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Subject English

Year 3
Date / Day
Time / Duration
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3: Right Now
Main skill Writing
Complimentary Speaking
Content standard(s) Main skill 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital m
Complimentary 2.3-Communicate appropriately to a small or large group
Learning Main skill 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences
standard(s) Complimentary 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and events
Language / Lesson 22:
Grammar focus Present continuous negative statements (be + -ing)

Main Skill Complementary Skill

Learning i) Write at least 3/5 sentences correctly i) Talk about at least 3/5 sport activities
Objectives based on the pictures. based on the flashcard / pictures.
By the end of the
lesson, pupils will
be able to:

Cross Curricular Language

Activities Pre-lesson
1. Pupils look at the flashcards about sports from the
previous lessons.
2. Pupils answering the question asked by the teacher by
saying e.g. He / She is playing table tennis.

Delivery 1. Activity 1-Ask and answering questions about the pictures on
Student’s Book pg 31.E.g.What the children are doing/ making?
2. Pupils work in pairs to make their own silhouettes by using
black and white cardboard.
3. Pupils draw pictures of peoples doing everyday activities.
4. Pupils write about the pictures on the back of the pictures.
5. Pupils exchange their pictures with a partner. Partners
check on their writing.
6. Pupils redraft their writing on the papers and stick it to the
front of the picture.
7. Activity 2- Ask what is happening. ( Sue and Lucy are
showing off their silhouettes )
8. Pupils repeat the sentences (chorally-in groups,
individually )
9. Pupils present their silhouettes in front of the class.
10. Teacher gives feedback.
11. Identify mistakes and do correction.

Post-lesson Pupils Sing the song “ If You Are Happy “

Teaching aid(s) White and black cardboard, scissors, markers, colour pencils, Student’s Book, Teacher’s
book, CD

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