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Mehedi Hasan


153 0951 0 30
Section 11

April 18, 2018


By the mercy of almighty I was able to finish my research paper. I believe that without the grace of Almighty I

would not be able to finish my research paper in time.

First, I would be grateful to my parents for their relentless support.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my honorable faculty Mr. Mehedi Hasan for his invaluable

guidance and help to complete this research paper in time.

I would also like to thank those people who helped me a lot in this research paper specially Sadman Islam Mim

vaiya. He supported me whenever I was in trouble regarding this research. Without the love and support of

these people I couldn’t be able to finish my research paper in time.


The main objective of this research was to find that “ NSU students have preference on Coca-Cola over Pepsi”

Students drinks a lot of carbonated beverage and as my topic is “NSU students have preference on Coca-cola

over Pepsi” I designed five research questions and made a survey on students to find out the results. The study

revealed that most of the students likes Coca-Cola as a carbonated beverage rather than Pepsi.

They agreed that Coca-Cola has greater brand value and has a unique taste compared to Pepsi. It clearly

showed that NSU students prefer Coca-cola more than Pepsi and the percentage to this result was almost 80%


Carbonated beverage is actually drinks that contain dissolved carbon dioxide which gives a rise to fizz. The

making process involves carbon dioxide under high pressure and these beverages are actually geared up by

mixing flavored syrup along with carbonated water and many other substances.

There are a large number of carbonated beverages around the world. They are different in term of taste, flavor,

color, packaging etc. Some of these brands are more popular than all and they are:

1. Coca-Cola
2. Pepsi

3. Red-Bull

4. Nestle

5. Gatorade

6. Sprite

7. Mountain dew

8. Pepper soda

9. Fanta

10. Tropicana

Bashin.(2018).Top 10 soft drinks of 2017-Top beverage brands.

Among these brand the two most competitive brands are “Coca-Cola” and “Pepsi”. Coca-Cola is a product of

The Coca-Cola company founded in May 8, 1886 by John Pemberton and Asa Griggs Candler. Coca-Cola and

Pepsi are two greatest competitors in the market. Coca- Cola has been ruling the market from 1886. On the

other hand Pepsi was introduced in 1898.

Coca-Cola is still the number one beverage in the market whereas Pepsi is still fighting for that position.

Because of it’s taste, variety of flavor Coca-Cola is the first choice of students. My research studies that why

students are more attracted to Coca-Cola rather Pepsi. Coca-cola has always satisfied the mindset of students

by giving a unique taste, different flavor, nostalgic advertisements which attracts emotionally. I hope I will

find out why students of NSU prefer Coca-Cola than Pepsi through my research.


“Having a product people enjoy is far from the only thing needed to become one of the world’s most valuable

company says Coca-Cola VP of innovation and entrepreneurship”(Faloni).(2016).

Coca-Cola is one of the most famous beverage brand in the world because of their products taste, brand image,

advertisements. Coca-Cola creates a positive impact in mindset of people and that drives them towards Coca-

Cola than any other products.

In term of Brand message Tina Chohan (2014) submitted that, “Coca-Cola continuously creates new

campaigns and is active in their marketing strategies. It keeps the Brand message alive, the campaigns back up

it’s ideology and it forces people not to forget them as the leaders who bring happiness to their consumers”

“Coca-Cola has been the undisputed carbonated soft drink through the world for several decades now.

Although Pepsi has given a few sleepless night but the fact remains that Coca-Cola is still the primary choice

for customers and has always been beating Pepsi by miles” (Guruprasad’s Portal, 2018).

The focus of the research will be on this and I hope it is quite clear that students prefer Coca-Cola

than Pepsi.


1. What is carbonated beverage?

2. What are the factors that work behind a person’s preference in beverage?

3. What are the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi in term of taste?

4. Why are students are more attracted to Coca-Cola than Pepsi?

5. Why is Coca- Cola on the top of the beverage market ?


From my research I expect to find that students in NSU prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi because of it’s Brand

image and taste. Coca-Cola has more impact on students than Pepsi in term of Taste and Brand image. Coca-

cola has been ruling the beverage industry for decades and having a strong impact on their customers. Due to

it’s taste, flavor, brand image it gained market almost everywhere. I expect to find NSU students will like

Coca-cola than Pepsi in term of taste, brand image and wider variety of flavor.


The research consists of two method, primary research and secondary research. The primary research includes

survey questions conducted in campus premise , students mostly aging from 18-22 . The survey questions were

totally related to the hypothesis. The highest response to each answer helped to conduct the research easily.

The secondary research includes media like online articles, journals, videos, pictures. With the help of these

tools the research was conducted very easily.


 73.7% were from age 18-22

 26.3% were from age 23-26

Description: As my research is about carbonated beverage so the first question to my respondents were if they

like carbonated beverage or not?

Analysis: 86.3% replied positively that the like and 13.7% replied that they don’t like carbonated beverage

Description: The next question was between two option, Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Among them which one

students tried first?

Analysis: 83% replied that they first tried Coca-Cola than Pepsi which is 17%
Description: As maximum first tried the Coca-Cola this question was about the feelings they had?

Analysis: From the 1-5 ( Excellent to mild and then disgusting) most of the students choose between 1-2 which

is excellent and 26.6% mild and 6.4% said disgusting

Description: Which one do you prefer the taste of ?

Analysis: 67% people prefer the taste of Coca-Cola

18.1% people prefer the taste of Pepsi

12.8% people prefer the taste of Zero Coca-Cola

2.1% people prefer the taste of Zero Pepsi

Description: This question was which one do they think students are more attracted to ?

Analysis: 81.7% are thinks students are attracted to Coa-Cola

8.6% thinks students are attracted to sprite

7.5 % thinks students are attracted to Pepsi

2.2% thinks students are attracted to minute-maid

Description: If you suggest someone to buy a soft drink which one will suggest?

Analysis: 75.5% will suggest to buy Coca-Cola rather than Pepsi which is 24.5%

Description: Which of the followings advertisements attracts more?

Analysis: 73.1% replied that Coca-cola’s advertisements attracts people more than Pepsi does which is only


Description: Which one has greater brand value?

Analysis: 88.3% people thinks Coca-Cola has a greater brand value than Pepsi which is 11.7%
Description: The last question was Who is on the top of the beverage market?

Analysis: The answer was Coca-Cola with a percentage of 81.7%


The findings were completely related to my topic and hypothesis. The findings shows how students think of

carbonated beverage, about the choice of taste, about the choice of flavors, in term of brand image, in term of

giving suggestions.

All of these findings put my result in a positive side which actually proves my hypothesis which is students of

NSU prefer Coca-cola over Pepsi because of brand image and Taste

This research helped me to know about the factors about beverage market and about the consumer and finally

my hypothesis was proven right.


My hypothesis was proven right that students of NSU prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi because of brand image and

taste. The Coca-cola is a star company in the beverage market. They have been ruling this sector from decades.
The taste, flavor, brand image, advertisements creates an deep positive in the mindset of consumers which led

them to the top of the beverage market. Coca-Coal gives the happiness you want.


Chohan,(2014),why students love coca-cola’s friendly twist marketing campaign


Feloni,(2016),7startegies coca-cola used to become one of the world’s most recognizable brand.

Guruprasad’s portal,(2018),secret reason why many choose coca-cola over pepsi

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