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Accounting Issues Related to Bitcoins

Cecily Raiborn and Marcos Sivitanides

itcoins: they’re 2014). If BTC
mentioned in Despite the frequent mention of Bitcoin in recent exchange transac-
business news- years in the press and business publications, tions are occurring
papers, current peri- many people are still uncertain what this crypto- between buyers and
odicals, television currency is or how it works. And although bitcoins companies as well
shows, and movies. But (BTCs) are now an accepted medium of exchange as between compa-
often, when a discus- for some businesses and not-for-profit organiza- nies, the mechanics
sion about bitcoins is tions, no specific accounting guidance has been of accounting for
attempted, the most issued for these transactions. This article provides this virtual currency
common response is, must be identified.
some basic information about BTCs and addresses
“I’ve heard of them This article
but am not really sure six specific financial accounting issues: asset addresses how BTCs
what they are or how classification, mining activity, investment holdings, work and discusses
they work.” And there exchanges, merger and acquisition (M&A) transac- six specific financial
has been little acknowl- tions, and disclosure. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. accounting issues
edgment of bitcoins (asset classification,
(BTCs) in accounting mining activity,
literature; typing in “Bitcoin” of New York) currently allow investment holdings, exchanges,
into the Financial Accounting BTCs to be exchanged for goods merger and acquisition [M&A]
Standards Board (FASB) search or services. When Overstock. transactions, and disclosure)
engine in early 2014 provided com started accepting BTCs in related to accounting for BTCs.
this message: “Sorry no results January 2014, it “immediately
found on the search terms you grossed $100,000 in Bitcoin BITCOIN BASICS
entered.” orders” (Associated Press [AP],
But the use of cryptocurren- 2014) Two Las Vegas casinos For thousands of years,
cies, of which Bitcoin is the most began accepting BTCs for non- “money” was based on real
familiar, is increasing. From gaming transactions in January things: grains, tobacco, precious
June to December 2013, Bitcoin 2014 (Stutz, 2014). Some online metals, and so on. With the pas-
transactions increased from companies even organized spe- sage of time, governments began
1,700 per hour to over 3,000, cial “sales” for 2013’s Black Fri- the process of “fractional” bank-
and BTCs are accepted for pay- day if buyers would pay in BTCs ing that allowed more currency
ment by over 10,000 businesses (Miners, 2013). And in 2013, notes to be issued than could be
(National Taxpayer Advocate BTCs were used for two merger redeemed by the underlying hard
[NTA], 2013, p. 249). Some com- transactions: Blockchain bought currency. However, neither U.S.
panies (such as Virgin Group, Zeroblock for an undisclosed dollars nor other major world
the Sacramento Kings, and Tig- sum of BTCs, and an unnamed currencies are now redeem- and not-for-prof- buyer bought SatoshiDice for able in gold; thereby, “[m]oney
its (such as Junior Achievement $11.5 million in BTCs (Kharpal, has been cast adrift from the

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26 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015

