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TBC Kids Church Online

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Topic: You are Special

I. Welcome

Hello Kids! Welcome to TBC Kids Church Online!

Did you enjoy our last week’s lesson? Do you remember what we talked about?

If you still remember, the lesson is a part of our new series called 'Believe, Be Loved.'

We talked about the life of Zacchaeus, who was disliked and hated by many people, he had no friends, so he was so sad.
But when He came to meet Jesus, He finally smiled and he believed that God loved Him.

How about you kids, do you believe that God loves you? Well, if you do, you have to show me your smile as we talk to
God through prayer. Okay?

II. Prayer

Let’s Pray….

III. Activity Engage

I’m going to show you some things we can see around. I want you to choose which one of the two you prefer to have,
are you ready? You may type your answer at the comment section below.

Which one do you prefer to have on top of your ice cream?

Is it with a cherry on top, or mallows?

How about for dessert? Which do you like more

Salad or cake

Hmhm how about a place for relaxation

Do you prefer going to the beach, or going to the mountains?

IV. Bakground of today’s lesson

What is something you really love to look at? Is it the sunrise or sunset?

Those are good choices. We always choose things that would make us feel like we’re special.

Get ready kids because today, we will smile all the more, as we learn how special we are in the Lord.

Today’s lesson is “You are Special”.

Can you say with me? I am a special child of God.

V. Game Activty

Right now, we’re going to have an activity, this activity is called Word Search.

On your screen you will see some words.

I’m going to give you 2 minutes to list down all the words connected vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Comment the words you see as many as you can! Then I’m going to show you all the words that can be found in that
word search. You get to gain a point per correct word! Get Ready!

3, 2, 1 go!

Did you get all the words?


Let’s See, There are the words

Tummy, Hair, Fingers, Feet, Legs, Eyes, Mouth, Chin, head, heart, hands , arms, knees, nose, teeth, neck, God, you,
elbow, mind, ears, voice

And the longest word is Wonderful.

Did you find them all?

Wow! Great Job.

Most of our words are part of a human Body which God has created wonderfully and perfectly
VI. Worship- (Everything in March)

We will learn more about us that we are special because God created us beautifully.

But before that, let’s ready our hearts to sing and dance for the Lord!

VII. Word (Ate Irish)

VIII. Outro

Did you enjoy God’s Word Today? Wow God really loved us. He created you and me. I feel so special right now.

Kids I hope that this day onwards, you will remember that you are beautiful because God created you.

I’ll see you next Sunday.

And wait. I want to invite all of you to our Messenger room. There we will discuss more about the lesson we learned
today! Links are available at the comment section below and at the description of this video. See you there!
*Thank you message from KCO

Hello Everyone, Im…..

We are from the TBC Kids Church Online Production


We believe that it’s not too late to express our gratitude to you whom God used to bless us financially and spiritually.

From the bottom of our hearts, We from the KCO production, would like to thank you for supporting us through your

Because of your generosity, we were able to buy

Green screen stand,lights, lapel and its batteries and extenders, extension wires, and other pieces of cloth needed for
the production

We believe that God will bless you more.

We want to pray for you!


It is our heart to reach out more kids to God. Support us through prayers and in any way you can for that cause.

You can also support us by sharing the Kids church online videos which is live every Sunday at 2:30 PM

Encourage the kids to watch too.

God Bless and Jesus Wins!

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