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Yes I agree with the assistant and product managers because they take
initiative action to increase the sale of the products. Mr Ash a marketing
graduate who advice the company for the changing consumer
preference, we all know that changes in the product is necessary for the
company to increase its sale and target more customer in the market. But
they emphasized only on social factor and income factor. They try to
increase its sales by changing products packaging but they fail to
increase the sales. According to them they take all the legal action to
increase the sales of the products but they don’t get success.
The other factors can be
CULTURAL FACTOR – consumer behavior is deeply influenced by
cultural factor such as buyer culture, subculture.

CULTURE- culture is the part of every society and is the important cause
of person wants and behavior. The influence of culture on buying
behavior varies from country to country therefore marketers have to be
very careful in analyzing the culture of different groups, regions or even

SUB CULTURE- Each culture contains different subcultures such as

religions, nationalities, geographic regions, racial groups etc. Marketers
can use these groups by segmenting the market into various small
portions. For example marketers can design products according to the
needs of a particular geographic group.

PERSONAL FACTOR- it consist of age, Income , personality, life style,


AGE- it can be working women, elderly women, teenage all the

different needs

INCOCME – the higher income group pay more for their looks and the
low income group pay less for the same products.

PERSONALITY-traditional women and modern women both have

different needs. Some prefer expensive perfume while some use
natural fragrances.

LIFE STYLE- both urban and rural people have different lifestyle. Urban
people prefer deodorants and perfume while rural people prefer soaps,
sandalwoods and itr to smell good.

ATTIRUDE- different people have different attitude towards chemical in

beauty products. Some people prefer herbal and organic products.

Answer 1

Yes group interactions help the buyer in taking the right choice to
purchase.Group dynamics means how individuals form groups,
and how one persons purchasing influences the other individual’s
actions. Now-a-days marketers use the concept of group dynamics
or personal influence often as this exceeds the power of
company’s promotional efforts. “A group may be defined as two or
more people who interact to accomplish either individual or
mutual goals”.

This means that there can be an intimate group like two

neighbours going out for shopping specially grocery products and
a more formal group like housing association members who are
more concerned about schools, parks, taxes etc., in their vicinity.
We can also include, that an individual consumer looks to others
for help in deciding which products or services to use.

Answer 2
Advertisement: advertisements should be done on the alluring attributes
that a customer wants. Mainly focusing on the features like electicity
saving, less consumption of water, or is economic if any product holds
certain attributes.
Promotion :  
• Put signs at customer level with sidewalk signage.
• Use your car or delivery vehicle to advertise your business.
• Promote your business with internal signage.

Answer 1

Category 1: wants healthy food, which is less greasy , certain people

having health issues so they choose wisely. By putting up a doctor in
the ads may attract them that this is healthy to eat, showing various
compositions if the food to lure them.

Category 2: they are mostly teenagers and are outside don’t want to
waste time, so they will buy ready to eat or frozen food. Positioning
should be done the basis of taste and less makeup time for the food to

Category 3:they like to cook their own food, are generally at home.
Advertisement should be done the basis of consumption per person,
price, brand.

Answer 3

Yes , the amount of money on consumption that the customer is willing

to take. This is very helpul in advertisement and positioning also,
helpful in allocating and diversifying the needs.

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