Directions (1-10) : Read The Given Passage and Fill in The Blanks Accordingly

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Directions(1-10): Read the given passage and fill in the blanks accordingly:

In tandem with the __1__ in society, an operative change in technology has been witnessed. As __2__
avenues emerge, Science unfailingly __3__ challenge after challenge in the path of law, as each new
mechanism knocks on the doors of the Intellectual Property system, __4__ protection therein.
Protecting some of these technologies are often grey areas in the Indian Patent system. One such
avenue, __5__ has kicked up much consternation, is the field of nanotechnology. The factor that __6__
nanotechnology unique is that it uses a process distinct __7__ that of traditional forms of technology.
Most top down manufacturing processes take the help __8__ the top down process wherein
__9__ blocks are broken down __10__ smaller ones.

1. A. Change

B. changes

C. changing

D. changed

2. A. new

B. newer

C. newest

D. renewed

3. A. throw

B. threw

C. throws

D. throwed

4. A. seek

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B. to seek

C. seeking

D. seeked

5. A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. that

6. A. make

B. makes

C. made

D. making

7. A. with

B. of

C. by

D. from

8. A. of

B. from

C. to

D. by

9. A. large

B. larger

C. largest

D. most large

10. A. in

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B. into

C. to

D. from

Directions(11-16): Read the given statements and arrange them to form coherent passages:

11. A. one is the top-down approach,

B. whereby structures are made smaller and smaller

C. There are two main ways of applying nanotechnology so far:

D. until they reach a nanometre scale using larger elements.


12. A. put on the burgeoning industry,

B. it is imperative for the current patent doctrines

C. to effectively respond to new technology.

D. Given what is at stake and the high expectations


13. A. nano-carbon tubes and bucky-balls for making extremely rigid constructions,

B. Well-known examples of nanotechnology are

C. quantum dots which can be applied as markers for labeling purposes,

D. and dendrimers that may be used for drug delivery purposes.


14. A. by removing the unwanted segments of the same.

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B. into precisely crafted products,

C. are broken down and machined

D. Raw materials in quintessential forms of traditional industries


15. A. The molecular machinery responsible

B. for this amazing, feat of production

C. is capable of such results

D. because it performs operations in parallel.


16. A. For instance,

B. the size of bacteria might be programmed to destroy arterial plaque,

C. or fight cancer cells, or repair cellular damages caused by aging.

D. specially designed nano devices,


Directions(17-29): Read the given passages and answer the following questions:


The word “Forest” is understood as a dense growth of trees and shrubs covering a large area‟ from its
dictionary meaning. However defining a forest is not easy. The definition of Forest is as diverse as its
diversity in terms of types, species composition, goods and services it provides, etc. Forest types differ
widely, determined by factors including latitude, temperature, rainfall patterns, soil composition and
human activity. How a forest is defined also depends on who is defining. People living in the British
Isles or Scandinavia might identify forests differently from people in Africa or Asia. Similarly, a

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business person or economist might define and value a forest in a very different way from a forester,
farmer or an ornithologist. A legal definition is different from an ecological definition.

A recent study of the various definitions of forests found that more than 800 different definitions for
forests and wooded areas were in use round the world – with some countries adopting several such
definitions at the same time.

The Indian Forest Act, 1927 was largely based on previous Indian Forest Acts implemented under the
British. The most famous one was the Indian Forest Act of 1878. Both the 1878 act and the 1927 one
sought to consolidate and reserve the areas having forest cover, or significant wildlife, to regulate
movement and transit of forest produce, and duty leviable on timber and other forest produce. It also
defines the procedure to be followed for declaring an area to be a Reserved Forest, a Protected Forest
or a Village Forest.

17. Which of the following comprises the diversity in the forest?

A. species composition

B. goods

C. services

D. All of the above

18. On basis of which of the following are forests categorised?

A. latitude

B. temperature

C. rainfall patterns

D. All of the above

19. What can be said regarding the definition of forest?

A. It is varied

B. It is unanimous

C. It is abrupt

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D. All of the above

20. Which is the most popular Act regarding forests in India?

A. Indian Forest Act, 1927

B. Indian Forest Act, 1878

C. Indian Forest Act, 1928

D. Indian Forest Act, 1978

21. What is the tone of the passage?

A. Critical

B. Analytical

C. Inquisitorial

D. Declarative


Presumption against alteration of the existing law more than is necessary. Statutes should be construed
as far as possible in conformity with the common law rather than against it. The presumption requires
clear and unequivocal language to alter the common law. Legislation must be interpreted in light of the
common law, must as far as possible be reconciled with related precepts of the common law and must
be read to be capable of co-existing with common law in pari materia. The presumption relates to
common law and existing statutes and customary law.

This presumption reflects an inherent respect and esteem for our common law heritage. Common law
is seen as the basis of the current law and statute law is thought to be an exception to common law.

The presumption means that in interpreting subsequent act, it is assumed that the legislature did not
intend to repeal or modify the earlier Act. Any repeal or amendment must be effected expressly or by
necessary implication.

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This presumption enhances legal certainty as it discourages an undue destabilisation or unsettlement of

the law as it stands. It also manifests esteem for the worth of the common law as the outcome of
historical evolution.

It is presumed that the legislature does not intend legislation which is futile (useless) or nugatory. The
legislature intended to make sensible or intelligent provisions. The court has to determine the purpose
of legislation and give effect to it. Since statutory interpretation is a purpose seeking activity, this
presumption constitutes its very essence. The foundation of this presumption is the acknowledgement
that legislation has a functional purpose and object. Legislation should as far as possible be kept alive.

22. Which of the following should be construed in conformity with the common law?

A. Presumption

B. Assumption

C. Statute

D. All of the above

23. Which of the following is required by presumption to alter the common law?

A. Clarity

B. Unanimity

C. Uniformity

D. All of the above

24. Which of the following does the presumption relates to?

A. common law

B. existing statutes

C. customary law.

D. All of the above

25. Which of the following is an exception to common law?

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A. Presumption

B. Statute law

C. Customary law

D. All of the above

26. What should be done with an amendment?

A. It should be presumed

B. It should be in consonance with common law

C. It should be effected expressly

D. All of the above

27. What is the intention of the legislature?

A. To make effective presumptions

B. To implement common law

C. To make sensible provisions

D. All of the above

28. What is the tone of the passage?

A. Critical

B. Narrative

C. Descriptive

D. Critical

29. Give the meaning of the word pari materia ?

A. All mater

B. Same matter

C. Diverse matter

D. Popular matter

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Directions(30-35):Identify the meanings of the given foreign words:

30. Alfresco

A. Beautiful house

B. A wall hanging

C. Among the dead

D. In the fresh air

31. Au fait

A. Lingering

B. Impromptu

C. Detailed

D. With the fate

32. Blitzkrieg

A. Peace

B. War

C. Surrender

D. Intense nationalism

33. Compos mentis

A. Composure

B. Sane

C. Mad

D. Ill

34. de facto

A. Wrong fact

B. Right fact

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C. In fact

D. By the fact itself

35. de trop

A. Wanted

B. Not wanted

C. Indifferent

D. Admiration

Directions(36-40):Identify the incorrect part as your answer. If no error then mark D.

