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Merry Child School

Zone7, Bulua, Cagayan De Oro



Name: __________________ Grade and Section: ________Score: _________

General Instruction: This is a 80-item test, read every questions carefully.

Answer this test in 50 minutes only.

1. The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

a. Theme b. Symbolism c. Imagery d. Point of view
2. The subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or a topic.
a. Theme b. Symbolism c. Imagery d. Point of view
3. The position from which something or someone is observed.
a. Theme b. Symbolism c. Imagery d. Point of view
4. Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.
a. Theme b. Symbolism c. Imagery d. Point of view
5. Describing something using human traits.
a. Simile b. Personification c. Metaphor d. Metonymy

Comprehension: The following are two poems witten by John Milton, respectively.
Infer Ideas and draw conclusion based on the facts of the poems. Choose the letter
that corresponds to the correct answer.


When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent, which is death to hide,
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide:
“Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?”
I fondly ask; but Patience, to prevent
That murmer, soon replies, “God doth not need
Either man’s work, or his own gifts. Who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed
And post o’er land and ocean without rest.
They also serve who only stand and wait.”
6. John Milton represents the religious consciousness of Puritans of England. His
poem "On His Blindness " embodies, this Puritan fervor. Consider this line: "When I
consider how my lights is spent." Light here means:
a. life b. happiness c. eyesight d. blindness
7."And that one talent which is death to hide." The talent referred to here is
a. acting b. writing ability c. singing d. orating
8. "When I consider how my light is spent." The phrase "is spent" refers to this
a. eyesight gone b. old age c. money gone d. wasting time
9. When the speaker, who is the author himself learned that he was going blind, his
reaction was expressed in this line:
a. "When I considered how my light is spent."
b. "Don't God exact day-labor, light denied?"
c. " They also serve who only stand and wait."
d. "Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best."
10. Two lines below illustrate the religious attitude that the speaker finally takes to
ward his ailment.
a. "And post o'er land and ocean without rest"
b. "God doth not need either man's work or his own gift"
c. "Who best bear his yoke, they serve him best"
d. " They also serve who only stand and wait"
“On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-Three”

How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth,

Stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!
My hasting days fly on with full career,
But my late spring no bud or blossom shew’th.
Perhaps my semblance might deceive the truth,
That I to manhood am arrived so near,
And inward ripeness doth much less appear,
That some more timely-happy spirits indu’th.
Yet be it less or more, or soon or slow,
It shall be still in strictest measure even
To that same lot, however mean or high,
Toward which Time leads me, and the will of Heaven,
All is, if I have grace to use it so,
As ever in my great Task-master’s eye

11.In what way is " Time the subtle thief of youth”?

a. One grows old as time passes b. One grows week through time
c. One believes to outgrown himself d. One cannot phantom death
12.How old is John Milton when he wrote his poem?
a. 34 b. 24 c. 23 d. 33
13.What does John Milton mean when he says: "But in my late spring no bud or
blossom show'th"?
a. late youth b. age of marrying c. taking him down. d. adult age at early age
14.To whom does John Milton dedicate his talent?
a. To his mother b. To his Father c. To God d. To his country
15.What does John Milton means " That I to manhood am arrive so near;"
a. He became an adult at an early age b. He became a father at an early age
c. He became successful at an early age d. He died at an early age
Vocabulary: Direction: Below are words culled from the selections. Choose the
letter of the word that similar to it.
a. returned b. compensation c. nonpayment
a. goddess b. absorb in c. reflects thought
a. to summon b. to appear inviting c. light
a. party b. large number c. crowd
20. Soliloquy
a. dialogue b. talking to self c. monologue
a. glee b. restraint c. jollity
a. difficulty b. haven c. trap
a. dissipate b. drive away c. gather
a. vanquish b. free c. curb
a. difficult b. gracious c. pleasant
Context Clues: Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer
with the sentences below.
26. I know Miss Liza will want to help with the food drive, she is very
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. logic d. examples
27.Angelie is a compassionate person, and volunteers at the food bank.
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. logic d. examples
28.Manuel is compassionate, but his sister is uncaring.
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. logic d. examples
29. You can tell Roland is compassionate by the he treats everyone kindly.
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. logic d. examples
30.Khaii is compassionate and is caring to others
a. synonyms b. antonyms c. logic d. examples

English Romantic Writers: Direction: Below are English romantic writers. Match
the authors with their representative works. Choose the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.
31. "Ode on a Grecian Urn”
a. John Keats b. John Milton c. Joseph Addison d. Thomas Gray
32."Elegy written in a Country Churchyard"
a. John Keats b. John Milton c. Joseph Addison d. Thomas Gray
33."The Visions of Mirzah"
a. John Keats b. John Milton c. Joseph Addison d. Thomas Gray
34. " On His Blindness"
a. John Keats b. John Milton c. Joseph Addison d. Thomas Gray
35." The Lamb"
a. William Blake b.Robert Burns c. Persey Bysshe Shelley d. Sir Walter Scott
36. "Lochinvar"
a. William Blake b.Robert Burns c. Persey Bysshe Shelley d. Sir Walter Scott
37. To a Skylark
a. William Blake b.Robert Burns c. Persey Bysshe Shelley d. Sir Walter Scott
38." She Walks in Beauty"
a. Robert Burns b. Lord Byron c. William Wordsworth d. Joseph Addison
39." I Wandered Lonely as a cloud"
a. Robert Burns b. Lord Byron c. William Wordsworth d. Joseph Addison
40." A Red, Red Rose"
a. Robert Burns b. Lord Byron c.William Wordsworth d. Joseph Addison
Types of Arguments and Fallacies
Direction: Identify the arguments if it is valid, truth and sound. choose the
corresponding letter to the correct answer.

