Stereotype: By: Khusnulatin Ogi' Ferlidia

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By : Khusnulatin Ogi’ Ferlidia


stereotype is any commonly known public


belief about a certain social group or a type

of individual.
Types Stereotype
A Racial Stereotypes

B Gender Stereotypes

C Cultures

D Groups of Individuals

E Sexual Stereotypes
Racial Stereotypes
Saying that all Blacks are good at sports is a
because it's grouping the race together to
indicate that everyone of that race is a good
Gender Stereotypes
if you say that male are better than female,
you're stereotyping all men and all women.
Stereotypes also exist about cultures an
countries as a whole. Stereotype examples
of this sort include the premises that:

• All Americans are generally considered to be

friendly, generous, and tolerant, but also
arrogant, impatient, and domineering.
• All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to
eat rice and drive slow.
• All Jews are greedy.
Groups of Individuals
A different type of stereotype also involves grouping of
individuals. Skaters, Goths, Gangsters, and Preps are a
few examples. Most of this stereotyping is taking place in
schools. For example:

• Goths wear black clothes, black makeup, are depressed

and hated by society.
• Punks wear mohawks, spikes, chains, are a menace to
society and are always getting in trouble.
• All politicians are philanders and think only of personal
gain and benefit.
• Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
Sexual Stereotypes
These stereotypes occur when you have
negative views on gays, lesbians, and
transgender individuals.
Why Is it Bad to Stereotype?

Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also

wrong. Even if the stereotype is correct in some
cases, constantly putting someone down based
on your preconceived
perceptions will not encourage them to
Stereotype Don't easily believe
is a mistaken idea or belief stereotypes.
many people have about a
thing or group that is based
upon how they look on the
outside, which may be untrue or
only partly true.
Thank you

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