discipline of being defined in one must have a safe place to it is “virtually impossible to
terms of any specified goods or store them—and that place is a duplicate or ’impersonate’ a
services” (Turnbull, 2009, p. 9). “wallet” that provides a record private key—even if you were
A bitcoin is a digital of personal BTC (or fractional to employ the most powerful
medium of exchange that is BTC) availability. A “hot” supercomputer in the world,” it
created, acquired, held, and wallet is an electronic, heavily is nearly impossible for some-
traded electronically. Unlike encrypted digital one directly one to rob an electronic wallet
a traditional fiat currency, no connected to the Internet, while (Robinson, 2013, p. 9). Crypto-
government (or other authorized a “cold” wallet is a noncon- currency transactions from the
agency, such as a bank) mints, nected item (such as a flash drive digital wallets are done “peer-
controls, or prints BTCs. BTCs or even a piece of paper) that to-peer,” which means that,
were the first and are probably contains information. The wallet when purchasing from a vendor
the most well-recognized exam- records all incoming and outgo- accepting BTC, the BTC price
ple of cryptocurrency, labeled ing transactions and may also of the item is directly transferred
as such because cryptography is be used to authenticate owner between the buyer’s and ven-
used to make the ownership and credentials (such as age). dor’s computer wallets without
trade of these digital currencies Wallets can be created using involvement of any other party
as secure from loss or theft as Internet software utilities, and such as a commercial bank.
possible. Programmer Satoshi the information can be placed For several years, physical
Nakamoto (a pseudonym) on any computer device used BTCs were produced. The most
invented BTC as the outcome to make electronic transactions well-known ones (Casascius
of a complex “proof-of-work” and linked to a traditional bank coins) were made in several dif-
scheme that requires the solv- account. Wallets can send and ferent denominations by Mike
ing of complex mathematical receive BTCs to any other digital Caldwell of Sandy, Utah. He
problems (a process referred to wallet without the need for the charged a nominal fee to cus-
as “mining”). Bitcoin problems transaction to be recorded or tomers to mint tangible BTCs
are solved in phases, with solu- processed by a third party (such that were protected by several
tions releasing blocks of about as a bank). Thus, transactions security levels, “including a
25 uniquely numbered BTCs are anonymous to anyone other touch-sensitive hologram,” and
(similar to a vehicle’s VIN) to than the transacting parties. could be used in the same man-
the problem solvers (“miners”) Each wallet is accessible ner as the virtual items (Anony-
but at a rate of no more than only through the use of cryp- mous, 2013).
25 BTCs every 10 minutes tographic algorithms and sets Over the years, Caldwell
(Smits, 2014). Each consecutive of passwords called public and minted about 90,000 BTCs
problem phase becomes more private keys. The public key is (McMillan, 2013). However, in
difficult, requiring more time, the computer address that other November 2013, Caldwell was
central processing unit (CPU) parties will need to engage in notified by the Financial Crimes
cycles, and computer power cost. transactions with an individual; Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
The finite supply of BTCs is the private key allows the owner to discontinue his BTC produc-
21 million coins, resulting from to open his/her digital wallet and tion because the U.S. Treasury
the “initial rules governing how send cryptocurrency to another Department classified him as
many bitcoins miners could computer address (public key). a “money transmitter,” which
earn, and how often” (Surow- Both types of keys are essen- subjected him to Bank Secu-
iecki, 2011, p. 107). Reach- tially passwords; however, secu- rity Act regulations (Goodwin
ing that level of bitcoins will rity is essential for private keys. Procter, 2014). Caldwell, though,
take several decades and, once In Bitcoin, a private key is a 256- accepted payment for his physi-
reached, increasing the number bit number that can be repre- cal BTCs only in virtual BTCs,
of bitcoins in circulation will sented in a hexadecimal format, so there was actually no “money”
be “a mathematical impossibil- in Base 58 wallet import format, involved in the process, and there
ity” and, thus, have “no pos- or in mini private key format was no bank account that could
sibility of monetary inflation” (see Exhibit 1). Public-private be seized “should he incur Fin-
(Lemieux, 2013, p. 14). key encryption is the most CEN’s wrath” (Plafke, 2013).
Before acquiring or trans- secure form of data encoding Utilization of BTCs has
acting with BTCs, however, currently available and, because reached the stage at which

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The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015 27

Exhibit 1

Examples of Private Keys

In hexadecimal format: 32 bytes or 64 characters in the range 0–9 or A–F.
C4 87 3D 58 C6 F9 7D C2 FB 6A 63 78 63 33 59 F4 45 41 13 30 3D B6 1D 20 AC 67 FB 23 3A A3 32 62
In Base 58 wallet import format: Private keys associated with uncompressed public keys are 51 characters and
always start with the number 5; private keys associated with compressed public keys are 52 characters and
always start with a capital L or K.
In mini private key format: Used where space is critical and in physical bitcoins.
Source: Adapted from Bitcoin Researcher in Research, Technology, “Wallet Private Key,” (February 24, 2014);

