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L.S. Penn and €3. Wang

3.1 INTRODUCTION crossllnked network and how they lead to dif-

ferent processing parameters and final
Epoxy resin systems have achieved acceptance
properties in the formulated system. The
as adhesives, potting compounds, molding
chapter also describes the role of cure moni-
compounds and as matrices for continuous fil-
toring and property evaluation in epoxy resin
ament composites used in structural
system technology.
applications. In this chapter, we discuss epoxy
resins in their role as matrices in fiber compos-
ites. In this role, they possess several 3.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF
advantages over other types of polymers. The THERMOSETTING SYSTEMS
main advantages are:
0 inherently polar nature that confers excel-
lent adhesion to a wide variety of fibers; According to common chemical practice, mol-
0 relatively low cure shrinkage that makes ecules can be classified by the functional
dimensional accuracy of fabricated struc- groups they contain. Thus, a molecule contain-
tures easier to obtain; ing the epoxide group (shown below) as part
0 no volatile by-products of the curing reac- of its structure is called an epoxide, regardless
tion to cause undesired bubble or void of the remaining details of the molecule.
0 crossIinked structure that confers excellent
resistance to hostile environments, both
aqueous and nonaqueous. /O\
In addition to these advantages, epoxy resins I I
have tremendous versatility because they can
be formulated to meet a broad range of specific
processing and performance requirements. To In practice, other types of molecules are added
know how to take advantage of the formula- to the epoxide to formulate a thermosetting
tion options, the engineer needs to have an system, i.e. one that will undergo a curing
elementary understanding of epoxy resin reaction to harden into a rigid form. The con-
chemistry and structure-property relation- fusing practice has been followed of referring
ships. This chapter attempts to provide that by to both the epoxide alone and the formulated
presenting information about the resin system system as 'epoxy resin'. One must determine
constituents, how they react together to form a which is truly intended by the context in
which it is used. For the purposes of clarity in
Handbook of Composites.Edited by S.T. Peters. Published this chapter, we will use epoxide when refer-
in 1998 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412 54020 7 ring to the epoxide constituent alone and will
General descripfion of thermoseffingsystems 49

use the term epoxy resin when referring to the When the amine nitrogen contains two hydro-
uncured or cured formulated system. gens, each reacts with a different epoxide ring.
This scheme is shown in Fig. 3.1, where the
developing network is evident. This scheme
applies to both aliphatic and aromatic amine
curing agents. The reaction between epoxide
The thermosetting reaction is the joining of and amine produces a C-N bond, whose envi-
many small molecules by chemical reaction to ronmental resistance is good, but whose
produce an extended network structure. stability to elevated temperature is highly
Although this process is a polymerization, it is dependent on the adjacent molecular structure.
distinct from the type of polymerization that
forms many individual long chains; the ther-
mosetting reaction unifies all the constituent
monomers into a single large molecule extend-
ing to the boundaries of the material.
Epoxide molecules in the pure state at room
temperature normally do not react with each
other and can sit for years in a dry container
without mutual reaction. The types of chemi-
cals added to the epoxide to effect network
formation fall into two categories: curing
agents and catalysts. Curing agents, some-
times called hardeners, are added in
- OH
\ /

significant amounts to the epoxide and react

with it to become a part of the crosslinked net- - I
/N-R-y OH
work. These curing agents can be aliphatic
amines, aromatic amines, or anhydrides.
Catalysts, on the other hand, are added in Fig. 3.1 Reaction scheme for the reaction between
extremely small amounts to cause the epoxide epoxide and amine curing agent. Each hydrogen
molecules to react directly with each other, i.e. reacts with an individual expoxide group. Thus the
to homopolymerize. Sometimes the chemicals primary amine group acts bifunctionally and the
used as catalysts for homopolymerization can secondary amine group acts monofunctionally. The
be used for another purpose; when added in epoxide group acts monofunctionally.
small amounts to epoxide-curing agent mix-
tures, they will accelerate the curing reaction.
In this role they are called accelerators rather From the reaction scheme, it is obvious that
than catalysts. the correct relative amounts of epoxide and
In the sections below, we discuss the chem- amine curing agent must be used. If there is ,an
ical reactions involved in network formation, imbalance, unreacted functional groups will
both when the different curing agents are used be present and the full properties of a com-
and when homopolymerization occurs. plete network will not be developed. The
correct amounts by weight to combine are
determined by computing the weight of cur-
Amine curing
ing agent that contains one chemical
In amine curing agents, each hydrogen on an equivalent of amine hydrogens and matching
amine nitrogen is reactive and can open one that with the weight of epoxide that contains
epoxide ring to form a covalent bond 1-5. one chemical equivalent of epoxide groups.
50 Epoxy resins