36. This presumption arises [A] / in almost every constitutional democracy [B] / where the constitution
is the supreme law.[C] / No error [D]

37. First of all we are thankful [A] / for their financial and logistical support [B] / and for providing
necessary guidance concerning projects implementation.[C] / No error [D]

38. The Company Act 1956 has not codified the law [A] / relating duties of directors but in all cases all
directors must ensure compliance [B] / with the provisions of the COMPANY ACT 1956 and other
applicable laws. [C] / No error [D]

39. The researcher has focused on few selected law books of India [A] / and selected sites on available
on the internet [B] / which by the prudence of researcher gives accurate and precise knowledge
regarding this topic.[C] / No error [D]

40. He is appointed with a collegiums of managing directors,[A] the characters and memorandum [B]
is deemed to him when he gets appointed .[C] No error [D]


41. Who has been appointed as the UN Women’s Advocate for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in
India on 29th August 2016?
A. Sania Mirza
B. Farhan Akhtar

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C. Aishwaryaa Dhanush
D. None of the above

42. ‘Equal pay for equal work' has been ensured in the Indian Constitution as one of the ---?
A. Fundamental Rights
B. Directive Principles of State Policy
C. Fundamental Duties
D. Economic Rights

43. Which state of India has won the best state award for comprehensive development of tourism for the year
A. Rajasthan
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Karnataka
D. Gujarat

44. First Five year Plan was based on?

A. Harrod Domar model
B. Keynesian model
C. Lewis - Fei model
D. Mahalanobis model

45. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of India removed the following right from the category of
Fundamental Rights ---?
A. Freedom of speech
B. Constitutional remedies
C. Property
D. Freedom of religion

46. Who has been appointed Vice Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army?
A. Lt Gen MMS Rai
B. Lt Gen Bipin Rawat
C. Lt Gen MMS Rawat
D. Lt Gen Bipin Rai

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47. 'Planned Economy for India' (1934) was the work of?
A. M. N. Roy
B. John Mathai
C. M. Visveswaraya
D. Shriman Narayan

48. The foreign investment in Indian Stock Exchanges has been increased from 5% to _____?
A. 25
B. 15
C. 10
D. 20

49. Recently Justice Iqbal Ahmed Ansari was sworn in as the Chief Justice of which of the following High Court?
A. Allahabad High Court
B. Patna High Court
C. Rajasthan High Court
D. Delhi High Court

50. Shimla is cooler than Amritsar although both are on the same latitude. This is because?
A. Shimla is further north
B. Shimla is at a greater height above sea level than Amritsar
C. Shimla is farther from the equator
D. Their longitudes differ

51. World Bank has recently released a Logistics Performance Index report. Where does India rank in a list of
160 countries?
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
D. 50

52. Which expert committee has been constituted to explore alternatives to pellet guns as non-lethal weapons?
A. Rajesh Kumar committee
B. Rajeev Krishna committee
C. T V S N Prasad committee

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D. Tushar Tripathy committee

53. The first Chief Election Commissioner of India was?

A. K V K Sundaram
B. S P Sen Verma
C. Sukumar Sen
D. T Swaminathan

54. Who among the following has won men’s singles title of the recently held Rogers Cup-2016?
A. Andy Murray
B. Novak Djokovic
C. Daniel Nestor
D. Mike Bryan

55. Recently the Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has given its ex-post facto
approval for amendments to the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 by introducing the Maternity Benefit
(Amendment) Bill, 2016 in Parliament. In these amendments there is increase in Maternity Benefit from 12
weeks to how many weeks for two surviving children?
A. 20 Weeks
B. 22 Weeks
C. 24 Weeks
D. 26 Weeks

56. Field trials of GM Mustard are complete. If approved, it will become the ____ genetically modified food crop
to be grown commercially in the country.
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

57. Which country has the largest number of stunted children in the world, as per Water Grid’s latest report titled
‘Caught Short-How lack of toilets and clean water contribute to malnutrition’?
A. India
B. Nigeria
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh

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58. The first session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by?
A. A. O. Hume
B. Dadabhai Naoroji
C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
D. Womesh Chander Banerjee

59. Which of the following state became the first state in the country to ratify the constitution amendment bill on
the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?
A. Assam
B. Maharashtra
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Karnataka

60. Recently the Lok Sabha on passed the Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2016 that seeks to increase the working
overtime hours per quarter up to-
A.115 Hours
B. 150 Hours
C. 100 Hours
D.50 Hours

61. Who has been appointed as the Director General (DG) of National Museum?
A. Omita Paul
N R illai
C. Venu Vasudevan
D. Budha Rashmi Mani

62. Which state is planning to set up India’s first textile university?

A. Gujarat
B. Rajasthan
C. Odisha
D. West Bengal

63. Ruhr region (Germany) is famous for?

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A. Aluminium
B. Coal
C. Iron-ore
D. Natural gas

64. Which committee has been constituted to prepare a draft plan on Ganga River?
A. D B Shekatar committee
B. Mukesh Kumar Singla committee
C. Shankar Acharya committee
D. Girdhar Malviya committee

65. Anti Terrorism Day is celebrated on-

A. 22 May
B. 21 May
C. 19 May
D. 20 May

66. International Youth Day is celebrated on-

A. 13 August
B. 12 August
C. 14 August
D. 18 August

67. Who has been appointed as Administrator of Union Territory of Lakshadweep?

A. Alok Ranjan
B. Pradeep Singhal
C. Deepa Mitra
D. Farooq Khan

68. How many countries have participated in the “South Asia Initiative to End Violence against Children”
A. 8
B. 7
C. 6
D. 5