38. All senators are paid

Sam is a senator
Sam is paid
a. Valid b. Invalid
39. All senators are paid
Sam is paid
Sam is a senator
a. valid b. invalid
40. All men are mortal.
William is a man.
Therefore, William is a mortal
a. truth b. false
41. All boys eat apple.
Ron eats apple.
Therefore, Ron is a boy.
a. sound b. unsound
42. The argument must be valid to be a good argument, validity is not enough.
One reason is that an argument can be valid even when all of the statements that it
contains are false
a. Inductive b. Deductive
43. All clowns are from London
Dr. Scott is a clown
Dr. Scott is from London
a truth b. false

44. All clowns are from London

Dr. Scott is a clown
Dr. Scott is from London
a. sound b. unsound
45. All men are mortal.
William is a man.
Therefore, William is a mortal
a. sound b. unsound
46. The argument must be valid to be a good argument, validity is not enough.
One reason is that an argument can be valid even when all of the statements that it
contains are false
a. Inductive b. Deductive
47. The makes broad generalizations from specific observations. Basically,
there is data, then conclusions are drawn from the data.
a. Inductive b. Deductive
48. An athlete wears their “lucky socks” and wins the game
a. Slippery Slope b. Post hoc c. Appeal to authority d. Appeal to pity
49. If you don’t want to have green hair, then you can’t buy a Green Day album.
a. Slippery slope b. Post hoc c. Appeal to authority d. Appeal to pity
50. “Gun laws should be extremely strict and it should be incredibly difficult to
acquire a gun. Many respected people, such as actor Brad Pitt, have expressed their
support of this movement.”
a. Slippery slope b. Post hoc c. Appeal to authority d. Appeal to pity

Negative Prefixes
Direction: Below are words often used in positive form. Add prefix to form a
negative word. provided.

51. Biotic (relating to life)

a. Dis b. Sub c. Anti d. In
52. element (mild)
a. Dis b. Sub c. Anti d. In
53. delible (liable to disappear)
a. in b. de c. non d. un
54.consulate (comforted)
a. Dis b. Sub c. Anti d. In
55. evitable (avoidable)
a. Dis b. Sub c. Anti d. In
56. gust (liking, inclination)
a. Dis b. de c. il d. un
57. infectant (agent of infection)
a. Dis b. de c. il d. un
58. kempt (neatly combed)
a. mis b. sub c. pre d. un
59. licit (not forbidden by law)
a. mis b. sub c. pre d. un
60.odorant (odorous substance)
a. in b. de c. non d. un
61.speakable (capable of being spoken)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
62. placeable (tolerant)
a. in b. de c. non d. un
63. wieldy (strong, manageable)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
64.maculate (strong, manageable)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
65. descript (inscribed
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
67. employed (having a paid job)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
68. fortunate (favored, lucky)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
69. way (manner)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un
70. hurt (physically pain)
a. im b. sub c. non d. un

Types of Fallacies
Direction: Identify the type of fallacy the argument has, choose the corresponding
letter to the correct answer.

71. An athlete wears their “lucky socks” and wins the game.
a. Hasty Generalization b. Post hoc c. Slippery Slope d. Missing the Point
72. My roommate from Maine loves lobster ravioli. Therefore, all people from Maine
must love lobster ravioli.
a. Hasty Generalization b. Post hoc c. Slippery Slope d. Missing the Point
73. There has been an increase in burglary in the area. More people are moving into
the area. Therefore, the burglary is directly caused by the increased number of
people moving into the area.
a. Hasty Generalization b. Post hoc c. Slippery Slope d. Missing the Point
74. If you buy a Green Day album, then you will buy The Avengers. Before you
know it, you’ll be a punk with green hair and tats. If you don’t want to have green
hair, then you can’t buy a Green Day album.
a. Hasty Generalization b. Post hoc c. Slippery Slope d. Missing the Point
75. Gun laws should be extremely strict and it should be incredibly difficult to
acquire a gun. Many respected people, such as actor Brad Pitt, have expressed their
support of this movement.”
a. Appeal to Pity c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad populum
76. I know the paper was due today, but my computer died last week, and then
the computer lab was too noisy, so while I was on my way to the library, a cop
pulled me over and wrote me a ticket, and I was so upset by the ticket that I sat
by the side of the road crying for 3 hours! You should give me an A for all the
trouble I’ve been through!”
a. Appeal to Pity c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad populum
77. Not a single report of a flying saucer has ever been authenticated. Therefore,
flying saucers don’t exist.
a. Appeal to Pity c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad populum
78. An increasing number of people are turning to yoga as a way to get in touch
with their inner-being. Therefore, yoga helps one get in touch with their inner-
a. Appeal to Pity c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad populum
79. “Allison Smith is a bad mother, whose idea of parenting is leaving her children
with the nanny. Therefore, we shouldn’t listen to her ideas on improvements in the
college classroom.”
a. Appeal to Pity c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad hominem
80. The church would like to encourage theism. Theism is a medical condition
resulting from the excessive consumption of tea. Therefore, the church ought to
freely distribute tea.
a. Equivocation c. Appeal to Ignorance
b. Appeal to Authority d. Ad hominem

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