Anhydride curing functions as a catalyst to speed up the epox-

ide-curing agent reaction. (Acceleratorswill be
In anhydride curing agents, the anhydride
discussed later.) Figure 3.2 shows an idealized
groups themselves must be cleaved asymmet-
scheme, where the cleaved anhydride reacts
rically to start the r e a ~ t i o n ' ~Initial
, ~ . cleavage
with an epoxide ring carbon, opening the ring
is accomplished with the help of a small
in the process. The negatively charged oxygen
amount of accelerator,which is a chemical that
formed by the opening of the epoxide ring can
proceed to react with a different anhydride
group, perpetuating the reaction. In this ideal-
0 ized developing network, each anhydride
II I group is bifunctional, i.e. it links to two differ-
NR3 (Accelerator) ent epoxide molecules. In practice, the high
temperatures required for anhydride cure, plus
C' the presence of accelerator, provides conditions
+ for some extent of epoxide homopoly-
merization (described later) to take place,
making the actual curing reaction much more
I I complex than depicted in Fig. 3.2. The reaction
{c=o fC=O
between epoxide and anhydride produces pri-
marily ester linkages, which have good
L=o L += o stability to elevated temperatures and to most
+ /O\ hostile environments except bases.
Not surprisingly, the correct amount of
I anhydride curing agent relative to the epoxide
must be used to obtain a well developed net-
work and the associated good properties. The
L += o 'C= 0
+ correct amounts by weight to combine are esti-
mated by examining the reaction scheme and
0- 0- computing the weight of curing agent needed
I I to react completely with a given weight of
c= 0 epoxide. The simplified reaction scheme of
Fig. 3.2 proposes that one anhydride group
LI o reacts with two epoxide groups and one epox-
0 0 ide group reacts with two anhydride groups,
o-cH~-c------c-cH*-o making the number of anhydride groups con-
c= 0 c= 0 sumed equal to the number of epoxide groups
consumed in the reaction.
+ L + O
Catalytic curing (homopolymerization)
The remaining route to formation of a
crosslinked network from epoxide molecules
Fig. 3.2 Simplified reaction scheme for the reaction
requires homopolymerization'4~7.This can be
between epoxide and anhydride curing agent. After
cleavage, each anhydride group reacts with two brought about if small amounts of certain
epoxide groups and each epoxide group reacts with Lewis acids or Lewis bases are added. These
two anhydride groups. Thus both the epoxide operate as true catalysts by initiating a self-
group and the anhydride group act bifunctionally. perpetuating cationic (Lewis acid) or anionic
Constituents used in formulated systems 51

/O\ +
R3N -I-CH2-m- +R,NCH2-CH-a2-

CH2-CH- +
+ R3NCH2- CH- CH2-
Fig. 3.3 Reaction scheme for the homopolymerization of epoxide. After ring opening, each epoxide group
reacts with two other epoxide groups. Thus the epoxide group acts bifunctionally.

(Lewis base) polymerization. A simplified 3.3 CONSTITUENTS USED IN FORMULATED

reaction scheme initiated by a Lewis base is SYSTEMS
shown in Fig. 3.3. Homopolymerization
results in the formation of a network of ether 3.3.1 EPOXIDES
linkages, which has outstanding elevated-tem-
Although many different types of epoxides are
perature stability and resistance to hostile
available, only a few are favored for use in
matrices in fiber compositess-lO.These are
shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Structures and characteristics of commonly used epoxides

Epoxy equivalent Viscosity at 25"C, Comments
weighf, g/eq Pa s (cP)

Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)

171-177 3.5-5.5 May crystallize on storage.

(3500-5500) Example: DER 332 (Dow).
180-188 6.5-9.6 Contains small amount of higher polymer
(6500-9500) to prevent crystallization.Examples: DER 330
(Dow) Epon 826 (Shell).
185-200 10.0-19.0 Contains small amount of higher polymer to
(10 000-19 000) prevent crystallizalion.
Example: Epi-Rez 510 (Hi-Tek Polymers),
DER 331 (Dow), and GY 6010 (Ciba).
450-550 Melting point n = 2; used in prepregs. Examples: Epon 1001
65-76°C (149-167°F) (Shell)and DER 661 (Dow).
52 Epoxy resins

Table 3.1 Continued

Epoxy equivalent Viscosity at 25"C, Comments

weight, g/eq Pa s (cP)

Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF)

/O\ /O\
CH2- CH- CH2- 0 0 - CH2 -CH- CH2

158-165 5.0-8.0 Isomeric mixture that will not crystallize on

(5000-8000) storage. Example: GY 281 (Ciba).

Polyglycidyl ether of phenol-formaldehyde Novolac

172-179 1.l-1.7 (1100-1700) Example: DEN 431 (Dow).

at 52°C (126°F)
176-181 20.0-50.0 (20 000-50 000) Example: DEN 438 (Dow).
at 52°C (126°F)
191-210 4.0-10.0 (4000-10 000) Example: DEN 439 (Dow).
at 52°C (126°F)

Polyglycidyl ether of o-cresol-formaldehyde Novolac

200 Melting point Used for high-temperature service: R represents

35°C (95°F) chlorohydrins, glycols, and/or polymeric ethers.
Molecular weight = 540. Example: ECN 1235
225 Melting point Same as above, but molecular weight = 1080.
73°C (163°F) Example: ECN 1273 (Ciba).
230 Melting point Same as above, but molecular weight = 1170.
80°C (176°F) Example: ECN 1280 (Ciba).
235 Melting point Same as above, but molecular weight = 1270.
99°C (210°F) Example: ECN 1299 (Ciba).
Constituents used in formulated systems 53

Table 3.1 Continued

Epoxy equivalent Viscosity at 25"C, Comments

weight, g/eq Pa s (cP)

N, N, N', N', - Tetraglycidyl methylenedianiline

117-133 10.0-15.0 (10 000-15 000) Used for prepregs. Example: MY 720 (Ciba).

