Module 1 - Rizal

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● Republic Act No. 1425 ● Studying the life of Rizal entails

patriotism (love for the county),
● Patriotism emphasis, and value to our national
identity. These are the components,
● Heroism which are consistently manifested in the
life of the hero.
● Clergy ● This has become the source of integrity
for the Filipinos to re-identify and revive
● Catholic Hierarchy our genuine nationalistic spirits by being
reflective in his life. Student’s awareness
● Unexpurgated will be heightened with regard to
contributing something for the betterment
● Collegiate courses of the country as Rizal had exemplified.
Thus, it will instill into our hearts and
● Oppose minds to offer our lives for the sake of the
beloved country.
● Compromise ● Members of the rabid Catholics are
asserting that compulsory reading of the
novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo would bring to people
great harm as it describes the
wrongdoings and inconsistency of its
● Teachers must not initiate indoctrination
and religious doctrines with the students.
● Opponents of the bill are generally
devout Catholics who were saying that
the measure is an attempt to discredit
their religion. Since the novels depict not
only the political ills but also the
ecclesiastic dilemma, the novels
accordingly contained views inimical to
the tenets of their faith, and that the bill is
violative of religious freedom.


● Bringing the glory and honor to the Finally, on May 12, the month-old controversy
country through his heroism, Rizal and ended with the unanimous approval of a
his works are given value by means of substitute measure authored by Senator Laurel
Republic Act No. 1425. This has and based on the proposals of Senators Roselle
become an avenue for the said premise T. Lim and Emmanuel Felaez. The bill as
to be part of a student’s collegiate life. passed was clearly an accommodation to the
● The life and works of Rizal, as a course, objections of the Catholic Hierarchy and Laurel
must be enrolled by a student. This has said as much. Though it still provided that the
decided upon to study and scrutinize the basic texts in the collegiate courses should be
heroic deeds of the national hero and the unexpurgated editions of the two novels, it
that how to become a source of was now possible for students to be exempted
inspiration to the Filipinos across the from using unexpurgated editions on grounds of
country. religious belief. Opponents of the original Recto
● Republic Act No. 1425 states that his version jubilantly claimed a “complete victory”.
works, especially his two renowned Proponents felt that they had at least gained
novels-Noli Me Tangere and El something.
Filibusterismo,” shall be included in the
curriculum of all schools, colleges, and
universities, public or private.” These
two novels of Rizal have significantly
influenced the lives of many people
socially and politically, as the writings
seem to be satirical in nature, taunting
the social ills of the political world.
● A compromise inserted by Committee
on education chairman Laurel that
accommodated the objections of the
Catholic Church was approved
unanimously. The bill specified that only
college (university) students would have
the option of reading material, such as
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
The bill was enacted on June 12, 1956,
Flag Day.

1. Discover why the catholic hierarchy was in contradiction of the passing of the Rizal
Bill. Identify the enemy and the defender of the Rizal’s Bill in the house of senate and
house of representative.

The Catholic hierarchy was against the passing of the Rizal Bill because they believed
Rizal’s novels - Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo - was an attack on the religion
and its goal was to put to ridicule the Catholic faith. Rizal also wrote about the
immorality of the clergies and priests, which they were troubled about because it might
negatively affect the catholic students’ faith. For them, passing the bill would do more
harm than good to the people, and that it showed less patriotism but rather an attack on
the Catholic church.

Enemy - Francisco Soc Rodrigo, Mariano Jesus Cuenco, and Decoroso Rosales.

Defender - Senator Claro M. Recto and Senator Jose P. Laurel

2. Why do we need to study the life, works, and readings?

We need to study Rizal’s life, works, and readings to be aware and knowledgeable
about his heroic acts in pursuit of freedom and independence for the Philippines. To
also let the Filipino people know the sacrifices and sufferings of the past people and
events that will help and connect today’s life and future. It is our way of paying tribute to
how he undoubtedly dedicated his life to his country. Studying the life, works, and
readings can also be a great source of inspiration of patriotism to the youth and be an
aid to instill in them the need to help make the country a better place, which is what our
heroes lived and died for. Through his life, works, and readings we will be able to reflect
on ourselves and our decisions in life, if the sacrifices of our heroes were not put in vain
and that their battles were all worth it.

3. In view of the issues at stake in the passage of RA 1425, is teaching Rizal’s life as
hagiography consistent with the law?

Yes, it is consistent with the law because, despite the issues surrounding the passage
of the Rizal Act, the youth of today and future generations should not be denied the
knowledge of Rizal’s life and appreciation for patriotism. In our modern society and
education system, a balance can be found between knowing what is right and what is
not to be encouraged. There is still great value in freedom of expression and opinion
about issues and things that should not be tolerated by Filipino people, such as
corruption. I would like to believe that RA 1425 was passed in the hope that education
and learning about Rizal’s life and his sacrifice for the country will instill a love for
fellowmen and love for country; a most important principle in the midst of our country
being amongst the list of highly corrupt countries that has a lot to do with the rampant
poverty and unprogressive economy.

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