there are now some few-and-far- hensive basis of accounting” 2013, p. 346). Given that most
between ATM machines that (Lugo, 2013). However, regard- companies still do not currently
transact in BTCs. In the United less of the accounting basis, accept BTCs for exchange pro-
States, ATMs that deliver BTCs there are some BTC accounting cesses, the cash classification is
(in the form of paper tickets) for issues that need clarification. Of unrealistic.
cash were available in early 2014, course, for BTC accounting to The Central Bank of Fin-
but the first machine from which be representationally faithful to land has declared that BTCs
cash could be received for BTCs the events that generate the cryp- are “not currency or even an
took up residence at a bar in tocurrency and its exchange and electronic payment”; the latter
Austin, Texas, in February 2014 mining processes, those issues classification requires that such
(Jervis, 2014). Additionally, vari- are critical to proper accounting. a payment form “must have an
ous BTC apps are available for issuer responsible for its opera-
Android and iPhones. Asset Classification tion,” which bitcoin does not
Given the changes that have (Pohjanpalo, 2014). China’s cen-
taken place in the bitcoin land- A BTC fits the definition of tral bank banned lenders from
scape, companies are becoming an asset because it represents a handling the virtual currency,
more willing to accept BTCs for probable economic benefit for stating that it is not a currency
transactions. But because of the a particular entity and that has with “real meaning” and has
unusual nature of the exchange resulted from a past transac- no “legal status” (Yang, 2013).
process, several accounting tion (FASB, 1985, ¶25). But is a Governments in Norway, Korea,
issues need to be resolved. BTC cash, a cash equivalent, an and Germany have also taken
intangible, or an investment? stances that BTCs are not cur-
ACCOUNTING ISSUES To be considered cash, rency, with the director general
an item must be money (i.e., of taxation in Norway saying
According to one source, legal tender) and available for BTCs do not “fall under the
some FASB members indicated use in an exchange process. usual definition of money or
that no generally accepted Cash is considered “the stan- currency” (Russell, 2013; Wer-
accounting principles (GAAP) dard medium of exchange and digier, 2013).
exist for BTCs, which indicates the basis for measuring and FinCEN has stated that a
that BTC accounting “would accounting for all other assets” virtual currency is an exchange
fall under [an]other compre- (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, mechanism that exists in

© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI 10.1002/jcaf

28 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015

electronic form and acts like of cash. Even though BTCs Although BTCs are virtual
currency in some environments may be exchanged for actual and, except for some limited
(such as electronic transactions). money denominated in various number of coins that were man-
However, a virtual currency government-issued and -backed ufactured, have no true physical
“does not have all the attributes currencies, one could hardly say existence, the intangible asset
of real currency” and “does not that BTCs are “highly liquid.” classification is inappropriate for
constitute legal tender” in any BTCs cannot be deposited into any cyptocurrency. Intangibles
jurisdiction (Fisher & Kaplinsky, a typical bank or savings institu- specifically exclude financial
2013; Goodwin Procter, 2014). tion in the United States or most instruments from inclusion. And
The U.S. Department of Jus- countries abroad. BTCs also while BTCs cannot be viewed as
tice believes that BTCs can be a cannot be “cashed” or obtained cash, they cannot be ignored as
“legal means of exchange,” exist- at most ATMs. Such limited a financial exchange medium.
ing as “software that’s designed access would seem to preclude a Given all that they cannot
to be untraceable”; additionally, concept of “highly liquid.” be, the only reasonable asset
former Federal Reserve Chair- As to BTCs’ being eas- classification for BTCs is either
man Ben Bernanke stated in a ily exchanged into a known a short- or long-term invest-
letter to a U.S. Senate commit- cash amount, the market value ment. Holding BTCs as invest-
tee hearing that the Fed “has no fluctuations of BTCs relative ments would require them to
plans to regulate the currency” to any “real” currency would be booked at their value when
(Raskin, 2013). cast doubt on that concept. On received. An officer of the Bank
In January 2014, a FinCen July 18, 2012, one BTC was of Finland stated that BTCs
Administrative Ruling indicated worth about $9.20, which was were “comparable to a com-
that some participants in the approximately a 40% increase modity” (Pohjanpalo, 2014).
BTC economy will be regu- over the prior month (Lee, 2012). But a commodity is typically
lated as ‘money transmitters’ According to, viewed as “a basic good used in
or ‘money services businesses’ the weighted price of a BTC commerce [including a financial
(MSBs) under the Bank Secrecy on July 23, 2013, was $94.64, product] that is interchangeable
Act, while other participants which increased to $1,209.94 on with other commodities of the
would not be treated as such. November 30, 2013, was down same type” for which the sale
Bitcoin miners will not be to $894.83 on January 17, 2014, and purchase “is usually carried
treated as MSBs if those miners and a mere $426.96, on August out through futures contracts on
use BTCs and/or convert BTCs 15, 2014. Thus, there can be exchanges that standardize the
into other real or virtual curren- significant risk in regards to quantity and minimum quality
cies solely for personal purposes, changes in value on a day-to-day of the commodity being traded”
or if those miners purchase and basis, making any prediction (Investopedia, n.d.). This defini-
sell cryptocurrency for their of a “known amount of cash” tion makes it difficult to see a
investment accounts; nor does extremely difficult. Consider that BTC as a commodity since each
the production or distribution after a seizure of Silk Road (an BTC or other virtual currency
of software production that anonymous online entity whose is not “interchangeable” or fun-
facilitates the sale of virtual business was drug purchases gible because of the variations
currencies constitute an MSB and computer hacking services) in cost and acceptance as an
(Greebel et al., 2014). While a by the U.S. Marshals Service exchange medium.
“money services” designation in 2013, the value of the BTCs In late March 2014, the
provides some level of credence seized went from $3.6 million to U.S. Internal Revenue Service
to a link between virtual curren- $27 million in six months (Flitter, declared that BTCs and other
cies and cash, that linkage does 2014). U.S. banking institutions virtual currencies will be treated
not appear to be sufficient to have expressed their leeriness of as stock with the implicit con-
assign a cash classification to a cryptocurrencies by aggregating sequences of transactional
BTC asset. virtual currency companies with capital gains. Although this
A bitcoin would also not marijuana merchants, payday proclamation reinforces the
meet a cash equivalent defini- lenders, and online gamblers as determination that BTCs are not
tion: it is neither a highly liquid customers that are being “fired” cash, it concomitantly imposes
asset nor can it be readily con- in the name of risk management substantial rules for record keep-
vertible into a known amount (Sidel & Johnson, 2014). ing on companies engaging in