Triglycidyl p-aminophenol

/O\ / N\ /O\
95-107 0.55-0.85 (550-850) Used extensively for prepregs and adhesives.
Example: MY 0510 (Ciba).

Conspicuously, these epoxides all contain aro- achieve cure with amine curing agents fall in a
matic rings in their structures. Aromatic rings wide range, from 25°C to nearly 200"C,
confer mechanical rigidity and thermal stabil- depending on the chemical structure of the
ity to the crosslinked network. It is also worth amine. The first five entries in the table are
noting that some of the epoxides in the table aliphatic amines, which can cure epoxides at
have two epoxide functional groups, while room temperature or only slightly above.
others have three or four or more. Whether a Aliphatic amine-cured systems also tend to
network is developed by mixing the epoxide have low glass transition temperatures, T , (the
with a curing agent or is developed from epox- temperature at which the mechanical behavior
ide alone by catalytic homopolymerization, a changes from rigid to rubbery) and cannot be
large number of the molecules in a given for- used in composites that will experience high
mulation must be able to react with more than temperature use.
two other molecules in order to form a Most other entries in the table are aromatic
crosslinked network instead of merely form- amines, whose ring structures confer solidity
ing linear chains. and mechanical rigidity. These amine curing
agents require elevated temperature cure, but
the networks they produce have high glass
transition temperatures and are suitable for
Table 3.2 presents commonly used amine cur- use in composites that will be exposed to ele-
ing agents. The temperatures required to vated temperatures in service.
54 Epoxy resins

Table 3.2 Structures and characteristics of commonly used amine curing agents

Amine hydrogen Viscosity at 25°C (77"F), Comments

equiv. weight, gleq Pa s (cP)

Diethylenetriamine (DETA)

HzN-CH2-CH2-NH- CH2-CH2 -NH2

20.6 0.00554.0085 Available from Dow as DEH 20.



H2Nf (CH2)z-NH CH2-CH2 -NH;!

24.4 0.020-0.023 Available from Dow as DEH 24.


Diethylaminepropylamine (DEAPA)

CH3- CH2,
- (CHZ)3- NH2
CH3- CH2
65 50 Available from Union Carbide.


26-27 0.055 Available from Dow as DEH 26.


Aliphatic polyether triamine (APTA)

H2C f-0 - CH2- CH-(CH3) NH2

CH3 - CH2 - C - CH2 f-0 -CH2- CH-(CH,) NH2
H2C f-0 - CH2- CH-(CH3) %NH2
77-82 0.072-0.080 x + y + z = 5.3. Available from Texaco as
(72-80) Jeffamine T 403.
Constituents used in formulated systems 55

Table 3.2 Continued

Amine hydrogen Viscosity at 25°C (77"F), Comments

equiv. weight, g/eq Pa s (cP)

4,4'-Methylenedianiline (MDA)

50 Melting point Available from Ciba as HT 972 and from

89°C (192") Pacific Anchor as Ancamine DDM.

rn-Phenylenediamine (MPDA)

27 Melting point Available from E.I. duPont de Nemours &

60°C (140°F) Company.

44' -Diaminodiphenylsulfone (DDS)


62 Melting point 170-180°C Used mainly in prepregs; yields good shelf life and
(338-356°F) high-temperature properties. Available from
Ciba as HT 976.

3,3' -Diaminodiphenylsulf one


P- .S

62 Melting point 174178°C Used mainly in prepregs; reacts more slowly than
(345-352°F) 4,4' analog. Available from Ciba as HT 9720.
56 Epoxy resins

Table 3.2 Continued

Amine hydrogen Viscosity at 25°C (77"F), Comments

equiv. weight, gleq Pa s (cP)

40% MPDA-60%MDA

38 1.50 Eutectic mixture. Available from UniRoyal

(1500) as Tonox 60-40

Dicyandiamide (DICY)

28 Melting point 207-209°C Slow reacting. Used for prepregs. Available from
(405408°F) Cytec Ind.

3.3.3 ANHYDRIDE CURING AGENTS Elevated temperature, typically in the range

Table 3.3 presents commonly used anhydride 100-200°C, is required to achieve cure with
curing agents. Their structures vary widely anhydride curing agents. The glass transition
and some are liquid at room temperature temperatures of anhydride-cured systems are
whereas others must be heated to liquefy. high.

Table 3.3 Structures and characteristics of commonly used anhydride curing agents

Anhydride equiv. Melting point, "C ("F) Comments

zueigkt, g/eq

Phthalic anhydride (PA)

148 130 (266) Available from Amoco.

Constituents used in formulated systems 57

Table 3.3 Continued

Anhydride equiv. Melting point, "C ( O F ) Comments

weight, g/eq

Hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA)

154 40 (104) Available from Pacific Anchor as Ancadride

MHHPA and from Ciba as HT 907.

Nadic methyl anhydride (NMA) maleic anhydride adduct of methyl cyclopentadiene

180 Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Widely used for prepegs. Available from Pacific
(0.200 Pa s) 200 cP Anchor as Anhydride METHPA and from
Ciba as HY 906.

