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Adnan Syed

Sign 1: Psychopaths tend to have a charm about them; they are, “willing and able to
draw people in to get their needs met.”
Does this apply to your client? Circle one: Yes No
Evidence For or Against:
yes because he was able to ask his friend to help him with this endeavors
that he's not the chraming killer
and giving his side of the stroy the best he can he lied to her,
Sign 2: They are inconsistent in their lives. They will act a certain way in certain is very nonchalant about the sotuation
situations but will act another way in other situations.
Does this apply to your client? Circle one: Yes No
Evidence For or Against:

yes because after the muder he wasn't like "i just done this oh God why did i do this"
he was very nonchalant about the whole situation
Sign 3: They’ve lied multiple times about nearly everything.
Does this apply to your client? Circle one: Yes No
Evidence For or Against:

no because the was truthful about almost everything they ask from him
if anything jackson was liying alot

Sign 4: They will break all kinds of rules - stealing, lying, cheating – right in front of
other people without feeling remorse for their actions.
Does this apply to your client? Circle one: Yes No
Evidence For or Against:
no i dont think that if he did then he would also be in jail for that to would it he?

Sign 5: They are quick to anger and will scare others when they have angry outbursts.
Does this apply to your client? Circle one: Yes No
Evidence For or Against:
yes it does because this is how all of this started by anger
Adapted from The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us by Martha Stout
what i honest to God think that he's not a psy but have alot of screws loses
why because thought the murder case he didn't really care and was very nonchalent about it all
and it was easy to get his friend to help him out with said murder anyways but there is still some stuff strange about
the whole ordeal tho so what i think is not he's not telling the true but he also not all the way
to become an psy yet

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