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What’s goin on : Gender based violonce in public transportation

Recent history :
Gender based violonce is a violonce that discriminate between men and women, there are
some types of GBV that is :
 Physical Violence
 Sexual Violence
 Physchological Violence
 Economic Violence
 Cyber Violonce (online)
The victims can be both women and men. But mostly the majority of victims are women and
Current events :
Based on UN WOMEN, Globally, 35 per cent of women have ever experienced physical and/or
sexual intimate partner violence, or sexual violence by a non-partner. UN women is is the
international organization and also one of united nations to dedicate for gender equality. UN
women purposing to support government aggencies especially for women, women
empowerment, and Respond to this problem, UN Women
Gender based violonce can be occur in private or public, for example in public transportation,
and it can be happen all over the world, one of them happen in Indonesia.
According to VOA Indonesia, . A recent survey conducted by the Coalition for Safe Public
Space (KRPA) reveals that public transportation is the second-most dangerous public place for
women, and also based on the survey ada 1 dari 2 orang perempuan di Indonesia yang
mengalami GBV di public transportation especially on the bus.
Gender based violence in public transportation happening differently depending on the country
itself and the culprit (terjadi secara berbeda di tiap negara) in Indonesia it’s common happen by :
Tatapan yang ga pantes, verbal harassment atau semacam lewat ucapan, di dekati secara agresif,
ataupun by showing genitals.
According to a 2013 National Household Travel Survey, nearly 40% of workers used public
transport as their main mode of travel to work. Laporan yang tersebar “being jeered at,
physically assaulted and stripped of their clothes in public” throughout South Africa.
Why Gender Based Violonce can be happened?
Cultural norms about patriacy, dictate that men are aggressive, controlling, and dominant.

The impact of GBV especially on public transportation

 The victims will be traumatic
 Afraid to re engage public transportation
 The victims will feeling not comfortbale and confident in public
 Psychological disorders  seperti feeling worthless
What can be done?
In Indonesia, UN Women works with government, civil society organizations, 
UN Women Indonesia focuses on: 
Safe cities and safe public spaces

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