Dodecenyl succinic anhydride (DDSA)

270 Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Available from Dixie Chemical and from
(0.200 Pa s) 200 cP Humphrey Chemical.
58 Epoxy resins

Table 3.3 Continued

Anhydride equiv. Melfing point, "C ( O F ) Comments

weight, g/eq

Chlorendic anhydride (CAI

371 231-235 Needs no cure accelerator, but is high melting and

(448445) hard to handle; good fire retardant. Available
from Velsicol.

Trimellitic anhydride (TMA)



193 161-1 64 Available from Buffalo Color.


Maleic anhydride (MA)


100 53 (127) Available from Amoco.

Succinic anhydride (SA)


100 120 (248) Available from Buffalo Color.
Constituents used in formulated systems 59

Table 3.3 Continued

Anhydride equiv. Melting point, "C ( O F ) Comments

weight, g/eq


166 Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Available from Lindau.

(0.06 Pa s) 60 cP

3,3', 4,4' - Benzophenone-tetracarboxylicdianhydride (BTDA)

0 II 0
// \\
0 0
161 221 (430) Used mainly in powder coatings; when used as
minor component in fiber composite matrix, it
improves high-temperature properties.Available
from Allco.

3.3.4 CATALYSTS FOR useful in prepregs that must be stored for

HOMOPOLYMERIZATION some time without cure advancement prior to
being used in fabrication of a structural com-
Table 3.4 presents some Lewis acids and Lewis
bases that have been found effective as cata-
lysts for homopolymerization of epoxides.
Certain Lewis acids, such as boron trifluoride 3.3.5 ACCELERATORS FOR CURING AGENT
(BF,) produce rapid and very exothermic SYSTEMS
homopolymerization and need to be used in
blocked form. BF,, when blocked with Some Lewis acids and Lewis bases can also be
used as accelerators in epoxide-curing agent
monoethyl amine to form the complex
mixtures to speed up a sluggish reaction. They
BF,MEA, is latent at room temperature and
are added in small amounts, only a few weight
becomes active only above 90"C, the tempera-
per cent, empirically determined to give the
ture at which the complex separates. The
best results. Most often they are used to speed
epoxide homopolymerization that occurs
up the curing reaction in epoxide-anhydride
above 90°C is rapid, but has controllable
systems. Table 3.4 indicates which catalysts are
release of heat. Epoxides containing blocked
also used as accelerators and lists additional
Lewis acids as catalysts have been found to be
chemicals used as accelerators only.
60 Epoxy resins

Table 3.4 Structures and characteristics of commonly used catalysts and accelerators

Amine hydrogen Melting point, "C ( O F ) Comments

equiv. weight, g/e9

Benzyldimethylarnine (BDMA)

- Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Lewis base used as an accelerator mainly for

(0.1 Pa s, 100 cP) anhydride mixtures. Avalible from Ciba
as DY 062.


Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Lewis base used as an accelerator for epoxide

(0.3Pa s, 300 cP) anhydride mixtures to provide room-temperature
cure. Available from Rohm & Haas as DMP-30 and
from Ciba as DY 064.

2-Ethyl-4-methylimidazole (EMI)

CH3- CH2 - C CH
\ /
Liquid at 25°C (77°F) Lewis base used as an accelerator for epoxide-
(4-8 Pa s, 4000-8000 cP) anhydride mixtures to provide long pot life and
good elevated-temperature properties. Available
from Air Products as EMI-24.
Constituents used in formulated systems 61

Table 3.4 Continued

Amine hydrogen Melting point, "C ( O F ) Comments

equiv. weight, g/eq

Boron trifluoride-monoethylene amine (BF,MEA)

F -B:NHz- CH2- CH,
85-90 (185-194) Blocked Lewis acid; used as an accelerator for
epoxide DDS systems in high temperature
service; provides latency. Available from ATOTech.

3.3.6 DILUENTS epoxide groups. Some of these diluents are

monofunctional, i.e. have only one epoxide
For some types of processing the viscosity of
the uncured resin system needs to be lowered. group, so they cannot form crosslinks in the
network like bi-, tri- and tetrafunctional mole-
When it is not advisable, as in the case of wet
filament winding or hand lay-up, to use cules do. However, by chemically attaching to
volatile solvents as diluents, reactive diluents the network, the reactive diluents become a
permanent and stable part of it. Other diluents
must be used. Table 3.5 lists some acceptable
are bifunctional and will form crosslinks.
diluents, all low viscosity liquids containing

Table 3.5 Structures and characteristics of commonly used, commerciallyavailable epoxide reactive dilutents

Epoxy equivalent Viscosify at 25"C, Comments

weight, g/eq Pa s (cP)

Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE)

CH3-(CH2)3 -0 - CH2- CH-CH2

130-149 0.002-0.003 Example: RD-1 (Ciba).


