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How do Fountain Pen works?

My professor in Psychology class once gave me a special gift- a small rectangular black
box with a blue ribbon in its top. A small written note was also attached “Tell me how this
fountain pen works”. I was being puzzled and I got a weird sense when I read the note. Setting
aside, I started unwrapping the gift, it is a strange pen, not the typical pen a student will use in
writing lecture notes. I also noticed that the ink is separate to the body of the pen so I cannot
help but to search what kind of pen my professor gave.

After conducting the research on how this so-called fountain pen works I found out the
necessary steps to use it properly. The fountain pen has a reservoir of liquid ink, a pointed and
sharp tip, a cap that will conceal the nib to prevent the ink to flow freely. Also, not to mention
that this pen was being used from the ancient times up to present. Moreover, the price of pen was
impressively expensive, it was indeed “old but gold”. I uttered to myself and teased my professor
“Wow! rich kid” or “Yayamanin” in millennial language.

Following the instructions from the articles online, I began using the pen by inserting the
cartilage of ink to the body of the pen. I stroked my name as the usual thing that a person would
do in testing if the pen will suit his preferable taste. Unfortunately, at my first try, the ink of the
pen burst and the paper became messy. I tried to figure out how this complicated pen will work,
and started asking why did my professor give me such pen that for a while added to my pile of
stress. After several times of continuously trying, I realized that the pen works if air will flow
upward and eventually the ink will go downwards. This pen enables me to appreciate how
complex things will turn out to be an artwork if you will simply look on a positive facet.

According to Fennel Hudson “A pen transmits the voice of the soul”.

There is peace, on the other hand is the inner calmness and turmoil and perplexities. It is
not the absence of trouble or misfortune but the presence of courage and determination to take
life by the throat. Serenity and personal satisfaction are ingredients of real peace.

Our soul needs peace, longing for contentment in life and sometimes we need to express
our desire for something in each of the unique way one can think of and for me the best way is
through writing, and our pen, my chosen pen, will serve as an instrument to shout to the world
that I want peace for myself, for my life that how I wish I could find is reality that one’s truly

I should say that I always eclipsed by fear of indifference and isolation probably my
confidence and trust to myself is very little, that’s why I’m looking for something to burst out
what is inside my heart and for once, this bother my soul.
Tons of worries or negative thoughts always haunt every human being, sitting down in
one corner to think over and over the same thoughts and in just one click we want it to let it go
but very impossible to happen. In just simply getting my fountain pen as my comfort buddy who
allows my foolish thoughts be faded and taken away somewhere. Through God’s grace, I’m still
hoping that I will triumphantly survive these crazy feelings that used to bother me all the time
and someday I can finally say that “I am a survival”.

Moreover, writing using the fountain pen that my professor gave me is my antidote to
boredom. At some point, we should never allow others to be the controlling motives to deprive
what to do for ourselves as long we’re in the stage of doing what is right and stand up for what
we believe is right. Just like in writing, you hold the pen, don’t let others dictate what you will be

As for me, I need to write, I need to blow my top and it will help me to be more
comfortable and have peace for a while that this pointed pen with thick liquid would bring me to
the most heavenly corner of mind, that this liquid could go our long way to brighten and to feed
my soul who is at nearly dying.

Sometimes working hard help me to fight loneliness, keeping me busy, reading and
writing but despite my busyness nostalgia reigned supreme. Then I realized again that my
comfort buddy helps me to see the beauty of life, that makes my soul at peace, that there were
negative and positive things that will teach you lessons that are not learned in any educational
institutions but within ourselves that we should be thankful for.

What made me happy through this heavy liquid is that they continuously guiding and
helping me to scribble what I wanted to be and to have for my heart and for my soul. Through
this fountain pen, I am able to reveal my unsaid thoughts and feelings that I’m keeping for a long
time. Indeed, it becomes my friend I can count on during my ups and downs.

This fountain pen moved my character deeply in so many ways. I come to ascertain that
the complexity of the presence of gravity, pressure and right angle in holding the pen in
precedence to the flow of the ink to the paper and proper control incorporates an implied
meaning which is the importance of intellectual humility. Every time a person gains knowledge,
this will flow upward to his brain giving him the confidence to stand in his own beliefs.
However, what is essential is the modesty of your personality which will remain unchanged
through time which is always open to other views and perspective of other towards self-growth.

Another concept that the fountain pen teaches me is that there are events in your life that
it will become somewhat messy, you can longer understand the things unexpectedly happening.
Nevertheless, withdrawal is not the solution to the problem, one can take a break, pause for a
while and continue by fixing things little by little.
Actually, I cannot express all of these stuffs both in words and in action but because I
have my pen all the time which helps me alas, giving me the power to express my thoughts and
emotions freely and without having the fear that somebody might be able to judge you.

I realized that I am either choose to be thankful or resentful. Thankful in the sense that
my soul is at peace, knowing that I have my pen in which I can show who I am. As an attitude, it
revolves around how we look at life and the determined response we give to the inevitable and
incapable realities of human being. It’s always either good or bad, depending on how we view
and how we handle things in life.

At last, I was given the chance to quench my thirsty soul after a long journey of searching
and longing for the real meaning of the note. For this is how my fountain pen works, it transmits
the voice of my soul… enough to express my needs and desire to live peacefully, comfortably
and without ambiguity.

After all, the ink of my fountain pen still flowing, discovering so much ideas to pour in to
number of words, my mind, soul and heart are harmoniously finding the true and other hidden
purpose of this pen.

The strong billowing of winds, sweet humming of the birds and a black mariposa
butterfly that suddenly touched my shoulder, then, I have come to my senses after all the
realization and flashbacks that runs through my mind.

It is 10th of October, Wednesday morning, standing on a graveyard that is so neat, several

white marbles are carefully arranged, stepping on the green wild grass holding a bouquet of
white roses, lighting up a candle on the niche holding a small rectangular black box with a blue
ribbon in its top having old note. Right now, I am visiting the man who give me the best gift that
I could ever have. A good friend and life mentor that I will never forget until the very last drop
of the ink in this pen comes out.

I could not contain the thoughts in my mind so I said it out loud with a broad smile on my
face showing mixed emotions but dominantly, happiness. I waited for this moment to finally
answer his question and these are the lines I’ve said to him:

“Its been a long time without you my friend. Sorry I wasn’t able to have chance to give a
farewell to you. I have come to realize that the task of this note is beyond its surface. It is not
about knowing how does the fountain pen will function mechanically but how this fountain pen
will work into my life unendlessly endless…
… Thank you and ‘til we meet again, Sir Robin.”

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