-product contains more endosperm. This is flour (3.4 cm3/g and 2.8 cm3/g, respectively).
for example the case for low grade flour compared to coarse bran.
Consequently, with this approach, meals containing equivalent
4. Discussion
levels of coarse bran and low grade flour contain the same
amounts of milling by-product, but differ in endosperm content.
First, relations in the chemical composition, enzyme activity
In order to investigate the functionality of the botanical bran
levels and physical properties between the milling by-products
component in the milling by-products, we also composed meals
286 S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289

Table 4
Farinograph water absorption (FWA), dough development time (DDT) and bread specific volume for dough and bread made from meals containing 15% by-product (A) and
composed on a 70% overall starch basis (B). The first column shows the milling by-product used in the meal (coarse bran, coarse weatings, fine weatings, low grade flour)a.

Values in grey represent averages of the by-products from a different origin but of a same type. The individual samples are compared to each other for significant
differences and are grouped using small letters. The averages are compared to each other as well and are grouped using capital letters. Values within the same column not
sharing a same letter are significantly different (P < 0.05).

were investigated. When comparing the chemical composition of different by-products (shown in the Results section) support this.
the different milling by-products, an increase in total starch, dam- Indeed, from the WRCDF-values, we can deduce (i) that the amount
aged starch and lipid content and a decrease in DF and ash content of water bound per unit of DF is virtually the same for all milling
was observed when the by-product type was finer (P < 0.05). This is by-product and hence (ii) that DF content is the main factor that
caused by a less efficient separation of starchy endosperm and bran determines water binding capacity. Indeed, no clear correlation
in the finer fractions. Indeed, as mentioned earlier, it is common could be found between the WRCDF and the type of milling by-pro-
knowledge that low-grade flour and fine weatings consist of endo- duct, while WRC was clearly depended on the type of by-product.
sperm particles that still have bran attached after all the grinding The higher the overall level of DF in the by-product, the higher its
steps (Delcour & Hoseney, 2010). The higher lipid content in the water binding capacity. However, it should be taken into account
finer bran types are probably due to germ remnants or a higher that the by-products with higher DF-levels also had a higher
amount of aleurone in these milling by-products. When relating MPS. Indeed, also the microporous structure and imperfect packing
these observations to the corresponding correlation loading plot of bran particles are said to be important parameters for their
(Fig. 2A), it can be noticed that constituents which are typically capacity to retain water in the tests used (Jacobs, Hemdane,
high in endosperm and/or germ are found to the left of the plot, Dornez, Delcour, & Courtin, 2015; Mongeau & Brassard, 1982).
while constituents that are typically high in the outer wheat kernel Also damaged starch can absorb more water than for instance
layers are found to the right of the plot. PC 1 hence represents the granular starch (Berton, Scher, Villieras, & Hardy, 2002).
level of endosperm contamination in the bran. It is also clear that Nevertheless, damaged starch and WRC are placed on opposite
the protein content was not related to any other chemical compo- sides of the PCA plots, indicating that damaged starch does not
nent or bran property. Nevertheless, the protein composition noticeably contribute to a high WRC in the presence of high botan-
would probably be different for the samples with a higher or a ical bran levels or DF levels as a proxy for such bran.
lower endosperm contamination, as previous research showed that A last set of bran properties analyzed are the enzyme activity
the amino acid distribution differs between the different bran lay- levels. Although enzymes are highly concentrated in the outer lay-
ers and the endosperm (Jensen & Martens, 1983). ers of the wheat kernel (Poutanen, 1997), little is known about the
Among the different samples in one by-product category only contribution of bran related enzymes to its detrimental effects in
relatively small variations in DF and starch contents were bread making. Therefore, it seemed interesting to assess their vari-
observed. These can easily be attributed to the efficiency of the ability in milling by-products and their relationship with either
milling process in different milling facilities. The largest difference other by-product properties or with their functionality in bread
in composition was observed between the fine weatings derived making. None of the three analyzed enzyme activity levels (a-amy-
from industrial scale milling and laboratory scale milling. This lase, endoxylanase, endopeptidase) seemed to be related to the
results from the fact that the fine weatings obtained on laboratory type of milling by-products. Previous studies reported for a-amy-
scale also contains material that ends up in the low grade flour lase that milling by-products were relatively high in a-amylase
fraction in an industrial mill. activity levels compared to the flour streams, but no clear relation-
Besides the strong correlation between the chemical compo- ship between the activity levels and the different milling by-pro-
nents, it was clear that DF was also highly positively correlated duct was noticed (Dornez, Gebruers, Wiame, Delcour, & Courtin,
to the by-product MPS, WRC and SC (Fig. 2A). The interaction 2006). Furthermore, concerning endoxylanase, Dornez, Gebruers,
between bran and water can be explained by molecular interac- et al. (2006) observed high endoxylanase activity levels in different
tions like hydrogen bounds, ionic bounds or hydrophilic interac- milling by-products compared to the flour streams. But also in this
tions and by the entrapment of water in the bran matrix study, it was difficult to notice clear relationships between the
(Chaplin, 2003). It is known that water strongly binds to DF com- endoxylanase activity level and the type of bran. Finally, although
ponents such as water-insoluble arabinoxylan (Chaplin, 2003; a-amylase and endoxylanase activity levels cluster together in the
Courtin & Delcour, 2002), which is abundantly present in wheat PCA correlation loading plot (Fig. 2A), no strong correlations could
bran (Table 1). The comparable calculated WRCDF-values for the be found between the different enzyme activity levels (P > 0.05).
S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289 287