Octyl, decyl glycidyl ether blend

CH3-((CH2)7 - 0 - CH2- CH- CH2

215-235 0.005-0.015 Example: Epotuf 37-057 (Reichhold) and Dy 027

(5-15) (Ciba).
62 Epoxy resins

Table 3.5 Continued

Epoxy equivalent Viscosity at 25"C, Comments

weight,g/eq Pa s (cP)
___ ~~ . _ _ _ _ ~ ~

p - t - Butyl phenyl glycidyl ether

0 - CH2 - CH- CH2
I -

220-245 0.015-0.30 Example: Epi-Rez 5014 (Hi-Tek Polymers).


Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE)

0 - CH2 -CH-CH2

150 0.006 Example: Heloxy WC-63 (Wilmington Chemical).


Cresyl glycidyl ether (CGE)

170-190 0.005-0.050 Less volatile than BGE. Example: Epotuf 37453

(5-50) (Reichhold), and by DY 023 (Ciba).

Diglycidyl ether of 1,4 - butanediol (BDE)

12@140 0.010-0.025 Example: RD-2 (Ciba); not a pure compound.

-~ _____ ~- ~~~~ ~~ ~-
General principles of formulation 63

Table 3.5 Continued

Epoxy equivalent Viscosity at 25°C’ Comments

weight, g/e9 Pa S ( c ~ )

Diglycidyl ether of neopentyl glycol

13CL145 0.005-0.015 Example: AZ epoxy N (AZS Corp.);not a pure
(5-15) compound.

Diglycidyl ether of polypropylene glycol

r 1

175-205 0.30-0.060 (30-60) n = 4. Example DER 736 (Dow).

305335 0.55-0.100 (55-100) n = 9. Example DER 732 (Dow).

Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide

A CH - C H ~
O ’ W
76 0.20 Example ERL 4206 (Union Carbide).


the cured network results in lower rigidity and
lower Tg as compared to aromatic rings, or
Epoxy resin systems must be formulated on a even saturated rings. Thus, aromatic amine-
rational basis and the chemical structure of the cured systems or homopolymerized systems
constituents forms this basis. Many detailed both have high stiffness and high Tg. whereas
structure-property relationships can be an aliphatic amine-cured system will have a
reduced to rules of thumb and some of those lower stiffness and lower T,.
we present in this section. The reader should In terms of processing and cure, the flexibil-
use these with caution, because often a more ity and mobility of aliphatic segments imparts
detailed examination of the chemical structure low viscosity (if a liquid) or low melting point
reveals conflicting trends and experimentation (if a solid). Constituents whose structures are
is needed. mainly aliphatic react rapidly at room temper-
First, the presence of significant amounts of ature. Thus, an aliphatic amine-cured system is
aliphatic segments in the chemical structure of recommended over an aromatic amine-cured
64 Epoxy resins

system if low viscosity for processing and a in all but a few cases; the anhydride-cured sys-
room temperature cure are needed1’,12. tem is degraded in strong base due to basic
Constituents with aromatic ring structures hydrolysis of its ester linkages and both the
react sluggishly or not at all at room tempera- anhydride-cured and the homopolymerized sys-
ture13J4.Thus aromatic-amine cured systems tems are vulnerable to swelling by the strong
require elevated temperature cures. solvent, trichloroethylene.
As cited earlier in the discussion on cure
reactions, the relative amount of curing agent
to epoxide is important in achieving a well-
developed network. The formulations
presented in Table 3.6 are approximately what The goals of the processing procedures used to
would be used for some specific epoxide-curing make a good quality fiber composite are to
agent formulations. The reader should verify ensure that the resin forms a void-free contin-
the correctness of the formulations by comput- uous phase, surrounds each filament, is evenly
ing the appropriate weight ratios from the distributed, is present in the desired amount
molecular structures given in Tables 3.1, 3.2 relative to the fiber and is fully cured. The ease
and 3.3. with which these goals can be achieved is
highly dependent on the rheological proper-
Table 3.6 Formulations for selected epoxy resin ties of the resin as it progresses through its
systems cure and on the engineer’s ability to evaluate
rheology and degree of cure throughout the
Constituents Epoxide Curing agent processing cycle.
PbV Pbw‘ In the early years of epoxy resin technol-
Diglycidyl ether of ogy, processing procedures were developed
bisphenol A triethylene by a trial and error approach. This is still a
tetramine 100 14 viable approach, especially for engineers
Diglycidyl ether of skilled in the art of thermoset composite pro-
bisphenol A rneta- cessing. However, in recent years,
phenylene diamine 100 16 rheologica116-18 and chemorheologica119~20
models that relate viscosity, rigidity and
Diglycidyl ether of
bisphenol A degree of cure to time and temperature have
hexahydrophthalic been developed. These models predict rheo-
anhydride 100 90 logical changes during cure and can serve as
Parts by weight an aid to processing and cure cycle develop-

Finally, through the chemistry of the constituents

and the network they form, the formulation
d u e n c e s the environmental resistance of the One of the major concerns in the early stages
resin. Thus the formulation must be selected of composite processing is resin viscosity.
with the future environmental exposures in Sometimes, the freshly mixed, uncured resin
mind. Figure 3.4 compares the environmental formulation is inherently fluid enough to pen-
resistance of four important types of epoxy resin etrate the fiber bundle and surround each
systems: aliphatic amine-cured,aromatic amine- filament. (Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 give viscosity
cured, homopolymerized epoxide (BF,MEA values for several epoxides and curing
catalyst) and anhydride-curedI5. The excellent agents.) Often, however, the viscosity of the
resistance of the crosslmked network is evident uncured resin system is too high and must be
Processing considerations in epoxy resin composites 65