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69. Country’s largest paramilitary force CR F has made the decision to appoint whom as its brand ambassador,
also bestowing the honorary rank of Commandant on the player?
A. Sakshi Malik
B. Dipa Karmakar
C. Jitu Rai
D. PV Sindhu

70. The father of the revivalist school of Indian painting (popularly called as the Bengal School of Art) was?
A. Abanindranath Tagore
B. Gaganendranath Nath Tagore
C. Jamini Roy
D. Nandlal Bose

71. Recently the two-day meeting of RICS women parliamentarian’s forum held in which of the following city?
A. New Delhi
B. Jaipur
C. Udaipur
D. Gandhinagar

72. Which year is known as 'Year of the Great Divide' with regard to population growth in India?
A. 1921
B. 1947
C. 1951
D. None of these

73. West Bengal assembly has adopted the resolution to rechristen the name of the state known now as:
A. Bengal in English
B. Bangal in Hindi
C. Bangla in Bengali
D. All of the above

74. Which one of the following plants yields bio-diesel or bio-fuels?

A. Parthenium argenatem
B. Hevea brasiliensis

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C. Jatropha Curcas
D. Juniperus verginiana

75. Recently ‘ ison’ has been announced as the national mammal of the United States ison is a-
A. Wild elephant
B. Wild cow
C. Wild buffalo
D. Wild sheep

76. ISRO's Master Control Facility is at Hasan in?

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Karnataka
C. Gujarat
D. Orissa

77. Which of the following court in a landmark verdict lifted the ban and ruled ‘Women be permitted to enter the
sanctum sanctorum of the Haji Ali Dargah at par with men’?
A. Madras High Court
B. Calcutta High Court
C. Bombay High Court
D. Allahabad High Court

78. Name the India’s first online interactive portal based on the cultural heritage of India and South Asia?
A. Culturepedia
B. Sahapedia
C. Wikipedia
D. Historypedia

79. The first summit of SAARC in 1985 was held at?

A. Colombo
B. Dhaka
C. Kathmandu
D. New Delhi

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80. Which one of the following subjects comes under the common jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the
High Court?
A. Mutual disputes among States
B. Dispute between Centre and State
C. Protection of the Fundamental Rights
D. Protection from the violation of the Constitution

81. Recently Shyam Benegal Committee submitted its report on Cinematograph Act/ Rules to Union Minister of
Information & Broadcasting, Arun Jaitley. The Cinematograph Act came into existence in which year?
A. 1951
B. 1952
C. 1953
D. 1955

82. The word 'Hindus' in Article 25 of the Constitution of India does not include?
A. Buddhists
B. Jains
C. Sikhs
D. Parsees

83. Deficiency of which one of the following causes xerophthalmia?

A. Vitamin B12
B. Vitamin B3
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin A

84. Recently the world’s longest railway tunnel, Gotthard is built in which of the following country?
A. Switzerland
B. Spain
C. Russia
D. France

85. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force ---?

A. For three months
B. For six months

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C. For nine months

D. Indefinitely

86. Name the campaign which aimed at making Gram Panchayats along the Ganga Open Defecation Free?
A. Swachh Bharat Mission
B. Swachh Yug Mission
C. Namami Gange project
D. None of these

87. In the recently concluded Rio Olympics-2016, which of the following player has scored the most individual
A. Usain Bolt
B. Rafaela Silva
C. Michael Phelps
D. Katie Ledecky

88. Which of the following port has bagged National Award for Excellence in Cost Management for the year
A. Mumbai port
B. Tuticorin (V.O. Chidambaranar) Port
C. Kolkata port
D. Kandla port

89. Which of the following devices converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?
A. Electric motor
B. Inductor
C. Transformer
D. Dynamo

90. Name the newly renovated Stadium in Jaffna which was dedicated to the people of Sri Lanka jointly by the
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi and the President of Sri Lanka, Maithripala Sirisena?
A. Friendship Stadium
B. Jaffna Stadium
C. Duraiappah Stadium
D. Galle International Stadium

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91. A merchant buys goods at 20% discount on its marked price and sells them at 10% higher than
the marked price what is his profit percent?
a) 30% b) 37.5% c) 48% d) None of these

92. Find the difference between simple interest on a certain sum at 5% for 6 years and 6% for 5
years on Rs 5000.
a) Rs 20 b) Rs 100 c) Rs 10 d) Rs 0

93. The difference between the simple interest of 10% per annum and compound interest of 10%
per annum compounded half yearly on a sum of Rs 1000 in one year is?
a) Rs 250 b) Rs 0.25 c) Rs 2.5 d) Rs 25
94. A salesman receives salary of Rs 2000 per month and 10% commission on total sales. What is
the amount of sales, if his total earnings in a month is Rs2200?
a) Rs 4000 b) Rs 2000 c) Rs 3000 d) None of these

95. In an examination, Rohit scored 35% of the total marks and failed by 60 marks whereas
Kuldeep scored 45% of the total marks and he got 40 marks above the pass marks. Find the total
marks for the examination.
a) 1500 b)1000 c) 700 d) 800

96. A, B and C invested money in ratio 3 : 2 : 5. Their respective periods of investment was in ratio
5 : 3 : 2. Find the ratio in which the profit will be divided towards the end.
a) 15 : 6 : 10 b) 5 : 6 : 10 c) 6 : 10 : 15 d) 12 : 6 : 10

97. In a bag there are 25p, 10p and 5p coins in ratio 1:2:3. Total coins in the bag are 600. Find the
amount of money made by 25p coins?
a) 50 b) 10 c) 25 d) 20

98. A sum of money is distributed among A, B, C, D in the ratio 3: 2 : 4: 1. If C gets Rs. 300 more
than D, what is A’s share?
a) Rs 150 b) Rs 100 c) Rs 600 d) Rs 300

99. A train, 300 meters long, travels at 20 meters per second. How long does it take to pass another
train, 400 meters long running at 10 meters per second in the same direction?
a) 70 secs b) 140 secs c) 90 secs d) 120 secs

100.When two fair dice are thrown together, what is the probability that they both show the same
a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 1/6 d) 1
101.The average of 8 numbers is 21. If all the numbers are decreased by 3, then what will be the
new average?
a) 21 b) 19 c) 18 d) No change

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102.Find the perimeter of a square whose side is 11.25 cm.

