Performance Testing: 4/15/2021 1. Web Site

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1. Web Site:

 Collection of web pages.

 Accessible with World Wide Web (WWW).


 Fixed content.
 Only in client side.
 Example – Blogs, Forms, Wikipedia pages.


 Works on both server and client side.

 Content can be modified.
 More interactive.
 Example – Facebook, YouTube, Amazon.

2. Web page:

Collection of information displayed via browser.

3. Web Application:

 Application software runs on server not needed to install the application locally (In system os).
 Accessed through web browser with internet connection.
 Program accessed anywhere because it is stored in cloud.
 Example –Make My Trip.


Front end - HTML, CSS, JS

Coding - Java, C++, Python, PHP.

Database – MySql, Oracle, Mongo DB, Microsoft SQL.

4. Web Server:

Accepts the request from the browser and respond to the request to browser.


5. Mobile application:

 It will be in programmed in Java, Kotlin etc.

 Example – Share It, Messenger, Game Applications.

6. Solverminds Web Application Introduction



Separate IP ship and shore.(Global will be link and local follows with port 8080/8070)


 Testing
 Profiling
 Hotfix
 Production
 MACK Demo


Like modules.

The verticals are,

 S&I
 DMS – Document management system
 Procurement
 MACK-O(Operation)
 MACK-T(Technology)
 CLMS – Both CMS and LMS
 MACK-D(Dry Dock)

Each environment has some modules

Each clients has ship and shore to perform their action.


1. Performance Testing

 Ensure software application that perform well under expected workload.

2. J Meter

 Open Source java software.

 Load testing tool.
 Analyze and measure performance.


 Open source
 User friendly
 Reporting
 Support
 Documentation

 Thread group
Creates duplicate user (like thread).

 Samplers
1. FTP Request
2. HTTP Request
3. JDBC Request
4. BSF Sampler
5. Access log Sampler
6. SMTP Sampler

 Listeners
Displays the report.

 Configuration
1. CSV Data set configuration
2. HTTP Cookie Manager
3. Login Configuration Element
4. HTTP Request Defaults
5. FTP Request Defaults

3. GUI

Graphical User Interface creates interaction between user and application.

 Buttons – It follows with some functions

 Labels – naming a component
 Text field – contains a string line
 Text area – contains a string area(many lines)
 Checkbox – multiple choice selection
 Radio – single choice selection
 Dropdown – many values connected to one attribute
 Range sliders – slide bar

4. J Meter Tutorial

 Test Plan – It is a container contains all elements.

 Right click on test plan it shows various elements.
 Thread - Thread group
 Number of thread - no of users
 Ramp up period – time gap between every user
 Loop count – times that users action to be performed.
 Sampler – that has the request response protocol that we use.
 Listeners – like view results in tree / in table that displays the logs.

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