I 25

9 0
$ Sodium hydroxide, 50% Sulfuric acid, 25% Hydrochloric acid, 25%
0 82°C (180°F) 82°C (180°F) 82°C (180°F)

0 100

; 75



Distilled water Trichloroethylene Sodium hypochlorite, 6%
54°C (13CPF) 54°C (130°F) 54°C (130°F)
Exposure conditions

Fig. 3.4 Environmental resistance of common cured epoxy systems as indicated by flexural modulus reten-
tion after environmental exposure Is.
Aliphatic amine-cured (TETA), Homopolymerized (BF,MEA),
Aromatic amine-cured (MPDA), @ Anhydride-cured (PA), mrm
reduced to achieve the desired flow require- the simplest approach, can result in bubble or
ments. The two major approaches to reducing void formation within the composite if the
viscosity are thinning the mixture with low solvent cannot escape completely. This could
viscosity organic solvents and adding low vis- be a problem for component fabrication by
cosity reactive diluents, such as those wet filament winding, where layers contain-
presented in Table 3.5. ing the freshly mixed epoxy resin system are
Thinning with organic solvents, although placed sequentially on top of one another.
66 Epoxy resins

Filament winding processors do not use sol- By contrast, reactive diluents, being them-
vents to reduce viscosity, rather selecting selves epoxides, chemically react to become a
lower viscosity resins, reactive diluents, or permanent part of the crosslinked network.
diluting with heat. On the other hand, the use Figure 3.5 shows the relation between L'1SCOS-

of small amounts of solvent to reduce resin ity and the amount of diluent added to a
viscosity during fabrication of prepreg viscous epoxide. Ideally, the engineer wants to
(pre-impregnated fiber) presents no prob- use just enough diluent to lower viscosity as
lems, since prepreg is made in the form of needed without dramatically altering the
single, thin-layer sheet, tape or tow from properties of the final cured network.
which solvent can vaporize easily and the The length of time that an epoxy resin for-
prepreg is heat treated to eliminate solvent mulation remains fluid is important.
and to advance cure. Liquid-like flow becomes impossible once the
gelation stage, marked by an abrupt increase
in viscosity, is reached. Time to gelation is
called gel time, or sometimes pot life.

- 'T
Aliphatic amine curing agents produce pot
lives of the order of minutes or a few hours,
while aromatic amine curing agents produce
pot lives of 24 h or more13,22,23.
Anhydride cur-
ing agents typically produce very long pot
- lives (e.g. two months for NMA) when mixed

- --
m with epoxides. This is because, as already
.- mentioned, the anhydride group is not very
reactive with epoxides unless it is cleaved with
, -
1100 the aid of an accelerator molecule. Once the
1000 - accelerator is activated, the pot life of the mix-
ture will be shortened to a few hours. Pot life
eo0 - can be controlled over a wide range by careful
800 - use of accelerators.
700 - Each resin formulation has a unique chem-
istry that imparts a set of processing variables
600 - with unique values. Standard laboratory test
500 - methods for processing variables that are
important early in cure are described by the
400 - American Society for Testing and Materials,
$00 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.ASTM numbers of
zoo - the procedures for determining resin viscosity,
gel time and melt flow are listed in Table 3.7.
100 -
llTable 3.7 Laboratory test methods for measuring
20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 IOC

DILUENT, 'Io processing variables

Processing variable Reference

Fig. 3.5 Viscosity versus per cent of diluent in epox-
ide-diluent mixturesz1.The epoxide is DGEBA and Viscosity ASTM D2393
the diluent is BDE (diglycidyl ether of 1, 4-butane time (pot life) ASTM D2471
diol). Melt flow ASTM D3795, ASTM D4473
Processing considerations in epoxy resin composites 67

3.5.2 MONITORING OF CURE ods where samples were taken and tested at
Once the cure is underway in an epoxy resin intervals in the cure cycle. The time needed to
system, all of the properties of the system develop one data point depended on the par-
change rapidly until the final crosslinked net- ticular laboratory method. Off-line testing has
work is reached. Not only is flow decreasing been made more convenient with the develop-
and rigidity increasing, but all other properties ment of continuous monitoring techniques
(electrical, chemical, optical, etc.) are chang- (i.e. data points in real time) used on small
ing. When the curing epoxy resin system is dedicated specimens of resin or prepreg.
subjected to temperature and pressure Recently, real time, in situ methods where cure
changes, the resin response will be characteris- can be monitored in the composite structural
tic of its degree of cure at that moment. Cure component itself have been developed.
cycle events, such as temperature and pressure
changes, need to be carefully timed with this Traditional off-line methods
in mind.
The degree of cure can be defined in terms Intermittent off-line methods include chemical
of any one of a large number of chemical or titration of the unreacted epoxide groups pre-
physical (including mechanical) properties that sentz4jz5, specific gravity to measure
change continuously during the curing reac- densificationzh and differential scanning
tion and reach a constant value at end of the calorimetry to measure the residual cure
cure. Evaluation of the degree of cure is usually e~otherm*"~ Figure
~ ~ ~ ~3.6
* .shows a plot of spe-
based on one of these properties and full cure cific gravity data obtained on specimens cured
is then defined as the point at which this for increasing lengths of time at a single tem-
selected property reaches a constant value. perature. Figure 3.7 shows differential
Originally, the only available methods for scanning calorimeter scans for two epoxy resin
evaluating cure were off-line laboratory meth- specimens of the same formulation, but with
different degrees of cure.