a) 44 cm b) 45 cm c) 46 cm d) Data insufficient

103.What should be placed instead of #, in the number 625#46, so that it is completely divisible by
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
104.A can do a work in 20 days while B can do it in 30 days. In how many days will they complete
the same work together?
a) 8 b) 12 c) 18 d) 20
105.A wheel makes 100 revolutions in covering a distance of 2200 m. Find the radius of the wheel.
a) 3.5 m b) 7 m c) 3.5 cm d) 7 cm

106.There are 3 parties contesting in an election with 1 lakh voters who all cast the votes and all
votes are valid. The winning party is one that gets majority of the votes. The smallest possible
number of votes with which a party can win the election is?
a) 33333 b) 33334 c) 50000 d) 50001

107.Akash, Vijay and Prashant can do a job in 20, 30 and 40 days respectively. The three started the
job together; Akash left the job 4 days before it was completed and Vijay left the job 3 days before
it was completed. In how many days was the job completed?
a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 20

108.In how many ways can a team of 2 boys and 3 girls can be formed out total 5 boys and 5 girls?
a) 120 b) 250 c) 100 d) 60

109. In a party everyone greeted to everyone else a single ‘HELLO’ If the total number of
HELLOS greeted was 600, how many persons were there in the party?
a) 20 b) 15 c) 25 d) 24

110.The HCF of two numbers is 8. Find out the number from the following options which cannot be
their LCM?
a) 24 b) 48 c) 56 d) 60

Rules (for Questions 111 to 113):
A. The tort of false imprisonment arises when there is complete deprivation of liberty at any time,
without lawful cause.
B. There need not be imprisonment in the actual sense for the tort of false imprisonment to arise.
C. There should not be any reasonable condition imposed by occupiers of premises for false
imprisonment to occur.

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D. In a tort of false imprisonment, there should be no honest and reasonable belief to justify the

Facts: Tisha was 30 years old and her family was constantly asking her to marry. Wanting to escape the
daily arguments, Tisha decided to leave home and live elsewhere, but in the same city. She
approached her aunt Mieta for help. Mieta, however, locked her in a room in her house and informed
Tisha’s parents so that they can come and take her away

111. Was there false imprisonment in the instant case?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) No, as Mieta was only trying to protect Tisha and her family
(d) It cannot be determined

112 Tisha was soon able to run away from Mieta’s house She approached her uncle ittu for help but
Bittu forbade her from taking refuge in his house. He asked her to go look for accommodation
elsewhere. Is Rule A applicable in this case?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on where Bittu lived
(d) It cannot be determined

113. Tisha was held by the police after her parents filed a missing complaint to find their daughter. Does
this amount to false imprisonment?
(a) Yes, as Tisha was a major
(b) Yes, as the police did not have a right to interfere between Tisha and her family affairs
(c) No
(d) It cannot be determined

Rule (for Questions 114 and 115):

As per the law of contract, the consideration for a contract must be something which not only the parties
regard but the law can also regard as having some value. It has to be real and not illusory, whether
adequate or not.

Facts: Stephen proposes to give a seal with a unicorn on it to Heldy in return for Rs.12,000.

114. Is there valid consideration for the contract between Stephen and Heldy?

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(a) Yes
(b) No, it is illusory
(c) It depends on how old the seal is
(d) It cannot be determined

115. Assume that Stephen and Heldy reach an agreement. Can the latter drag the former to court stating
that the amount demanded for the seal is exorbitant?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on how old the seal is
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 116 to 118):

A. The writ of habeas corpus is used to secure the release of a person who has been detained
unlawfully or without legal justification.
B. The writ may be prayed for by the prisoner himself, or if he is unable to do so, by someone else
on his behalf.
C. Habeas corpus cannot be used to question the correctness of a decision by a legally constituted
court of competent jurisdiction.

Facts: Jignesh was a blogger who used to regularly post about politics and animals rights. One of his
articles however, led to a furor when animal rights activists and politicians clashed in large numbers
in many cities. Jignesh was tried in court and sent into judicial custody for further investigation,
when reports of his links with some political parties emerge.

116. His parents are worried and decide to file for habeas corpus. Advise them.
(a) This would be the best possible course of action.
(b) Such an action is likely to fail.
(c) They have no locus standi to file such a claim.
(d) None of the above

117. Many months pass and Jignesh does not get a hearing in court nor does his lawyer come to meet
him. Jignesh wants to file for habeas corpus. Advise him.
(a) This would be a valid course of action.
(b) Such an action is likely to fail.
(c) He has no locus standi to file such a claim.
(d) None of the above

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118. When nothing is heard about Jignesh for more than a year, his parents decide to take the help of an
NGO to file a writ of habeas corpus for their son. Choose the correct statement:
(a) The NGO has no locus standi to file the writ since only Jignesh and his close relatives can do so
on his behalf.
(b) The NGO must have some former ties to Jignesh to justify a writ of habeas corpus by them on
his behalf.
(c) The NGO should have an adequate setup to facilitate filing such writs.
(d) None of the above

Rule (for Questions 119 and 120):

Contributory negligence is the failure by a person to use reasonable care for the safety of either of
himself or his property, so that he himself ‘contributes’ or plays a part in harming himself

119. Romil is riding his cycle on the cycling track when a kid who is learning to cycle comes at full
speed from behind and hits him with the bicycle The kid’s mother exclaims that there was
contributory negligence on Romil’s part who should be careful when riding his bicycle. Is she
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on how long the kid had been learning to cycle for
(d) It cannot be determined

120. Danish is a mischievous person who does not like dogs. One day he sees a stray dog resting by the
wayside and starts teasing him. The dog starts chasing Danish and Danish rushes on the road, getting
hit by a bicycle. Is there contributory negligence in this case?
(a) Yes, on Danish’s part
(b) Yes, on the cyclist’s part
(c) No
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 121 to 123):

A. Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who is, or who by reason of a mistake of fact
and not by reason of a mistake of law in good faith believes himself to be, bound by law to do it.
B. Nothing is an offence which is done by any person who is justified by law, or who by reason of a
mistake of fact and not by reason of a mistake of law in good faith, believes himself to be
justified by law, in doing it.

Facts: Wasim Farooqui was working as a junior in a lawyer’s chambers He was told by the senior
advocate to contact a client, Monu and inform him that the date of his case was set for next Monday.

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Wasim does so. A month later, Monu contacts Wasim and accuses him of cheating him by telling
him the wrong date and that he lost the case after an ex-parte order was passed against him for non-
appearance on the required date.