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The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015 29

BTC transactions, and regula- a trade discount that is unac- for an entity nor can they cre-
tors have indicated that BTC counted for in the transaction? ate ownership investment. Thus,
exchange processes must comply The amount at that time was there are two possible scenarios.
with existing money laundering, likely immaterial, but larger The first would be to consider
fraud, and other rules (McKin- differentials might arise in the BTCs as something that is being
non & Tracy, 2014). future if companies are truly try- internally developed so that it
ing to generate BTC sales. Such can be sold—in other words,
Mining Transaction contra-account details are rarely something similar to inventory
shown on the face of the income or software. Costs of creat-
The next question relates to statement but, given the wide ing inventory are capitalized
the credit portion of the BTC fluctuations in BTC value, inves- until the goods are complete
acquisition journal entry. For tors and creditors might believe and ready for sale. Addition-
most circumstances, this side of the proportion of BTC sales ally, because BTCs already have
the transaction is simple. Pur- to “other” types of sales to be “technological feasibility” in
chases of BTCs would be deb- decision-influencing information that they can be sold or used
ited to an investment account that should be provided through for transactional payment,
and credited to whatever was some form of disclosure. proper accounting for software
given in the exchange transac- The real concern is when development would also require
tion: cash (for the amount was BTCs are acquired through that BTC production costs
given to the selling party); sales “mining” activities. In the nor- be capitalized. Thus, costs of
revenue (if related to a revenue mal scheme of events, a com- labor and overhead for mining
transaction); an appropriate pany does not generate financial for BTCs should be capitalized
stock account (at par or stated products solely from engaging and allocated to the quantity of
value with an increase/decrease in internal activities. But that is BTCs mined and matched with
to the appropriate paid-in capi- what the process of “mining” revenue generated from the sale
tal account, or the entire amount does: it creates additional BTCs of the BTCs or, if used in a pay-
would be credited to the appro- for an entity that previously did ment or purchase process, writ-
priate stock account if the stock not have those particular bit- ten off with a resultant realized
were no par, no stated value); coins. In a sole proprietorship or gain or loss on the payment/pur-
or Bitcoin account payable. partnership, the solving of com- chase transaction. Mining costs
If BTCs were acquired by the plex algorithms could be consid- for BTCs can be expensive when
exchange of an asset other than ered an ownership investment of the costs of “furiously churning”
cash, the other asset would be time and effort that might result computers and related electric-
removed from the books (includ- in a credit to one or more owner ity are considered (Krugman,
ing any related contra-accounts), capital accounts. A similar credit 2013). One cost computation by
and there would likely be a gain could not occur in a corporate a peer-to-peer currency orga-
or loss on the exchange. entity; however, stock shares nization suggests that approxi-
Small details as to amounts could be issued to someone who mately $17 million per day is
to recognize might arise, for made the personal sacrifice and, spent on mining BTCs that are
example, in a sales transaction. thus, result in a credit to com- worth less than their cost, with
In 2013, several companies mon or preferred stock (with, if an estimated operating margin
dropped prices for Black Fri- necessary, appropriate adjust- of –329.04% (Fernholz, 2013).
day customers paying in BTCs. ments to paid-in capital in excess A second possible account-
Should the sales account reflect of par, or stated, value). Or cash ing methodology would expense
the actual sale price to non-BTC could be paid to the solving the costs of bitcoin mining as
payers with a sales discount individual(s) and a credit to cash they were incurred; however,
account being recorded for would be fitting. when a bitcoin was generated, its
the price differential between A difficulty exists about the fair value would be recorded as
non-BTC and BTC payers? Or credit in a mining transaction both an asset and an unrealized
should the sales revenue reflect if the person engaged in the gain in comprehensive income.
the actual amount paid by BTC mining process and solving the Simple acquisition of a BTC
payers as if they were simply BTC algorithms were simply an could be viewed as a noncom-
an alternative customer group employee. Employees doing their pletion of the earnings process:
that receives a special price or jobs cannot generate revenue it is not until the BTC is used

© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI 10.1002/jcaf

30 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015

outside the organization that performing hedge fund between or excluded from net income
value becomes realized. Upon January and November 2013, and shown as part of compre-
sale or use for a business pur- with a return of 4,847 percent hensive income on the balance
pose (a payment/purchase trans- (Hedgeweek, 2013). The Bit- sheet (as would be the case with
action), the asset and unrealized coin Fund strategy is simple: A available-for-sale securities).
gain would be decreased, and a fund unit is equal to the price Companies accepting BTCs
realized gain (or loss) would be of one BTC and the fund buys in the normal course of business
recorded through the income bitcoins when money is invested operations (e.g., for sales trans-
statement. That full amount in the fund and sells BTCs when actions) are likely to be more
of the BTC’s value would pro- money is withdrawn (Yanofsky, inclined to utilize those same
vide an increase to ownership 2013). However, most compa- BTCs for payment transactions,
equity through retained earnings nies would likely not participate thereby indicating the basic
(which would be similar to the in Bitcoin Fund because its fees intention to sell BTCs in a short
increase in a sole proprietorship are high for performing an activ- period of time—making those
or partnership capital account). ity—buying or selling bitcoins— BTCs trading securities. Given
that anyone can do “with a com- the massive fluctuations in BTC
Holding Process puter and a modicum of work” value, periodic income could
(Yanofsky, 2013). Additionally, be skewed greatly if a large
As with other investments, in December 2013, Predictious quantity of BTCs were held at
BTCs will increase or decrease (a Dublin-based prediction mar- a financial statement date after
in value while held. At this time, ket) launched Bitcoin Option significant value fluctuations
BTC investments are substan- Spreads that allowed “both had occurred.
tially more speculative than long- and short-positions to be Consider that the (rounded)
many other investments, and the constructed” on BTCs (Dur- market price (according to Coin-
available hedging opportunities den, 2013); Exhibit 2 provides of one BTC went
are few and basically unknown. a glimpse of BTC bid and ask from $1,117 to $723 between
For example, Coinhedge claims prices at one point in time. Wednesday, December 4, and
that it has “built a financial Citigroup’s Dr. Steven Eng- Saturday, December 7, 2013. A
derivatives market based on” lander (Managing Director and company holding 1,000 BTCs as
decentralization, anonymity, and Global Head of G10 Strategy) trading securities over that time
responsiveness for BTC users, indicates that most businesses frame and preparing a set of
but accessing the Coinhedge site accepting BTCs are doing so financial statements on Decem-
provides no readable informa- simply on a transactional basis ber 7 would have had needed to
tion about the company. and are not holding them as show a $394,000 unrealized loss
In 2011, the Malta Financial assets (Detrixhe, 2014a). A third on its income statement.
Services Authority began the party (oftentimes Coinbase) is And it is possible that hold-
Exante Hedge Fund (not avail- used to rapidly swap the BTCs ing BTCs may occasionally
able at that time to U.S. persons for local currency to eliminate be required—not because a
and institutions); Exante then the “foreign-exchange risk for company desires to do so but
incorporated Bitcoin Fund as the retailer” (Detrixhe, 2014). because of an inability to adjust
a segregated account company Regardless of the ability its BTC investment position.
(subfund) to invest “in core- to rapidly exchange, there is For example, in early February
level infrastructure of the new the potential that a company 2014, Japan’s Mt. Gox (the most
generation economy” (Matonis, will hold BTCs when financial well-known BTC exchange)
2013a). Bitcoin Fund began an statements are prepared; such abruptly suspended the abil-
Automatic Trading Platform an instance would require rec- ity of customers to withdraw
(ATP) in mid-2013 to “allow ognition of the investment at funds “to fix a technical glitch
share trading by investors, thus fair value on the balance sheet in its trading platform” (McMil-
providing the capability to take and would generate an unreal- lan, 2014). The exchange col-
long or short bitcoin positions ized gain or loss. The question lapsed later that month after
depending on investment out- is whether those gains/losses announcing that it had “lost”
look” (Matonis, 2013b). should be reported as part of about 750,000 customer-owned
According to Hedgeweek, periodic net income (as would be and 100,000 of its own BTCs,
the Bitcoin Fund was the best the case with trading securities) although about 200,000 BTCs