1.22 -
1.20 -
$$ + s t + + $ + + + +
s 1.16 -

Fig. 3.6 Specific gravity compared with cure time for an aromatic amine-cured epoxy system cured at
120°C26. Volume reduction (densification) during early network formation is rapid and levels off as cure
nears completion.
. I
1 I


Endotherm . I I I I I I I

Fig. 3.7 Differential scanning calorimeter scans for an epoxy resin system28.Scans for two different speci-
mens, each having a different original degree of cure, are shown, with scan A displaced upward from
scan B for graphical visibility. The height of the residual cure exotherm is inversely related to the original
degree of cure. The higher exotherm peak in B indicates an original degree of cure lower than in A.

Continuous off-line methods include infrared The off-line methods, real time or not, are
s p e c t r o s ~ o p y ~ ,parallel
~ ~ , ~ ~ , plate-type bulk useful for developing a cure schedule for a
diele~trornetry~’,~~ and dynamic mechanical new epoxy resin formulation, for optimizing
s p e ~ t r o m e t r y ~Figure
~ ” ~ . 3.8 shows the results processing variables and for quality control of
of infrared monitoring for five different neat incoming resins or prepregs. They have also
resin specimens, each cured at a different tem- been used successfully for the development of
perature and Fig. 3.9 shows data obtained by mathematical models of cure kinetics.
bulk dielectrometry. However, because they are off-line, they can-
not be used for process control.

Fig. 3.8 Degree of cure compared with time for an aromatic amine-cured epoxy systemz8.Data for five
specimens, each cured at a different temperature, are presented.
Property data for cured epoxy resin systems 69

200 I 1
I f f
I f
Decreasing molecular dipole mobility

150 Temperature profile - t

I \

increasing molecular dipole mobility

w 100 er; elevation - %r

E m
F .-n


No further
cure at

0 I 1 I

0 2 4 6 8
Time - h
Fig. 3.9 Bulk dielectrometry data compared with time for an aliphatic amine-cured epoxy system28.
Dissipation factor (dashed line) is inversely related to rigidity in the developing network. The applied tem-
perature is shown by the solid line.

Modern in situ methods Other examples of in situ monitoring are

In situ methods for cure monitoring are real based on fluorescence spectroscopy of tag
time methods that require sensors small molecules in the resin43,44 and on infrared45,46
enough to implant and leave in the composite and Raman47spectroscopies of the resin mole-
itself. When the information from in situ mon- cules themselves. In these methods, optical
itoring is used as continuous input to an fibers are the sensors that transmit the appro-
appropriate process model, it can be used in priate wavelength of light into the curing resin
process control loops that adjust the process- and also transmit the spectral information
ing conditions automatically. back The spectral changes relate directly
One example of an in situ method is low fre- to the chemical changes that occur as the cur-
quency dielectrometry using a very small ing reaction progresses to completion.
assembly of interdigitated electrodes called a
fringe field sensor. This technique measures
changes in ability of permanent dipoles within
the resin chemical structure to align themselves
with the applied oscillating electric field and Property data for cured, unreinforced epoxy
also measures changes in the mobility of ions resin systems are needed for two purposes.
present as impurities in the resin3941.Both of First, they are useful when selecting the best
these quantities correlate with resin viscosity in fiber and matrix combination for a particular
the early stages of cure and with mechanical application. Resin system choices can be
rigidity in the later stages of cure39,40,42. rapidly narrowed down to a few alternatives
70 Epoxy resins

when comparisons of key properties are made and many other properties of the composite can
from existing data tables or manufacturers’ be computed in advance, if one has the corre-
data sheets. sponding values for the fiber and the matrix.
Second, epoxy resin data are required in Tables 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 present property
micromechanics computations of composite data for three major resin systems: aliphatic
properties. Elastic constants, thermal expansion amine-cured, aromatic amine-cured and anhy-
coefficients, moisture absorption coefficients, dride-cured. Property data for commonly used
Table 3.8 An aliphatic amine-cured epoxy resin system, room-temperature curable1228

Resin system constituents Parts by weight

Epoxy: DGEBA, eg., DER 332 (Dow) 100
Curing agent: APTA, e.g. Jeffamine T-403 (Texaco) 45
Cure cycle: 16 h at 60°C (140°F)for improved properties over room temperature cure
Viscosity at 25°C (77°F) Heat distortion temperature at
0.8 Pa s (800 cP) 1820 kPa (264 psi) 62°C (144°F)
Density of cured resin at 25°C (77°F) Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
1.16 g ~ m - ~ from 298 to 374 K 66x “C-’
Volumetric shrinkage Average specific heat from
After gelation 4.4% l
’ 286 to 367 K 1.75~10~Jkg-lK~~
After cure 4.4%
Coefficient of thermal conductivity
Water absorption, wt. gain after 2 h in At 298 K 0.133 W m-’ K-’ a
boiling water 0.75% a At 318 K 0.174 Wm-’ K-’ a