121. Does Wasim have a valid defence under the Rules given?
(a) Yes, under Rule A
(b) Yes, under Rule B
(c) No
(d) It cannot be determined

122. The senior advocate assigned Wasim another case where he told Wasim to handle the bail
application of a client. When Wasim went to court to file the application, he was asked for bribe by
someone to expedite the case. Wasim gave the bribe thinking it is okay to do so in courts, wanting to
impress his senior with his street-smart attitude. Does Wasim have a valid defence under the Rules?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on who asked for the bribe
(d) It cannot be determined

123. Another man by the name of Wasim Farooqui gets charged in a criminal case. A police constable is
sent to arrest him. When he is standing outside court looking for Wasim Farooqui, the advocate
Wasim Farooqui steps up and identifies himself. The constable, believing him to be the person he is
looking for, asks Wasim to accompany him to the police station for further proceedings. Has the
constable committed an offence?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on whether the constable had been in service for long
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 124 and 125):

A. An accused person, at least where the charge is an offence punishable with imprisonment, is
entitled to be offered free legal aid, if he is too poor to afford counsel.
B. The counsel for the accused must be given sufficient time and facility for preparing the defence.
C. Breach of the above safeguards of fair trial would invalidate the trial and conviction, even if the
accused did not ask for legal aid.

Facts: Kirtan is charged with theft and trespassing of property. He works as a security guard in a
housing society and earns a meager salary.

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124. Is Kirtan entitled to free legal aid?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on how much he earns
(d) None of the above

125. Assume that Kirtan is entitled to free legal aid. However, very few advocates are willing to argue
his case. As a result, an advocate is finally found a day before the hearing of his case, and he is
briefed about the case orally. The documents, he is told, will take another week to reach him. In this
manner, the advocate tries to argue the case for Kirtan but Kirtan gets convicted. Which of the
following statements is correct?
(a) The conviction is valid.
(b) The conviction is invalid.
(c) Insufficient facts.
(d) None of the above

Rules (for Questions 126 to 128):

A. In criminal law, nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private
B. When an act which would otherwise be an offence, is not an offence because of the youth, lack
of maturity/understanding, unsoundness of mind or the intoxication of the person doing that act,
or because of some misconception on the part of that person, every person has the same right of
private defence against that act which he would have if the act were an offence.
C. The right of private defence in no case extends to the inflicting of more harm than is necessary to
inflict for the purpose of defence.

Facts: Hira was playing a basketball match when she noticed her arch rival Demi moving towards her
with full force. Hira took out a sharp hair pin from her bun and hit Demi with it.

126. Which of the aforementioned Rules apply here, if any?

(a) Rule A
(b) Rule B
(c) Rule C
(d) None of the above

127. When Hira was leaving the court, a man, claiming to be a huge fan of her game, pounced upon her.
In a tussle to get away from him, she pinched and clawed at him. The man turned out to be mentally
unstable. Can Hira claim the right of private defence against him?
(a) Yes

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(b) No
(c) It depends on Hira’s popularity
(d) It cannot be determined

128. Assume that the man Hira struggled with started bleeding from the cheeks on being scratched.
Choose the correct statement:
(a) Hira has violated Rule B
(b) Hira has violated Rule C
(c) Hira is innocent
(d) None of the above

Rules (for Questions 129 and 130):

A. Where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the
agreement, the agreement is void.
B. An erroneous opinion as to the value of the thing which forms the subject-matter of the
agreement, is not to be deemed a mistake as to a matter of fact.

Facts: Ross enters into an agreement to buy a painting from Mona for Rs. 1 lakh. The painting is
actually a masterpiece from the Renaissance period, worth at least Rs. 80 lakhs.

129. The agreement between Ross and Mona is:

(a) Valid
(b) Void
(c) Voidable
(d) None of the above

130 Ross and Mona reach Mona’s home to pick up the said painting They discover that the case where
the painting was kept has been infested with termites and the painting is damaged. The agreement
between Ross and Mona is: (DL 3)
(a) Valid
(b) Void
(c) Voidable
(d) None of the above

Rules (for Questions 131 to 133):

A. Trespass to land is direct interference with land which is in the possession of someone else.
B. It is actionable per se, which means that it is legally sufficient to constitute action and there is no
need to especially prove damages.

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Facts: Taiga lives in a resplendent colony with a beautiful green pasture behind the colony. It has been
lying unused for ages. Taiga decides to host a barbecue there every Sunday.

131. Has there been trespass to land in the instant case?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on who the land belonged to
(d) It cannot be determined

132. June, another resident of the colony began to host a barbecue on her balcony every Sunday to
compete with Taiga’s activity Her neighbor Sharleen was never invited and she found this
discriminatory. She stated that June was trespassing on colony property by hosting barbecues
without permission Sharleen’s contention is:
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
(c) It depends on whether Sharleen was the landlord
(d) It cannot be determined

133. Roona decides to settle the dispute between June and Sharleen once and for all. She jumps into
June’s balcony to dismantle the barbecue apparatus June discovers this and files a case of trespass
against Roona. She is likely to:
(a) Fail because Roona has not caused any damage to June’s property
(b) Fail because Roona went to June’s with an honest intention
(c) Succeed because Roona directly interfered with June’s property
(d) It cannot be determined

Rule (for Questions 134 and 135):

A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if some event, collateral to such
contract, does or does not happen.

Facts: Tammy entered into a contract to sell his brand new car to Gustav if the latter decided to take up
a job with Tammy’s uncle Fred

134. Can the above contract be said to be a contingent contract?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on the type of job Fred is offering Gustav

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(d) It cannot be determined

135. Manav enters into a contract with Seema to sell his guitar to her for Rs.30,000. Is this a contingent
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on the actual value of the guitar
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 136 to 138):

A. For the tort of negligence, it is necessary that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.
This duty of care depends on the reasonable foreseeability of an injury.
B. The defendant should have breached such a duty.
C. The plaintiff should have suffered damage as a consequence thereof.

Facts: Daman took a cab to go to work. The cab driver, Sumant, was driving at great speed on a busy
road to score brownie points by helping Daman reach his destination quickly.

