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Subject/Course : Quantitative Language Research Method

Topic : Definition and Types of Research
Class : B
Day/Date : 2 March, 2021
Writers : 1. Muhammad Burhanuddin
The Summary:
(it highlights the answer of the stimulating questions from your perspective not from the presenters’)
- Quantitative Research is a method of research that measures the quantity of the amount or concrete result of the
research, which means that Quantitative Research in Language research method is to examine and observe the
learning characteristics and the ability of the learner’s language.
- Quantitative research method consists of 6 steps, there are :
1. Identify the research problem, which is observe any of the obstacles during the research that halt the Language
learning process
2. Previewing the literature, which is include references from media that mostly consists of Books, Journal, and etc
to further support your research based on the topics of Language research that you’ve conduct
3. Specifying the purpose of the research, which focusing the purpose of the research goals on the certain aspects
of the language skills of the participants
4. Collecting data, which gathering data based on the participants results of their test’s scores based on their
language abilities while also keep in mind for their several behavior and personality during the observation
5. Analyzing and interpreting the data, which is observe and scan the results of the data from the participants in
order to giving the scores of their overall ability and measures the strength and weakness of each participants
regarding to the specific type of the observed language skill
6. Reporting and evaluating the research, which almost similar with the previous point that giving the evaluated
research results to the participants

The Critical Response:

(it consists your critical response on the topic. The response could be in forms of conceptualizing, applying,
analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information from the references about the topic.

I think based on the topic of “Definition and types of Research”, I wanted to give a response to
the steps of Quantity research. Step 5 and 6 based on my own perspective is almost similar which both of
them that in this case, evaluating. Although evaluate on step 5 and 6 are not similar on where it is
evaluated. Step 5 evaluate the data of the observed participants in order to measure their ability and
their other aspects while grading their skills of their language, while Step 6 evaluate are focused on how
the participants will react to their overall score results so if there are dissatisfaction regarding to the
results, participants may ask the researcher to conduct one more research to further strengthen and
furtherly makes more accurate data
(list down the books/journal you read to write the summary and critical response)

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