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Tugas / fungsi Mine Geology & Exploration (MGX )

1. Mencari cadangan bijih nickel

- Auger Drilling
- Core drilling
- Testpit

2. Menghitung Cadangan bijih nickel

- Borehole intersection
- LES & Vulcan inverse distance
- Datamine krigging

3. Mengontrol kualitas bijih penambangan

- Pengupasan lapisan penutup
- Penambangan
- Stasiun penyaringan
Core drilling

Auger drilling

Testpit Trommel Sample house


trommel MRAL

Sc. Station
3 Lokasi PT Inco di Sulawesi
HA x1000 Ni %

Sulawesi Selatan Soroako - 2003 10,010.2 107,835.9 1.83

D.Towuti 108,377.3 125,346.5 1.86
Total 118,387.5 233,182.4 1.85

Sulawesi Tengah Kolonedale 4,512.4 4,433.3 1.75

Bahodopi 32,123.0 165,150.0 1.79
Total 36,635.4 169,583.3 1.79

Sulawesi Tenggara Latao( chromite ) 3,148.1

Sua sua 10,372.7 18,159.3 1.85
Paopao 6,785.8 7,231.7 1.93
Pomalaa 20,286.2 136,400.0 1.78
Torobulu 13,817.1 5,227.9 1.89
Matarape 1,679.9 5,324.7 1.77
Lasolo 4,086.9 11,673.1 1.77
Malapulu 3,329.7 840.9 2.79
Total 63,506.2 184,857.6 1.80

G.Total 218,529.0 587,623.3 1.81


WMTx1000 DKP x 1000 Ni

PN EB 72,574.7 27,876.7 1.74
WB 119,164.9 34,467.2 1.93
Total 191,739.6 62,343.9 1.84

PR EB 110,336.8 28,810.6 1.77

WB 74,516.1 16,681.4 1.87
Total 184,852.9 45,492.0 1.77

PN&PR EB 182,911.5 56,687.3 1.75

WB 193,681.0 51,148.6 1.91
Total 376,592.5 107,835.9 1.83
Soroako Outer Area ( SOA )
Deposit Concession Average thickness DMT
Luas (Ha) OB(mtr) Ore(mtr) x1000 Ni % Fe %
537 LINGKE NORTH 1,584.5 6.1 3.6 11257.6 1.81
537 LINGKE SOUTH 2,339.9 7.5 4.4 Includ Lingke S
524 LENGKONA 7,776.4 4.8 3.1 7810.9 2.16
534 LENGKOBALE 8,762.8 8.3 3.2 29657.4 1.82
532 LASOBONTI 3,692.8 5.5 3.2 14350 1.82
548 LAMPESUE N 4,520.6 4.4 3.2 966.6 1.57
548 LAMPESUE S 10,440.0 4.0 3.5 15916.4 1.88
542 MALILI 2,249.2 3.8 3.0 2893.6 1.86
523 MAHALONA 2,597.1 10.2 4.2 4829 1.82
548 MATANO NORTH 2,294.3 8.2 4.1 13987.9 1.84
548 MATANO SOUTH 1,157.8 7.7 4.2 10295.8 1.78
522 NUHA 2,724.8 7.1 2.7 2512.3 1.49
523 PETEA 10,309.5 7.6 4.1 22567.7 1.90
542 PONGKERU 11,013.6 2.9 4.1 6466 1.90
524 TANAMALIA 11,523.2 8.3 3.6 35512.1 1.94
548 TOPEMANU 2,721.4 4.4 3.1 1554.1 1.89
546 TIMAMPU 20,785.3 4.3 2.9 2333.4 1.91
548 TANAMERAH 1,884.0 9.2 2.3 765.6 1.49
Total 108,377.3 7.0 3.6 183,676.4 1.87
Coastal Deposits

Deposit Concession Average thickness DMT

Luas (Ha) OB(mtr) Ore(mtr) x1000 Ni % Fe %
501 POMALAA 20,286.2 6.5 4.9 136,400.0 1.78 18.5
510 TOROBULU 13,817.1 4.1 3.3 6,600.0 1.89 17.6
526 BAHODOPI 3 & 4 18,423.0 4.8 4.3 109,570.0 1.80 22.4
Total 52,526.3 5.7 4.6 252,570.0 1.79

526 BAHODOPI 1 & 2 13,700.0 4.8 4.3 55,580.0 1.78
503 SUA-SUA 10,372.7 7.9 5.3 22,925.5 1.85
504 PAO-PAO 6,785.8 5.2 5.1 9,129.8 1.93
505 LATOA (CROMITE) 3,148.1
508 MALAPULU 3,329.7 1.6 3 2,076.2 2.79
511 LASOLO 4,086.9 1.1 3.9 28,822.5 1.77
512 MATARAPE 1,679.9 4 4.8 13,147.4 1.77
514 KOLONODALE 4,512.4 4.4 3.1 10,946.4 1.75
Total 47,615.3 4.4 4.4 142,627.8 1.81

Grand Total 100,141.5 5.2 4.5 395,197.8 1.80

Resource and Reserve terminology

Resource : Mineral deposit in which sampling has demonstrated a certain size

and grade but has no mine plan based on a positive feasibility study

Reserve : Part of the resource for which a mining plan has been prepared which
enables the deposit to be economically extracted

PT INCO Proven Drilling density of 100 holes or more per square kilometer
Probable Drilling density of 25 to 99 holes per square kilometer
Possible Drilling density of 5 to 24 holes per square kilometer
Resource Terminology

Resource : Mineral deposit in which sampling has demonstrated a certain size

and grade but has no mine plan based on a positive feasibility study

Inferred resource : Estimated quantity and grade of deposit is determined on

the basis of limited sampling and has no economic value

Indicated Resource : Mineralized deposit for which the continuity of grade,

extent and shape are so well established that a realiable
grade and tonnage estimat can be made

Measured Resource : Deposit for which the size, configuration and grade have
been very well established by observation and sampling
of outcrops, drill holes, trenches and mine working
Reserve Terminology

Reserve : Part of the resource for which a mining plan has been prepared which
enables the deposit to be economically extracted

Probable Reserve : The estimated quantity and grade of that part of an indicated
resource for which the economic viability has been demonstrated
by adequate information on engineering, operating, economic
and legal factor, at a confidence level which will allow positive
decisions onmajor expenditure

Proven Reserve : The estimated quantity and grade of that part of deposit for which
the size, grade and distribution of value, together with technical
and economic factors are so well established that there is a high
degree of cofidence in the estimate.

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