136. Does Sumant owe a duty of care to Daman?

(a) Yes
(b) No, because he did not know Daman personally
(c) It depends on where Daman wanted to reach
(d) It cannot be determined

137. Sumant rammed into a truck and the bumper of the car got damaged. Is Sumant guilty of
negligence towards Daman?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on where Daman wanted to reach
(d) It cannot be determined

138. Daman asked Sumant to shift and let him drive instead for a little while, as Daman wanted to
practise his driving skills. Sumant allowed him to do so. They got into an accident where Daman got
injured. Does the tort of negligence arise here?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on how well Daman knew to drive
(d) It cannot be determined

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Rules (for Questions 139 and 140):

A. The Constitution of India provides that the State shall not deny to any person equality before the
law or the equal protection of the laws within Indian territory.
B. However, it must be noted, that illegalities cannot be perpetuated in the name of granting equal

Facts: Kim, a Russian environmentalist, wants to set up an NGO to protect the cause of Red Sanders
trees in South India. She is told that such NGOs can be set up in North India easily, but she being a
foreigner will not be allowed to set up such a venture down South.

139. Does Rule A accord Kim a remedy?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on Kim’s religious affiliation
(d) It cannot be determined

140. Wila wants to start constructing an ice cream parlour in a public park. She is told to arrange for
requisite waste disposal systems as per law. She claims discrimination since others have been
allowed to run their ice cream parlours irrespective of whether they have such facilities or not.
Which of the following Rules apply here, if any?
(a) Rule A
(b) Rule B
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Rules (for Questions 141 to 143):

A. A ‘contract of guarantee’ is a contract to perform the promise or discharge the liability of a third
person in case of his default.
B. The person who gives the guarantee is called the ‘surety’, the person in respect of whose default
the guarantee is given is called the ‘principal debtor’ and the person to whom the guarantee is
given is called the ‘creditor’
C. A guarantee may be either oral or written.
D. Anything done, or any promise made, for the benefit of the principal debtor, may be a sufficient
consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee.
E. The liability of sureties is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor, unless otherwise
provided by the contract.

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Facts: Uma borrows Rs.8 lakhs from M/s Gild for a house Uma’s fiancé Jack promises to repay the
loan in case Uma defaults.

141. Which of the following is/are correctly matched?

(a) Uma- Creditor
(b) Jack- Surety
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

142. Uma defaults on repayment of the loan, and when M/s. Gild approaches Jack for repayment of the
loan, Jack states that he never gave a written guarantee to repay Uma’s loan, and thus is not a surety
His contention is:
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
(c) Ambiguous
(d) None of the above

143 Assume that when M/s Gild approaches Jack to repay Uma’s loan since she has defaulted, Jack
refuses to do so saying that Uma and he are no longer together and he is not responsible for her
encumbrances. His contention is:
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
(c) Ambiguous
(d) None of the above

Rule (for Questions 144 and 145):

Statements of facts in issue or relevant facts, made in published maps or charts generally offered for
public sale, or in maps or plans made under the authority of the Central Government or any State
Government, as to matters usually represented or stated in such maps, charts or plans, are themselves
relevant facts.

144 Rico’s grandfather’s estate is the subject of a legal dispute with the State Rico presents his
grandfather’s hand-drawn map before the court while his cousin, Amrek, presents a diary of their
grandfather with some charts. Which of the following are relevant facts?
(a) The map presented by Rico
(b) The diary presented by Amrek
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

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145. Humair presents a map dated 1972 to raise an issue of territorial dispute with another State
government in Court. Does the map constitute a relevant fact?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on the position Humair was holding
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 146 to 148):

A. Under the doctrine of vicarious liability, if a servant commits a tort in the course of his
employment then the master will also be liable for the act of the servant.
B. The master is not liable for the tort committed by an independent contractor excepted in certain
cases, for example, when employer authorizes an illegal act for the contractor and ratifies the
same, or when employer hands over extra hazardous work to the contractor.
C. The main consideration for who is liable for the tortious act of the servant depends on who has
the authority to tell the servant what is to be done and how it is to be done.
D. If a servant negligently delegates his authority to somebody and such person performs the duties
negligently, the master will be liable for the negligent act of the servant.
E. The master cannot escape his liability by merely expressly prohibiting his servant from doing
some act.

Facts: Arvind employs a domestic help, Mukesh and tells him to hand over tea to every guest who visits
the house Arvind’s boss, harti, comes to visit. She is allergic to tea. Unsuspecting of this fact,
Mukesh serves her tea and she suffers an allergic reaction.

146 Is Arvind liable for Mukesh’s act?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on whether harti had visited Arvind’s house before
(d) It cannot be determined

147. Arvind is an efficient man and believes in multi-tasking. But of late, he has been having trouble
maintaining his house. So, he employs a contractor, Dhiresh to renovate the house. During the
renovation, a worker working under Dhiresh falls from the ladder while painting a wall. Who is
vicariously liable for this injury?
(a) Arvind
(b) Dhiresh
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

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148 After Arvind’s house is renovated, he asks Mukesh to change the bulbs in all the rooms in the
office. Mukesh, too lazy to work one day, asks his friend Suresh to do so. Suresh, however, does the
work half-heartedly and two of the bulbs fall from the sockets, injuring people working in the office.
Can Arvind be held liable for this negligence?
(a) Yes
(b) No, it is too remote a connection
(c) No, since it was Mukesh’s fault
(d) It cannot be determined

Rules (for Questions 149 and 150):

A. Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct
language, script or culture of its own will be entitled to conserve the same.
B. No citizen will be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or
receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

Facts: Itki belongs to a tribe in Central India. She studied in the city but moved back to her native
village recently and wants to start an evening school that teaches the tribal native script and culture.

149. Does Rule A entitle her to do this?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) It depends on how old the script is
(d) It cannot be determined

150. Assume that Itki opens the school, and the State government supports the venture by giving an
annual grant to it. Hessel, an Indian citizen as well, wants to enroll in the school because he is
interested in learning about the tribe and its language but is denied admission because he does not
speak the language fluently. Which of the aforementioned Rules is applicable here? (DL 3)
(a) Rule A
(b) Rule B
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

151. With reference to Indo-Pak relations, which of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) The Karachi Agreement was signed in 1952.
(b) The Shimla Agreement was signed in 1972.
(c) Both (a) and (b)

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(d) None of the above

152. The maximum punishment prescribed in the prohibition law in Bihar is:
(a) Life imprisonment
(b) 7 years’ imprisonment
(c) Capital punishment
(d) None of the above

153. Who has replaced Raghuram Rajan as the governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?
(a) Urjit Patel
(b) Kaushik Basu
(c) Arvind Subramanian
(d) None of the above

