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Running head: Caterpillar Tunneling case 1



Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3

2. Why was BI important at CTCC? What value could it provide to the firm?...........................3

3. What were the challenges CTCC encountered while adopting BI? Consider the management,

organization, and technology factors...............................................................................................4

4. What does M&A effect on BI implementation at CTCC?.......................................................5

5. Proposed Solutions/Recommendation:.....................................................................................6

6. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................8

1. Introduction

Caterpillar Tunneling Case: Strengthening customer receiving of business reasoning

basically discusses various points with Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Corporation (CTCC) which

was a subdivision of Caterpillar Inc., a former U.S company. The CTCC has trade in with a

number of important matters, including data unpredictability, poorly defined procedures, a weak

operation Resource planning (ORP) system and different communicating of information within

the firm. CTCC was formerly known as Lovat Inc., obtained by Caterpillar to make it a

subdivision of the parent firm. The firm has been a manufacturer of tunnel automation, which

produces tunnel drills (TBMs). [ CITATION Mel18 \l 1033 ]

1. Why was BI important at CTCC? What value could it provide to the firm?

Basically, problems for the firm started in middle of 2010 - 2011 when the firm decided

to shift or improve its IT base to SAP from a personalized business (BI) network. Although, SAP

would have been an effective change but it has not been repeated in business due to restricted

resources and lack of asset issuance issues at CTCC. But, it is important to know that the BI

network was a successful tool because it made a chain and successfully empowered the data

origin. The BI network was a personalized device, which was a feasible step rather than working

for a firm but working with good results. However, not all business sections in this firm are BI

guaranteed due to different global communicating results and BI port fixed results. Apart from

crucial practical issues, CTCC was a productive organization that had a few divisions operating.

And by having BI devices which have the abilities to upgrading asset administration,

reduce ineffective wastes and clarify the operations of automation of usual tasks. Main data

accessible from any place, on any device will reduce administration time and importantly will

increase data capacity and accuracy.

Remarkable gain can be made in manufacturing through more time for marketing

employees, more reactive consumer service and faster evaluation of product growth series and

marketing drives.[ CITATION Mal83 \l 1033 ]

2. What were the challenges CTCC encountered while adopting BI? Consider the

management, organization, and technology factors.

As the case says, the CTCC experienced numerous of issues and challenges as it was

inadequate to use SAP due to a low number of fund within the firm. As part of SAP, the firm

introduced an understanding (BI) network as an ERP structure. The most fundamental and

apparent issue at CTCC is that from before Caterpillar obtained, CTCC was a family-operated

business; therefore, many of the decisions taken by the company were actual. In association with

this, the project- build model or model used within the CTCC was originally very separated from

that used by Caterpillar. The firm has used a repeated manufacturing model, which has made it

hard for the firm to grow manufacturing policies within the recently obtained company. In

association with this, before the possession took place at CTCC it was an estimate administration

structure that was quite eased and actually did not satisfied to the complication of quality

reporting. In fact, the model was so advanced and untrustworthy that it took months after the

work was completed. It was an additional allocation of funds program and the value had

surpassed the levels they were looking for.[ CITATION JGH87 \l 1033 ]

Department of IT

The IT section at CTCC was not a planned business component, it was literally a

corporate support purpose. Through the new ERP structure, the IT section is secured from the

movement of entering and existing system traffic. But, it had some practical difficulty such as

the ERP structure which did not have an official check by the firm to know and find the backup

-company in order to utilize better use of IT functions. In association with this, ERP has

questioned speed, which has created a circumstances where local customers need greater services

that are not yet provided to them.

Department of Resource Planning

This was also an important problem for the CTCC, the cause for which was that the ERP

sections had 2 ERP examiner, who were accountable for managing and managing the business

and features of the ERP in the firm. But, they were well placed with the company's ERP

directory, which was useful in creating and solving client’s questions. But the issue lifted in the

CTCC was that it did not have a particular plan to control customer inquiry and worries. They

work well in their own way and have no way to save and save the details. Therefore, the use of

the BI remained comparatively small.

3. What does M&A effect on BI implementation at CTCC?

Acquisition and Mergers is a useful business plan to confirm that they are feasible

aggressive position. Due to the huge amount of money complicated in the sale of M&A, it is

hard for the receiver to finish the deals only with their inner fundraising, and investment has

become an important part. In fact, individual perspective to M&A finance are connected to

disagreement. Important M&A costs include investment threats, and legislative structure, each

of which creates signals in a market that could straightly affect the victory or failure of M&A

directly, and the following grantee performance.

In case, managing an M&A happening as business intelligence (BI) at CTCC’s

difficulties will make a hurting, workable, fast, certain, and inexpensive detail solutions. BI

implementation and mechanics give the CTCC ability to counter to the details of queries that

need quickly answered while expanding the transformation and combination opening. And time

is the best asset of CTCC to have mutual business strategies that develop the best possible

solutions and best practices.

4. Proposed Solutions/Recommendation:

They are two possible proposed solutions for CTCC to move forward with business

analytics: [ CITATION Mel18 \l 1033 ]

To refine local BI for Functionality and long-term engagement

 Organize the meeting with all the department’s crew to state the business process from start

to scratch. Then define each stage individually with relevant data.

 Develop the possible procedures to improve the operations to make desirable profit.

 Organize different workshops based on BI system’s functionalities and distribute report


 Ask corporate to assign an ERP Rep within GIS unit in charge of insuring that

communications are properly channeled with local team.

 Assess report templates to be more adaptable for user needs.

 Keep browsing the social media channel to distribute and expand the information.

 Focus on the culture and try to improve its weaknesses.


To make integration with corporate easier in the long term

 Do a formal evaluation and examine the overall information of the company, determine how

subsidiary could better hold corporate IT resources.

 Consult the external management to advice on the integration of data resources and

improving the current structure to make it easier for SAP to integrate and create an acquired

template in the future.

 Create a team composed of technical and operational people who help the consultant with

drafting the SAP and ERP department.

 Distinct the finance department from the ERP department.

 Prepare more formal documents on BI system functionalities and management protocols.

 Ask the GIS manager to spend some time with the local team to understand their needs and

fulfil them.

 Fulfil the BI demands and understand their needs.

For CCTC to move forward with business analysis it is dominant for them to educate the

crew’s member of the office about everything from start to scratch and develop the required

procedures to make desirable profit. It is also important for CCTC to be active on social media

for the deliverance and expansion of any related knowledge. It also recommended that CCTC

have to fulfil BI demands and needs in order to make a desirable profit.

5. Bibliography

J.G.H.Hermsen. (1987). New mechanical constructions for the scanning tunneling microscope.

Research Institute for Materials, Toernooiveld, 6525 ED Nijmegen.

Maliovanov, D. I. (1983). Creation of tunelling equipment. Shakhtnoe Stroit.

Ucros, M. (2018). BI Case study.

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