DOI 10.1002/jcaf © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015 31

appropriate to value the newly

acquired asset at the value of
Exhibit 2 what was received rather than
what was given up—creating a
difference in the gain or loss to
Predictious Bitcoin Prices on February 9 and be recognized on the exchange.
August 15, 2014 Another question is whether
BTCs, although not actually
With 10 months of the year left, the BTC “year-high bets” were as money, might be perceived as
follows: “boot” in the exchange process
if given in connection with other
In 2014, Bitcoin to reach Sell at Buy at
nonmonetary assets.
$15,000 0.62 1.99
$10,000 1.51 2.29 M&A Process
$7,000 2.13 5.74
A continuation of the
$5,000 2.71 5.99
exchange transaction question
$3,000 3.08 8.49 relates to the use of BTCs in
$2,000 3.51 9.75 merger and acquisition process.
The first major acquisition
With 4 months of the year left, the BTC “year-high bets” were as deal was in July 2013 when an
follows: undisclosed buyer purchased
In 2014, Bitcoin to reach Sell at Buy at SatoshiDice (an online dice
$15,000 0.29 0.55 game that used BTCs to gamble)
for 126,315 BTCs worth approx-
$10,000 0.29 0.55
imately $11.47 million when
$7,000 0.29 0.59 the deal closed (Ludwig, 2014).
$5,000 0.29 0.95 Erik Voorhees, the gaming com-
$3,000 0.62 1.75 pany owner, was then charged
by the Securities and Exchange
$2,000 0.85 2.65
Commission (SEC) for offering
Source: unregistered securities; Voorhees
settled the charges by disgorg-
ing slightly less than $16,000 in
were later recovered (Abrams, each bitcoin used in an exchange profits plus a $35,000 penalty:
2014). Another difficulty created process first needs to be com- “All issuers selling securities to
by the collapse of Mt. Gox is the puted. The likelihood of the the public must comply with the
determination of value: Which historical cost being equal to the registration provisions of the
BTC exchange should be used to current value is slim; some BTCs securities laws, including issuers
assess BTC value in the event of exchanged will generate gains, who seek to raise funds using
differing options in the market- while others may generate losses. Bitcoin [and other] digital cur-
place? The question exists, however, rencies” (U.S. SEC, 2014).
as to whether the BTC value at In late 2013, Blockchain (a
Exchange Transaction the actual date of the exchange BTC wallet company) acquired
represents the most appropriate ZeroBlock (a BTC market data
When a nonmonetary asset amount at which to account for and news app) for an undis-
is exchanged for another asset, the transaction. Given the mas- closed number of BTCs; in
the new asset should be recorded sive fluctuation in BTC valua- 2014, Blockchain also bought
at the value of what was given tions, the bitcoin recipient in the RTBTC—also all in bitcoins—
up or what was received, which- exchange process might want to and will brand that company as
ever is more readily determin- inflate the number of BTCs to the ZeroBlock Trading Platform.
able. Because each bitcoin is spe- be received to compensate for Nic Carey, CEO of Blockchain,
cifically identifiable through its a potential rapid drop in value. indicated that his company’s
private key number, the cost of In such cases, it may be more BTC acquisition deals are

© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI 10.1002/jcaf

32 The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance / January/February 2015

structured in a manner to help the companies are not yet ment users who currently have
protect against some level of generating positive cash flow, even a reasonable level of com-
volatility, including making pay- often because the company prehension about that system
ments at several different times leaders have reputations for is likely minimal. Thus, the
because of BTC price fluctua- exciting product development potential depth and breadth of
tions (Bloomberg TV, 2014). (Tode, 2012). Thus, valua- financial statement disclosures
Positive aspects of using tion of the app being acquired should be of significant con-
BTCs in M&A transactions are should likely reflect the current cern to organizations dealing
that payment is almost instanta- number of users, app platform, in BTCs. As was the case with
neous (assuming that staggered revenue potential (if any) from Enron’s (and other companies’)
payments have not been negoti- in-app purchases, and expected inadequate disclosure about
ated), bank and clearinghouse growth. App valuation might off-balance-sheet entities, details
fees are eliminated, and foreign also be affected by BTC value: about BTC transactions—as a
currency exchange costs can be significant reductions (increases) new business practice—could
avoided in cross-border transac- in BTC value might reduce potentially create an ability for
tions. On the negative side, the (increase) the number of users. earnings management.
primary concern is unpredict- Thus, as BTC value changes, Thus, it is imperative that
ability of BTC value as aligned the total purchase price of the companies be given some level
with any fiat currency; that acquiree could change, which of disclosure guidance relative
volatility creates significant risk would simultaneously change to BTC transactions. Narrative
when the BTCs are converted the value of the assets acquired details could amplify the finan-
into those fiat currencies. Other and the amount of goodwill or cial statement quantitative data
issues are the “lack of regula- gain from bargain purchase (if and thereby allow investors and
tory oversight and legal recourse any) to record which would, in creditors to judge the possibil-
in the event of theft or fraud as turn, affect future profitability. ity of “information asymmetry
well as a susceptibility of the These factors do not even con- between management and stock-
Bitcoin network to malfunction sider the income tax implications holders and among buyers and
and hackers” (Josselyn, 2014); to related to the underlying cost of sellers of the company’s stock”
illustrate, one might simply con- the BTCs used by the acquirer in as well as to reduce information-
sider the collapse of Mt. Gox the M&A process. gathering costs for financial
and the effect on BTC valuation. statement users (Chandra,
M&A agreements would Disclosure Activity Ettredge, & Stone, 2006).
likely have to contain maxi-
mum and minimum purchase The basic objective of CONCLUSION
prices stated in a fiat currency financial reporting is to provide
to protect both buyer and seller. useful information about orga- Bitcoins are not the only
Because of the major varia- nizational activities to investors virtual currency but are prob-
tions in BTC values, staggered and creditors who have at least ably the best known. Other
payments make good business a basic level of comprehension cryptocurrencies include Linden
sense but could have complex about business activities. The Dollar, Litecoin, Peercoin, Fre-
effects on valuations of tangible full-disclosure principle indicates icoin, and Ripple. Some social
and identifiable intangible— that companies are obligated networking sites have currencies
especially those not previously to provide all information that for their own users, and there is
recorded on the books of the would likely influence the deci- competition among some virtual
acquiree—assets recorded by the sions of an informed user in an currencies to be the “economic
acquirer as well as the potential understandable and nonmislead- engines” for some other sites.
for contingent consideration to ing fashion. Given the complex A specified 21 million BTC
be involved in the acquisition. technicalities and experimental limit by 2140 theoretically helps
For example, assume that an nature of the BTC system, the to “ensure continued price
acquirer purchases a company ability of companies to provide rises, thereby promoting hoard-
whose primary asset is an app lucid disclosures about BTC ing behavior that undermines
related to BTC market data. transactions and holdings may bitcoin’s transactional utility,”
Mobile apps are often selling for be exceptionally difficult—and although hoarding does not
10 times revenue even though the number of financial state- seem to be highly prevalent as

DOI 10.1002/jcaf © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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Cecily Raiborn is the McCoy Endowed Chair in Accounting at Texas State University (San Marcos, TX). She
has a PhD in accounting from Louisiana State University and is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Her research and teaching interests include financial and manage-
ment accounting, ethics, and fraud prevention. Marcos Sivitanides is an associate professor of Computer
Information Systems at Texas State University. He has a PhD in information systems from the University of
Texas at Austin and is a Certified Computer Professional (CCP). His research and teaching interests are in
software development, new information technologies, database design, and systems development.

DOI 10.1002/jcaf © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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