154. The Golden Temple of Dambulla, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in:
(a) Cambodia
(b) China
(c) India
(d) Sri Lanka

155. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) From the next fiscal, there will be no separate rail budget.
(b) From the next fiscal, there will be no Plan and Non-Plan expenditure classification in the budget.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

156. Choose the correct statement(s):

(a) Irom Chanu Sharmila is also known as the Iron Lady of Tripura.
(b) Irom Chanu Sharmila has been protesting against the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

157. Who is the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission?

(a) Former CJI HL Dattu
(b) Former CJI KG Balakrishnan
(c) Former CJI Altamas Kabir
(d) None of the above

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158 NASA’s mission to Saturn is known as:

(a) Juno
(b) Hades
(c) Cassini
(d) None of the above

159. A recently discovered bird species has been named Zoothera salimalii, in honour of the great
Indian ornithologist Salim Ali. It is also known as:
(a) Himalayan forest thrush
(b) Red-crowned crane
(c) Great hornbill
(d) None of the above

160. Which of the following does not form part of the programmes of the Ministry of AYUSH in India?
(a) Yoga
(b) Sowa-rigpa
(c) Homoeopathy
(d) All of the above are part of it

161. The high creativity of the young minds assisted by deep knowledge of Information
Technology has led to the creation of many IT based innovative products. The innovative
products are brought into the market for customers through companies called “startups” ut
since startups are businesses and businesses must generate profits, innovativeness is given up,
resulting in a high proportion of startups failing in the first year of their existence.
Which of the following assumptions is necessary for the argument above to be strong.
(a) Innovators want to earn money.
(b) Products cannot be innovative and profitable at the same time.
(c) Startups are setup at a high capital cost and generating profits in the first few years is
(d) Profit is the ultimate purpose of a business.

162. The police stations in the state of Gundasthan registered a 67% drop in complaints of
robbery and pickpocketing in the first quarter of the year 2016 compared to the same quarter of

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2015. The director general of police hailed this as a result of enhanced vigilance and prompt
action on all complaints by the police.
Which of the following, if true, most supports the statement of the director general of police?
(a) The complaints at police stations in the other three quarters of 2015 were much higher.
(b) Complaints of robbery and pickpocketing constituted only 23% of all complaints filed in the
police stations of Gundasthan year 2015.
(c) Police stations, in order to keep their record clean, are known to discourage people to file
complaints of petty crimes.
(d) At the onset of 2016, the Gundasthan police was equipped with several new patrol vehicles
and with CCTV cameras to monitor major places.

163. A newspaper reported that many crime suspects are unable to get justice because they
are too poor to afford hiring good lawyers. This was in spite of the constitutional provision of the
government providing free legal aid to the poor.

Which of the following can be inferred from the paragraph given above?
(a) Money is able to buy a lot of things.
(b) Lawyers who are well known and charge a high fee can save criminals from punishment.
(c) Lawyers are a key constituent in the legal process.
(d) Most criminals are poor.

164. Several newspapers in the country reported findings of a laboratory that confirmed
presence of lead in a popular ready to eat noodles Snappy . In spite of these reports, a survey of
young people, who form the bulk of Snappy’s customers, found that there was no decrease in the
popularity of Snappy. However, Snappy witnessed a sharp drop in its sales in the period of six
months after the newspaper reports appeared.

Which of the following best helps explain the sharp drop in sales in spite of no decrease in the
popularity of Snappy?

(a) Snappy was voluntarily withdrawn from retail outlets by the company till confirmed test
reports from credible laboratories could come.
(b) Snappy had been the most popular snack for the young people during the last 15 years.
(c) Snappy stopped airing its advertisements on TV.
(d) With a large number of reports coming in newspapers accusing companies of selling inferior
products, readers have stopped believing such reports.

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165. Growplan, an energy drink witnessed an increase in sales in the third quarter of the year
compared to the first two quarters. The company attributed this increase in sale to its decision
taken in the second quarter of the year, that introduced star sportspersons endorsing the
Growplan drink in its advertisements. Prior to this Bollywood celebreties were endorsing the
drink in its advertisements.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the company’s claim ?
(a) Star sportspersons have always been very effective in drawing attention to fitness related
(b) The fee charged by the sportspersons was much lower than that charged by Bollywood
(c) In the third quarter of the year, all the competitors of Growplan incresed prices of their
products while that of Growplan remained unchanged.
(d) Any change in celebreties endorsing a product results in more attention from viewers.
Directions questions 166-170 : In the following questions, a fact or situation (statement) is
given followed by two/three suggested courses of action. A course of action is a step of
administrative decision taken for improvement or follow-up action. Read the situation and
then decide which of the given courses of action follow.
Statement: Student Union elections in universities often witnesses violent clashes between rival groups.
Courses of action:
I Police vigil should be increased during elections.
II Students who have been suspected of involvement in violence in the past must be barred from
entering the campus.
III A rule must be put in force that would cancel the candidature of any contestant involved in violence.
(a) All follow (b) None follows (c) Only I and III follow (d) Only II and III follow

Statement: Rash driving is the prime reason for deaths of pedestrians in road accidents in urban areas.
Courses of action:
I. The speed limit for vehicular traffic in cities must be lowered.
II. Pedestrian crossing at places other than zebra crossings must be prevented and violators
III. CCTV cameras must be installed at busy traffic lights to identify traffic violators.

(a) All follow (b) Only I follows (c) Only II follows (d) Only III follows

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Statement: Landslides frequently cause road blocks in the hilly areas during the monsoons.
Courses of Action:
I. Movement of vehicular traffic must be monitored during monsoons. (not relevant)
II. Regions prone to landslides must be monitored during monsoons. yes
III. Men and machine for clearing out debris and reopening roads must be at high level of
preparedness. Yes
(a) Only I follows (b) I and II follow (c) II and III follow (d) I and III follow
Statement: In recent times a large number of cases of immoral acts by politicians have surfaced and
these cases are widely shown and discussed in the social media.
Courses of Action:
I. The public should not vote and support politicians with a history of immoral acts.
II. Politicians too have a private life and such cases must be ignored.
III. Social media should be censored.

(a) I and II (b) I and III (c) II and III (d) Only II

Statement: People donating large amounts of money to charitable organisations are known to make the
organisations spend the money on causes of the donors’ choice This often goes against the
charitable organisations’ ethics
Courses of Action:
I. Charitable organisations must not accept large amounts of money from a single person
II. Charitable organisations must clarify to the donors the purpose of the charity and causes on
which they will spend the money.
III. Charitable organisations can spend a little money according to the choice of the donors
because it is they who fund the charity.