Table 5
Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the average Farinograph water absorption (FWA), dough development time (DDT), bread specific volume (Sp. Vol.) and dietary fiber
(DF), total arabinoxylan (TOT-AX), water-extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX), starch, damaged starch (D. Starch), proteins (Prot), ash, lipids, a-amylase activity (Amy),
endoxylanase activity (Xyl), endopeptidase activity (Pep), bran mean particle size (MPS), bran water retention capacity (WRC) and bran swelling capacity (SC) in the doughs and
breads containing 15% by-product (A) and composed on a 70% overall starch basis (B). Significant values (P < 0.05) are highlighted in bold.

DF TOT- WE- Starch D. Prot Ash Lipids Amy Xyl Pep MPS WRC SC FWA DDT Sp.
AX AX Starch Vol.
A FWA 0.69 0.75 0.26 0.73 0.53 0.16 0.74 0.56 0.05 0.55 0.12 0.56 0.69 0.64 1.00 – –
DDT 0.80 0.83 0.50 0.85 0.79 0.29 0.93 0.90 0.12 0.36 0.59 0.95 0.86 0.92 0.68 1.00 –
Volume 0.44 0.37 0.31 0.35 0.42 0.33 0.38 0.14 0.22 0.06 0.02 0.18 0.39 0.31 0.25 0.13 1.00
B FWA 0.19 0.09 0.52 – 0.35 0.53 0.19 0.56 0.23 0.28 0.56 0.58 0.40 0.44 1.00 – –
DDT 0.68 0.70 0.58 – 0.78 0.84 0.65 0.86 0.75 0.25 0.81 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.46 1.00 –
Volume 0.60 0.71 0.66 – 0.80 0.68 0.50 0.79 0.59 0.31 0.80 0.72 0.67 0.67 0.59 0.71 1.00

