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11/28 1 Brainstorming

12/7 1 and 1/2 Brainstorming

12/8 1/2 Started script, finished the


12/11 2 Brainstormed about the

specific topics

12/29 2 Continued research of the

scientific method, developed

1/3 2 Started research on Earth

Science, started script for the

1/9 1 and 1/2 Worked on Earth Science


1/26 3 Wrote emails and contacted

my mentor

2/13 1 Finished Earth Science script

2/21 3 Finished Biology script

3/5 1 and 1/2 Started World Culture script

3/6 1 Finished World Culture script

3/10 1/2 Planned filming times

3/19 2 Started filming for the final


3/21 4 Filmed specific scenes

outside of normal filming area
i.e. caveman skit

3/27 3 Met up with Ryan at the

Grand Canyon, filmed
required scenes in the area

3/29 3 Finalized scripts on my way

home from the Grand Canyon

4/2 3 and 1/2 Filmed greenscreen scenes

4/3 4 Continued filming

4/4 2 Finished filming

4/5 4 Edited Scientific Method &

first half of Biology

4/6 5 Finished editing Biology and

edited first half of Earth

4/7 4 Finished editing Earth

Science, finished editing
World Culture

4/8 2 Started portfolio

4/9 5 Worked on portfolio

4/11 5 Worked on portfolio

4/14 3 Finished up portfolio

Total Time: 70 hours

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