(a) Only I (b) Only II (c) II and III (d) I and III
Directions questions 171-175: Each question has two statements stated as ‘assertion’ and ‘reason’
Mark your answer as:
(a) If the reason is true and is the right reason for the assertion.
(b) If the reason is a correct statement but not the right reason for the assertion.
(c) If the reason is an incorrect statement.


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circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering

Assertion: A lot of young people are coming up with mobile apps that makes things easier for the
Reason: Everyone, these days, uses mobile apps.
Assertion: The United States solemnly remembered the 9/11 incidence this month.
Reason: 9/11 was the most traumatic event ever for the United States.

Assertion: Nepal’s prime minister says that Nepal wants friendly relations with India.
Reason: India’s relations with Nepal have always been warm and friendly
Assertion: The entire world focusses on the US presidential elections.
Reason: The US presidential elections are very glamorous.
Assertion: Investments in the stock markets (shares of companies) is said to be risky.
Reason: The stock markets are unpredictable.

Directions questions 176-180: Each question four options (a) to (d) and each option has three
statements, the last being the conclusion based on the first three. Choose the option in which
the conclusion logically follows the statements.
a. All villagers go to school. Atul is a villager, he goes to the farm.
b. All villagers go to school. Anil goes to school, he is a villager.
c. All villagers go to school. Anita is a villager she goes to school.
d. All villagers go to school. Arpita is not a villager, she goes to school.

a. All sportsmen are at the moment playing in Rio. Jeetu is playing in London, he is a
b. All sportsmen are at the moment playing in Rio. Preet is playing in Rio, he is a sportsman.
c. All sportsmen are at the moment playing in Rio. Preeta is a sportsman, she is plying in Rio.
d. All sportsmen are at the moment playing in Rio. Jaggi is not playing in Rio, he is a

a. Law says only those above the age of 18 years can marry. Evans is 20 year old, he is married.

© Clat Possible. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or

circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering

b. Law says only those above the age of 18 years can marry. Aish is married, she is a teenager.
c. Law says only those above the age of 18 years can marry. Vivek is 93 years old, he can marry.
d. Law says only those above the age of 18 years can marry. Harpreet married last year, he has
completed 18 years of age.
a. Some true are false. Amy is true, Amy is false.
b.Some true are false. Amy is false, Amy is true.
c. Some true are false. All flase are Amy, some true are Amy.
d.Some true are false. All true are Amy, some Amy are not true.
a.Some agitation are violent. Some violent are weak. Some agitation are weak.
b.Some agitation are violent. All violent are controlled. Some agitation are controlled.
c.Some agitation are violent. All agitaion are democratic. No democratic is violent.
d.Some agitation are violent. No political is violent. No agitation is political.

181. Find the next term in the series: 6789452, 678945, 78945, 7894, ------
a) 789 b) 894 c) 94 d) 794

182. Find the next number in the series: 69, 68, 72, 63, 79, 54, __
a) 75 b) 86 c) 90 d) 92

183. 3, 7, 16, 41, 90, __

a) 200 b) 201 c) 231 d) 211

184. 369, 337, 321, 313, __

a) 309 b) 308 c) 310 d) 321

Directions for 185 and 186: The questions given below are based upon the following set of
Digit : 3 0 6 4 2 1 8 7 9
Code : M O X L S T N H P

185. Find the code for 24790.


186. Find the code for 834009

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circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering


187. In a certain language, Man is coded as ‘woman’, woman is coded as ‘girl’, ‘girl’ is coded
as ‘boy’, ‘boy’ is coded as ‘work’ and ‘work’ is coded as prayer, then what do we call a
male person of 7 years in that language?
a) Boy b) Girl c) Work d) Prayer

188. A watch shows 2:30. If the minute hand is pointing to North, then in which direction is
the hour hand pointing?
a) South-west b) North-east c) South-east d) North-west

189. A man is walking towards east. He stops and turns 45 degrees left and then takes 90
degrees right. In which direction is he walking now?
a) South-east b) south-west c) north-east d) None of these

190. When Viswjit reached home and asked his three children about the movie they watched,
he got the following replies –
RK : It started at 11:00 am. Salman was the lead- actor.
Sonu: It started at 11:00 am. Sharukh was the lead-actor.
Monu: It ended at 2:00 pm. It did not start at 11:00 am.
There was only one lead-actor in the movie. If the children made one statement true and
other false and they watched the same movie at the same time, then at what time did the
movie start?
a) 11:00 am b) 2:00 pm c) either 11:00 or 2:00pm d) Data-insufficient

Directions for Question 191 to 194: These questions are based on information below
Six boarders A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a line for breakfast. They are arranged
according to their height, the tallest being at the back and the shortest in front. A is not the
shortest. F is the only boarder between A and B. E is shorter than D but taller than C who is
taller than A. E and F have two boarders between them.

191. Where is C?
a) Between A and B
b) Between E and A
c) Between D and C
d) In front of C

192. Who is the tallest?

a) B

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circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering

b) D
c) F
d) A

193. If we start counting from the shortest, which boy is third one in the line?
a) E
b) A
c) D
d) C

194. Who is the shortest?

a) C
b) D
c) B
d) F

Directions for Questions 195 to 198: These questions are based on information below.
In a certain code language. 851 means good sweet fruit.783 means good blue sky.341 means sky
and fruit.

195. Which of the following digits stands for sweet in that language?
a) 8 b) 5 c) 1 d) 3

196. What is the code for good?

a) 8 b) 5 c) 7 d) 3

197. ‘1’ is the code of

a) Sky b) and c) fruit d) None of these

198. What is the code of sky blue?

a) 73 b) 37 c) 38 d) Data insufficient

199. While looking at the photograph of a man, a person said, “The sister of his father is the
sister of my mother ” How is the person related to the man?
a) Sister b) Brother c) Cousin d) Aunt

200. Pointing to a lady, an old woman said, “She is the only daughter-in-law of the paternal
grandmother of the sister of my father who is the only son of his parents’ ” How is the lady
related to the old woman?
a) Daughter b) Mother c) Grandmother d) Siste

© Clat Possible. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or

circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering

© Clat Possible. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, sale, distribution or

circulation of any of the contents of this work is a punishable offence under the
laws of India.
A Team Satyam Offering

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