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DEPARTMENT: College of Teacher Education DEPT. HEAD: Dr. Corazon Mondelo

YEARS OF SERVICE: 1 year ALIAS: (any secret name)

Please complete and return this department assessment form to the EVP office by April 16 (Friday).
Please assess your department and department head as honestly as possible. All assessment forms will be strictly
confidential and only seen by the EVP. This will also be used as part of the salary review process.

Rate each statement as it applies to your department. 1-lowest, 4 highest.

Rating Scale: 4 - Outstanding/Role Model 3 - Very Competent

2 - Satisfactory 1 - Inexperienced or Improvement Needed
Category Rating

a. My work unit works well together. 3

b. The person I report to treats me with respect. 4

c. Different work units work well together in this organization (FRV college) 3

d. I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job. 3

e. This department conducts business in an ethical manner. 3

f. I am in involved in decisions that affect my work. 3

g. This organization provides high quality care and service. 3

h. This organization supports me in balancing my work life & personal life. 3

i. I like the work I do in my department. 4

j. This organization treats employees with respect. 4

k. My job makes good use of my skills & abilities. 4

l. This organization provides career development opportunities. 4

m. I respect the abilities of the person to whom I report. 4

n. The person I report to is a good communicator. 4

o. I feel my skills continuously improve thanks to my department. 4

Thank you for filling up this assessment form.

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