At 336 K 0.210 W m-l K-’

Impact strength
(Izod notched bar test) 11.0 J m-’ of notch Compressive properties
Modulus of elasticity
Shear properties
3.48 GPa (504 ksi)
Failure stress 61 MPa (8.85 ksi)
Modulus of elasticity 1.27 GPa (184 ksi)
Tensile properties
Modulus of elasticity 3.24 GPa (470 ksi)

120 I I I I
Cures: 16
r 16 h @ 60°C 4 m

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0

Tensile strain % Compressive strain %

~~ -~ ~~~ __

a Cured for 24 h at 60°C (140°F) + 24 h at 77°C (171°F).

Property data for cured epoxy resin systems 71

Table 3.9 An aromatic amine-cured epoxy resin systemI3

Resin system constituents Parts by weight

Epoxy: DGEBA, e.g. Epon 826 (Shell) 100
Diluent: BDE, e.g. RD-2 (Ciba-Geigy) 25
Curing agent: MDA-MPDA eutectic, e.g. Tonox 6 0 4 0 (UniRoyal) 29
Cure cycle: 3 h at 60°C (140°F) + 2 h at 120°C (248°F)
Viscosity at 25°C (77°F) Water absorption, wt. gain
after 6 h in boiling water 0.93%
1.2 P a s (1200 CP)
Glass transition temperature
Time to reach 2.0 Pa s 6h
130°C (266°F)
Gel time for a 30-g mass at
25°C (77°F) 23 h Heat distortion temperature at
1820 kPa (264 psi) 121°C (250°F)
Density at 25°C (77°F)
Uncured 1.15 Mg m-3
Cured 1.21 Mg m-3 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
from 298 to 3755 K 6.81 x 10-5oc-1
Volumetric shrinkage
After gelation 3.7% Specific heat
After cure 5.4% At 363 K 1.54 x lo3J kg-' K-'
At 424 K 1.71 x lo3J kg-'K-'
Tensile properties
Modulus of elasticity 2.68 GPa (389 ksi) Coefficient of thermal conductivity
At 325 K 0:243 W m-' K-'
At 356 K 0.244 W rn-' K-'
100 I I I I - 14 At 389 K 0.256 W m-'K-'
Shear properties
80 Failure stress 52 MPa (7.54 ksi)
- 10 Compressive properties
._ Maximum stress 111MPa (16.1 ksi)
- 8 %
Strain at maximum stress 8.0 %
Modulus of elasticity 2.9 GPa (420 Ksi)
E - 6 G
5 40

- 4
- 2

0 2 4 6 a io-
Strain YO

epoxy resin formulations are often available procedures exist, e.g. as from the American
from resin suppliers. Data for new or unusual Society for Testing and Materials, they should
formulations must be generated by the user. be followed. Where they do not exist, litera-
Whether the data are generated by the resin ture references are helpful. Table 3.11 lists
supplier or the user, it is important that stan- some commonly tested properties and the
dard test procedures be followed. This will standard methods (American Society for
ensure that the resin systems can be compared Testing and Materials) describing the tests.
on an equal basis. Where standardized test
72 Epoxy resins

Table 3.10 An anhydride-cured epoxy resin systemI5

Resin system constituents Parts by weight
Epoxy: DGEBA, e.g. Epon 828 (Shell) 100
Curing agent: NMA 90
Accelerator: BDMA 1
Cure cycle: 3 h at 120°C (248°F) + 24 h at 150°C (302°F)

Viscosity at 27°C (81°F) 1.78 P a s (1780 cP)

Time to reach 100 Pa s (1000 cP) 556 days
Pot life of a 500 g mass at 23°C (73°F) 4-6 days
Heat distortion temperature at 1820 kPa (264 psi) 121°C (250°F)
Solvent absorption, wt. gain
After 24 h in boiling water 0.67%
After 3 h in boiling acetone 1.9%
Tensile properties At 23°C (73°F) At 100°C (212°F)
Maximum stress 72.4 MPa (10.5 ksi) 46.2 MPa (6.70 ksi)
Strain at maximum stress 2.7% 7.2%
Modulus of elasticity 3.45 GPa (500 ksi) 1.38 GPa (200 ksi)

Table 3.11 Standard test methods for cured epoxy resin systems

Property ASTM
Standard Method
Physical and chemical properties:
Specific gravity D792
Chemical resistance D543
Water absorption D570
Light and water exposure D1499
Electrical properties:
Volume resistivity D257
Surface resistivity D257
Dielectric strength D149
Dielectric breakdown voltage D149
Permittivity, dielectric constant D150
Dielectric loss D150
Thermal properties:
Heat deflection temperature D648
Glass transition temperature D4065
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion D696
Coefficient of thermal conductivity C177
Mechanical properties:
Tensile modulus and strength D638
Compressive modulus and strength D695
Flexural modulus and strength D790
Impact resistance D256
Dynamic mechanical properties:
Storage modulus D4065
Loss modulus D4065
Transition temperature D4065
References 73

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