This suggests that higher or lower enzyme activities in the milling time is needed to develop an optimal dough if large bran particles
by-products could depend on the wheat varieties or the level of are added compared to doughs containing smaller particles.
bran- or endosperm-related enzyme inhibitors or result from Finally, the relationship between milling by-products proper-
pre-harvest sprouting (Lunn, Kettlewell, Major, & Scott, 2001) or ties and bread specific volume can be considered (Table 5 and
microbial contamination (Dornez, Joye, Gebruers, Delcour, & Supplementary Fig. 2). Besides the expected decrease in specific
Courtin, 2006). For apparent endoxylanase activity levels, for volume when wheat flour was replaced by bran, differences
instance, it is known that they strongly depend on the wheat vari- between the breads with different milling by-products were also
ety and weather conditions, whereas the endoxylanase inhibitor noticed. When flour was replaced by 15% of by-products, low grade
levels are mainly genetically determined (Dornez, Joye, Gebruers, flour resulted in bread with a higher specific volume compared to
Lenartz, et al., 2006). breads containing other milling by-products (P < 0.05). This obser-
In a second part of this study, the bread making functionality of vation could be explained by less dilution of gluten proteins in
the different milling by-products was investigated and related to bread containing 15% of low grade flour compared to the other
their properties (Table 5 and Supplementary Fig. 2). To this end, bran-enriched breads, due to the high endosperm contamination
meals were composed both on a constant by-product addition level of low grade flour. This hypothesis is quite plausible, as bread vol-
and on a same starch level basis. Composing meals on a same ume is positively affected by gluten quantity (Delcour & Hoseney,
starch level basis is not common. Nevertheless, this way, all breads 2010). However, based on this hypothesis alone, one could expect
contain the same level of non-endosperm compounds, which is not that the specific volume is higher when recipes containing by-
the case if a specific amount of flour is replaced by a milling by- products with higher levels of endosperm remnants are consid-
product. The impact of the milling by-products on dough and bread ered. This is not entirely the case in present study. Breads contain-
properties using both approaches is discussed here. ing fine weatings had a comparable specific volume to that of
In accordance with previous studies (Seyer & Gélinas, 2009; breads containing coarse bran or coarse weatings. The botanical
Shenoy & Prakash, 2002), FWA increased when flour was replaced bran of fine weatings seems hence inherently more detrimental
by any milling by-product. This increase was expected as milling to bread quality than the botanical bran of coarse bran and coarse
by-products are relatively high in DF, which can strongly bind weatings. This is confirmed by the results obtained with the breads
water (Chaplin, 2003; Courtin & Delcour, 2002). However, it should composed with a same starch level. From these results, it can be
also be noticed that doughs containing milling by-products are concluded that some properties more associated with fine weat-
higher in damaged starch, which is reported to be highly positively ings are more deleterious to bread quality compared to those more
correlated to the hydration capacities of regular flour (Berton et al., associated with coarse bran and coarse weatings. They even show
2002). Nevertheless, no clear correlations could be found between that some properties more associated with low grade flour have
FWA and either DF or damaged starch levels in the doughs as the most detrimental impact on bread quality. These properties
shown in Table 5. are discussed in more detail later in this paper.
Also DDT increased when flour was replaced by milling by- One exception of the deleterious effect of fine weatings and low
products. This increase was dependent on the type of by-product grade flour was the bread with the fine weatings 3 sample, which
and highly correlated with bran particle size (Table 5, r = 0.95 for had a specific volume comparable to that of bread with coarse bran
meals containing 15% milling by-product, r = 0.89 for meals having and coarse weatings. This is probably due to the excellent bread
an overall starch content of 70%). Previous studies already quality wheat cultivar from which the weatings originated and
observed a decreased DDT with decreasing bran particle size thus, to the high quality gluten proteins in its attached endosperm.
(Noort et al., 2010; Zhang & Moore, 1997), which Noort et al. Indeed, the proportion of gluten proteins originating from fine
(2010) attributed to a slower water uptake rate for coarser bran weatings 3 in the meal was estimated to be around 14% of the total
particles than for finer particles. This latter hypothesis would gluten content in the meal, which was not negligible. The propor-
imply that prehydration of wheat bran decreases the DDT com- tion of gluten proteins originating from coarse bran was, for
pared to doughs with untreated bran. This has been investigated instance, much lower (2.5% to 4% of the total gluten content in
by Nelles, Randall, and Taylor (1998), who indeed reported a the meals composed on a 70% starch basis).
decreased DDT when prehydrated bran was added. However, when The deleterious effect of bran in bread making might be either
observing the Farinograms in that study in more detail, we could of a physical, chemical or biochemical nature. Regarding the differ-
not observe any clear DDT decrease, which makes it difficult to rely ences in physical properties between fine weatings and low grade
on their conclusions on the one hand and on the hypothesis of a flour on the one hand and coarse bran and coarse weatings on the
slower water uptake for coarser particles on the other hand. It is other hand, a first obvious dissimilarity was the MPS, which was
thus more likely that the larger bran particles hinder the develop- smaller for the first two by-products than for the latter two. A con-
ment of a proper gluten network more strongly than finer particles siderable number of studies tried to investigate the importance of
due to their more hindering physical structure. Therefore, more bran particle size in bread making. For instance, Noort et al. (2010)
288 S. Hemdane et al. / Food Chemistry 187 (2015) 280–289

reported a larger decrease in bread quality when flour was Acknowledgements

replaced by finely ground bran compared to coarse bran.
However, it has also been reported that particle size reduction of This work was performed within the framework of a Flanders’
coarse bran slightly improved bread volume (Lai, Hoseney, & FOOD (Brussels, Belgium) project. P.J. Jacobs acknowledges the
Davis, 1989a; Moder et al., 1984), which indicates that the impact Institute for the Promotion of Innovation through Science and
of bran particle size on bread quality is still not very well under- Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen, Brussels, Belgium) for
stood. In this study, no correlation between MPS and bread specific the financial support. E. Dornez acknowledges the ‘‘Fonds voor
volume was observed for breads with 15% by-product (Table 5). A Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen’’ (FWO, Brussels,
slightly positive correlation was found for the breads made with Belgium) for her postdoctoral fellowship. J.A. Delcour is W.K.
meals formulated on a 70% starch (Table 5, r = 0.72). The latter cor- Kellogg Chair in Cereal Science and Nutrition at KU Leuven. This
relation suggests that, if all breads contain the same level of non- study was also part of the KU Leuven Methusalem program
endosperm compounds, smaller bran particles are more detrimen- ‘‘Food for the future’’ (20072021).
tal to bread volume than larger ones. This might be due to the
higher contact surface of smaller bran particles, resulting into a
more pronounced interaction between bran and flour components Appendix A. Supplementary data
(Noort et al., 2010). Besides, it is also possible that the more detri-
mental effect of smaller particles is due to the fact that they have a Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
higher abrasive effect on the gluten network during mixing, as the online version, at
more fine bran particles were added than coarse bran, to obtain 04.048.
breads with a same level of botanical bran. Nevertheless, the rela-
tive small correlation between MPS and the specific volume of
breads made with meal containing 70% starch (Table 5, r = 0.72)
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