Exp2 (Study of AM Demodulation)

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Name OF THE EXPERIMENT Study of AM Demodulation

1. To understand the theory of amplitude demodulation.
2. To design and implement the diode detection amplitude demodulation.

Basic theory
If you've completed Experiment 1 then you are familiar with amplitude modulation. Importantly, you would
have seen a key characteristic of an AM signal — its envelopes are the same shape as the message (though the
lower envelope is inverted).
Recovering the original message from a modulated carrier is called demodulation and this is the main purpose
of communications and telecommunications receivers. The circuit that is widely used to demodulate AM signals
is called an diode detector diode. The block diagram of an diode detector is shown in Figure below.

As you can see, the rectifier stage chops the AM signal in half letting only one of its envelopes through (the
upper envelope in this case but the lower envelope is just as good). This signal is fed to an RC LPF which tracks
the peaks of its input. When the input to the RC LPF is a rectified AM signal it tracks the signal’s envelope.
Importantly as the envelope is the same shape as the message the RC LPF’s output voltage is also the same
shape as the message and so the AM signal is demodulated.
Required Equipment:
1. Power supply (ETEK — 2002 module)
2. Signal Generator (ETEK — 2002 module)
3. Oscilloscope
4. ETEK ACS-3000-02 module

Circuit Diagram:

Figure 2-2: Circuit Diagram Diode Detector

Working Procedure:
1. Refer to figure-2-1 (ACS 3-2 on ETEK ACS-3000-02) module. Let J1 be short circuit and J2 be open
circuit to produce the modulated AM signal as the signal source in this experiment.
2. At audio signal input port (Audio I/P), input 600mV amplitude, 3 kHz sine wave frequency; at carrier
signal input port (Carrier 1/P); input 300mV amplitude, 300 kHz sine wave frequency.
3. Adjust VR1 so that the modulation index of the AM signal is maximum. Adjust VR2 so that the signal
at AM 0/P1 is 250mVp-p
4. Connect the output signal of the AM modulator (AM O/P1) to the input port (AM I/P) of diode detector
in Figure 2-2 (ACS4-1 on ETEK ACS-3000-02 module).
5. By using oscilloscope, observe on the output signal waveforms of the demodulated AM output port
(Audio O/P). Then record/draw the measured results in Table 2-1.
6. According to the input signals in Table 2-1, repeat step 4 & 5 and record/draw the measured results in
Table 2-1.
7. According to the input signals in Table 2-2, repeat step 3 to step 5 and record/draw the measured results
in Table 2-2.

Measured Results:
Table 2-1: Observe on the variation of amplitude modulation by changing the amplitude of audio signal.
(fm=2 KHz,fc=300KHz,Vc=300mV)

Output Signal Ports Audio signal amplitudes

600mV 300mV
Audio O/P

Table 2-2: Observe on the variation of amplitude modulation by changing the frequency of audio signal.
(Vm=600m, fc=300KHz,Vc=300mV)
Output Signal Ports Audio signal frequencies

3kHz 6kHz
Audio O/P

Some technical questions

1. What is the relationship between the original message signal and the recovered message?
2. What is the relationship between the amplitude of the two message signals?

Report Format
Report should be written by following below steps:
1. Objective
2. Basic theory
3. Equipment/Apparatus
4. Connection diagram or Block diagram
5. Input, Output
6. Discussion
7. Answer to the given questions

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